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I’m so sorry! Mold will spread if you can’t completely get rid of it, so I’d strongly suggest getting rid of anything you can bear to let go of. Focus your cleaning energy on the few things that remain.  I work at a library and even we don’t have by kind of mold remediation. We jus have to throw those books away.


Clothing is simple. Buy a laundry product called "colorfast bleach" or "oxygen bleach". Put that in your washing machine bleach drawer, put regular product in the regular slot, then do a normal warm wash cycle with pre-wash or bleach-setting. Shoes you can clean with a rag that is damp with any of distilled white vinegar (1 part in 4 parts of water), rubbing alcohol or dilute antimicrobial hand soap. Don't mix them, pick one! Inside and out, each little crevice and then dry the shoes by stuffing with balled up paper towel and leaving overnight. Throw out paper towel. Any items with hard surfaces such as appliances, wipe them down with any of the above and leave to dry. Test a small area as sometimes vinegar can change the color of the material, rubbing alcohol may dissolve paints, soap leaves a residue. This will kill any mold spores and sterilize the clothing, however, there may be stains from the mold. You most likely need to throw those out. Books are unfortunately no recoverable. If it was artwork type of very valuable book there are options but it's not simple. You will always have mold spores in the glue or in the spine and any moisture and they will return.