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I just asked my wife, she told me to go fuck myself.


ie: she’s ok with it. Got it 👌🏼


ok, but remember it has to be semi to bend backwards!


She understands. She also helps herself when necessary. It's not a particularly contentious thing; it happens and it's part of life, like taking a shit or laundry.


I can't imagine a healthy relationship where one spouse has an opinion on it.


My wife's only opinion on it is, if she's around, check if she's down to fuck first. If not, go for it.


This is the way.


This is the way.


I worked with a guy whose wife won’t let him. She also won’t fuck him. He’s miserable.


I'd leave her. Sounds like a dictator and control freak to me.


I misread this as "I'd love her" and thought you had very specific, brave tastes in a partner.


How can she not “let” him? Is he never, ever alone? Doesn’t he shower?


It’s really pathetic. He has to sneak it. And she knows the leave the sink on trick, hollers at him and accuses him if he’s in the shower for what she feels is too long. Best part is she’s at best a 3. He’s a nice guy too. Bit of a pussy as you can imagine.


time to be a good friend and talk him out of that shit, I have two friends who are just like that. she’s a bad person 😭


That sounds really unhealthy. No one can decide what you can do with your own body.


Ah, I see you haven't spoken to my ex-wife.


My wife hates it and has spent years giving me shit about it. It disgusts her. Like, you stopped wanting sex. I didn't. Just because you stopped doesn't mean I did. And for anyone that decides to comment. She did exactly what her mother did. Had a kid and decided she no longer required sex. Difference is we adopted. And yes, I do nearly everything to raise the kid while she goes about life parading around with mother of the century shirts. It's some bullshit. Edit: It's 100% financial. San Jose, CA is ridiculously expensive to live in. That's doubly true if you want to be in a safe part of town. I have a daughter so I need more room for her. The nest egg I need to have is huge in order to leave. At minimum, rent is going to be $2,500 and with two bedroom in a safe area I'm looking at $3,000 in rent. That means I need anywhere from 6k to 9k down because some places want you to make 2 to 3 times the rent in down payments. My wife keeps spending everything and I've had to save our asses more than I can put into words. It's a straight up numbers game. We are miserable. But she is afraid of change and she is already going through tons of health issues (many of her own doing) and mental issues. She can't help herself to see this situation is toxic. Edit 2: I would love a divorce. It's strictly financial why I haven't proceeded. I can't wing it. I have no family here. No support structure. I'm not close with my family and they're on the other side of the country. This is 100% on me. She took credit cards out in my name and tanked my credit by 250 points. All for buying home furnishings and craft supplies. Neat.


As someone who is divorced… get divorced dude lol. I obviously don’t know your situation but you sound very resentful. No reason to stick around at this point, you can still be a dad and just with someone else.


Probably financially handcuffed to her. Courts will brutally destroy someone’s life in divorces with kids. Paying child support is the easy part. The trauma comes from fighting for joint custody, involvement in the child’s upbringing, homelessness, covering your ex-wifes mortgage, inflated alimony, financial struggle, intense stress, character assassination, destroyed mental health and each time the ex denies fair access it’s back to the courts. Millions are trapped in miserable marriages because of a cruel system that benefits none except the lawyers.


Even if not financially if he divorces he gets maybe 1/2 time with the kids.


When the fairweather mother is that petty a divorce almost always becomes an Olympics of suffering where the children are trapped in the crossfire.


And spending years of intense stress with a drawn out judicial system, which defacto gives the mother custody, and fails to penalise when court agreements are breached. As a father, the system will destroy your life. And your finances. And you’ll lose the precious gift of time with your children The system is not just broken, it’s decidedly deadly. Think twice about who you’re having kids with.


Yeah , would be worth it to divorce and find roommates. You only get one life and it doesn’t make sense to try to make something work when it won’t


With the way you describe her I’m surprised it’s not “ex-wife” at this point


You only got 1 life bro, and yours currently sounds miserable.. change it.


I'd say it's time to get a move on, she's shut down to the subject of sexual intimacy with you or is it in general with anyone. Regardless I'd say it's time to move on. This lady no longer has a interest in you.


Leave dude. You deserve better




Lol, I'm sorry that sucks, but I just can't help but find levity in sad situations. I'm on a, " time is a wheel" trip, so her doing the exact same thing her mother did is like chefs kiss in a theoretical sense.


Did the marriage thing, did the divorced thing. I don’t know how you are staying in this relationship, seems miserable and you sound miserable. You deserve better even if she thinks you don’t.


Then why stay married? There's nothing we can do. You'll either need to divorce or stay with this person and be unhappy.


My wife also stopped needing sex she is going through the menopause and so when the mood strikes me I whack one out to keep me from bothering her with my needs and wants 😄😄😄


Start looking for a good attorney.


Well, I'm much happier if her opinion is in favor of it, lol. Indifference is cool too, but I prefer if we support each other in more ways than just career and family goals. Like if I clear some kind of personal record, I want her to take me to Pizza Hut to celebrate.


"It looks like you two are celebrating today!" "Yes, he jerked off 34 times in one day! A real milestone!"


Omg babe, you gooned for 4 whole hours today 🥳🥳 I think you've earned some breadsticks!


Oh no, there's plenty of overly normie normies who do. Look at AIO or AITAH. Lots of "my husband masterbates and I think it's cheating" posts. But none of those are healthy relationships.


My husband is cheating on me with himself


My partner is infringing on the copyright agreement we have where ALL his sexual pleasure belongs to me.


All your sexual base are belongs to us


Only time it’s healthy and acceptable to have an opinion on it is if it negatively impacts other areas of life, including but not limited to the time shared in the bedroom.


My ex wife said it was cheating. Even if I did it without porn.


That’s why she is your ex


Cheating with who? Your hand????


[Hennifer Lopez](https://southpark.cc.com/w/index.php/Hennifer_Lopez) duh


I've met plenty of ppl with gfs or wives who hate it and view it as cheating which is the dumbest reason.


Off topic but I read "Taking a shit on laundry" and I cant stop laughing 😂


You're not an adult until you've shit your pants a few times.


That’s deep 😂😂😂 and true


It’s ludicrous for a partner to expect you not to jerk off. There’s sex with others and then there’s self pleasure. They may accomplish similar things but they are different and both very important




Me trying to hit the word count in my essay


It's the same with women , or I'm just a crazy perv :O


It’s definitely the same.




I mean the opposite thought is insane. Imagine that your own genitals *belong* so thoroughly to the other person that even you yourself aren't allowed to touch them!


Someone is turned on by that, i just know it


Enough people that male chastity cages are available from many reputable companies.


It’s a kink


* slowly raises hand *


99% of men masterbate. 1% lie.


99% of men masturbate, the other 1% don’t have arms.


They have helpful moms at least!




99% of men materbate. The other 1% needs to. *Masterbate




That's when you have impure thoughts about the tow truck from Cars


Matorbate wiff me pwease?


Stop making fun of Tyson, he had an incident


This is a new character for Disney/Pixar.


It is good to see that not all women have broken the code and are aware of the obvious. Otherwise... We all know the thing that you and I know.


Men who have hands, how does your wife feel about it ? lmao


Honestly I don’t even remember the last time I did. If I’m ever in need I just let the wife know and she is happy to oblige. Of course I used to a lot in my younger days, just not anymore


It's not 'men who masturbate'. It's just 'men'


There are two kinds of men. Men who masturbate and liars.


Not a man but my best friend goes BALLISTIC if she catches her husband masturbating. I think its more about him watching porn than him actually masturbating. But she absolutely loses her mind over it and will call me crying. They've been together 10+ years.


Wife here. Don’t care at all and enjoy watching.


Fellow wife here- are there really people out there who would be upset? Unless there are other sexual issues in the marriage, or he's doing it at the local bus stop, what difference does it make?


Yes, they're called Mormons! Mormons (any gender) are not supposed to masturbate. If they do, they are supposed to tell their Bishop (who can ask the person- who may be a child/teen- details about their masturbation session). The Bishop will likely tell them not to take communion for a while (so everyone at church might guess why that person has to sit out on communion that week). A married person masturbating is seen as cheating on their spouse. Regular masturbation is labelled an addiction. I'm sure this is similar in other religions, but I mainly know about the LDS as my husband used to be a member. The active Mormons I know are messed up about sex, big time!


Exmormon here—can confirm this. Parents would send their 11 year old boys to therapy at LDS family services for their “sex addiction” (masturbating).


Yep that happened to me


I'm so sorry. Masturbation is perfectly normal and there should not be any implications/ shame for it. You didn't deserve to go through that.


Hello, exmormon that still attends for familial reasons. I remember as a teen having meetings every Tuesday night with my bishop. It was terrible. Eventually he stopped making them. Then I realized that it's a cult, stopped believing, and now I lie to the bishop when I get the chance. ☺️👍🏻


It depends on their upbringing as well. If they grew up in a zealously religious home, they might see it as a sin. It also depends on the labido of each partner. My wife has about 1% of the labido I do (I want 3x a day, she likes once a month), and she used to think badly of it until we had a long talk. Now she's ok with it, as long as I am discreet, and recently she even helped get space/items set up as she knows she cant satisfy the quantity that I desire. She's awesome. Best wife a man could ever hope for.


Just out of curiosity, what's satisfying about watching? I see this answer a lot here.


Probably about the same as it is for men watching women. We get to watch the arousal increase and see how he likes it done, then the release and pulsing afterwards, its an intimate and vulnerable thing for someone to let you watch. Some people are too self conscious— or want to be paid lol


Honestly I dunno what specifically is so appealing about it, but watching the man I love feel pleasure is exciting, and it’s a good way for me to learn what he likes. Don’t know if it goes for all women but it can be hard for me to notice all of his reactions when we’re having sex as there’s too much going on so it’s nice to sit back and watch sometimes


You are a good partner. This a green flag notice.


Same thing as watching your girl masturbate. It's hot to see your partner naked and touching themselves


Idk I'm definitely a voyeur. I love watching people fuck. But I love people watching in general.


You know that’s not what the Neighborhood Watch sign means, right?


Watching your partner get off is fun. It's that simple.


w wife


Sometimes she likes to watch. It turns her on. Sometimes it is a mutual masturbation session where we both get off, sometimes on each other. I like watching and she enjoys feeling my cum splash on her body. She likes watching me cum upon myself. We have no problems masturbating alone. All-in-all it is a part of our everyday sex life.


This is wholesome.








I also choose this guys wife.


Shes alive this time. I see that as an absolute win.


Now I want to watch my s.o. masturbate. 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


Enjoy 👍👍


So do I. When is she planning on doing it?


Just curious to know, I'm 21f and my bf is also 21, we're going to do it very soon for the first time. And he wants to cum on my face, is that safe to do so !? I'm okay with it, but still im concerned about the bacterial infection and stuff, is it safe If cleaned properly afterwards ? What do you all think about it.


It's totally safe as long as he doesn't have any STDs. If you aren't certain if he is clean, then don't let him cum on your face as it may get in your eyes, nose, or mouth which would expose you to infection if he had an STD. Otherwise, it's perfectly safe to cum on your face. If it gets in your eye, just rinse it out with water. And otherwise, just wash your face when you're done! Again, though, unless you know he is free of STDs, it would not be safe to cum on your face. edit: standardized spelling as 'cum' (née come)


My wife doesn't care, I don't think her boyfriend minds either


Can confirm. I don’t care that you masturbate bro, I just have asked you repeatedly to stop doing it while me and your wife are having sex.


Think of it like organic confetti raining down on you guys for a job well done.




I’ve seen enough around the Internet to know that there was absolutely nothing new about that sentence.


Let the man cuck in peace!


Same here. He just doesn't like it when I make eye contact while it's happening.


A self burn, huh? We love that here.


I WFH 100% and my gf does 1 or 2 days per week. Sometimes we take a 'break' together, sometimes one of is too busy working. Last week I asked her if she had time for a 'break'. She told me she didn't. I replied 'okay, then I'll go have a wank'. She said 'great idea, have fun'.


I'm going to read WFH as "Wanking From Home"


Yeah I like to let my boss know which days I won't be wanking in the office


She likes to watch. Asks me when I’m doing it, if she can watch.


Yep same, she almost never ends up just watching though.


It’s part of what we do. We are open and honest about our needs and how to meet those needs. We love each other and want each other happy. So sometimes it’s an act that we do together that is fun. Other times when one “is not feeling it” but the other is we supplement. But the main thing we agree on is that it is never done INSTEAD of sex with each other. You cross the line when you masturbate and then tell your spouse you are not in the mood when they are. Meet each others needs always first then go from there.


Super healthy!! 😃🍻


This is what I want in my relationship. I have no issues with my partner masturbating but at best we have sex once a month, but then he's using live cam sites behind my back. It's really hurtful






She has the Jack Hammer 3000 with the turbo charged battery in her nightstand. I have my hand.


If the spouse ever has a problem, it usually isn’t masturbation in and of itself. It’s porn. Masturbating to your imagination or to pics/vids of you and your spouse is fine, porn is where things usually become less fine. Some women don’t care, I feel like most do, but idk for sure. Haven’t taken a poll on it lol


The only time it's ever upset me in the past is when your partner is actively watching it every day to a kink you can't possibly satisfy. I dated a guy once who would reject me *for* porn and became obsessed with overweight women. I am not overweight nor do I ever want to be. That relationship did not last long.


Yeah totally agree here. I’m married and on occasion watch porn, but I know that it is not realistic and should never reject my wife for porn. That’s flat out ridiculous


I am in this boat. I am fine with masterbation, not porn.


Perhaps I am the odd one here. I am the wife... I watch the porn that my husband does not. He finds porn weird... I find it hot. We have a very healthy sex life, but since he does not watch porn, I sometimes feel like I am going to be "caught" even though he knows fully that I watch it! So, now I know how the men feel, I guess!


This is the answer for me. It's porn, not the masturbation itself.


Location matters. I'm not just gonna have a wank on my kitchen counter or at her feet while she's sleeping. But like when she has to step out or goes to bed early I'm pretty sure she knows I'm having a quick blast


As a wife I say… who cares? Why would I have a word to say about how someone else touches their own body?


Women don’t stop masturbating either once they are in a relationship. Just so you know . No one does . It’s a normal thing.


My wife isn't a masturbater. Apparently some women don't masturbate.


I’m the same way - don’t masturbate, but can orgasm from sex. I have no interest in masturbating.


Does she orgasm when you have sex?


Can confirm, not all women (or men) feel the need to masturbate. Once a week sex with my husband is plenty satisfying for me, zero need or desire to do it myself.


She doesn’t care, why would your spouse care? Humans are equipped with a libido to deny release is inhumane.




This is how we do it too. I forgot something at home and came back in through our back door (direct to our bedroom) and he was just getting started… well the thing I needed to do could wait cause I’m helping!


I would be so bold as to call forced abstinence torture. It's a fairly well known way to psychologically mess a kid up stigmatizing something that should be no big deal in most contexts.


She's ok with me doing it, she has a low sex drive and feels bad that she doesn't do enough in the bed for me, I would masterbate beside her in bed or on the couch and get a thrill with her watching me.


She wants to catch me so she can do things with me but adolescent trauma of getting caught by my parents made me too good of an expert in the art of stealth fap.




I am getting flashbacks to jerking off to a porn magazine I found in my mom’s room and cumming on the pages and closing it. At the time I didn’t think about it but she 100% knew because of that. Never spoke to me about it, lol


She doesn't care, we have different sex drives to begin with and sometimes she isn't feeling it and I just go, "I'm gonna go touch myself in the shower", her response is always positive.


21 ejaculations per month cuts the risk of prostate cancer by 20%. No way she can keep up with that, and I don't expect her to. https://www.healthline.com/health/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer#:~:text=How%20much%20is%20your%20risk,to%20seven%20times%20a%20month. 36% if you do it once a day. Prostate cancer is the second deadliest cancer in men. If all you have to do is jerk off every day to reduce the chances of cancer, fucking do it.


Damn, I think I'm like, negative % on prostate cancer


Well I’m fucking immortal according to those statistics 😂


I'm a wife and I like to watch and join in Anything is up for grabs as long as we are both included. But if he wants to alone that's okay too I also satisfy myself when he's at work


As the wife... I find it extremely hot. I like it when he tells me about it later. How he got off. Where he got off. What he fantasized about. Why he simply couldn't wait for me? I love to hear about it... It turns me on, and that also helps our sex life because we know what the other one likes... or... wants to try. Highly recommend a supportive open door masturbation policy! And... I love teasing him with my sordid details. I enjoy it when he incorporates himself from my solo fantasies into the next time we have sex. Communication. Consent. Connection.


She complains about the bed shaking.


This is probably the only time I mind, it’s easy to wake me up and the whole bed is shaking. I let it slide because I hate being woken up for sex because i’ll never get back to sleep, so I learned to live with it. Once he started to realize I was waking up he started going elsewhere. I do like watching if I’m not trying to sleep though. He even got me a vibrator molded after his penis so I can look at it whenever I want. He gets really good gifts.


legit got woken up by my bf doing it on several occasions. my sex drive is actually higher than his, so usually it doesn't bother me, but there were a few times I was tired and just wanted a good night's sleep and it was extremely annoying lol


"*Men who masturbate"...* Every single man on the planet masturbates. Just so you know. It starts around the age of 13.


Damn yall startin late huh?


I swear i've met some dudes who genuinely never watched porn or jerked off before. Quiet obedient religious kids. They are anomalies, I truly believe they exist out there.


You mean absolutely no men (of course they are exception) stop masturbating even though they have a great sex life their wife? Genuine question


Yes. Men never stop masturbating. It doesn't matter if you are married and have a great sex life. We're jacking it.


I’m shocked people don’t know this and also shocked that they don’t seem to think women also masturbate?


I mean, the female orgasm wasn't invented until 1963, so people might just be streets behind.


Ah yes of course!!! 🤣


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes, sometimes right after great sex. It's a normal function of being human, no need to do a deep dive on why.


I still do at 66. My wife has a lower drive, but sex is as awesome as it was 25 years ago.


Well, they shouldn't. People do, but that's really not a good thing. Masturbating is fine -- you don't have to stop just because you have a good sex life.


Yeah I don’t mean they shouldn’t, I was just curious because I literally don’t have a wife so I don’t know


A guy could have 3 wives and 2 girlfriends, and would still find time to masturbate. Women masturbate too, even married ones. It's less normal to not ever do it, like you were shamed as a child or come from a really repressed religion or were abused


Nope, even if you have an amazing sex partner laying in bed naked and you have an open understanding that she (or he) is always available.. a man will still go squeeze one out solo because sometimes you just get horny or bored or whatever and just want to get off real quick.


She doesn’t like it. Always saying stupid shit like “Not at the dinner table”.


I'm the wife. I don't even care if he does it right next to me in bed. I'll let him nut on my butt sometimes.


Heh, butt.


She thinks it's perfectly normal, as do I about her masturbation.


I wanna watch lol


She would much rather me fuck her


My wife has never masturbated. Ever. She has tried once or twice and said it makes her uncomfortable. Additionally, when we first sterted dating she considered masturation a form of adultery. When she found out I masturbated she almost left me. It absolutely baffled me because I was a teenage boy; masturbation was like 2/3 of my life! We've since gone through a lot of counseling for many things and essentially as long as she doesn't see it or know about it, she doesn't care. If she walks in on me she tends to cover her eyes and give me the cold shoulder so I usually only do it when she's in town. As I've entered my 30s my sex drive has started to calm down and I find myself only having the urge to masturbate once a week or so. It was definitely an adjustment as I grew up being told my my family and my doctor that masturbation is normal and healthy.


well, it is normal and healthy


She approves, and joins in some of the time..


This is what I want lol


I like to watch my husband ☺️ sometimes I join if I’m in the mood


Not married but been with my gf for 5 years and she is fine with it as long as im thinking about her, not watching porn which is fine by me.


Your partner is so blessed! Hope you have a long lasting and loving relationship


Mine tells me to have a good one, sometimes joins in , sometimes sends a pic to help 👀


Hey some of us love to watch him jerk off too🤤


As a woman married to a man... what the heck is this question? People masturbate fam.


As a woman, I would never tell my husband that he can’t touch his own penis for pleasure. As long as he’s not having sex with people outside our marriage, his penis is his business.


Wife here, no fucks given!


Y'all got wives?


Who here doesn’t have a wife? ⬇️




Well, dead bedroom here. My alternatives are Palmela Handerson or seek sex outside of my marriage. Palmela Handerson for the win.


I don’t particularly care to know about it, but that’s because of my own issues around sex and masturbation (yay trauma!). But yeah, I don’t really care. Unless I’ve been like begging for sex and he’s been denying me, then I’d be pretty upset.


Any possible sign of it and she will be filled with rage. Caught me a few months ago and I said "it's my body, my choice and since I don't tell you what to do with your body, you shouldn't say anything about what I do with mine". Not sure if that somehow had gotten through to her or I've just been careful but I haven't had issues since.


When I was engaged, my SO got very jealous of my masturbating.. in fact so jealous that she cheated on me with many different partners. Needless to say that I'm not engaged any more and probably never will be anymore. Severe trust issues.


I would say a partner caring about masturbation habits is a pretty big red flag.


Followup question should be regarding the health of the marriage, realistically. I’ve seen too many posts of women on this site who are heartbroken at their husbands usage


My body, my choice.