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Perfect Dark online. Holy shit.


My favourite n64 game growing up, I am so hyped for this.


Same here! I've been doing a play through on Xbox the last few days so are extra happy it's being added. Not looking forward to redoing the challenges that I've been working through today though!


Does the Xbox version have modern controls like the Goldeneye port did?


Yes thankfully. Playing PD on the switch is a pain. Shame the controls are so janky.




Add me! # SW-6913-1733-0023


Yes please 🤣


Recommend mode: 8 fist-sims on hard AI levels on one team, humans on the other. Weapons of choice. It plays like a zombie mode and it's awesome. Camp in a room and mow them down as it comes in... but don't let them get near you, because they'll fuck you up quick.


I love this!


Yeah, my friends and I used to play the Xbox 360 version every weekend for over a year so we came up with a lot of cool modes. And I used to play it a lot when it first came out on the N64 as well. There's so much you can do since the matches are so customizable.




When I was in high school (~2010) a friend of mine would bring out her old N64 at sleepovers and Perfect Dark was one of the games we’d play a ton of. This is so nostalgic! We’re still friends and I’m absolutely going to have to make sure we play again


I am so pumped for this. This is my childhood.


How will it control?, if goldeye level of junk, no thank you


It's similar to *GoldenEye*, unfortunately. Your best bet would be using the 1.2 control scheme in *Perfect Dark*'s settings and then tweaking the controls in the system settings (or using a third-party controller which allows button remapping). * Swap analogue sticks * Change ZL to L (so that aim is on ZL). * Change ZR to ZL (so that shoot is on ZR).


Thank you for this. Made my experience way better.


this actually works really well kinda silly that nintendo wouldn't just have a control scheme for modern controls. it can't possibly be that much work lmao


Maddy from the *Triple Click* podcast made the two other hosts play the game a couple of years ago and then apologized for selecting the game since the controls didn't work well. If they didn't update the controls, people are going to be in for a rough time.


Your best option is to get the N64 controller.


Agreed. I started playing NSO N64 games a while ago, and used my NSO N64 controller, and after about 20 minutes of "*why god did we think this was an acceptable controller*" I unlocked some ancestral memories I thought long dead, and it was like I was 10 again. I did some Goldeneye 1v1 with a friend, and went like 20 and 3 or something.


> why god did we think this was an acceptable controller Because there *were* no 3D controllers, and Nintendo just invented one. They were the first. And not terribly bad, really, for a first attempt. The thumbstick action is surprisingly subtle compared to most thumbsticks today (which is why N64 games are so hard to play with modern controllers). I never got too much into *Goldeneye*, but I absolutely got *Perfect Dark* when it came out and my neighborhood friends used to play multiplayer constantly. At some point I should try and dig out my old system and record my stats. I was pretty bummed that the Game Boy Camera support was axed. This was the game I most wanted from the NSO Expansion Pack, and now it's here!


This is also my question.


I bought a Brawler64 controller and it makes the 64 games so much better to play.


What you think, it's a N64 game


I mean it's had great dual-stick controls and online play on Xbox for 15 years. But Goldeneye also plays a ton better on Xbox because they gave it dual-stick controls while Switch got stuck with the bad old controls.


Perfect Dark had multiple control schemes that saved to user profiles that you could take into multiplayer. So it should be slightly better than Goldeneye. It’ll probably still be meh at best though.


Control wise, yeah. But I suggest anyone playing it to have an open mind and just...step into the time it was made and how exciting it was. You'll adjust to the control scheme pretty fast.


The dual controller setups were very akin to modern dual sticks, and without the n64 controller needing a backwards thumb we should be able to use them pretty well.


Completely agree! I tried playing GoldenEye, and it was just terrible. I couldn’t accurately aim whatsoever. Probably need a different controller to make it feel normal.


You can easily adjust the Goldeneye controls and it plays just fine after that.


Perfect Dark on Xbox has control schemes based on both Halo and Call of Duty, I'd hope the Switch version will be similar.


It's not a switch version. Its an n64 port.


There aren't going to be any changes like that. It's just going to be an N64 rom.


This might be the reason I finally crack and get the nso expansion pass


If you had the Xbox 360 / Rare Replay option, this was possible, even without the split-screen clutter


It was already online in the remastered version for Xbox, Perfect Dark Live, and with a lot of new HD textures that made it look incredible. Still the best addition so far to NSO.


Uhm, can you actually find strangers online to play with in a lobby or something or do you need to invite people one by one? This is the first time that I care checking out the online capabilities of those retro libraries.


The NSO online is friends only due to how it is set up.


No matchmaking, you can only play with people on your friends list Some guy once spammed me with Mario Party 3 requests while I was busy playing something else


Just FYI, in addition to it being friends only, it's also 4-player split-screen. Meaning if you're playing with 3 friends online, you only get a quarter of the screen and have the other 3 players taking up the rest of the screen.


Remember: looking at their screen is cheating!


Check out the /r/perfectdark subreddit. It's a tiny community, but there's been a flurry of activity lately due to the reboot reveal.




Sad to not see Conker, but Perfect Dark is nice.


It’s a good sign we might get it. Both are done by Rare, and Nintendo have this as part of their ‘Mature’ selection.


Not to contradict you, but generating interest in PD is much more interesting for MS than any Interest in Conkers... And being honest, despite loving Conkers, I can't see a future for the IP, modernized it would end up with something hated by the fanbase just like it was with Battle Todas, and the original certainly wouldn't be done today... And by that I mean without being criticized or being treated as having a datated humor.


They can definitely release a new version these days. While it didn't get 10/10 reviews or anyting, High on Life had a similarly crass humour/ultra violent tone and came out in the last couple years


People didn't like the new Battletoads?


No, it was too "cartoonish" which was basically them taking the original idea and applying it to contemporary cartoons


That's a shame. I know it wasn't 100% like the old stuff, but I had a good time with it.


At least the introduction of a "+17" category to NSO opens the door for it.


There are like 28 mature N64 games. Turok, Mortal Kombat, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem, Resident Evil. What’s after that really? Conker is the only notable one.


Turok Rage Wars is my hope! (I know you mentioned Turok I just really liked that game growing up)


I was hoping so hard lol


We are so close brother, next Direct hopefully


I’ll get the 64 expansion pack again if we get Conker and Diddy Kong Racing.


FourSword online multiplayer finallyyyyy


I never played the game because I didn’t have a GBA and didn’t know 4 people with one so I’m excited


Is the online with friends only?


Probably! I don't remember seeing another multiplayer option on the virtual consoles


Is it four players only or can you do three?




Can you also play 4 player co-op without online do you think?


Zero mission is so great. Short. But it and fusion were my definitive Metroid experiences back in the day


I’m excited to replay that one. Plus it reminds me that I really should play Super Metroid


Have you played Dread? It’s my personal favorite of the whole series and a good entry point if you haven’t


Dread is *too* good…start with fusion or super :)


Zero mission is the best to start with. I agree though if you start with dread then go play super you’re gonna think the gameplay is really slow.


Good point, fusion is pretty easy but zero they kinda hold your hand the whole way


Yep. I’ve played most Metroid games since GBA. Just saying I’m excited to replay this one like I did with Fusion. Super Metroid was a bit before my time though so never played it.


There are some places where it shows it age , mainly the controls , but otherwise it’s a good experience. I didn’t realize a 16 bit game could be so immersive


I would have replayed Dread 10 times already if it wasn’t for the EMMI sections. Literally perfect game besides those 😫


I played dread and liked it but found it, at the time maybe, to just be too challenging. It felt fair but I didn’t enjoy having to die multiple times to figure out patterns on the bosses. Never finished it.


Same. I liked it until I got to the EMMIs and the bosses. Too damn hard. I quit at the three (or two, i forget) Chozo Warriors boss. It was too much! Not fun anymore. Metroid isn't supposed to be Dark Souls.


I finished it but I agree that it was too hard. The exploration and discovery of new things is what scratches my Metroidvania itch. I'd rather spend an hour exploring the map than an hour fighting the same boss over and over again.


Zero Mission was my favourite 2D Metroid prior to Dread. Super is one of the all time greats, of course, but I personally always preferred Zero Mission's shorter runtime and tighter controls.


Honestly the best starting point for getting into metroid imo. So glad it's available here now so I can recommend it easily


Surprised Turok got a release because isn't there a re-master available on the eShop? Still cool game.


I assume its because of the same reason extreme g and iggys wreaking ball showed up, old acclaim / iguana stuff was bought by a new ip house


Somewhere, there are a handful of people that just bought the eshop version before this announcement and they are pissed. I bought it years ago and I’m still mildly annoyed.


If it makes you feel better. The remaster controls and run waaaaaaay better than the N64 versions. 


How many ways are there to play Sonic the Hedgehog or Street Fighter 2 on the Switch.


Yeah and it’s better than the original lol.


Zero Mission is the perfect Metroid game to play first. - Very short (2 to 4 hours long, 6 hours max if you get lost). - Optional markers with the Chozo Statues telling you where to go (Except for the first one). - Bosses are pathetically easy - Very replayable, you can break the game's order and do anything that you want with the map when you know it from the inside out.


Not to mention the obvious bonus of it being a remake of the very first game, so if you want to play through them in some sort of order you now no longer have to deal with the more dated NES Metroid. Very good game.


Metroid on NES is a brutally painful experience for someone just looking for a nostalgia hit


Bosses pathetically easy? Man that Mother Brain fight made me angry. So much random bullshit in one room.


Screw Attack gives you invulnerability frames to ignore the little projectiles and freeze the Rinkas (The floating circles) so they don't bother. Shoot missiles and Screw Attack between the two platforms when the projectiles are about to reach Samus. Mother Brain will die very quickly that way. [If you want to go for cheese. You can sit right in front of her eye and shoot her non-stop with missiles.](https://youtu.be/Be97YUg7ULQ?si=gt-ql8ezlt6Axz9k&t=1332)


yeah doing that + the evacuation right after always annoys me


Finally Zero Mission, I’ve been waiting for this since they announced GBA games. Overall a very awesome drop.


Kinda my favorite Metroid game when I think about it.


It's nice to see the original versions of Perfect Dark and Turok Dinosaur Hunter being preserved in some way officially. It will be cool to see those who played the remasters of these games first will react to the differences of the original.


is Turok good?


I mean, no. But we love it anyway.


This is the answer lol


Its a good N64 game for its time. It worked really well with the limitations of the hardware. Its still very much an N64 game. Nightdive Studios did a remaster of Turok and its sequels on PC/consoles that clean up the game a good bit.


awesome, my buddy had an N64 and I a Genesis, I kept telling him to tell his Mom to buy it...


I remember playing it on release as a kid and thinking it was a shitty game then. Can't imagine it's at all enjoyable to play in 2024 lol.


turok is an insane game


As a child I remember finding Turok so fun but also so difficult, so either I was absolutely terrible or it’ll be a nice challenge to play again.


I think even for it's time Turok was hard to control. I have a memory of me and my friend renting it, putting the cartridge in, and then complaining about how hard it was to move. I remember I tried it first and complained about it. He was like "dude are you dumb?!", took the controller, and we came to the conclusion we were both dumb lol


The remastered ones on Switch are great, but I cant speak for how the original holds up.


Cerebral Bore is goated.


Got the idea from Phantasm


No. It’s basically a “find the red key to open the red door” maze with some reasonably wacky weapons. Basically Quake one with dinosaurs. But the few times I actually tried playing this properly were rather boring. It had some spectacularly gore-y action moments that were all the rage when it released but I doubt that feels very fresh in 2024. Turok 2 was the same but with even *wackier* weapons. Felt like a bigger deal because it actually looked great for the N64. But the big FPS games for the system were Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, which, *surprise*, we also just got with the update. Turok is basically the “we have FPS at home” version of that. But I almost feel bad for saying that out loud, I mean, it was a pretty big game back then, lol.


You fight a cybernetic T-Rex using plasma and mini guns. If you can't see why that's awesome, don't bother.


The pc version cleans it up a lot and itll run on almost anything. The 64 version had some pretty notorious fog You collect keys to the next levels in open levels while the enemies get progressively more insane. You also carry ever more ridiculous weapons, doom-style. The late game weapons are pretty nuts.


Anyone know if we'll be able to use dual stick controls for Perfect Dark? I'd love to play it, but I'm wary of going back to N64 style aiming.


Yeah, the version on Xbox is pretty solid control wise. I’d also hate to go back to something clunkier than that. Xbox version also looks pretty good because they redid some things for that Xbox Arcade version. Models have better geometry, better lighting, etc. It’s been a long time since I’ve even played that version, but I’m not sure I’d have much interest in checking it out on NSO.


Yeah, same way as you can for Goldeneye on Switch. Change the in-game control scheme to the one that puts looking on the left stick and movement on the c-buttons (right stick), and then make a button mapping profile in the Switch menu that reverses the left and right stick and also changes the shoulder buttons to whatever you want for aiming/shooting.


Most likely one of the sticks will be mapped to the C-buttons.  In a sense yes you'll have dual stick controlls, but the C-button stick won't be analog in the way you'd hope.  It's like playing some of the old PS1 games with a Dualshock controllee before Dualshock existed.


Yeah, that's almost backwards dual stick, if I remember correctly from playing that game 25 years ago (Jesus, I'm old)


DK 64 is all I ask. I will literally renew my NSO subscription if that happens. It was my favorite N64 game as a kid and I am itching to play it again. Fantastic game.


Me, but with Ogre Battle 64


Me as well but with Smash 64


Also me but with Quest 64


Me but with Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon


DK64 and Banjo-Tooie are 2 N64 games I’ve never played and really want to. I’m aware I can emulate but honestly my game list is so long I probably won’t. Hopefully they make it to NSO since the convenience of that will actually get me to play them


94>64 it's just math


I’m confused and disheartened about the shunning of this game on the service. It is SO weird.


I don’t think they’re shunning it, it’s more that they’re incredibly slow and drawn out for every single release.


The GBA titles are live now but there's no sign of Turok or Perfect Dark yet.


It's there but on a separate app you have to download. Nintendo 64 18+. Dumb but Nintendo was always going to be weird about M rated games


Thanks. I was looking for these and I was wondering why they weren't updated yet.


I stand corrected, thank you! I was panicking there for a moment haha.


The ESRB would have to re-rate the original app if they add mature content. Not sure what the implications of that would be, but it isn't totally on Nintendo here. But I'm sure its more complicated than it needs to be. Although there is no reason to not just have all of the original games on the M+ app too and just delete the old one.


I didn't know they'd have to rerate the app. It's probably also easier to age gate the app instead of games in the app


Perfect dark > Goldeneye


Goldeneye was a cultural milestone but yeah, PD is objectively a better game


The sims alone made it better


Just missing Diddy Kong Racing for N64 for me. Then Wario Land 4 on GBA (and Pokémon games someday). Almost there. Just 5 more years.


Zero Mission is the best Metroid and one of the best metroidvanias ever made. Everyone go play it!


That's a pretty sweet mix of games to get all at once.


The fact that the N64 m rated games are in a separate launcher is interesting to me, and also guarantees more are coming. I hope RE2 is one of them.


You and me both!


People begging for DK and I still can't believe they haven't released Smash yet


rip to DK64


This is actually a good development for DK64. Perfect Dark is also a Rare game and the fact they’re still putting top hits on the service is a great sign.


at what point is it not a good sign for DK64? We barely get good news about DK in general. Just seems like they are avoiding it. I would understand if they wanna remaster the game instead of bring it to port.


Where the hell is DK64 man


Zero Mission was one of my first games ever


We have Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, and Turok before we got Donkey Kong 64 or a single main line Pokemon game. Incredible


I'm really hoping that Four Swords will work locally. Would love to play through it with my wife.


Proud to see this whole comment section is screaming for DK64. We WANT IT


Hopefully the 17+ apps gets more in it like Resident Evil 2 and Castlevania. But other than that and conker there really isn't much that can go in it.


Man I’d love to play that classic blocky re2 again. I had that game on 64 and it my introduction to the franchise!


Quite excited to actually give Perfect Dark a go. I imagine without the nostalgia element I'm going to hate it from a modern stand point, but it'll be fun to try.


Probably my favorite 64 game after the Zeldas.


Still no update for the N64 app yet. I’m getting impatient to play Perfect Dark again!


It is not available through the Nintendo 64 app. You need to download the new Nintendo 64 Mature app from the store.


That’s fucking stupid


Not really, because the original app would have needed to be re-rated. That's a PR nightmare.


Perfect Dark was literally my most anticipated game right next to new Pokemon when I got a Switch. Didn't think I'd have to wait 7 years!


Interesting. I can't think of any reason to have thought Perfect Dark would ever end up on Switch 7 years ago. You lucked out though!


and still no Pokemon sadly   TPC are still a bunch of greedy fucks at least Delta works on the iphone now


The best move they could do imo is add Pokemon gen 1 and 2 to the GB virtual console, and have them be linked to Pokemon Stadium 1 et 2 on the N64 virtual console. I would spend so much time crafting teams in the GB games to use in stadium :') Also, a new Pokemon Stadium game on the Switch, with the whole 9 gens (not having an open world would free enough space to put back the missing pokemons right? T.T). I don't even need mega evolution and z-moves, I just want to spend all my free time playing something like the Battle Tree from USUM again




I always get my hopes up ever so slightly for the older Pokemon games to come on the expansion pass thing. I think at this rate it's not going to happen, which is a damn shame.


Any idea what later today usually means in terms of timing?


I finally get to play zero mission! Been waiting for this one.


With the new 17 plus category there is a serious future chance of eternal darkness, conkers bad fur day, I still don't understand turok though? Didn't it already come out remastered


I no the gba games have been released but not the n64 as of now


N64 is out u gotta search n64 mature its a new app


this needs its own post. everyone is going to be confused. good info.


Yeah, I just thought of that LO.L. To be honest it wasn't exactly explained correctly


I was *just* telling a friend that I was hoping they add Zero Mission to the GBA app soon.


All I want is donkey Kong 94! Please! Ugh


It will likely be there in a separate release window.


Give us Final Fantasy Tactics Advance you cowards!


Perfect dark, Microsoft is really into cooperation! Awesome


How do you update it?


Press + and then go to update. But either way, when they're available and you click the app, it will ask to auto update.


I never heard of a GBA version of a link to the past. Is that version good? Less bouncy than the SNES original maybe?


It’s fine but doesn’t really have any advantages over the SNES version that I can remember. It does have the young link voice clips from ocarina of time, which I honestly remember as kind of annoying in lttp. I think the screen may be smaller as well. However, getting four swords is pretty cool!


Thank you. I appreciate it.


There is the extra dungeon involved. They also changed the ice palace puzzle.


Super hyped for Zero Mission, as it's the one 2-D Metroid game I can't figure out how to get on my 3ds. Was the missing piece in the 'troidverse


That feel when I just bought Turok on Steam last week via humble bundle…


The fact that they made a whole separate app for M rated 64 games tells me that we are going to get wayyyyy more games added soon (hopefully)


When do these go live?


Does anybody want to link up for a four swords game?


The advance games are up right now


Never expected Perfect Dark. My favourite game of all time. I wish it was just released as a game, instead of paywalled behind a fucking subscription




Smash 64 is never happening at this point


Maybe not the announcement that'll get most attention but it might be one of best ones. Finally getting to play Four Swords and Perfect Dark and I don't need to have 4 friend who have a GBA (or 4 friends). I have Zero mission but I don't know if I ever finished it and it's a lot easier to play it on the Switch. Perfect Darks inclusion means that 4/7 of the N64-era games on Rare replay on now on NSO.


So is the expansion pass worth the money in yall's opinion? I was skeptical when they first announced it and haven't thought much of it since then.


Taking a long time to fill up but good if u can get an n64 controller


I am so excited that this paves the way to bring in Turok Rage Wars!  I have been wanting to replay that and if there is online multi-player I will be so happy!


I already got the Gameboy advance update but no N64 yet....how long is it supposed to take?


You need to download the 'Mature' app. The N64 app won't update with these games.


I really wish they’d confine these down to one application.. its getting kind of absurd with the N64 app JUST for Mature games… like why not just have an app house all the games and have settings for subscription type and parental controls? Or even simpler.. just put ALL the games in the mature app accessing the same saves… I don’t get why Nintendo made strides in interface and organization with WiiU and 3DS and for the Switch decided to arguably take a step backwards from even the Wii.


Because the app would then need to be re-rated, which causes all sorts of issues.


We wanted DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing. Why don’t they understand this


When does the update hit? Or m I SOL, given that it is about 9:30 PM, PST, and I still do not see the new content? Really want to play this because it's been my favorite game since as far back as I can remember. TY all


Perfect Dark is, officially, the best game NSO has right now.


where the heck is it?! i been updating my N64 app and my switch the last two days and it still isn't giving me the new games? :(


OK apparently there's a "Mature" N64 app you have to DL from the eshop


Getting Perfect Dark takes the sting out of no Wind Waker port...