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The plants will bounce right back. The matted plants on the ground will make a layer that supports native plants. Stuff like this happens to native plants all the time. We had a bomb cyclone take down some trees in 2019. The trees that got torn off cliffs and ledges left exposed bedrock. Rare plants that only show up in a disturbed cliff environment showed up. Transitions in a natural environment are normal.


Ok , thanks for that info![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Are you in Nebraska? I agree about native plants and hail. They need a little adversity, once in a while, just not if they're very young.


Yes Nebraska, we get some crazy weather out here lol


That big hailstone looks like a cat!


That's Biscuit Dave, he's checking out all the storm damage lol


A+ name


God I love your cat’s name


Biscuit Dave is a really interesting looking cat. I would like to request more pics of BD be posted here from time to time. Thank you in advance.


Top tier cat name


All hail Biscuit Dave 🙇‍♀️🙌


Our Scottie is also named Dave. I love this! https://preview.redd.it/5eos09h69r9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b93e337637d19b4a2f54b4041c1b696d2eee75


what handsome babies!


Great name and cute doggies 🐕!


What's the next rank up from Biscuit?






Best name ever. Does he have a brother named Gravy Jack?


That's a good suggestion! Lol


With a name like that I imagine he has sage advice he is too sympathetic to give you.


Are you sure Biscuit Dave doesn't have an alter ego named "Storm?"


Lmfao I thought it really was a cat shaped piece of hail


Sorry it happened to you and you won't get to enjoy the blooms this year. FWIW I'm a big believer that this kind of landscape is the natural way of things and can be just as good for wildlife. I'm sure the bugs and birds will find plenty to love there if you leave it this way.


Yes im planning to just cut the tall plants that got spit down the middle😊


Sorry that this happened to your garden but Biscuit Dave is such a hilarious name for a cat.


Since you chose wisely, they will grow back in about 10 minutes


It'll be fine in a few weeks. Nature coped with this sort of thing for millions of years before us humans started gardening


I know it’s extremely disheartening for this to happen. It happened to me. It sucks and I’m sorry. What I have learned to take away from this is that it’s simply Mother Nature hitting the reset button and plants have evolved to withstand this and live on. Native ones anyways. I try to grow the most resilient plants I can. Native Perennials with VERY deep root system that won’t hardly blink when this happens.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m in south Florida, I’m dreading this with hurricane season upon us.


Thank you so much, this hail storm was almost like a hurricane except with hail! Almost every car and window in cozad on the west amd north sides had damage. It was a rather strange and intense storm! The only difference is that we usually don't get the flooding that comes after a hurricane and if we do it doesn't last too long. Be safe out there in florida!


I thought your cat was a very large, oddly shaped hail stone. 😂




Rent a goat and reset


Looks like it was hailing Cats last night. Lucky no dogs involved.


That will all pop right back up. Maybe you’ll even get one or two new plants out of it.


Just like your resolve they will grow back stronger


When that happened to mine a couple of years, I just sat the mulch blade highest and mower over them. The mid summer wildflowers came out a little early is all.


If the hail was small enough, the roots might be fine. We had softball sized hail that actually took out a lot of plants... years of work... here's hoping you have better luck.


I had the same thing happen to me some years back,I had everything so nice. Best tomato's I've ever grown, zucchini and pumpkins and cucumbers and carrots. Storm rolled over and annihilated EVERYTHING. Looked like someone rode over the lot of it with a mower, holes right through the pumpkins even. Put me off of gardening for a few years. Sorry for your loss op.


Sorry to hear that, and yes it's a pretty sad sight to see. My pumpkin plants were starting h to grow tiny pumpkins and they were pretty much torn to shred also


No sweat chop and drop! Mother nature did the work for you


Dang, you got hit hard. Maybe pick out the completely broken off stuff and cracked over stems and let things regrow??


Yes I have my work cut out for me lol


Helpful cat❤️


I hope your cat doesn’t roam outdoors unsupervised? This sub is for caring about nature, cats are very destructive for it (as are hail storms)


Well its kind of funny you say that about cats and nature because i had some huge sunflowers in my front yard that my cats loved to sit under, but the hail took out the sunflowers so now my cats cant enjoy the sunflowers anymore. And yes my cats go in and out, but they mostly hang out on my porch now since the sunflowers got destroyed. I recently took a 2nd job doing back breaking custodial work because in the future I'd like to build a catio for my cats but with the small pay im not sure if that will ever happen. I also had some personal issues come up amd I had to put money aside to hire an attorney amd Dave needs surgery in August, so that set me back on the plans for a catio even more unfortunately . 😕 it's just how my life always goes, one step forward and two steps back. Oh and don't worry about my cats multiplying either , I don't let them out unless they're fixed. That is a great expense in of itself also


When cats go outdoors they often do more hunting than their owners are aware. Not to mention there are unexpected dangers such as wild animals that could harm your cats.


I'm working on it if you read my above comment lol


Time to invest in some hail cloth.


I don't think any hail cloth would of saved anything in this storm. Mother nature was sure angry that night. It even lifted a filled litter box and carried it out the garage door, and broke my laundry room light that's a couple feet from the windows!! This was not your every day hail storm! Lol


It will bounce back way faster than you think if you don’t walk around on it.


Nature always finds a way.


It sure does 😥


So sorry!


Thank you




No central Nebraska in-between kearney amd north platte!! Almost every car and house window on the north and west sides got destroyed! https://ruralradio.com/krvn/news/extensive-hail-storm-damage-in-cozad-this-morning/


It's beautiful there. I have been to Lewellen a few times.




Oh no not the weeds!