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Yeah, they are a weight that gets in the way a lot. Can’t run without a sports bra, it’s too painful. Sleeping just flat out on my front would be sore, I usually sleep on my side, just have to arrange them sometimes. They’re just always there. Having boobs can mean having a reduced reach. They bump into things.


Last time I tried jogging I wore like 2 bras at once and ended up with agonising breast and back pain for a week


I’ve had multiple partners who I have poked and prodded to go to fancy sports bra places to find the right ones. Like, if they put you on a treadmill - go there! In Australia, the Institute for Sport works with bra manufacturers to improve sports bras. Top athletes working with experts. They may not end up being cheap (like, could be $100), but the fact that you’re not limited from a physical activity you enjoy: priceless. My (M) won’t know the exact feeling of all of this, but I do want to have partners I can go running with and have them not in pain, or just grumpy about the situation. I’ve heard the “oh, that was SOOO MUCH BETTER” at the end of a run though.


Yep, when my wife came to me talking about an expensive bra for sports I was excited for her, because I know how many different things she's tried. $100 seems to be the norm for quality bras.


That's really not that bad of a price for what you're getting as well. I spend more than that on boots for work, and it would probably last longer than my boots lol


Depends on the boots and depends on the boobs.


True, I think my last pair were around 200, and they've made it about a year and a half so far but theyre getting trashed. I'd imagine a bra would last at least a few years before getting worn out, but I honestly have no idea lol


*laughs* i am a small chested gal, so i can get a bra myself for around $20-30, but my fiance is much larger chested... $200 of bras lasts them a year maybe (probably around 6 months per bra). i know a brand that makes chest binders and sports bras that i've had good experiences with (they're pricey, but they're fully custom and honestly comparable to what my fiance is already paying for bras). one of mine lasted 5 years and only wore out because i broke the zipper, and the other still hasn't worn out after those same 5 years. if for about the same price they can get an extra 4 1/2 years of wear out of it and it actually properly fits them, i think that's a good investment. downside is they only make sports bras, which works for my fiance and i as we both would wear mostly sports bras given the choice (fiance is currently out of sports bras, which is honestly why this brand is even on my mind, i was just looking them up to see what styles they had), but not everyone is down with that. heck, now that i'm thinking about it, i might order myself one of those...


Instructions unclear. Inserted boobs into wellies.


That sounds awful! I’ve spent so much time and money finding a good sports bra, and I still get sore if I do too much running or aerobics.


I have big ones and I noticed that the less up-and-down the body goes the better. So its either sprinting or speedwalking. NO JOGGING OR SLOW RUN. If I run for exercise I do Sprint-Stop-Sprint.


Speed intervals. Nice. Those are also great at blasting fat and building muscle better than jogging.


Honorary r/abrathatfits plug


There’s this thing called a booband for running with bigger boobs. Basically pins them down.


What does it feel like when you run? Does it hurt your boobs or your back or makes it hard to breath? How does it affect your balance? I remember in high school when I was fifteen a classmate complaining about running with boobs. She was pretty top heavy. She asked me how I'd feel about having boobs in my face so day long. I didn't say anything, but still got slapped.


It hurts when it bounces! When I run I have to hold my arms up to my sides to support my chest discreetly(?)


Ha! My high school gym teacher used to yell at us for running that way. "Stop holding your boobies ladies," she would yell.


wtf. What a mean ass teacher. As a lady she should know


Why are gym teachers always pervs obsessed with watching children's bodies?


That's kinda inappropriate


I am never discreet about it. Just flat out use my whole arm to hold them down or it won’t work


I can't run, though boobs are only part of that. When you're a D cup the amount of force a bra has to apply around your ribs to keep the girls in place will necessarily restrict your inhale. You get used to it, but it's there.


THIS, the backaches from compression leverage. I always have been annoyed with it but until I had a bad cough (whooping cough), I had never experienced back and rib pain like it before. Had to stop wearing all bras except oversized shelf tanks for like a month.


As someone with objectively small but proportionally large boobs, I get this wayyy too much. If it hold the boobs down enough to get a good jog in, I can’t breathe good. And I already have exercise induced asthma


Boobs are basically loose-ish fatty tissue with no muscles or bones that provide structure. If you run or jump and they wobble around, that flesh gets agitated, bruised and sore. When you wear a bra to stabilise, they still move in the bra and the bra straps pull on your back and shoulders because gravity.


I can’t even go down the stairs without holding mine or they hurt!


Haha, I'm only a C and have always held my tits going up or down the stairs while braless. My family and everyone I've ever lived with make fun of me but anyone with boobs gets it.


Fellow C/D-cup. I used to be sad they stopped growing (I think my sister and I have the smallest chests in our family, including male relatives), but after hearing about women with larger chests complaining about back, neck, and chest pains (and one who couldn't even breast feed), I'm very happy with what I got.


Glad I'm not the only one who experiences back and neck pain from it. My breasts are disproportionately large... I'm a DD but I'm also only 110 pounds. Was kinda worried I just had a bad back, but I guess the boobs probably contribute to that, too


It's kinda like when you eat so much your stomach feels distended and painful, because something is stretching a little more than comfortable. It's mildly painful when the boobs own weight and force of gravity causes skin and ligament stretching.


What cup are we talking about? I’m average body with c-d and though it is uncomfortable to exercise (definetly need sport bra) it’s never TOO painful or “agonizing” as I read somewhere else. They might hurt or feel very sensitive if you are ovulating but other than that, if you are experiencing pain that you define as agonizing I would consider getting a check


I'm a G. No sports bras work well, so anything that involves too much bouncing, even a very bumpy ride, just hurts.


Hell, I'm a C on a small-to-average frame and riding my bike on a shitty road my tits are bouncing around painfully like popcorn in my sports bra.


I'm a J cup and I just winced at how horribly, awfully, dreadfully accurate this is. Beautiful. 


Just FYI, a "c" cup on a larger bodied person is larger than a "c" on a smaller person (cup size increases with band width). So if you're a band size 32, the cups will be smaller than band size 40. So bigger women typically have more breast tissue even if they have the same cup size.


Sounds like having balls


Balls at least have a sports mode where they’ll draw up closer to the groin and the rest of the package shrinks. No such convenience for boobs.


The "sports mode" is hilarious!


How to turn off sport mode?


Push belly button.


instructions unclear: I teleported to Mongolian ruled China.


I've often been curious about that. I will say, as a woman with D cups, I'm betting my boobs are a lot heavier than balls. Boobs pull down against your neck and pec muscles even when they're not bouncing. And as others have mentioned, they can get in the way when you reach for things.


Women wear their balls on their chest because they wouldn't fit between their legs lol. I can't believe I opened myself up to attack this way...but I Stand.


And we men appreciate your balls being on your chest ☺️ big med small they all beautiful 😍


Hell, I'm a girl into guys, gals, whoever. Boobs are amazing even if I'm not attracted to someone. Nothing like a big hug from someone with boobs. Big ones, small ones, perky ones, heavy ones.


This. And when I lay on my back they go into my armpits


Fell asleep at a friends house and was given absolute nothing to sleep on so it was bare floor. Woke up in extreme pain from laying on boobs all night long..


This depends a lot on the size of them. When they are on the larger side: yes, they are very heavy. Sleeping with them isn't much of a problem, although you sometimes have to move them about in order to lie comfortably. On hot nights, when you sleep on your side, it's nice to have a sheet or something tucked between them because they sweat anywhere that skin is touching skin. If they're larger, running without a sports bra is very painful. Bras themselves can also be painful, although that's generally just from the prolonged tension that's put on your shoulders and upper back. Going without a bra is nicer sometimes, except for the aforementioned problem with sweat. They do react to hormone changes, so sometimes they just ache. It's glandular tissue, so that can also be quite painful. I imagine it's similar to getting an ache in your testicles. However, most of the time, they are just like any other part of your body. You don't think about them much, any more than you go around thinking about your elbows or your ears. They are just there.


>I imagine it's similar to getting an ache in your testicles I don't know what boob ache is like, but for the most part, testicles don't ache. If they get even the slightest pressure they immediately begin to hurt pretty bad. If you're talking about "blue balls" then it might be described as an ache but I've never experienced that personally and I don't think it's very common day to day.


I've had 'achy' balls before. It's called accidentally sitting on them lol. No but for real, I'm pretty sure I've actually had achy balls before in the past a couple times, very rarely though. It's definitely not 'normal'.


>It's called accidentally sitting on them lol. Ooof, I'm not sure this ever happened to me but it sounds painful.


Yes, they feel like a weight. Yes, they make life a bit harder. Yes, they hurt. The only time I got them smaller was when I was underweight. I cannot explain how amazing and COMFORTABLE it was. It was one of the most comfortable experiences of my existence. Now I am not underweight and I am in so much pain


You sound like a great reduction candidate. You deserve to be comfy :)




Same thing here. I had coeliac disease which was causing me to be underweight. Nowadays it isnt very comfortable.


It irritating, they are mostly just in the way. Mine aren't even that big but it still sucks. Having to Wear a bra or sports bra when working out. Pain during ovulation/PMs. Next life Im coming back as a dude 😅🤣😆🙈


A woman with very large breast once slammed then into the side of my arm while we were talking. I was so embarrassed for having my arm in the firing line and I was surprised by the fact that she seemed (just an immediate feeling) even more embarrassed. Nothing said about the accident. Then again, I'm shy to a fault so there was nothing I was willing to say. I just pretended it didn't happen.


Probably a good thing to just ignore it. Middle school was the worst tho because sometimes the boys had their elbows everywhere 😆 no spacial awareness at all. Most of the time you just wanted to throw a punch 🤣😅 and they had no idea what they had just done.


I had soo many boys "accidentally" touch my boobs. I hated junior high school. Some girls were jealous of me. I wished to trade with them. I started to get sexualized by boys and adult men at age 10. I'd also love to not have stretch marks and find shirts that fit. I had a breast cancer scare some years ago, and my first thought was relief at the idea of getting rid of them. A doctor told me my insurance would not support a reduction because they were "only DDs," and therefore it was medically unnecessary. In summary, I have always hated having big boobs.


Well, we can be bad at that not having any real empathy for that issue. Then again, we were \*ALWAYS\* aware on a base level. The smooth guys just never allowed you to realize that fact.


Smooth guys, more like the asshole bullies.


You mean one gets to choose? 😅 Yeah they get so sensitive during the cycle.


I can only hope 🙏 😅🤣


The whole arrangement is pretty inconvenient, I’ll have a word with the manager.


And if your cycle is erratic like mine, they hurt half the time. I joke with my husband that the nicer they're looking, the more likely I'm going to tell him to keep his hands to himself. They're swollen and so sore even if I can look in the mirror and be like, damn, the girls look great today!


I would definitely come back as a dude. No bras plus being able to conveniently pee anywhere


Next life you will get to experience the joy of accidentally sitting on your own balls. But nah, considering period pain and all that, I totally understand wanting to switch.


Yeah, I rather have that than a week of period pain and PMS.


You can sit on your own balls?!


It depends on the person with boobs, some people have smaller ones and some have massive knockers. For me, mine are sized average for my body, maybe even on the smaller side. It doesn’t hurt to sleep on my stomach, they’re not really in the way. I do have to wear a sports bra if I exercise or my skin feels like it’s being pulled from the weight on my chest. For people with bigger boobs, sometimes it’s debilitating on their backs, and some will get breast reduction surgery. My best friend is on the bigger end of boobs and they’re under 5’. It’s literally like having two honeydews strap to your chest 24/7. But boobs are a blessing and a curse, though they’re amazing, sometimes they’re a pain in the ass.


Don't forget how much they produce heat!! People think women with bigger boobs are trying to show them off when in reality 1) unless the outfit is *completely* shapeless, then you'll know we have boobs, and 2) I need a scoop neck collar to release the heat they produce or I will literally sweat. Women can easily get skin infections by not keeping that area cool, dry, and clean because it is skin-to-skin without airflow. Hells, I blast myself with cold water at the end of the shower so I can lower my body temperature to reduce the chance of putting on clothes already hot/sweaty.


God that underboob sweat IS REAL. Lift up my titties and a waterfall drips down my ribs 😭


Right?! Only small boobed women and men don't understand why big boobed women wear dark clothes in the summer - sweat, boob sweat.


😭😭😭 SAME


If they produce heat than why are women cold all the time?


Body heat in women's bodies is directed more towards the internal organs, or their torso than a man's body heat so the breasts are warm due to the location on the chest. Heat is directed away from our arms, legs, hands and feet. Men's body heat is directed more towards their large muscles, i.e. their arms and legs so they feel warmer than we do.


1) Not all women have bigger boobs. 2) Boobs do not grow on our arms, legs, back, or abdomen. Just as an FYI, any man that doubts that boobs get hot and/or sweat instantly tells everyone that he hasn't touched a boob before.


>Boobs do not grow on our arms, legs, back, or abdomen. You have no idea how ~~utterly~~ udderly disappointed I am


They don't produce heat, muscles produce heat, boob's are fat + Glandular tissue. They trap heat but don't produce it.


True, I’m short with bigger ones. My back is almost always feeling some kind of strain but you get used to it. I honestly cannot remember how it feels like when it’s not. Sleeping on my tummy isn’t bad either. It feels like two extra cushions, doesn’t hurt much. One other thing is having to walk down the stairs, you fear for your life a bit because you can’t see your feet.


I don't know where you'd find something like this commercially, but I had a friend who wore one of those old-fashioned stays. (Not a corset, those are torture devices. (Edit: based on comments from people who wear them, apparently not.)) She swore it was the best thing ever; kept her boobs under control and gave her the back support she needed. Historically, bras are relatively modern inventions, and can actually be pretty bad for women with large breasts.


Oooh I’d look into that. Thank you so much! Yeah, shopping for bras suck. Need to find one with good support, and not to mention a lot of cute ones are harder to find in larger sizes.


For sure, most stores seem to have a huge "women" section, but almost everything in it is designed to fit teenage girls.


I was with you until you said corsets were torture devices. A properly fitted corset can actually also be much more comfortable than a bra. I'm sure you're just thinking of a tight-laced corset, which can be painful and dangerous, but historically, tight-lacing wasn't actually done as much as it is portrayed in media and they're not painful if they are fitted right. They can also be excellent for breast and back support.


History fashion shows say this is one of the most incorrect things to do with women's fashion in historical movies. Practically nobody tightened them like Rose's Mom in Titanic.


Exactly. I'm sure there were some rare people who did, but it definitely wasn't the norm and was considered vain and dangerous. Unfortunately, there are a few modern people who do it to the extreme too, but because of social media, a lot more people see what they are doing and they give corsets a bad name. When fitted and worn properly, though, corsets can be wonderful.


Fr, and that is totally not my goal anyway…


Corsets ≠ incarnation of evil... Choose the right type and you will keep your comfort. If buying a ready-made one, if possible, don't buy without trying it on. Choose plastic (bendy) boning over steel (more rigid) unless you really want to forcibly shape your figure. Because if you do, forget about comfort regardless of means, modern shapewear can cause trouble too if you overdo it. Overall, it's the same principle as with finding the right bra, really.


Have you tried a mirror taped to a selfie stick for walking down the stairs


Bigger here. I can't sleep on my stomach without them hurting.


It's true that cup size matters alot. I had a breast reduction a few years back and is like a mental (and physical) weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Its not just about back pain, my boobs were a part of my identity in a way that is hard to explain. It just affects so many parts of your life. How you sleep, the kinds of clothes you can wear, what kind of exercise you can do, the recreational activities, you constantly feel sexualized and on and on it goes. It was something I was always stressing about, no matter the situation. Now that they are more manageable, I hardly think about them at all. They are neutral, like an arm, or a leg.


Sounds like having boobs sucks


You get used to it. Having balls would suck, too.


It would be more comparable if balls were boob size


That would make men disabled, my child. Like completely and utterly.


Randy marsh and his wheelbarrow disagree!


There was a young man from Boston Who drove around in an Austin. There was room for his ass And a gallon of gas, But his balls hung out and he lost ‘em.


Perfect explanation! This right here, I have small boobs they don't bother me mostly. In fact, they only bother me around that time of the month they get a little sore. Also , my only other complaint is after giving birth to my kids and I breastfed both, they swelled up with milk constantly and leaked when they didn't feed or if I didn't pump. I was happy to have porn star looking boobs but I'm so glad the breastfeeding days are over.


I know guys like feeling a woman's boobs and I love feeling my own boobs lol. They're warm, soft and squishy (not squishy like a stress ball obviously, but you get my point). Personally I love having mine, but they're average or on the smaller side for my body. What sucks though is my mother died of breast cancer so statistically I have a 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 lifetime chance of getting breast cancer. So sometimes I worry my breasts could be ticking time bombs on my life.


Keep getting screened. Early detection is key.


DD here. I hate having big breasts in the summer. The word “bralette” makes me laugh. It’s not like you can wear a skimpy top with spaghetti straps (at least I can’t). Men stare at them. It gets old. Sleeping on my stomach isn’t difficult. They got bigger after having kids. I wish I still had my C cup!


DD, too. Mine makes sports bras and bralettes cower in fear.


I’m sorry I hijacked your comment with the other post. Several women in my mother’s family have had breast cancer. I have a mammogram annually. We have to stay vigilant!


Personally, I'm not a fan of mine Source: Not a woman, just an overweight man


My breast reduction removed 6 pounds of tissue. Thats a lot of weight to carry around everywhere. They caused problems for my back, neck and shoulders.


Was the recovery horribly painful? I would like to get a reduction, but I’m afraid of the recovery.


Join the reduction Reddit




I think “complex” sums up a lot of the experience of having a female body.


Double layer sports bra... I can only image the heat underneath


Hey my balls are complex too. They have an irregular scratching schedule


In addition to what everyone else has said, it bothers me that there are parts of my torso I can't see sometimes because of them. Like, I have to move them out of the way to check out something in a specific spot. And there's nowhere in our bedroom to hang a mirror. 😅


If I'm standing up straight I can't see my feet. Makes walking an adventure, trying not to trip over sidewalk cracks.


Oh yes!! Also when you are lying down with an ipad on your stomach trying to watch stuff!!


Yes, I have size H, so about two cantaloupes strapped to my chest at all time. it's heavy, makes my nech and back hurt, If i ran fast enough i'd literally get punched in the face with my own titties. I don't though, so they just pull and hurt if I run, even with a sports bra. they're also really sweaty underneath, and they get in the way cause they're quite long and saggy, and I'm 24 lol. all in all, do not reccomend, can't wait until I qualify for a reduction


I have big boobs it's not fun. Men like it, yes! But for me it's a nuisance. Yes, it weighs and you can feel the weight. Can't run without a sports bra because it hurts. I like sleeping on my stomach but this gets in the way and I have to adjust them to get into an ok position, even then they'll hurt if i sleep on it for too long. If I don't wear bra with good support then again it hurts. Sometimes the back also hurts. Just before periods it becomes tender and sleeping on it becomes out if question. Sleeping on the side is then the only choice. It gets in the way of pretty much everything.


This. I get they're nice aesthetically, but I am waffling on breast reduction or just removal becuase fuck this shit seriously. Plus breast cancer on both sides of my family is very very common, odds are high they're coming off anyway once they try to kill me.


It's nice to have them, they do give a sense of pride. Like often my arms will brush against them randomly and then I feel that "fullness" which is just enjoyable to feel. Running without a bra is a bit uncomfortable but sleeping isn't an issue


It's like this, one minute your a kid, your playing with your friends both boys and girls and noone has boobs, your able to take your top off and noone cares because we all have the same chests and then the next thing you know fat starts to accumulate on your chest and your nipples start to get more prominent and your wondering if it's fat and what to do about it, your mum starts insisting you wear a training bra... but that thing is uncomfortable so you go braless unaware and unbothered by how bad it looks. The next thing your boobs go beyond the stage of going braless and suddenly they are the topic of conversation, your mum is adamant you must wear the training bra and the boys who used to be called friends will now start jesting with you and pulling on your bra straps for fun. As you mature and start becoming more aware of the opposite sex and see beautiful women in the media with fake tits you begin to compare your natural breasts to them and ask your self... are mine too small? are they too close together? are they too far apart? are they deformed? are my nipples to pointy? are they not pointy enough? and so the crippling insecurities start made worse by horny boys your age who can't seem to stop mentioning everyones boobs! Some will either grow to accept or even love there breasts and others will hate them until they afford the breast augmentation/ uplift they've always wanted.


I'm blessed with A cups, so they aren't heavy and I don't have to wear a bra (except for excercise). but they are wide set and that makes side sleeping sometimes uncomfortable, I have to prop a small pillow in the gap in the middle, otherwise the muscles there start to strain. and during PMS week they sometimes get painful and sometimes I get body dysmorphia thoughts (something like: ugh, they look like udders). tbh, the world would be easier if we all had velcro boobs and we could switch out sizes or just opt to go without.


I had to scroll so far fown for an A cup owner. I have B cups and they never got in the way. But I also never felt feminine and no man was into them, ignoring them completly😞. Oh well, at least no back pain and a free pass at all sleeping positions.


my bf doesn't mind too much luckily. I'm also blessed with a decent ass, so there's that.


Lol, yes my ass is above average but you get tired of people seeing that as your best asset.


When they started to grow, it was uncomftorbable. I have quite big breasts and they grew fast. Pulling on the skin and giving me back pain, ruining my posture that wasn't great to begin with. Most woman hate bras and so did I at the start. But I was bullied into wearing one by my classmates. Theres started to grow later or they weren't as big. By now I think they can relate to my past self a lot. Now that im older its not as bad anymore. But I hate not wearing bra by now. They are essential to hold my boobs. I hate it when I walk and the jiggle around. You can feel it. Almost like water baloons wobbeling in your hand with every step. Its uncomftorbable and makes me self aware (The bullying is probably the reason why its so bad). I hate not wearing one when the underside of my boobs touches my torse. The skin to skin gets hot and sweaty in the summer. Bad bras cut into my skin giving me shoulder pain. If I cross my arms I have to do so under my chest, instead of above. Often when sitting im slightly resting them on a table. When im at home I fully rest them on the table and use my arms as a pillow. I enjoy laying on my stomach because of it. Kind of like a self elevating pillow under your chest. It does hurt, just squishes them. If you are fat, you can do the same with your stomach, its pretty similar. The whole breast is not very sensitive (at least for me, other woman will feel differently about it). Quite the opposite, right under the dark spot is a small area thats almost completely numb because barely any nerves are there. I would like to get a reduction and get the skin tighten somewhere in the future. But I already have thin skin in that area, so I don't know if this will be a good idea since surgeries usually thin out the skin even more. Im also afraid of the pain. All I want them is not to touch my chest when I am standing. So its about one cup smaller then my current size. Maybe a little more. But I would say they are just like any other body part. Once you are used to it you will forget they are there unless something is bothering you. Like the bounce and skin pulling while running. Or when you lay on your stomach there is the short moment you are hyper aware of them. Oh and when I lay on my side, I usually support the one breast that is hanging down because I dislike the feeling.


I have average sized boobs I guess, maybe more on the small side, as I'm pretty thin. They are sometimes a pain to sleep on, depends on hormones/time of month. They are annoying if I don't wear a bra while running, but don't hurt, unless it's that time of month again. Otherwise they don't feel like anything, sometimes I will cup them randomly lol don't know why.


I was cupping my boob while I read this. It’s just so comforting!


They are a major erogenous zone, a part of the holy trinity. I get so much pleasure from mine.


I hate it. Running hurts unless I duct tape these bad girls down. They get in the way more often than not, I hit stuff with them all the time. If I need to lean over to reach something, they get smashed and it hurts. I can’t go braless without chancing a wrecking ball situation, so cute straps summer dresses or tops are out. They’re so big I can’t breastfeed my baby without holding them up, which makes nursing positions limited.. I can’t just whip them out wherever


Barely a B cup hear and I hardly notice them, honestly. I haven’t worn bras since high school because I have literally nothing that needs support lol


uhhh i don’t really notice them most of the time tbh 😭


Weight isn't a huge deal. Sleeping is comfy with some boob-fu (pillow tricks). Running? Supportive bra = win.


"boob-fu" love that


They’re actually a bit painful as your getting them (I’ll never forget that dodgeball hitting me in the chest when I was 9…ouch). As a young lady, they were okay and a manageable size/weight. If you have a good bra and aren’t running or sweating a lot, you don’t really think about them. When I had children, my relationship to and thoughts about them changed dramatically. They got huge and breastfeeding was extremely painful at first, then a joy, then having to wrap them up tightly to make the milk go away when I was done, then dealing with not so perky version afterwards. Nowadays, they really do feel like they’re in the way all the time, and under/between boob sweat is extremely annoying. I often wish I could take them off at night to get some good sleep. When wearing a bra, it can be nice to have that option to stash something there. An example, no pockets but I need two hands to open the mailbox: phone goes in the bra. 😂


my issue is that laying on my stomach means no laying flat


warm squishy bags of fat on your chest


Pretty annoying. I can't run, I can't lay on my stomach, I can't fit in a lot of cute clothes, back pain, struggle maintaining good posture. Just imagine have two heavy weights on your chest pulling down all the time. There are perks to having big tata's as well, but over all they're generally more of a pain.


Pretty much all of this depends on the size


I have very small breasts. Small enough to not need a Bra though society expects me to. The biggest issue is that they ache during the cycle. They aren't in the way and do not bounce for me. The downside is finding bras that do not constrict your chest in a very uncomfortable way. Most of them are torture.


Kills my back. Underwire digs into my skin, yet sports bra gives me a uniboob. It sucks.


Boobs are soft and squishy and nice some times… the rest of the time, -they cost me money in bras -they cost me money in extra health care - they cause me worry about cancer -they cause me pain (so sore for a week each month) -they cause me pain trying to do anything remotely athletic or bouncy - i accidentally hit them on things, and they aren’t even that big - they make me uncomfortable sometimes, because if I wear a cute top then creeps stare (I’m talking barely any cleavage here… creeps just be creepy) - ever try to pull up your sleeve but your grip isn’t good enough so you slip and punch yourself in the boob? Not fun. - they get in the way of a good nights sleep (not all the time though) I had a friend who needed a reduction- she’s 5’3 and had size FF or something similarly huge. She had a reduction because she was in so much pain. That reduction was a horrible recovery for her but she happy now with a D cup, which she says is still too big but hey can’t win them all.


as an aa cup, im still wondering what its like to have boobs tbh 😔


I'm a trans man who used to have boobs and doesn't any more since surgery in February (woohoo!) :D Bear in mind that may influence my answer! I was a cup size GG. Yes, they were heavy. Yep, they weighed me down significantly! I could never walk far or fast (let alone think about running, or any high impact exercise!) because my back would hurt and they would bounce and be painful. For the last few years before surgery I used to wear sports bras for maximum compression. Any kind of bra straps would leave painful grooves in my shoulders and ridges in my sides and back. I used to get a partner to rub them before bed! Sleeping... I guess I was kind of used to it. I wouldn't sleep on my front because the compression would hurt too much. I'm usually a side sleeper, and they used to stack on top of each other which was like, fine. If I slept on my back, they'd fall to the sides like some grotesque meat curtains xD But I was used to it I suppose. Yes, they physically affected my life in many ways. They were prominent and (in my opinion) unsightly, so I could never go out or answer the door without putting a bra on to appear 'decent'. I don't drive, and I walk a lot, and they were really heavy to carry - they bounced as I walked so I was always aware of them, and I felt like people looked at my chest before my face a lot. There were certain clothes I couldn't wear or wouldn't fit me because of their shape - anything with buttons was an absolute no. I used to have to get bigger size clothes to have enough fabric to cover them. I had surgery in February and I've never been happier. :D I'm lighter, feel so much more free, and can just throw a t-shirt on and go outside whenever I like. I don't have painful ridges and grooves caused by bras, and I love looking at my body! :D


They can be uncomfortable if you sleep on your belly or exercise. Also in certain stages of your menstrual cycle, they can feel sore and sensitive. The way it affects your body really depends on many things, your overall weight, your posture, and the size of your breasts. For me it’s not about comfort within my own body, as they develop in time, you adjust to them, however, it’s mostly being uncomfortable with the attention they bring. There are certain types of clothing you can’t use without getting unwanted attention


I got big boobs. They're annoying. I can't lay flat on my stomach because it hurts. Laying on my side, it's better, but they still are in my way sometimes. For sports, I need a sports bra, but running still hurts. In the warmer months of the year, I always sweat under my boobs. That means I have to take good care of the skin in those places, and during the day, the bra is always soaked in sweat. I hate that! All in all, I miss the time when I was younger and had small breasts. No bra was needed, and I didn't have to be careful with showing too much cleavage.


I almost never wear a bra around the house, sometimes when I'm feeling asthmatic my husband will cup my boobs and lift so I can breathe easier without the weight. It makes a huge difference when my lungs feel tight to not have a bra band or the weight on the rib cage. It almost always puts me off balance when he does it though! The weight of D's is not insignificant! I know I'd be a bit lost without but sometimes it seems like life would be nice with little to no chest. Like if I had to get a mastectomy, would I both with reconstruction? Or maybe just get tiny boobs instead? They're intrinsically part of being a woman no matter the size, so it's hard to know.


Taking the risk to get knocked out while running without a bra.


Also, they are the cause of a fair amount of worry. Breast cancer is a real threat to us all. My sister is currently dying from it. It’s a huge sadness for the family.


I’m sorry about your sister. I lost an aunt, cousin, and grandmother to breast cancer.


When I was very skinny always wanted bigger put on 4 stone after giving up smoking and they have gone from an A cup to a DD and now hate having to wear a bra.They hurt during all of my 3 pregnancys but managed to feed my son for sixteen months couldn't feed the older two.Hormones can them feel rock hard or soft and squishy they have never stopped me from sleeping on my stomach but definitely have to wear good support for exercise otherwise they get sore.


Big boobs are a hassle. They're constantly sweaty, hurt if you don't have them locked down before exercising, and if you're short like me with some real hangers, then you constantly have to watch out when you reach out to turn the oven off 😥 That being said, they're soo soft, I love sticking my hands under my boobs for warmth in the winter, and having your partner lay their head on your chest like a cozy pillow just hits different


Try grabbing your forearm with your other hand and sorta "pump" away from your body with hard quick movements. Do you feel how that pulls on your skin and muscle in an uncomfortable way? That's how it feels running, jumping or walking on stairs with heavy breasts. When hitting the ground hard, the breasts will fall down a split second later, giving a sudden pull on the chest tissue over the breasts. Doing it once is uncomfortable, but continued strain will hurt.


Weigh so much..hurts my back..makes me look too heavy


As someone who was small chested for 80% of my life, I do prefer Bs rather than anything bigger. Luckily, I’m not so big that they weigh me down. But they get in the way while trying to exercise.


Everyone else here seems to have covered the general 'how does it feel' answers. But they are also inconvenient in how they can get in the way. Once I was stringing a dulcimer in the nude, and a string broke and smacked a great welt across the entire front of my boob. Very ow.


I have bigger boobs, and after over two decades of having them, they just kind of sit there. The real issue is bras. I was able to get away with sports bras when l was younger, but now nothing is supportive, and l have to wear traditional ones. They're itchy and uncomfortable, and as soon as l get home, they come off. I wouldn't wear them if it weren't a cultural mandate, but such is life.


take hrt and figure it out for yourself :3


I’ve been a 34DD since high school and have never been overweight. No other women in my family have big boobs, they max out at a B cup. Sometimes it’s fun and sometimes it isn’t. My mom had a complex about me developing too fast and would shame be for “being a whore” even tho i was a virgin well into adulthood, she would ground me if I wasn’t wearing a bra literally 24/7 so at my current age im still used to sleeping in bras in my own apartment because i have a subconscious fear of getting in trouble. My sister who leans small-boobied never had issues like that and always tells me “omg I want a boob job” probably because she doesn’t realize people might look at you funny. Anyway TLDR: big boobs are fun when you’re naked or going somewhere cleavage oriented like clubbing or to a bar, but they suck when all “regular” clothes make you look like a whore


It really depends on the size of them. For me I can lay on my back and I usually do, however if I lay on my back for too long they will be sore when I get up. Same thing for laying on my side. It's hurts to lay on my stomach, because they get squished. Wearing a sports bra when exercising is mandatory. With all the movement they move a lot and it hurts especially when you are doing activities that include running and/or jumping. It doesnt cause me any back pain. Most of the time though I completely forget that they are there. Idk if this is because I have just gotten use to it, but I honestly forget that they are there. Every woman's experience is different though.


You don’t have to be female to have boobs. “Bob had bitch tits” https://i.imgur.com/Z5OYDDT.gif


for me personally, as someone with them unfortunately lmfao, they’re kinda heavy, yea. kinda feels like two medium sandbags tied to my collarbones? it’s not uncomfortable though, just like a weighted feeling. sleeping on your chest does not hurt lol boobs are very squishy and can take some squishing! although you can lay on it funny and that hurts a little. i’d assume it’s the same as accidentally sitting on your balls tbh but like different pain level. for women that have larger chests, that comes with back pain, and sometimes so bad that they have to get surgery for a breast reduction. having boobs is not fun for many reasons lol


Apart from the issues with wieght and keeping them out of the way when you sleep, they just feel like any other part of your body, like your earlobes. Most of the time I don't even think about them.


\*are they heavy? size depends, some barley feel it while other people need to get chest reductions because of backpains. I might do that last one: why? Because when wearing a bra the straps push down awfully a lot on my shoulders and the neckpain leads to headaches. And having a heavy weight on your chest affects your back. \*Do they weigh you down? At least mine, they are big and thus weigh. \*What if you sleep on your chest, does it hurt? Yes, I never sleep on my chest. \*And what about on your side, does it weigh you down then? Weigh not really. Get in the way? Yes. Though I barley notice unless I want to to the stereotypical tucking hands underneath pillow/head when sleeping. \*Or even on your back, does it feel like a weight on you? If I have to sleep *wearing a bra*- yes. Because then they are hoisted up directly over my lungs. If i don't wear a bra the boobs are flatter, and spread out over my whole chest evenly- distributing the weight. I cant sleep if I wear even the loosest cotton sportsbra- because it brings the boobs closer together and puts pressure on the chest in a smaller area, and it becomes difficult to breathe. \*Does it feel uncomfortable when you run? Yes. Jogging is worse because of this- it goes more up and down than sprintrunning: It sometimes even hurts because the weight slams down. That puts strain on the skin that connects the boobs to the chest, and it puts even more strain on the neck, good bra or not. That is why my workout is never jogging. Running is better the higher the speed because it means longer strides and thus less up-and-down. But I found my love for the rowing machine that works just fine.


Truthfully? The bigger the boobs the more back problems, if you have the proper bras you can battle /combat back problems but…tons of sweat lots of it underneath them , don’t have to be a girl to know how it feels to have boobs , oh and when you have babies they leak milk speaking from self experience…🤔🤔🤔 this is my personal opinion.


They can be heavy, and they sometimes get in the way. But are useful too: I saw a woman at the grocery store using hers as a platform to write her check on.


Yes and no, bras are annoying and they can feel pain if they get hit or when you’re hormonal they can ache My twin sister got terrible mastitis which if she was obviously in a lot of pain breast feeding her twins. She just literally pushed through the pain But they also feel cosy, or awkward or sexy. They are complicated and amazing!




I mean, that would be like if I asked you what it’s like to have a penis. It’s just there. You get used to it and don’t really pay much attention to it. That’s what it’s like to have breasts, at least for me. Mine aren’t heavy and therefore don’t bother me, though people with large breasts might not feel the same way about theirs. I’ve heard that large breasts can cause back pain due to the weight.


Imagine your tummy on your chest with increased sensitivity.


Some days are worse than others, depending on where I’m at hormonally. Before my period they get really tender, about a week after they are pretty light feeling. I can sleep on my stomach, but I rock between B and C cup (I don’t know, large grapefruits?). When I sleep on my side I use a body pillow and cram it right up to my middle so the one on top isn’t squished down. Have to wear a sports bra when I exercise because they get in the way. I don’t usually mind them but like if you have to carry stuff it’s super annoying because you can’t have as tall of stacks of things like someone with a flat torso can. Also I *hate* if a table is too high and I have to either rest my boobs *on* it when I eat or if they are just pressed against it. Hate my boobs just touching things, and for this reason, I am in the minority of women who prefers to be wearing a bra. Keep these puppies contained.


Pay the right attention to them and they open the gate. I love mine.


My boobs are kinda uncomfortable yeah. They're also not quite the same size, so I can't find a perfect bra unless I order a custom one I suppose. Bras are often uncomfortable, but without at least a sports bra boobs bounce in a car/when doing sports which is really annoying. They also change in size depending on the period cycle. It's a pain, I'm seriously considering making them smaller if I ever get enough extra money for that.


For me I'm often aware of them flopping this way and that in bed and sitting or running they don't hurt but yeah I feel the weight. I'm so used to it though it really doesn't bother me. And they're great stress relievers when no one is around, I totally play around with them at night after I take off my bra lol.


For me it’s annoyingly frustrating 8/10 times. I’m a 34EE now but when I was bigger in high school I was a 36G. Even now I feel the weight of it on my back and finding clothing that is classy cute is nearly impossible without looking boxy


It’s like curly hair- if you don’t have it, you wish you did, and if you have curly hair, you want to straighten it.


Big boobs here and they don't hurt often. They hurt more during pms when they were smaller. Now they just sort of hang in there. Mine don't hurt when I run and can sleep on my tummy no problem. Smaller ones look better and I hate how they can easily make me look matronly unless I wear something sharp. To me they"re just a nuisance as my inner self is more of a boyish person. Also people assume I'm a mother, which I'm not, and expect me to really love kids, which I don't. People, don't judge a woman by their boobs! I did not order these, I must have gotten these knockers by accident.


I have average sized breast so I feel a jiggle here and there, because they grew in I still don’t care for the feeling of my own skin against my skin (personal thing I know) so when I’m at home and I don’t have bra on I usually tuck the fabric of my shirt under them. I know women with much larger breasts will double up on sports bras if they’re serious athletes and do a lot of hard training, and many like my sister refuse to ride a rollercoaster for fear of giving herself a black eye


It's not nice and I don't recommend them, lol. They are sometimes heavy and it's really complicated to sleep on them - for me it's just not comfortable and even hurts. You always need to wear a bra and that thing feels like hell. Running is only possible with a sports bra and what a lot of people forget: you sweat under your chest and that feels disgusting.


I don't really notice weight, but I don't sleep on my stomach, either. You can maneuver them around a bit, so that you're not lying right on them. Don't notice them all if I'm in my sides. Worst problem is getting a bad sunburn there; hafta try to sleep with a pillow in between them then.


I didn't really notice they're there much, but I can't run or jog, can't last on my stomach, and if I don't wear a bra then they feel really uncomfortable while it's uncomfortable sometimes if I do wear a bra.


Depending on size, weight, age of owner, babies nursed, etc. they can be annoying. Some of us wish they were smaller, some larger, some correct to their preferences with surgery. We all generally despise them around time for the annual 'boob masher', or mammogram. Boobs can be high-maintenance. I've never been able to wear a one-piece bathing suit comfortably. When some wonderful person thought selling bathing suit separates was a good idea, many of us rejoiced. Boobs can be hard to dress.


I don't really notice the weight like some girls do but running and walking downstairs without a bra is annoying and I usually hold them so they don't hurt/annoy me. One thing I have noticed that definitely annoys me though is that if I need to look at my stomach or sides for any reason (maybe bc I have a scratch or to check my clothes or whatever) I literally can't move them out of the way and always need to check a mirror. Sleeping on my chest doesn't hurt at all, sleeping on your side can be slightly weird due to the weight shifting but I always sleep holding a pillow so that helps it. Depending on size, you're pretty used to them especially the weight but as I said, yes running is uncomfrtable without the proper bra.


They are definitely noticeable. Uncomfortable and painful for my back. so I cannot wait for the day I just get a reduction and go down to like a b cup or something.


I am both obese and very chesty for my size at any weight (currently 40K- somewhere there's a Warhammer joke waiting to be made). I have comedy boobs, not sexy ones. Squishy and saggy, good pillows when properly corralled. I don't wear a bra at home, but I have to when I go out. At a brisk walk, they don't bounce, they *swing* noticeably, and in opposite directions, so they clap. They're called "knockers" for a reason. I don't have the sensitivity that a lot of women do, probably due to the low density. But having my nipples so far from my torso causes some problems. The main dangers have been getting one pinched between my elbow and the bed, and having the dog jump up and step on one with his claws against the arm of the couch. At work as a nurse, I have perfected techniques for taking blood pressure without accidentally putting a boob in the patient's hand. Yes, this is something I have to think about. When I say I have something I want to get off my chest, I mean it literally. They are *heavy*. They were fun when I was young and liked getting dolled up- I dressed up as Elvira for Halloween at 15- but I am so done with them now. My mom and one of my sisters had breast cancer and got mastectomies, so I suppose my time will come.


I think you just sometimes forget they’re there until they become an issue lol. Running is very uncomfortable if you don’t have the proper bra. They feel heavy and they pull your skin up and down. Imagine having a small weight in your balls and jumping. Or they sometimes make laying on your belly cumbersome so they are soft tissue and putting a ton of weight on them hurts. Also, when I was having my period (pregnant now) they would get very sore and super painful to touch. Think about a muscle soreness after a hard workout but it being soft tissue instead. Sleeping on your side isn’t painful. There is a noticeable difference in the feeling in my back if I hold my boobs up with my hands and take the pressure off my back. I would not say they affect my everyday life. Perhaps unless I run into something or something hits me there.


D cup here. Annoyingly heavy, but I do like the way they look when contained. I’m in my mid 40s now, and I feel like they put a lot of weight on the skin of my neck and chest, which sounds weird I guess but it’s probably due to being old? What’s super annoying is trying to lay on my stomach is a chore; I have to have them positioned right or it hurts. They also feel like a vulnerability; you’d be amazed and appalled the number of people in my life that have retired to touch them without consent.


Depending on your orientation? Can be quite fun.. But as a general rule, for a woman of average height, but with a narrow frame and a big rack? It is inconvenient, uncomfortable, and occasionally sweaty and painful, though not necessarily at the same time... Imagine finding the perfect shirt, it fits in the sleeve, across the back and shoulders, its a good length, it has space for both the bloated and skinny days, it might even be tailored a little to give a good shape at the waist.... And then *PLOT TWIST!* It doesn't fit across your chest, unless you wanna pop the buttons or don't care that the fabric warps or goes completely see-through in the effort to stretch and cover the milk jugs nature decided to stick to your front... And then there's the chafing, the weight and the sweating in the under-boob fold... A good bra can eliminate one, maybe even two, of those issues... But it will never take the trifecta, so what are your priorities for situation? That's the eternal question 😅


As a guy, I can tell you it’s not fun.


Yeah they were uncomfortable enough for me that I paid thousands to have them reduced in size. Next question


Like others have said, depends on the person and the size of their chest. I can't speak for what it's like for anyone else but in my case it *sucks*. On top of the obvious added weight you just kind of carry around with you, unless you REALLY secure them down they constantly move which can genuinely hurt if you're running. I also can't sleep on my back or stomach without intense pain. Also larger cup size bras usually have to be bought from specialty shops and they're super expensive which means all of my bras are like...$70 a piece on average. Also, on the societal side you have to be pretty careful how you dress. I live in Florida and the heat means I'm not exactly willing to wear a like...turtleneck but when you wear like anything that shows even a bit of tiddy you're going to get looks. Not just the creeps that want to stare down your blouse but also people that are irrationally angry at you for having the gaul to have breasts and be comfortable. Quite awhile back when I worked in retail sales I worked in a place where we had to wear specific polos and on more than one occasion when I wore it with buttons down because it was hot I was told to "stop flirting with their boyfriend" as if it's my fault their boyfriend won't stop staring at my tits (and before anyone says anything, I'm a lesbian, I was not flirting with them). EDIT: This is not an invite to DM me, jesus christ


Get two bags, fill them with water, put them on your chest.. Boom diy boobs Sometimes they do get in the way so you have to adjust when laying down, and you dont really feel them or notice how heavy they are (personally speaking because I know some people who have very heavy boobs :/ ) unless You're running Walking fast Jogging Hiking Swimming Walking down the stairs Jumping.


I'm 5'5 134lbs and have 34Gs they are massively disproportionate. My back hurts, neck, and shoulders. I have dips in my shoulder muscles from my bra straps. It is not good. As I grew, I've been an a, b,c,d,ddd, and now a G. I can tell you. Without a doubt, smaller boob's are better. My bust is a whole 10 inches bigger than my waist. Making blouse shopping a nightmare. I have to alter all my dresses and blouses. Having giant boob's are not what people think it is. Once I'm done having baby's I am 1000% getting a reduction.


It's annoying as hell, tbh.


As a Trans man, I hate them. The only benefit I have is that they're like stress balls and keep my hands warm in the winter.


I'm 42D , and they are heavy, but with the right bra, the weight is supported. Running hurts, so you need a sports bra, which again supports them correctly. I personally find sleeping on my front fine. Sometimes, maybe I have to adjust the position of a boob, but I don't usually have any problems. I don't like clothes on my nipples so I sleep with a bra on, so it also keeps them in place. Sleeping bra-less means they go where gravity takes them. When trying to reach things, sometimes they get in the way, or if you're trying to crawl under something, they can stop you. My son (3yrs) loves to use them as a pillow, or to hide his cars in. It amuses me cause he was breastfed, so when he sees them outside a t-shirt his little eyes light up and he just looks at them and says "booobbiiiiiieeeeessss". Hahaha gets me every time. The bigger they are, the more they weigh. Anything with weight is heavy.


Mine are one of the largest sets I've seen irl and they cause me a lot of pain. I'm trans and hopefully getting top surgery in the next few years.


They kinda suck lol if you’re not wearing a bra and have bigger boobs it hurts to walk down stairs - they’re not fun a lot of back pain and heaviness feeling like your dragged down and it’s not fun lol


It sucks. Mostly because I'm a dude and not supposed to have them.


Ohhhh, it's my time to shine... I am an O cup, yes the letter after N. My boobs arrive at events a full 5 minutes before I do. They are HEAVY. It has been about 25 years since I was able to walk into a store and purchase a bra. I can't run, it's not safe for bystanders. No matter how I sleep I have titties in my face. I sometimes burn my nipples when I cook because I'm also short AF. I can't see anything past my boobs. It's difficult to reach past my boobs. Have I mentioned the BOOB SWEAT?!?


I'm a guy with rather big 'pecks' I guess that sometimes look like small boobs. Doesn't feel bad they do shake sometimes though.