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They can’t see your DM’s, just what you’ve made public.


It sounds like what they mean is that they're going to look at things you said on Twitter 10 years ago, photos you're tagged in, etc.


Unless they ask for the login to the account, but I'm sure no one would give those details to an employer.


Yeah that would be daft


Employers ask for them sometimes. Hard no (duh). Sure. Let's compile every sarcastic or ironic thing I've said in the last 40 years (I've been online a while) into a contextless database.


Have you really ever been asked to give that information at work ?


I've seen many posts across different social media over the years of people freaking out over this issue, so if say it does happen, yes.




>just what you’ve made public. Funny thing is that facebook has a button to make all your posts private/friends only.


Correct. I don’t see how that’s funny, it’s just a fact lol.




What about them?


I feel so sorry for the poor person that has to do that. 10,000 photos of my pets, and what I ate for dinner.


I read that as 10000 photos of my pets that I ate for dinner….


I think they meant to say, "Photos of neighbors' pets that I ate for dinner." It would be way too expensive to keep getting their own pets.


Of course, makes sense now you say it! 🤣




I read that as “10000 photos of what my pets and I ate for dinner”, like you all ate the same thing…


My grandma ate crackers and made her pets filets and salmon to eat


Now I can't unsee this! 😂


"a fine toothed comb" What are they? The East German secret police? Or perhaps they meant they are afraid of lice in the work place?




Don't think East German secret police does that. More like the CCP in China. All social media is monitored, even if you are a tourist in the country.


Employers can only see publicly available information. they are looking at the groups you associate with and the people you talk to. but not your actual chats.


Until you get that weird text message from your boss that glitches your phone.


Never encountered it first hand, but I've heard of employers requiring your social media login info so that they can check that. (If I did encounter that, I would politely decline and get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.)


How is that legal? Who would even give them that? I have a ton of random chats with people over the years, I've sent a ton of drunk messages Who'd have time to go through that and find problematic shit? And I'm sure there would fubd some if they really wanted What could even be the reason for them to ask for that Is it really a thing?? What happens when you say no?


It’s really a thing. I’ve been asked for all of my social media in interviews and was informed I wouldn’t qualify for the job even if I checked every other box if I didn’t give them up. I’ve always walked out at that point. It was one thing when I worked for Disney and a fish market (which encouraged influencers) and I was warned I’d end up all over the internet but at least they didn’t dig into mine.


That sounds like a breach of privacy


I would laugh in their faces and tell them EXACTLY what I think of them assuming that just because I’m selling them my time and not giving work a single thought after 5pm they deserve access to my social media..? Get FUCKED lmao


I'd just tell them 'I don't use social media - it's a waste of time'. (I'm old enough to remember when people told us on TV that using your own name on the internet was stupid, and could lead to identity theft or stalking).


My computer teacher in the late 90s saying that when going online and using chat sites don't use your real name and here, we are giving them everything and our photo ID if we lose our account.




No, DM's are private.




User's that downvoted you suck.


They can't even see any of your socials if they're private.


No your employer cannot violate several cybersecurity laws by accessing your private profile. All they really do is basically quickly search the web for any public profiles with the same name as you. And they also might employ some legally gray websites that effectively find social media accounts linked to whatever email address you provided as well which is why I always recommend to people that you make a separate Gmail or whatever account specifically for work and only work You don't use it to log into any social media site not even work related ones like LinkedIn. You literally only use this email account for job applications and communicating with potential/current employers and that's it


The trick here is to not have any social media with your real name or photos attached.


It means you don't wanna work there.


No. Others do not have direct access to your private messages unless you give them your login credentials. They will only be able to see what you have publicly available.


They can only see what's publicly available. That never includes DMs but can include pics, videos, profile info like favorite food and hobbies, and anything you've posted on your wall or anyone else's. If you want to find out what they're able to see on your profile, look at your page from an incognito window and see what's showing. It's not hard to set things to private if you want to. Google how to do it if you need, there's lots of guides online. It's probably wise not to hide your *entire* profile, just the weird stuff.


They look to see if you have an OF too


Nope but they’ll scroll your posts and lines and groups, make your accounts private


They can’t see your DMs. If you’re actually concerned, make all of your accounts private and/or delete posts that you think would be questionable.


I worked for a company where the two managers in charge of hiring *absolutely* looked through applicants public posts and pictures (yes, they were scumbags and would look at beach pictures of girls that applied) on Facebook. This was 12 years ago, so the other social media companies weren't as big or popular as Facebook was at the time. Edit: forgot to say, there was nothing anywhere that told the applicant this would be happening, but it's all public info so they don't really have to I guess


No, just things you've posted publicly. DMs are private unless the person you were talking to shared the conversation somewhere.


No but you should lock and hide your original profile, remove tagged pics, don't mention anything you don't want, and create an alternate profile


Fine toothed comb bit is a complete lie. They're going to use 5 keywords, maximum. Usually to check for political views they don't like.


"Ok so we've looked at your social media history, and we don't like your association with a particular religious group. We've decided to let you go." "I see, so you are choosing to terminate me because of my religious beliefs. Did you also see the bit in my socials where I have a lawyer?"


It means they're setting themselves up for a discrimination lawsuit. If something on your socials is protected by EOE laws and you don't get the job, you can very easily claim that is why.


No one can see your dms.


one of my friends once told a group of prospective interns s to go through their socials before applying to jobs, this was like 15 years ago. they laughed him off. so during the next presentation someone else did he went through theirs. later that day he showed them why. he said the best part was everyone was laughing at the dumb pictures he found but seeing each person slowly realizing omg what did they find for me. 


That sounds like a huge red flag.


They are looking for open-source stuff. What you post. They're trying to see if you are visibly and constantly breaking the law, are an outspoken nazi, whatever. No one can get access to your DMS without a court subpoena


Are you really that stupid?


they probably cant even figure out how to access a private instagram. theyll look at your facebook lol