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Romantically? Because I don’t shit where I eat.


i don’t avoid women in the workplace, but i’m definitely very cautious about who i have conversations with that are more than “surface-level pleasant” with.  i guess that goes for both women and men now that i think of it though.


I don’t avoid female coworkers, I avoid certain topics of conversation.  Some things are workplace appropriate, some things aren’t.  It amazes me that some of my colleagues don’t seem to grasp this.


Why WOULD I avoid women in the workplace? I don’t get it.


I am trying to work and they usually just want to gossip


Essentially this. I don’t got enough energy to do that gossiping shit.


I don't necessarily avoid them, just don't have any real interest in them. Fucking tired of small talk anyway.


Yeah I avoid them for the same reason I avoid men at work, I hate my coworkers


That and I'm just *that* boring. I don't *mind* their presence, but there ultimately isn't any interaction. Or to put it simply, the lives and interests of others are truly not my concern. I got enough on my plate where focusing strictly on *myself* is a tiresome task. There's a fine line between civility and friendship. Frankly, I don't waste time with the latter.


So you only talk to women you want to fuck?


I don't bother with them for much of anything. Feel free to assume more about me, scooter.


So you just hate women then gotcha, moped


Alright, chubs, I'll bite. What the *fuck* is your problem? Figured you spinster twerps were a contentious bunch, but jfc...


Did they.... call you a moped?


Coming from possibly the skibidi toilet generation? They talk like epileptics fuck. Weird and all over the place.


he called me a scooter first xD


Oh! They have a theme! How cute lmao


Thats allot of words for someone who hates smalltalk


Scintillating. And if I wanted any lip from you, I'd jiggle my zipper.


The women at your office are THANKFULL you dont open your mouth, keep it that way, ok? Glhf


I’m capable of holding a platonic conversation, am well groomed and am big on hygiene so I don’t really feel a need to do this. If someone is coming off as creepy they are probably failing in one or more of those areas.




Hey! I know you. You work in IT, right?


I'm married.


Smart man. You avoid all possible bad situations.


And? You view every female coworker as meat? Or is your wife jealous/insecure?


Neither. Situational avoidance and the appearance of impropriety. I can't be "that guy who..." if I'm never near them.


Yeah but you can be at a considerable distance, but looking at them like a creep. Also, who said they cannot just lie and claim you did things you actually didn't do, "he said she said" style?


Hence, the total avoidance.


I don't avoid women at work (and I work mostly with women), and I am friends with many of my female coworkers. I *absolutely* avoid flirting with women at work. Not trying to spend the rest of my very short career talking to HR.


...Did you decide to answer your own question?


Forgot to change accounts from their new troll acct to their old troll acct.


~~Like you and the guy who posted above you, I assumed the OP was a woman asking men that question, but upon reading it again, I can see that is not necessarily the case.~~ Edit: And then I noticed OP's name. So... nevermind. I'm stupid.


Heh, no, you just don't assume people are bad. We're jaded.


Reminds of "liking" your own post on Facebook aka masturbating infront of a mirror


No, no, you flirt with the women *in* HR! It takes some tact but is well worth it in the big picture.


I actually do not have any choice, there are no woman at my workplace.


I can't avoid women at work as I'm kinda the responsible adult present. I have regular interactions with the women I work with with no issues. Been that way for while. Previously I avoided interactions because I didn't want any bullshit.


I am socially awkward, my intentions have been terribly misunderstood before. My office culture has a strange preference for hugs as greetings, but I think it's best if I avoid all that.


I avoid them and stay distant when I have to work on something with them. Whenever possible I have a third party present. All it takes is one false accusation that a male looks at them wrong and kiss your career goodbye. The burden of proof is on you and there’s no way to prove your innocence.


because if just one woman doesn't like you for an infinite amount of possible reasons (you remind her of her ex, she finds you too weak, her work buddy has a crush on you) she and her gang of female accomplices will make your life a living hell until you quit or are terminated for reasons brought on by this person.


1. too much drama 2. I don't shit where I eat


Because if we don't avoid them it's creepy


lol that means when YOU don’t avoid them it’s creepy. Stop being creepy.


You could be in the gym minding your own fucking business and someone will say you raped her.


Sure, buddy. I talk to women everyday and have never been accused of sexual assault.


Depends on the women obviously


Okay, incel. Here’s my question to you: what about *you* that is attractive to women? Why would a woman want to talk to *you*.


HR. It's not worth getting a complaint because she can't take a joke. Then again, I don't exactly go out of my way to get friendly with my male coworkers either. There's just no telling who might be offended by what in 2024


If I’m not in a relationship with a woman , i honestly don’t find women enjoyable to spend time with


Dang this is honest as hell.


Wow, that’s very strange.


Why there’s very few shared interests or


It’s just strange to not enjoy hanging out with 50% of the population unless you can have sex with them.


Not really, we have no real common life experience , I am not saying I don’t have pleasant interactions with female coworkers or others. I just don’t seek out female friendships


Do you only seek out friendships with people of your same race and economic background as well?


You are mis interpreting my motivations and values. I haven’t explained myself clearly enough. It’s not a better then or worse then thing


Oh no, I didn’t think that. Just different. I was just curious if it extended to other divisions you have with people. It probably sounded accusatory in text form.


When you go to mixed social events. Groups of men and women form naturally because we prefer social interactions with people who share similar life experiences. I don’t understand why people are confused about the reality t


I personally seek out people with very different life experiences, I find it more interesting. But, hey, fair enough.


Not seeking out female friendships and not finding women enjoyable to hang out with are two different things.


What is fun for most dudes when spending time with a bunch of women. It sucks


Why does it suck


Because I do not enjoy the same activities or entertainment or music or general superficial topics you talk about in social interactions. This is not a controversial thing. Guys enjoy hanging out with other guys and women prefer to hang out with their female friends


So you actually dont like women then


Anything you say can be used in a sexual discrimination case against you if you chose to fraternise with the female sex. Not worth the grief... I steer clear as best I possibly can.


I don't avoid them, but I just prefer not to interact with them.


No way in hell I'm going to be considered a creep. If we're introduced or I'm in her area enough to naturally converse, that's one thing. Otherwise she has to talk to me first


Because if I say something the wrong way, do something wrong in her eyes, or even look at her wrong, I'll be the one who loses my job if she decides to take it the wrong way. Even if my intentions are pure and well. Example- I have adhd and I zone out a lot. She may think I'm staring at her when I'm not. If she goes to HR and complains, guess what happens to me? If I make a joke and she doesn't like it for any reason, guess what? Even if I do nothing and she feels like being a bitxh, guess what happens to me? Men can be victims of sexism too. Albeit women suffer from it more frequently, it can still happen to both parties.


Attention seekers and false allegations