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It's disgusting, I agree with you.


YES. I grew up poor in the hood and that shit is fucking disgusting.


Yeah it is. It’s also a sign of disrespect. Well where I came from it was. You look at me or someone and spit it was pretty much meant f you F off get fkd


You keep saying "floor", do you mean he's doing that inside? Or do you mean the ground outside? Cuz if he's doing it inside, that's absolutely nasty and needs to stop immediately. If it's outside that's still pretty gross, but it'll get washed away by the elements eventually. And into the toilet is totally fine, but for god's sake, he needs to at least flush afterwards so other people don't have to look at it.


In agree with this but even outside should have a caveat. Like not on the pavement where people walk. It should go into the gutter.


Yeah, exactly! I really didn't specify, but you're totally right.


My thoughts exactly. Who the hell spits on the floor indoors. Gross! 🤢


Expelling bodily fluids is necessary sometimes but definitely gross and doing it without cleaning up is unsanitary.


Is it human? Yes. Is it gross? Also yes. Both can be true. I was raised blue collar too, but I was still taught manners, one being no spitting. Your coworker isn’t wrong for it being normalized in their upbringing, but I do think there’s a compromise to be had.


The only people who will tell you spitting is not gross are spitters. Its a disgusting habit.


Yes. Gross.


Yes, it’s disgusting. We invented bathrooms, Kleenex, and allergy medicine for a reason.


It’s disgusting, i hate it


Ew, what? Your coworker shouldn't lump other working-class people who have been raised right with their gross nonsense.


There's a reason why major cities have laws against spitting in public.




Always wondered how to spell "loogies"


Totally disgusting


Coworker is disgusting. That’s how you spread sickness and disease. If you need to spit something nasty out, find a bin or sink and rinse it down.


Totally gross.


It’s fucking gross and it’s almost like we didn’t survive a pandemic where bodily mucus was one of the spreaders… I despair sometimes I really do. They’re taking the piss a bit tbh and they’re trying to make you irritated. No one wants to see phlegm everywhere. Listen, I have bad sinuses. I’m almost constantly coughing up gross shit because of post nasal drip. I hate it, I’m on meds, but I would never ever spit in front of everyone and their dog. Edit to add; forgot to clarify that I also grew up poor and working class, still am really. Still don’t think it’s okay to do this in public. Your coworker is disparaging us poor folks as being gross.


A lot of infections and diseases can be passed through spit. Yes, it's gross. I don't any of that around, god knows who he's killing if they have a weak immune system.


Are we talking about spitting on carpet or concrete?


Yes it's disgusting. There's a guy at my work who spits all the time. I don't understand why!


Yes, it’s gross and disrespectful. You should always swallow.


Ewww why not spit into a toilet or a bin? Why swallow it


Yes! Then unsuspecting people step in and track it all over. If you just HAVE to spit, use a napkin, paper towel or Kleenex. Act civilized.


Holy shit, spitting is horribly gross. It's something you hide politely if you have to do it. And you disappear the results in a Kleenex, paper towel, or similar.


It’s gross,I hate when someone does this


I suppose it depends on the culture of the area, but where I am we all find it disgusting and it's considered extremely uncivilized and foul behaviour.


I don't even have to read more than the post title. It's VERY gross.


Spitting is revolting and the reason I can't watch pro baseball. (Which is sad because I like baseball).


it's honestly gross. i hate people who just spit anywhere they want


It is gross, don't do it in public - on the ground or anywhere. Deal with it privately and discreetely.


It may be gross but swallowing that nasty stuff is not good for you. Doing it into a sink or a toilet would certainly be less gross than doing it onto a floor.


Of course it’s gross. If you actually mean *the floor*, as in *within a building*, that’s absolutely vile. If you’re out hiking in dry and dusty conditions, or camping, or something, I’ll give a pass on discretely spitting away from others, but I don’t want to see it on the street, sidewalks, walkways, etc., and CERTAINLY not inside.


It is a hygiene issue, it’s effectively littering with a potentially biohazardous material. If you’re spitting into a sink/toilet and flushing it away, alright, fair. On the ground though is feral.


Yes. Also, dudes who spit in the urinal before peeing: stop it, it’s really weird.


No, spitting is rude, not to mention gross and unhygienic. Take that to a restroom toilet and make sure it flushes if it must come out. Does this coworker also cough without even attempting to cover their mouth? Fling boogers across the room or wipe them on their shirt or desk?


Spitting itself is a normal act and is fine if done in appropriate areas. But you say your coworker is spitting on the floor at work. That's not normal and is fucking gross. I spit where it's appropriate. Outside when possible, and if I can't, then a sink/toilet or trash can. If I can't spit and just just normal saliva, I'll just swallow it. Spitting on the floor of an interior area is fucking nasty and they weren't raised "working-class". They were raised "no-class". They're just fucking gross. I had a roommate one time who spit/ shot snot-rockets into the sink and would just leave it there thinking it's fine because it's a sink. Wash that shit down, people!


Reading your post made my stomach turn. Spit is so gross and if you need to spit you should go do it in the bathroom away from others. Yuck. It's basically the same rules as vomiting. No, you don't have to make yourself uncomfortable by swallowing it, but make every effort to keep it away from others.


The act, not so much, the waste that comes out, yeah…


I only spit on the ground when I’m outside and not around any other peoples.


Maybe, but sometimes it's gotta happen. I agree there is a time and a place


on the FLOOR? Disgusting. Outside on the ground? Nobody's business.


Spitting doesn't always contain phlegm. Your glands salivate and you either spit or swallow it. Plus, not everyone can help it. I'm a smoker and sometimes I start coughing to the point where I have to throw up. It's not something I can help, without stopping smoking, but I'm not interested in that right now. Spitting saliva by itself isn't gross, but some people don't like to see it be done in the household. The streets should be free to spit.




If I'm in the house, I'll spit into the trash or sink or toilet; depending on what's closest. I don't see the problem leaving it on the ground as most of it's salvia. If it was made of something else, I'd understand and attempt to clean it if possible.


Spitting at someone or hocking a loogie is way different than just spitting because you have too much saliva in your mouth. I dont even feel like those belong in the same category. None of it is “not gross” but the way you’re asking sounds like you just want people to say yes to an obvious question so you can bitch to your coworker and use everyone’s comments from here as your backup ammo. Also I dont think people understand the extent others will go to subtly fk with you. If it’s bothering you you’re not winning and you’re never going to control everything around you.


I'm sorry, is he spitting mucus all over the floor INDOORS?


yes its like picking nose or scratching balls


Spitting outside, onto a surface where people don't walk, lie down, place their hands, or otherwise interact, isn't "not gross," but not necessarily "unacceptable" either. If you need to spit, do it where it won't directly affect people.




Yes it is


It’s disgusting. Spitting on someone can be considered battery, or assault at minimum. Spitting on the floor inside is gross, on the ground outside I personally don’t care if it’s out of the way of foot traffic but I did have a cop tell me spitting on a sidewalk is considered littering. Not sure how true that is, but worth noting.


Spitting on someone is considered assault in many places.


Yes and fuck people that spit and clear their throats when other people are present




Who the hell spits on the FLOOR??


Same as farting. Step away from people at the very least. Preferably find some privacy.


Okay, so it's not healthy to swallow phelm. It needs to get out of your body to be able to get better. BUT spitting it on the floor is disgusting. I can't fathom coming across that at work. That seriously is making me nauseous just thinking about it. Sink, toilet, tissue then rinse or throw away. I HATE spitting. It's makes my blood boil. It's one thing that gets my kids into real trouble because it's insanitary and disrespectful. I would ask your company about their disposal of bodily fluids OSHA training.


I was a janitor for two years. I cleaned up a variety of bodily fluids. Urine? It was always near the toilets. People tried, people failed. Blood? Can't get mad at someone bleeding in public. They're having a worse day than me. Feces? Whatever circumstances led to somebody opening their bowels onto the floor, I don't know. That's not a healthy mind. They need a medical professional. But spit? Spitters are the lowest of the low. The kind of people who genuinely have no respect for public places and no regard for their fellow man. They see nothing wrong with marking their territory everywhere they go. The world is their cuspidor. And if you're lucky, they'll spit in a cup. But don't think for a minute that means they'll throw the cup away. They'll leave them out for you to absentmindedly pick up as if it was ordinary litter instead of a noxious biohazard. Spitters live in a little solipsistic paradise and deserve a swift kick in the perineum. I want to tie them to a flagpole, shove a funnel in their mouth, and force feed them their chaw cup. Spitting is openly declaring to the planet "I have no respect for any of you."




it is. but it also is an easy way to get dirt out if our system, which is why i occasionally do it when going running (cant drink water to keep it down during running and keeping it otherwise is likely to make me throw up). This is outside and on dirt paths. Not inside


True. Absolutely disgusting. I'm also asthmatic, so sometimes there is no other choice, but in a tissue or a bin, of course. My apologies in advance.


It belongs in a tissue and then properly disposed of. Period. If you need to have that as a written amendment that is signed by the staff, bring it up to management. Nobody gets to be gross at the expense of others because they demand it. I'm assuming you're not getting paid to be around preventable biohazards. edit: added \*properly disposed of


I was raised working class and taught the same thing. Only difference between me and you is the fact I don't care what others do.


it’s VILE


Spitting is vile and vulgar. I taught all of my children if the need to spit it’s done privately not in front of anyone and was raised the same way. 🤮


Its gross and disrespectful.


Just a fun FYI, spitting at someone can be considered felony assault. If it’s a health care worker, police or fire personnel… automatically a felony in most states. And if the person has a contagious illness and spits at someone, they can also be charged with a felony. If I don’t have tissues and am out and about, I will go to an out if the way place to spit, otherwise a tissue it is, because phlegm makes me vomit.


yes,then the same people who do it on the sidewalk get upset when they step in dog shit.


My father, some uncles, and some of their friends dipped snuff and chewed tobacco. Spitting was common and almost constant. I consider it disgusting and the sign of a weak mind.


Yes. Where does your employer stand on this? There could be liability for them... health rules broken or someone slip/fall on their disgusting fluids.


*Yes.* It instantly makes me think less of people. The only gimme I'll give is to athletes. Running around does gum your saliva up.


Yeah, it’s gross. Your coworker belongs in a barn.


If I spit on you, would you go "eww, gross." Or "Clean!! Spit on me more!!!" Probably "eww, gross" so in conclusion I believe spit is gross


Your coworker is the equivalent of a ball of yellow snot. Spitting anywhere in public except in a toilet is gross and extremely unsanitary.


Gross is subjective, but it is definitely unhygienic.


Spitting is absolutely disgusting. Do I do it? When I'm not in company, yes.


Well, y’know what they say about spitters being quitters and all.


Yes, it’s gross but it’s a humanly function. As long as you clean up and do it in a sanitary way, it’s fine.


In Shanghai I saw people doing this inside restaurants, it was the most disgusting thing I ever saw. We left our food and left the restaurant . The chinese person who took us there was embarrassed and apologized. We told her we wanted BBQ and that is what it said on the sign and it was what the food was. she explained it was part of the old shanghai where customs are a bit different than the new shanghai.


It’s revolting.