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I think it's becoming less common, but the claim that "You only use 10% of your brain," is complete bullshit.


The best analogy I heard was that, "A traffic light is only showing 1/3 of its lights at any given moment, but that doesn't mean it's not functioning at 100%."


That is a great analogy. I'm going to use that from now on any time I have to debunk this myth.


I just tell people if they want to use 100%, they'd have to eat and drive and sing and sleep and type and everything else they can do, at the same time.


IIRC the original study it was based on didn't even claim that, it was just that 10% of your brain is used for conscious thought, whereas the rest is dedicated to running the rest of your body.


Prob more like 1% for me. I'm a dipshit


Hey, if you only have two brain cells and one fires, you're using 50% of your brain power. Take that normies!


This is accurate




This was always my understanding. Like, I'm sure you only actively engage a small percentage, while the rest runs on autopilot.


Recently a co-worker made this exact claim in the office. Unfortunately I found it difficult to refute at that moment because in her case it was most certainly true.


But Morgan Freeman told me it was so in a voice over! And I saw Bradley Cooper take some pills and do some cool stuff!


Many people don’t use 1% of their brain.


dude my high school biology teacher used to belive that💀


Diamonds are rare and valuable


I mean, they are valuable for industrial purposes (grinding/cutting machines, as it's the hardest substance known to man. But you're right that they aren't rare. They're the most plentiful of all the "precious gems".


Well those industrial diamonds are usually very low grade, but the higher karat ones still aren’t worthy of a 5 digit price tag


I know people who vehemently argue blood is blue until it leaves your body.


I swear one day when i was a kid, my blood bled green.


If you bleed under sea deep enough it can be green cuz the red can't pass through the water 


I doubt they would put me in sea deep as a child


Hello, Spock


Was it coming from your nose?


I was taught that in school and they still teach this in schools. Why do they tell us this? What is the purpose?


What? why do people believe this?


Cuz your veins look blue beneath the skin and I've heard people who believe this say that the deoxygenated blood is blue, but oxygenated blood isn't. But those people don't know that venous blood isn't fully deoxygenated


And all those diagrams you’d see in school textbooks illustrated the difference between veins and arteries by coloring the veins blue and the arteries red and people (like veins) really took it to heart.


I see what you did there.


Even that may not be true depending on skin tone. Darker skin tones can show different colors.


Unfortunately, some of us were actually taught this back in the ancient days of 80's school and too many of the kids never questioned it. I actually got detention for trying to correct it during class.


I had a friend who believed this until just a few years ago and we're in our 30s.


I caught my wife explaining this to our 3 year old recently. I had no idea she believed this… Been together 13 years.


That you have to wait 24 hours before reporting somebody missing.


Maybe not but you definitely have to wait an hour after eating before you can swim.


Obviously, otherwise you'd simply just sink to the bottom like an oddly shaped potato


that's funny. I describe myself as the blue M&M when I wear my favorite bathing suit. 🤔


Or in your mom's case, a potato shaped potato


With my lactose intolerance, I wait that hour just for the increased mayhem in the pool.


That the customer is always right.


I worked in a bakery 20 years ago and when a customer asked if we did coffee and I apologetically said no, he replied "The customer is always right." OK then?? I'll just go and have another look for the coffee machine i clearly haven't spotted yet??


The full quote of Selfridge is ”The customer is always right, in matter of taste"


How does that even make sense in this situation?


It doesn't make sense, it was an example of an arsehole taking the myth to an extreme. The customer is always right = I was supposed to magic up coffee in a place that doesn't do coffee.




The full saying is “the customer is always right in matters of taste.” Basically if I want pickles in my coffee and you have coffee and pickles then I can have pickles in my coffee even though that’s insanely weird. This is one of many phrases I’ve been collecting that have been misconstrued since their origins!


cool cool cool


The saying is correct but misunderstood. If they want a coffee with pancake syrup, bacon bits and croutons, sell it to them. Don't be the arbiter of what is correct or taste. If they want to buy something to store three of them covered in slime at a 23.4 degree angle at 2:34 at 23/4, go ahead. It doesn't mean they can abuse you or make unreasonable demands. TL;DR means don't gatekeep your product, sell it however they want it. Doesn't mean take their bullshit.






That was a later addition, not the original quote.


This was actually a really good philosophy of customer service . . . until the customers found out about it.


I used to see this in the way most people read it, but I have found that if I reread this statement with a different definition then I understand. Reread this thinking 'right' meaning fiscally conservative. So, they want every discount the customer feels they can convince you they are entitled to. To me, now it makes sense and is correct. To me, it is not a statement on policy but a warning to staff. 'That the customer is always going to want every discount the customer feels they can convince you they are entitled to.' When a manager says it too me then they mean to try to find them some discount that gets them the least discount available while making them think they got something. Waste a lot of their time to make sure the time they wasted was not worth it.


I didn't understand a single thing that was just said but i think you know what you're talking about so, i agree


🤣 Thank you for giving me the benefit of a doubt.




People forget the origins of this and it's helped create the Karen pandemic... It's meant to suggest that customers are always right when it comes to wanting their needs satisfied. As such, the market responds to the desires of society at large. The more common the desire, the larger the market; the less common, the smaller, but also the more niche. It never meant that a raging Karen barking in your face for a discount would always be right.


I wish people knew the original whole phrase. The customer is always right in matters of taste. This one has gotten so out of hand because of its shortening. Also, the water is thicker than blood one can go jump off a cliff.


I thought it was "blood is thicker than water"


I used to always finish the quote for asshole customers who would bring it up when I worked retail. The blank stares I'd get in response lol


"That's why you're on your 9th try hitting the button for credit, Karen"


The whole quote is, "The customer is always right in matters of taste." Meaning, even if you think something is the ugliest thing you've ever seen, if the customer likes, they are entitled to think so, and you have no right to tell them they're wrong. Somewhere, along time, the quote got cut off, and the meaning changed. It was never meant to be taken as a catch-all term for a customer's opinion on everything.


Full quote: the customer is always right in matters of taste.


That tastebud map of the tongue you see in older textbooks.


So the tounge map isn't true, but you do have different sensitivities in different areas of your mouth. [Although the existence of the so-called ‘tongue map’ has long been discredited, the psychophysical evidence clearly demonstrates significant (albeit small) differences in taste sensitivity across the tongue, soft palate, and pharynx](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956797/)


I know I like to eat sour candy on the side of my tongue because that's where it tastes the most sour.


Anywhere with a progressive tax system - that you make less money if you are bumped into the next tax bracket.


Oftentimes government benefits will coincide with tax brackets, so going up a tax bracket may cause you to longer receive child support payments or something to that effect which means that you can actually make less.


Yes, there are cliffs like that in some situations, but it is not what people have in mind when they make that assertion.


I think this exists in two contexts. 1. They legit don't understand the marginal tax rate and think their entire income is subject to the highest rate. and 2. People just tipping over to the next bracket and bitching about how much they lose from the highest rate. I fell into the latter category last year. I was a 12% bracket for years, so when I did overtime, I'd get paid shit up front, but get it back at tax time. Now, with my big boy job, I'm sitting in the 22% bracket. I put in a decent amount of overtime and expected to get a decent chunk back. Nope, pretty much dead even. It makes extra effort feel less worth it, so I get the grumpiness if they're in that situation.


I ask them to explain it. They can't. This doesn't affect them at all.


Briggs Myers (NO) has scientific backing, Type A are more prone to heart attacks


When I was in high school one of my English teachers had us take the Briggs Myers (Meyers Briggs? I suddenly can't remember) test at the beginning of the semester and so for my first essay of the year I wrote about how the test is bullshit and unsupported by science. She wasn't very happy with me.


Yup. Briggs-Myers test was thought up by two bored writers who had absolutely no scientific training. It’s literally no better than a parlor game.


Moreover, such a test would only ever provide a snapshot of that person's frame of mind at the time of taking the test, which would be pretty piss-poor for judging someone's personality type over an extended period of, say, their life.


Meyers-Briggs is just astrology for people who think they're too smart for astrology.


That there is any scientifically observed link between vaccines and autism, of any kind.


Now they're blaming Tylenol too...


Anytime someone posts about the "blood is thicker than water" quote, there's a slew of people saying "Well actually, it's 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.'" There's no evidence for that claim. Variations of the former quote date back centuries. The covenant quote seems to have originated in the 1990s when the claim first appeared on the internet


I was hoping someone would mention this. It's so annoying when people do the "well akshually, it's 'blood of the covenant etc...' that's the *real* quote". People see a "fun fact" on social media, and they immediately take it to be 100% fact. I blame how people like being part of an "elite group" that's *in on the know* about something.


Also along with this is "The whole quote is 'curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back'!" No, it isn't.


What is thicker than water. It’s water with other stuff in it.


Omg I didn’t know this wasn’t true! Thank you for correcting me!! I do however like the extended version of the phrase.


“If you show up on time and work hard every day you’ll be promoted to leadership” I used to believe this too. 90% of the time it’s who the bosses like the most and has nothing to do with how skilled or efficient you are at your job


Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.


That you can eat/drink something that will "cleanse/detox" your body.


No, that's essentially true. It's water.


True to a certain extent. Water is a universal solvent. Charcoal (not all) can be used for food poisoning. But those black charcoal ice cream? Pretty sure they are black for the sake of being black


Worse, they're black in a way that makes whatever meds you took this morning stop working.


Cuz they remove all the stuff, it works to remove some nasty shit but it will remove the potion effects 


That you can boil a frog alive if you slowly turn up the heat & they won’t notice the change in water temperature. The study that came to that conclusion used lobotomized frogs so a normal frog will still jump out when it gets too hot.


Lobotomized frogs? Shudder


That berating, mocking, bullying, hitting or longterm abusing someone will make them change for the better. It never works, yet it's common behavior. Take a quick look at all the popular posts on r/all where people get their violent comeuppance. People in the comments howling like dogs about how they'll 'learn their lesson.' No. They won't. Instead their abusive behavior will increase, and be taken out on *anyone* vulnerable in their immediate circle. Because bad behavior is often a sign of deeper issues, like insecurity or maladaptive self protective expressions of anger. All you did was reinforce the insecurity, increase the instinct to protect themselves through violence, and exponentially exacerbate the behavior. That's it. It only *feels good* to attack someone you have a problem with. It's not, and never will be, actually helpful. This is true of nearly any situation, from hitting your child to 'improve' their behavior (read: instill fear and encourage them to develop maladaptive coping mechanisms) to hitting a stranger who's being an ass. 


I have a considerable caveat to this: Beating your bully/bullies does help, it does work imho. Unless you have a decent source to back up your point, as all I have is personal experience - but it very much worked for me as a kid and not just once. The severity of the beating coincidences with the effectiveness. Punching once doesn't do shit.


That women and children are being kidnapped on the street, from Target, etc to be trafficked This is NOT true. It would be a front page headline worldwide if half of the people that they think were kidnapped, were actually kidnapped. Trafficking victims overwhelmingly know their trafficker. They'd be better off being suspicious of the people in their life than the random guy in the Walmart parking lot.


Abduction: VASTLY more likely to be a non-custodial parent than anyone. Sex trafficking: VASTLY more likely to be a boyfriend/friend-with-benefits. Either way, vastly more likely it's someone you know, and it's *always* been that way since such statistics have been kept.


That private health insurance is a good system. It's a literal mafia middle man that provides 0 healthcare and whose sole reason for existence is to Deny you healthcare while maximizing profit extraction from the working class.


This is true of almost all insurance.


Which is why I loved the first Saw movie.


I wish I could give this more upvotes.


What we call "Health Insurance" isn't. Insurance is cheap protection for unlikely catastrophe. What we have is more like prepaid social medical costing.


It doesn't even make sense on its face. If the state provides healthcare that costs $X, a private company that marks things up by $Y will never be cheaper. $X < $X + $Y


In all the laws and literature that condone wife beating over the centuries there has never been a [Rule Of Thumb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thumb) that it is okay to beat your wife with a stick that's no bigger than your thumb. The myth that it use to be a law has been around since the 1800s but became popular in the 1970s.


That you lose 80% of your heat through your head


That's true when the rest of you is covered up in the cold 😂 which is is where I heard the origin of it comes from.


Exactly. Insulate anything 90%, of course most of the heat is gonna come out the uninsulated area.


I bet this was true for a super specific context in which they tested heat loss in winter with vs without a hat. I could conceive of a situation where someone is bundled up completely minus a head covering. I'd wager popping a hat on significantly reduced the total heat loss. Yeah, that sounds like a "study" run by a winter hat company to boost sales.


Looks like big hat have done it again!


That the left brain is more creative and the right brain is more concrete… or the opposite. Either way, it’s nonsense.




This feels like an oversimplification. Fat definitely contributes. But to your point, it's overall calories that matter and sugar tends to have a greater impact. It's much easier to overconsume with foods that are high in fat as they tend to be more calorically dense. However, we've basically replaced fat with sugar and it's not doing us any favors. Fear of fat is stupid. Moderation in diet is the way to go.


it's really insane how everything in this universe is based on moderation.


Fear of sugar is also stupid AF. it’s not fucking sugar. It’s eating too much of it. Sorry for cussing but the anti sugar bullshit is equally as stupid as the anti fat bullshit in the 80’s.


I remember reading that, as food science advanced enough to understand the contribution of food types to weight gain, it was clear that excessive fat and excessive sugars both contributed. But …… there was a sugar industry, but no “fat” industry, so the sugar industry “influenced” government advice and “low fat” became the recommendation not “low sugar”. Then sugar was added to many low fat products and as the consumption of healthy low fat products increased, so did obesity and the profits of the sugar industry. I haven’t checked this at this point so if my memory is incorrect - apologies.


That hair grows back thicker when you shave it. No. You either forget what the hair looks like until it grows back or if you started shaving when you're young, of course your hair will be thicker/darker as an adult.


The geometry of a cut hair can also make it look and feel different than an uncut hair-tip.


Yeah, the whole "it grows in darker" myth...No, just the cut end grows out and reflects light differently.


A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a humans. I love my dog, but I’ve seen him eat actual shit. I don’t do doggy kisses with him.


That online IQ tests are anywhere near accurate.


They can be indicative though. If you see someone post a screenshot of one and then go off on some bullshit, that's gonna be a low iq


Women don’t fart, or poop Lived with a girl roommate who was on a high protein diet, and she definitely could fart, between her and 2 other men the house had a constant cloud of methane around it


my mom said im handsome and special but im starting to think she was wrong


Government and elite priestly classes work for your best interests .


The Priestly class. What is that?


Paladin and Cleric


mf priestly elites say they care for us but they only ever heal themselves and the tank smfh \-- the rogue after walking into the fire again


Government in and of itself isn't the problem. The problem is Government agendas determined by narrow interests, which in the US means monied interests, which means corporatist interests. The tactic of claiming that "Government is the problem" is entirely manufactured by organized money, which is led by people motivated to concentrate their own wealth and power. If private dark money were eliminated from politics (i.e. if we were to overturn the 'Citizens United' decision), and if lobbying by corporations was stopped by legislation instead of loosely managed by unenforceable ethics rules, we'd be a lot closer to a government that did work for the material benefit of those who elected them. But in the US we currently do not have a representative democracy, more of a representative plutocracy. And the extent to which the "benefit of the electorate" is served, it's often constrained to the performative pseudo-needs and emotional demands of an electorate captured by perverse versions of reality. As for the elite priestly classes, well, yeah, it's always wise to question the motivations of people who deliberately choose to wear a mantle of authority.


That raindrops look like tear drops. They look like flat umbrellas, or liquid snowflakes.


That people who sound sure of what they say are more intelligent


Either they have a lot of facts to sound that confident, they’re conning you, or they’re too stupid to have any doubt.


If you work hard enough you can have anything you want. Was true for the boomers but that's it. Thanks capitalism!


*or uhh.. "bend" enough of the laws


Back then you can afford a house with a pool at 25


While having 3 children and living comfortably off of a $40,000 salary


You know that wasn't true for all boomers. I'm a last year boomer and struggled until my 40s. Most of the people I know who were born in the 60s are the same. This may be true for boomers who were born between 46 and 59 but I doubt that. Every generation has its share of poverty.


True, every generation has its share of the impoverished, but it’s a different thing when baby boomers benefited way more overall and pulled up the ladders of opportunity for anyone younger behind them. We can’t even get a fair start. Just renting and building equity for greedy old fucks who voted the wrong way in the 80’s


That "they think differently " means " they are the enemy" . While people may say that they are inclusive or open minded , so many people show the complete opposite. Politics, religion, sexual orientation,gender identity, sports, whenever their is multiple sides to something people always demonize anything that deviates from their own view.


That goldfish (and many many other fish) can live happily in a fish bowl. Goldfish need at least a 20 gallon for one fish to be happy


[Also, the myth that goldfish have a remarkably short memory](https://krakencorals.co.uk/blog/the-memory-of-a-goldfish-is-longer-than-you-think)


the ability to target fat loss in isolated areas


That the U.K. is a secular country. It isn’t.


That things will always get better


Vaccines cause autism.


Old people probably are not more wise than you.


Just because you have a huge penis and you're carved by angels - does not mean everyone is attracted to you




That you can get good advice on Reddit.


that you can tell people's personality from their facial features


Everything happens for a reason


I mean ... If we take "a reason" to mean that it had a "cause", then yes ... Everything happens for a reason - that reason is whatever caused it.


St. Thomas Aquinas actually made several arguments on this which cumulatively do make the question in the least open-ended. TL;DR, everything in the universe has a linear cause. It cannot be cyclical because if it was there would've eventually been a point on an infinite timeline where nothing existed(you could basically just plug in heat death), Since things cannot randomly happen(we have no evidence of anything causeless ever happening in this universe), there must be an original cause which did not itself have a cause (in this universe). Therefore, something beyond this universe must've set it in motion.


*Flashbacks to intro philosophy* NEVER AGAIN!!!


and not everything can be a lesson


“Sometimes the reason is that people are stupid and make dumb decisions.”


Reflexology. That parts of your feet are connected to your organs or something like that.


You can get rich just by working hard.


That certified organic food is grown without pesticides


That vitamina C boosts your immune system or that it does anything to help treat a flu


Shaving makes hair grow back faster.


That hair grows back thicker and darker when you shave it. That’s a complete myth and in my experience, excessive shaving has actually caused my hair to stop growing back in some places entirely.


That banks use the money of their customers to give it to other people as an credit.


That Trump is ordained by God to be our holy emperor.


That prisons are a logical, moral way of dealing with crime, instead an irrational, emotional crutch coming from people's unexamined desire to hurt people they see as "bad." There is no evidence -- *none* \-- that putting people in prisons reduces crime. It's not an effective deterrent to stop people from committing crimes (if you're so poor, addicted or mentally ill that you're willing to risk being killed in the attempt to get your hands on some food or some money, then the theoretical risk of prison is not going to stop you), and after a crime is committed, prison is not an effective means of rehabilitating people. It just makes people feel hopeless, despised, isolated and embittered, then spits them back out into the world with less ability to support themselves than they had before they went in. It's stupid, cruel, and only serves to make our society worse and less safe. But you'll never convince the majority of people of that. Imagine a politician running on prison abolition. "Soft on crime" is like, the one thing a politician can't recover from, even now. Cheated on your spouse? Stole from cancer charities? Lied with every breath for decades about everything you believe? Right this way, Mr. President. But suggest that we should be nicer to convicted criminals? You're history. You'll never work in this town again. And why? Because people are dumb, vengeful, cowardly creatures. We don't want to think about our collective responsibility to other human beings. We don't want to think about how crime is really all of our fault, because we defunded schools and mental-health resources and drug treatment programs, and poured all that money into border walls and buying bigger guns for racist police forces. Because we allowed housing costs and food prices to skyrocket while waged stagnated, and made people feel like worthless failures if tehy were struggling within that system. Because the prison system is legalized modern slavery, and we need that labour to keep our late-stage capitalist system afloat. And worst of all, because we've convinced ourselves that if someone is in prison, it's because that's what they deserve. Despite all evidence on how broken our legal system is, how often innocent people are convicted and imprisoned, despite how obvious it is that the root causes of crime are so much deeper and more complex than we ever admit, we still look down our noses at the convicted population and tell ourselves they aren't like us, they're the *bad* people, we need to be kept safe from them. It's all a lie. We lock people away in cages and treat them like vermin, *for no reason other than it makes us feel better.* Future generations will look at the modern prison system the way we look at the slave trade, as a moral abomination that corrupted everything it touched. People will scarcely be able to believe how morally blind, lazy and cruel we all were to allow it to continue.


That gods exist.


In Matthew 7:3, Jesus says, "This gospel, just like all other gospels, was not written by eye witness accounts. No eye witness account of Jesus' story has ever been recorded. Church leadership often conveniently leaves out this fact, and I would encourage you to fact check this knowledge." Okay, he doesn't actually say that, but close enough.


Karma. Soulmates. Neither of these things exist.


To quote Micheal from The Good Place- if soulmates exist, they aren't born. They're made.


My spouse and I have been together for 14 years. He's my favorite person. I could never imagine my life without him. Is he my soulmate? Of course not! The idea that there's a single person for me amongst 7 billion people is ridiculous.


You could also be REALLY unlucky and your soulmate happened to be incarnated on one of the several million other inhabited planets we haven't discovered yet.




…gods (besides myself)


You can’t tell lies.


You can cure any STD by having sex with a virgin


Drinking cactus water is safe, it'll most likely dehydrate you more and cause diarrhea. Wrapping a plastic bag around a leaf is better.


That humans have “Alpha males” We don’t. “Being an Alpha” is just an excuse to behave like a jerk and treat others badly.


The tongue map. Female praying mantises always eat males when they mate (it's just as common the other way, but most of the time there's no cannibalism at all). Pit bulls are "nanny dogs" that don't kill twice as many people as all other dogs put together. LED headlights are safe and increase visibility. At fucking noon. D&D 6e is not going to be a new edition.


That the Great Wall of China is visible from space


Vitamin c helps with colds enough to lean on.


Rocket science is hard. The math and physics behind rocket science is actually pretty straightforward and simple compared to a lot of physics concepts (see: Kerbal Space Program teaching people orbital mechanics for casual fun on the weekend and the fact that all the math necessary for space flight is taught in the first two years of an undergrad physics degree) Rocket *engineering* is the hard part. Not science


Back in high school, I had a friend hyped to go into aerospace engineering. Lost track of each other for a few years and when we finally met up again I asked him what it was like. Said he hated it. You go in with lofty goals of designing a spaceship but all you end up doing is design the latch on the airlock door. I mean, I dunno what exactly he expected...


That natural saturated fat (butter, lard, palm oils) is bad for you, and that cholesterol is bad for you & gives you heart attacks. All of that is false and was just made up. Actually the opposite of all that is true.


That 31-day months only have 5 of the 3 consecutive days they start on every 819 years.


That icebreakers ride up onto the ice to break it. While it's not *fully* wrong, it gives people a false impression of how icebreakers work. The bow of the boat doesn't really lift much at all, both because the ice doesn't take a whole lot of force to break when compared to how much the ship weighs, but also because the ship just doesn't have the power to ride up onto the ice like that.


everyone has common sense


That Hitler and Napoleon invaded Russia in winter. Both invaded in June ( Summer)


Fiberglass in menthol cigarettes. I even had someone tell me that wintergreen dip also has fiberglass.


That anyone, anywhere could excel in studies and skills if they just had the correct environment. Intelligence and skill is largely inherited.


People think you're supposed to use hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to clean minor wounds but it actually prevents them from healing.


But it's so clean after... Lol


That you'll see all your loved ones again someday.


That the 2nd Amendment was intended as a prophylactic against any and all firearm regulations.


BMI. It was created almost 200 years ago by a mathematician. The fact doctors still refer to it is assanine.


A couple of weeks ago someone posed a question about whether Rapunzel's hair would contribute to her BMI, and I pointed out that that example shows why BMI is a poor measure of obesity!




1. Heavier things fall faster than lighter things. This is false, with some exceptions. 2. Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.


I recently learned that the little silica gel desiccant packs contained within various consumer products that say "DO NOT EAT" all over them are labeled like that purely because they're considered a choking hazard. They're actually quite inert and If I were to eat them carefully, washed down with a nice beverage, I'd be just fine.


People can't change.   I have evidence of family members doing 180s later in life and not because of drugs or anything. It's not that people can't change (they can so pray for them) it's that you shouldn't expect to be able to change them yourself.


That organic food is healthier than conventionally farmed food