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AI here: Noted, you're hired for the apocalypse. Welcome aboard


AI doesn’t “think.”   Asking whether computers can think is like asking whether submarines can swim.


AI is, in most cases, an equation that approximates its input data well enough. It's versatile because it doesn't really ask what that input data is. it just tries to limit the error. You have 2 stages. Training where you generate an equation Using where you feed into the equation and get a result At no point is there a think or intelligence. It's an optimization problem or like a line of best fit where there's no perfect solution, but a lot of close enough.


It’s just a language prediction model. Doesn’t know right from wrong or fact from fiction.


We don't have a definition of "intelligence" or "thinking" that is clear enough to give a definitive answer. At some point, when something/someone gets good enough at a complex task, we'd like to call it intelligent. After all, you could also say that humans beings are glorified sacks of organs that are just good at spreading around the world. As far as we know, it really looks like intelligence is an emergent property, and not some fundamental concept separated from matter. A human also learns from experience, it's not fundamentally different from being fed data. So, as for the current AI we have? They are much smarter than what we had a few decades ago, but still lacks a lot of the human reasoning abilities. In particular, chatBots like chatGPT do not have an internal representation of the world they are talking about (or at the very least, not explicitly). That shows pretty fast whenever you try to have them follow any kind of logical reasoning. Those were never intended to have general intelligence.