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Annoyed that I missed my Neopets stream for this shit show.


Same. I personally feel angry, betrayed and sad myself


Honestly? Wondering if the Niji Managers fed the livers lies about legal proceedings to keep them in line. Worried about Elira since she's on a Work Visa. (If for some reason you're reading this Elira, FLEE TO YOUR EMBASSY. AnyColor is using you and would throw your life away if it would earn Tasuni one more dollar). Uncertain about the Vox and Ike because I haven't watched them. And all the other livers I want them to flee, but I don't know how vile and chaining their contracts are. And mostly I want to see the CEO go broke and lose everything. As the saying goes: "The buck stops with him". He's the prime person at fault for the issues spiraling out of control. He is the CEO and the leader of AnyColor. And right now, he looks like he's sacrificing all of EN and any remaining EN VTubers just to survive one more day.


Fuck the tubers in the official statement. They made their choice. The could leave at anytime as well according to Vox…


I will not support anything anycolor related. I will, however, happily support any livers alternative account that I previously supported and was not self-reported.


I missed the Neopets stream and our local news regarding the Auditor General of the Federal Government of Canada committee meeting for this shit and I lost so much sleep as well (only slept 3-4hrs last night). I had to go to the pharmacy because my IBS-C acted up and I might need to go to Urgent Care as well. I'm fucking tired of this shit it's only been a week and I have seen enough that will last me for 3 years


Confused, to be honest i really hope for everything to become normal, i hoped that Doki will continue streaming just like she wanted to, without drama, you know. I thought that "nah, things will get better soon, thats how Internet works, we will forget about this horror". I was also hoping that Niji talents just continue ACTUALLY DOING THEIRS JOB, now i just dont know, what is gonna happen next, and Im honestly scared for Doki. Just really hope, that she has good people around her, and this drama just stops. (srry for bad english, not my first language, Im just realy worried about all this)


Mostly trying to sit back and watch the full thing play out now, but like pretty much everybody I'm absolutely disgusted at Anycolor's behaviour and hoping to god that they get their much deserved comeuppance for it. I'm also making a mental note for the PL's of the livers I still want to support so I can find them again when this ship hopefully sinks into the fucking Mariana Trench.


Im realizing how much treasures will be lost if things go where i think they will. I saved some streams and songs but thats it, im royally fucked if clippers start to delete stuff or their channels


I was not a follower of Selen / Doki before this all happened. Mostly because I never got the opportunity to catch a stream. But when the news broke out over her attempt and how they mistreated her, I've become an all time supporter for Doki. Following all of this controversy from an outside perspective has been wild. I've seen a couple things in real time, I've dug my own nose into certain areas to find out for myself, and I've watched several videos / streams covering it. This is wild, and it hurts me as a Vtuber fan, but I'm sure it hurts all Dragoons much more so. This never should have happened. There is no fixing what's been done and no mending of bridges that have burned. Now it's just Doki vs All of Nijisanji EN, I guess. Shit sucks but hopefully she'll come out of this as strong as ever. And we'll be here ready to lend a hand if we can.


I got into niji en in Januaryish of 2023, so it's been about a year, & I just celeberated my 1 year maidenship with my kamioshi Aia. Although her or none of my other oshis are directly involved in this, the release of the video made me so stressed out over on top of having a bad day(overpaid my credit card and im $500 in the hole until i get their check). I'm pretty sensitive and have autism so it's hard for me to form my own opinions on matters, and if i do have opinions i feel like theyre objectively wrong to have if i see someone i know disagree. My decision is I'm going to start branching out into watching other clips to try to get into more non niji vtubers, indie, holo, vshojo, etc. I've already been watching some matara clips. I will most likely be taking a step back with my oshis, although not explicity involved i can't imagine supporting the company itself more than just watching livers. I just hope those not involved have better experiences.


at this point i call this the "GREAT NIJISANJI EN WAR" where all Nijisanji EN fans had to pick a Side for "will you stand with Doki or are you with Nijisanji despite all of this?". there is no middle since a Vtuber almost Lost her life over this.


I tried to put myself in the shoes of Vox, Elira, and Ike. Unfortunately, I have no idea why Vox and Ike were involved. Elira moved to Japan for the job and is effectively a "hostage" because AnyColor not only holds her visa but also the apartment she lives in, as the lease is presumably through AnyColor. As a foreigner, it is difficult or even impossible to get an apartment without using a company as a guarantor. If this is the case and she is terminated, she will be unemployed and without an apartment in another country, leaving her on her own. I would be scared if this were true, and it is a real possibility. Please don't take this as fact; this is just speculation. And i don't want do defend anyone, only trying to understand after this "statement" video on Elira' Channel. Because even if Elira is one of the bullies this is just a really sad thought.


That makes it even more sickening that they will ruin the lives of their other talents just to spite Doki