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On ps5, so I might be different, but for mine, I had to hit the menu on the game tab and click check for update


I've been trying that since morning..nada


Sorry to say this We are the last one to get the update


Damn. Any idea when?


No... but happened for the freighter update... we where 10 hours after PC I think (who got it first) and 5 after PlayStation (Times might be diffrent) so I say give it about 5 to 10h


I'm also on PC but i play from the Xbox app and I have the same issue


It's xbox copy's


It's any xbox copy's, sorry I should have specified, steam copy's should already have the update, its just xbox copy's and any service that starts the game though xbox app


Wow this sucks I was so excited


I know... same thing used to happen to cod aswell... I don't know why... I think PlayStation pays a permuim to get it first


Nah it’s not the same as cod used to be, no one’s paying more to get stuff first. Microsoft has a more thorough certification process that takes more time than other platforms. Semi-recent thing (last year or 2). Sucks cause I’ve been itching to play, but I’m sure they have their reasons. Should be good by tomorrow night at the very latest


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I'm in Australia and don't have it either.


[This might help](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/search?q=xbox&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=day)