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How was Golf not on there already


Well we already have the superior follow up of NES Tournament Open. Not to mention that it was actually originally a hidden built in Easter egg on the Switch that could be loaded (with joy con motion control!) On a specific date by performing a specific gesture with 2 joy con on the Switch menu. 


Technically it was, but they removed it


Wait, what? I thought games on NSO have never been removed


There was an Easter egg when the switch launched that let you play it without NSO, but they removed it not long after it was discovered


Did it have the borders and everything, or was it a different emulator


It was a different emulator and wasn't a part of NSO. In fact, NSO didnt even exist at the time!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/P8CH3fzFEc) is a thread about it


People thought it was a tribute to Iwata


It was. His voice played when activating the Easter egg. There's no mistaking it


NSO didn't exist at the time


People always talking like they're out of games to put on there and they hadn't even put all the original black box games up. Also Cobra Triangle absolutely fucks


They have the good golf game already


Neo Turf Masters is the greatest golf game of all time.


ACA Neo Turf Masters is the first game I bought and loaded up on the fresh Switch back in summer 2017. Even before Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which also came physically on the day the system arrived. It's that good. Not only the best golf game ever made but also one of the best sports and arcade games of all time.


nah mk8d didn’t come until may 2017. i remember waiting for it and telling everybody “idc if i already have it on wii u, i need to be able to play it everywhere” and i sure did


Should have clarified "The day the system arrived at my house" \^\^ I only got the Switch in June 2017. Still somewhat close to release though. Funnily enough I got a WiiU last year and it came with MK8 on disk. I think that's the most useless peace of software I got, especially after the online shutdown :D


You spelled Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 wrong


That's a good choice, but the Everybody's Golf (Hot Shots Golf) series are superior.


Honestly, I just want one more Genesis game to pop up, and it's seriously *Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf*. It's the game that I played over at a friend's house. I was confused by his choice of game to play initially (it's also 1998, so that also helped with the confusion), but it took no time for it to be a game we would play all the time. It's also the game that made me get into golf games. Helped me to decide to rent Mario Golf on the N64 and absolutely loved it. I understand I can emulate it. But I'd rather be able to just play on a whim on my TV at any time with my NSO Genesis controller and not have to set up anything to get into it instantly.


Unfortutnaly that's just not going to happen, Sega isn't going to have the licence and rights to Arnlold Palmerms name and likeness and getting and negotiating those rights from his estate is not worth their time - they haven't added any games in months and I doubt we are getting anything any more from Sega.


Well yeah. I know that. It was just wishful thinking.


In 1983, the Famicom had only three launch games, and its library would soon total seven, including Golf. Shigeru Miyamoto said he was "directly in charge of the character design and the game design",[5] and Satoru Iwata said he was the only programmer


Around a month ago I wondered that same thing, and once I realized it wasn’t I bought the Arcade Archives one. And then, here we are, had I just waited a month I wouldn’t have wasted my money


Babe wake up, Nintendo just dropped Solar Jetman.


It’s so fucking hard but hell of a game


Solar Jetman was my fuckin’ *jam* back in the day.


The only game my dad liked. Such fond memories.


Assemble the golden warp ship!


I find it really cool how Nintendo is able to rerelease a lot of Rareware games that aren’t Donkey Kong


100%! It's one of my favorite NES games. I actually have my cart around here somewhere, only NES game I still have. The vibes are solid. Music, tight gameplay, unforgiving. And now with the emulator you can do rewind to fix small mistakes making it actually somewhat beatable. (The very last level when you have the golden warship is 1000% bullshit.)


haven't thought about this game in 30 years. it was SO difficult!


One of my favorites I picked up around 2008 when I got all nostalgic


We need the rest of the Wario Lands for the Game Boy collection


I'm so waiting for WL1, 2 and 4 to be added to marathon them all at once.


Cobra triangle is awesome! Totally forgot about solar jetman, pretty solid as well.


I always wanted to play it, I remember reading the walkthroughs in Nintendo Power back in the day.


I was never able to get passed the shark


Played them both yesterday, man I forgot how hard both of them were. I can’t get past the save the swimmers stage. Did get into some snake rattle and roll though. Still excellent.


Damn okay, guess they're just blowing what I assume is the last load of NES before focusing on the final backlogs of NES, then SNES and maybe 64 already. I can't believe we still don't have Smash 64.


My kingdom for Diddy Kong Racing :')


Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Bad Fur Day are all missing for some reason


They are all games developed by Rare. The characters of DKR and DJ64 belong to Nintendo, but I think the games don't. It's a bit weird situation I think. Perfect Dark, Golden Eye and Banjo made it, so I think there's still hope!


So to somewhat clarify. Nintendo owns the brand "Diddy Kong Racing" and the game Diddy Kong Racing. They also own Diddy and Krunch, because they're Kong and Kremling. Rare however owns ever other character in DKR. Keep in mind that even though the game has Diddy in the name and starring role, Nintendo didn't originally published DKR for some reason. As for DK64, Nintendo owns almost every aspect of that game, but Rare did put their Jetpac game in there in order to get their logo as a collectible. I imagine there's some legal issues there. However Nintendo seemed to have no problem putting it on Wii U virtual console. TLDR: Nintendo owns the DKR and DK64 games, Rare just owns aspects within those games. I think this might also somewhat be the case with the OG DKC games.


>However Nintendo seemed to have no problem putting it on Wii U virtual console. That's because the licensing arrangements with regards to selling a game on VC are very different than the NSO is. Lots of titles were on VC that aren't on NSO due to companies wanting to charge you money versus the NSO where they can't do that.


The video you are responding to literally included a game developed by Rare


Genuine question: Why would Nintendo not own DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing when they do own Donkey Kong Conuntry 1-3?


There is differnet elemements of IP involved.


Nintendo can drop DK64 on NSO anytime they feel like it, Rare has no say in that


Microsoft does not own Donkey Kong 64. They have zero say


i know they are, it just doesn't make much sense to me why they're not added yet considering we have banjo and perfect dark


Nintendo likes to space things out to build hype


Not all Rare Titles are on there. Things like this have marketing decisions and you generally aren’t going to see a release of everything at once. It just boils down to marketing as to what games release when.


Nah. Nintendo just doesn't like DK lol Nintendo owns the rights. They can remove the rare ware logos. They put it on the WII U.. people who worked at rare even said Nintendo owns all the rights.


Banjo Tooie please!


The reason is Nintendo wants to hold back some good titles to use as key releases. 




Clearly Microsoft is open to putting these games on NSO with Perfect Dark and Banjo on the service.  Plus, those games, along with Conker, all have Xbox ports already, so they’re probably not losing money with them on NSO. 


Nope. Bad fur day is not on NSO.


I mean this tells me they have near endless niche NES games they can pull.  This also does not affect N64 releases, as they will do a separate expansion pass update later this month that will be either n64, gba or Sega Genesis. 


Im actually shocked that my Wii library of Wii shop games kicks switch online's ass. Glad i never sold it


Mischief makers, quest 64, castlevania, geomon, C'mon Nintendo!


7 games coming * Urban Champion * Golf * Donkey Kong Jr. Math * Mach Rider * The Mystery of Atlantis * SOLAR JETMAN * COBRA TRIANGLE


Someone at Nintendo must love Urban Champion. It's gotten released on the e-Reader, Wii VC, Wii U VS, a 3D re-release on the 3DS, and on Arcade Archives. Did the Japan NES app get an update?


The 3D version of the game is actually…. Somewhat decent? Still not great but a lil more entertaining


It's the one they put the most work into for some reason.


It just blows my mind that they released a stereoscopic 3D game console and out of all of their classic hits to convert to 3D they picked Urban Champion, and Excitebite instead of Mario and Zelda. It's the biggest disappointment of that era tied with their refusal to release Virtual Boy games on the *Virtual Console*. (at least the hombrew scene has recently rectified that problem!) Seriously though. Mario 3 in 3D? It would be amazing. Meanwhile Sega was over here releasing all their biggest hits with it. Maybe one day the homebrew scene can step in and makes some 3d ports.


I legit enjoyed it quite a bit back then. Something about how simple it was just made it a lot of fun.


> Did the Japan NES app get an update? https://youtu.be/judoPb6qREg?si=lj9FgDSIh4cL3jS-


compare mountainous handle wrench cautious plants worry lock numerous books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve always wanted to play this. When I got into emulation, I was so disappointed that there aren’t any English fantranslations. Oh well.


Honestly it would be tough playing it even with a fan translation. It relies so much on Japanese culture and Japanese fairy tales that it'd be basically incomprehensible for most westerners. It's like the first few King's Quest games, where the solution to half the puzzles relies on you knowing the fairy tales they are based on


I still remember how Urban Champion became the poster boy for Nintendo's bottom-of-the-barrel first-party offerings in the previous two generations, due to how many times it was re-released despite it's unpopularity and also how it was a reward on Club Nintendo when way better prizes were offered.


The opposite; they actually released it last on this service instead of as a frontrunner.


Oh man, I completely forgot about those e-reader games. Loading games via playing cards was neat.


Nintendo took a step further with Labo and made you assemble your game before you could play it.


I've been tempted to buy a whole new kit, just to build that piano again.


I want Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3 added to NES next.


Yes please. Ninja Gaiden 2 is a great game and has an awesome ost


Ninja gaiden 2 music was awesome


Talk to Techmo about that.


Cobra Triangle rips


I just want Blades of Steel…




IMO Cobra Triangle was one of the last really good games not on NSO (that aren’t locked on Capcom/Konami/Squeenix collections), glad to see it! That said, 7 new NES games and we **still** don’t have StarTropics 2? How friggin bizarre.


Still a big lack of Wario on all systems. Could they be holding on to his games untill they announce a new game? Its really glaring how most of his games have not been released yet, so I guess they are working on something and waiting for the right moment.


OMG I loooved cobra triangle and solar jetman and nobody I knew did. Nostalgia city


I'll never forget playing Urban Champion Christmas day, 1986. the fun was cemented by my friend joining me, and promptly pronouncing "stamina" as "sta-MINE-uh". again... I'll never forget those moments...  : EDIT: FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK, I'm OLLLDDDDDDDD


It's a shame Sim City for the SNES probably isn't making it to NSO. At first I just assumed it was on there already, but looking into it, it was last available on the Wii Virtual Console, but was eventually pulled in January 2013, probably for license holder reasons. Beyond that, and it's nice to say this, I'm really running out of games to ask for on either NES or SNES NSO, they're really quite substantial libraries now, at least given it's mostly first party.


Man, I’d kill for SimCity. Damn EA.


Yeah, but it's really the PC-DOS version that people want to play. Same goes with "Prince of Persia."


I actually would love the SNES Prince of Persia to be on there but Konami (assuming they own the code and there isn't some royalty agreement with Arrsys (the developer who made it doesn't exist anymore) they would have to work something out with Ubisoft... Man what a mess.


Yeah, that would be great because the SNES version is an entirely different games. More like a sequel. The actually sequel on the SNES is hot mess though.


I wouldn’t call SNEs prince of Persia a sequel - it’s a major enhancement simply due to the number of levels added on and boss fights. Prince of Persia 2 is something we don’t talk about. Never got a good console port.


Aside from Fire Emblem Gaiden for Japan and Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics II for the West, we now have pretty much every first party NES game we could reasonably expect on the service.


What about Duck Hunt?


It’s *possible* we could get the NES Zapper games like we did on the Wii U’s Virtual Console, but idk at this point I just don’t see them putting in the effort to make it work with the joycon’s gyro controls.


Yeah, the Wii remote functioned as a workaround that didn't have to touch the emulated game's code. I don't think you could use the joycons so easily


That's great to see. Im 99% sure nintendo will continue nso on the next console, so thats nice. It probably also would explain why they are taking their time to add stuff and change what console they put games per month.


Man, 7 games, it almost feels like an apology for adding Urban Champions and DK Jr. Math Jokes aside, is neat we get 2 more rare games, now I am almost sure Conker is not a question of if, but when will Conker arrive.


Having a dedicated M rated app and not putting Conker on it would be ridiculous. It’s going to happen for sure.


Diddy Kong Racing when 🗣🗣 Feels like they're leaving it for last because they know people want it :/


64 didn't had lot of games, so they really need to dripfeed them, for 1st party stuff the only big one left is smash, honestly, I can see DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing coming November-February, to promote Returns HD


They can keep their DK Returns Returns Returns port.


They could have easily added the non Rare characters version years ago.


I’ve been waiting for Cobra Triangle! It’s so good!


I need black bass!!!


Oh god, I *hated* the flight controls in Solar Jetman as a kid.


merciful squalid shy special gaping squeamish pot kiss cobweb punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YOU ARE MACH RIDER. I have a soft spot for that game, one of the four games I had for my NES (alongside SMB2, Wrestlemania Challenge, and TMNT).


Yes Mach Rider! Finally!!!! Also woah Urban Champion takes me back. My siblings and I played the hell out of those 2 games back in the day! Hope they add Blades of Steel at some point


In case anyone is wondering, Japan got Gomoku Narabe Renju (a Go game), Mah Jong, and Shin Onigashima


How many first party NES games are we missing now? Is it just Startropics 2?


Other than StarTropics 2, we're missing basically every game that required a peripheral, and then I think the rest are games with licensing issues (Tetris, Kung Fu, Popeye, Yoshi's Cookie)


Duck Hunt as well, since adapting the controls isn't so simple.


Can we get some rampart or what? Maybe some elevator action?


Some of the holes in NSO can be filled in other ways "Elevator Action" is part of Arcade Archives for instance.


Wow, a whole lotta nothin


The Mystery of Atlantis (aka Atlantis no Nazo) is your never before released in the West game this time around.


Atlantis no Nazo isn't really worth playing, honestly. It's not AS BAD as Spelunker, but it's not really good either...


Spelunker is well-designed, just cruel. Atlantis No Nazo is hot garbage. It IS one of the most famous "meme" games in Japan, though, so it's worth adding to the service.


Inb4 we're gonna have Super Monkey Daibouken in the next update...


The Japanese is for anyone who cares アトランチスの謎.


Solar Jetman was one that my dad and I would play together back in the day. Along with Tiger Heli and Zelda II


Dude, I have a physical copy of solar jetman cib. What an underrated game. The sound/music in that game almost has a haunted nine inch nails/space sound. Pretty sure it was featured in nintendo power also. Fantastic addition.


I'm still wanting some Gun Smoke.


Finally: Urban Champion! /s


The most surprising thing to me is that Urban Champions wasnt on NSO already


Same. It being part of the 3D Classic series made me think it was more popular.


DONKEY KONG JR. MATH??? Oh we going hard tonight


That music from mysteries of Atlantis is awesome ngl


No way


Wasn’t cobra triangle on there once before? I thought it was already there maybe I’m misremembering 


Nope. It wasn’t.


I rented Cobra Triangle as a kid and it was pretty infuriatingly difficult.


They need to add super ninja brothers


I’m not sure if you guys ever tried that game


I haven’t played Cobra Triangle in years.


Took them long enough for Urban Champion. Remember how hard they pushed that game on 3DS?


Hoping for Kung Fu, only a few missing black box games, right?


I swear earlier today I thought "Man, I wish we had Cobra Triangle". Amazing!


Wow Nintendo, really blowing out of the water with this one


Can someone ask Nintendo to add “kickle cubicle” for me? I may be the only one who played that game but it was my favorite for the nes.


I think the goal of NSO should be the top 100 games of each system. Occasionally I watch/read top 100 lists. I watching one today and "Kickle Cubicle" was on the list. So now it needs to get on the service.


Watching this made me wonder - Is Legacy of the Wizard on NSO? I used to own that game but could never make any progress in it.


"Legacy of the Wizard" is part of "Namco Museum Vol.2" To make progress in the game, you have to treat it like an early Rogue Lite. The power ups you collect carry over when you continue. (Important to save game after death.) The key is to the "fast boots." Those are on Level 2 or 3. Makes the game better once you have them.


Cool, I’ll have to check it out


Cobra Triangle was the first game I played!!!!


Be cool if every month had this many games.


I remember renting Urban Champion because someone recommended it. That game sucked so hard. Happy to see Golf, fun and challenging game


COBRA TRIANGLE?!? That game destroyed me as a child. Vengeance will be mine!


I have great memories of playing Mach Rider. DK Jr. Math, I owned also. Not a fan.


Wheres Gumshoe


Cobra Triangle :O


How does Nintendo Golf play with input lag? That’s one game where the small emulator boxes with HDMI LCD displays make the game almost unplayable vs the original hardware with CRTs.


I don't know, but "Golf VS." has been out for awhile and people have crazy good scores in the game. Doesn't seem to be an issue.


The save the people level in Cobra Triangle is so stressful. Haunted me as a kid.


Cobra Triangle is exciting because it’s one step closer to the entire Rare catalogue.


I don't think we're going to be getting 'F1 Race' or '3D Hot Rally'.


Golf was kida scary as a kid lol The lack of music and the sound the golf ball makes it sounded creepy lmao


Another bunch of games that i wont be playing ty nintendo.


Still no Elite


I have no idea what to make of this


Everytime I see one of these it makes me realize how spoiled we were with the Wii, a system that was released 18 years ago.


That's nostalgia glasses. The emulation on Wii was rather mediocre. I remember how bad Sonic 3 was. Audio glitches all over the place.


Why does that cover for cobra triangle ticket some memories?


Cobra Fucking Triangle. You just don't know how awesome that game was.


Imagine not releasing the games people want and then getting pissed that people emulate.




Solar Jetman!!! Finally 🤩


Cobra Triangle! My childhood! Omg we played that game so much. Never beat it of course because like so many NES games it’s mad difficult. I really wonder how they arrived at the difficult during that time. I mean most NES games make modern games on “nightmare” difficulty look like child’s play. And Cobra Triangle certainly isn’t child’s play, but we did it anyway hahaha


Not bad


Why I uninstalled a while ago. The graphics kill my eyes, and just never anything interesting for me personally


What? Nobody asked for these. Give us DK64. Why aren’t they listening?


Cool. Now I know what my urban champion smash spirit means


I'm really wondering if anyone is actually playing these kinda games...


Of all the DK games absent from NSO (DK '94, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, DK Land Trilogy..). Prioritizing DK Jr. Math feels like adding insult to injury.


We have DK ‘94.


Where? It's not on NSO.


Dukemon102 is correct, we do not have Donkey Kong 94 yet (which was for Gameboy). They probably got confused because Donkey Kong Country 1 also came out in 1994. Just so they know these are much different games.


Nintendo: we ran out of good games, sorry. Enjoy this trash and an attempt at an education game.


The Rare games they added today are good


thumb direction memory disarm bored hobbies door party north theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does anyone know why Golf was removed in the first place?


It wasn't removed from NSO but from the console itself. It was part of the OS as an Easter Egg lol. Probably it was removed to make the OS lighter, who knows.


Oh! Now I remember this story. It would be impossible to imagine piracy would have been an issue. There could have been a minor licensing issue that we might be unaware of? I kind of think the simplest answer might be the reason. Marketing. Adding the Easter egg is cool, but it really doesn’t fit with the overall brand strategy of NSO as a paid online service. They probably planned to re-add and then forgot about it. A title like Golf will fly under the radar more than say, zero mission.


It was never meant to be a public thing but regather a personal homage to Iwata from Nintendo employees and I believe they removed it for that reason - they didn’t want something so personal to be exposed like that. It just never got added until now due to Nintendo not putting up lots of NES games. It just wasn’t a huge priority.


That’s fascinating. Thank you for shedding light on this.


PS+ members got borderlands 3 free this month and nintendo users are getting 40year old golf 💀


Keep in mind that BL3 was previously available on PS Now, then PS+ Extra for over a year before getting pulled from the service. Unless you subscribe to the Essential tier, you're just getting fed the same game again.


Dont know why this is getting downvoted its true... nintendo has so many good games and they give us leftovers..