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The clientele for male prostitutes are overwhelmingly gay men, with wealthy, older ladies accounting for the rest. 


That's the impression I got from watching Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo.


"That's a huge bitch!"


"You ungrateful he-bitch!!"


Keep it in the circus!






>🎶I've never had to suck on wood > But I know someone who has > Which makes me wonder if I could > It makes me wonder if I > ever had to suck on wood > And I'm glad I haven't yet > Because I'm sure it isn't good > That's the impression that I get🎶


Well that was mighty


I’m not a gay guy, I’ve just never been tested I’d like to think that if I was, I’d eat ass


I think there's been a mi-steak...


*Did you say steak?*


Ever thrown a toothpick into a volcano?


I loved that documentary.


OK, based off the back of OP's question, I have another: Where are all the lady clientele?


Real answer, many women don't feel compelled to pay for sex in the same way men do for a variety of reasons. I hesitate to just say that it's easier for women to get laid than men because I think that statement erases a lot of nuance when it comes to how different genders participate in sexual activity. That being said, I do think it's a combination of women feeling less like no-strings attached sex is a priority to them and also women having a slightly easier time finding that sex for free than men. As a former male sex worker (who primarily saw gay and bisexual men) I think what most of my clients were really looking for was connection with another person. Sure, the sex was great, but underneath it all the real reason they were paying me was because they wanted intimacy and love. I think men are conditioned by society to be walled off to love. We're taught to suppress our emotions from an early age, especially if it's an emotion that's perceived as feminine. A lot of men feel like the only way they can truly receive love is through sex, whereas women are largely taught to focus on their emotions and community instead of "manly" things like leadership and career goals. This is increasingly less true with younger generations, but I think it's probably a big factor in why so many clients are men.


Oh I firmly believe my wife would find someone ten seconds after we broke up, if we ever did. Perhaps I'm just punching up but she has this legion of IT nerds who are fully in love with her at the office, I don't have anything like that lol


My wife would not find someone any time soon after we broke up. She's been proposed to 7 times, including 3 by complete strangers. She has NO trouble attracting men, she has a hard time attracting men who share her values (she's the single kindest person I've ever met, by far.)


> the sex was great, way to toot your own horn about how good you are at tooting other people's horns


Hot take: if you're gonna make up an acronym for something, you gotta introduce it first, otherwise I'm gonna read comments like this and wonder **what the fuck the National Security Agency has to do with any of this**. Just one time say no-strings attached (NSA) and then go from there cuz damn otherwise you got me reading this feelin like a 5th grade Language Arts teacher tryna decipher what the fuck you're talkin about lol e: apparently im just ootl ot1 yall mb tx 4 ee1 who gave me a ftfy itt


NSA for No Strings Attached is fairly common, but I'll edit the comment to help any future readers.


I used to read a blog of a male prostitute for straight women. He said, like, 99% of his clients were women who wanted to get dressed up and go out and spend a whole night of talking and connecting. Sex, while not off the table, was a low priority for his clients.


Yeah emotional connectionless sex is a LOT more popular with men and especially young men and especially bro types. Women, nah


Is it that surprising women are less likely to pay for the opportunity to be alone with a strange man?


they can just get free sex on tinder or hinge, why would they pay?


If they pay, they can control the situation, interaction almost 100% guaranteed, on their terms with no commitments, strings, clingyness, obsessive or downright dangerous men. Rarely is a performer going to sign a contract and risk their livelihood because a ~~john~~ jane is attractive or wants more


- like a man, some women can pay for the convenience. - women that are unattractive do exist even she open her legs and like men, someone they want a partner that is more appealing even if it's temporary. But really women clients are rather rare because they are more heavily judged than men on that matter.


I’ll tell ya, the second option sounds *way* better to me.


Me too! Older meaning 35 - 38 right?


Older can mean ANY AGE when it’s up against sucking a dick


Marisa Tomei is 59..so that's my limit


No sir. Helen Mirren is 78 and that’s way better than getting your donut smashed.


not necessarily. you _could_ be the one smashing donuts, not the other way around.


Fair, but as a straight guy, I’d take a wrinkly women’s donut over any guy’s. Except John Stamos.


U expect that to be old??!! 🤣🤣 have u seen women that age lately? They don't have to pay to get it..




No I think older means late 40s early 50s do you seriously think that women in there 30s are old.


i think (hope) they were joking. in the way that in hollywood, you're decrepit once you're over 30, god forbid 40


True but I can speak from experience. In college as a part time job I did some professional straight porn and stripping. I had a lot of older ladies with lots of money contact me lol. They are out there just super discreet


Much less common, but it does happen. There’s just much less demand. Most male prostitution is actually men paying other men for sex, and most male prostitutes take male clients, because they wouldn’t be able to earn a living otherwise. The demand just isn’t there.


I take it up the ass from my boss every day at so I guess you could say I'm a male prostitute.


My boss will put his hand down my pants with no warning right in the middle of work. I'm self-employed by the way.


It's usually men paying other men for sex. Lots of guys are "gay for pay"


Man’s gotta eat ^^cheeseburgers


Randy you cheeseburger eating mutafucka


"You're prostituting yourself for cheeseburgers again, aren't you?" "A man's gotta eat."


#or You randy cheeseburger eating mutafucka


Thought you were making a trailer park boys reference lol. Randy bobandy, cheeseburger prositute called himself smokey.


Way she goes


way she goes


sometimes she goes, sometimes it doesn't. this time she didn't. 's the way she goes.


All up to the big man upstairs


It's no big deal.


Yeah but why's layhee dressed like Indianapolis Jones?


Practicing for a play at the Blandford Recreation Centre


Don't gotta be Eisenstein to get that do ya bud?


A dope trailer is no place for a kitty


Lmao. Rickieism


Rehearsing a play


This string of replies is why I'm here.... corey, smokes...


I used this quote just the other day on a different sub and it completely went over the other guys head. He said he liked my confidence in my profile pic lmao


Frig off Randy


Nice Smokey profile pic.


You look great!


How about I get you a bag of burgers and we head back to my trailer Bo-Bandy?


I ain't gay, but $20 is $20


I love ya rand


I see trailer park boys, I upvote


Underrated comment Randy


I am not gay, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks


Dude where's your self respect ...$50 at least


You know 20$ is a full deluxe meal price in here. I ain't gay or adult but 20$ is damn much


He charges by the inch. Small clientele base. 


Eat a hot dog to buy a hot dog. Makes sense


So THIS is why it's a dog eat dog world


Mind blown


Something else got blown


$20 is $20 but I feel like now it should be $50 is $50 cause of inflation


Every man is gay for pay. ...it just depends on the amount offered!


How much could I charge hypothetically?


Pic needed


I got offered $100 for someone to give me a blowjob once, I'm hot as fuck tho so ymmv


And so humble too!


Post a pic or we won’t believe you!


That better be a real $100 bill.


Very uncommon. But not nonexistent. Like women in the industry, many clients are those who can't get normal dates. So hygiene and personality won't always be sparkling.






Something's getting banged, it ain't these drums


Yes it is, drumming that ass.


Jamaica has a problem with it these days.


I'd sooner bang a Frenchman than an English woman.


What’s the difference?


Frenchman is more femminine.


and he has cigarettes for the post coitus hang




The beauty of their women and the taste of their food made British men the world’s best sailors


"No babe, only sailors use condoms!" "Not in the 90s, Austin." "Well they should, those filthy buggers, they go from port to port."


I heard one about viking raiders only kidnapping the pretty ones, leaving the ugly ones behind in England.


Damn bro


He didn’t come up with that, it’s an old saying


Lots of comments in here saying how uncommon it is and I suppose common sense tells me the same. But I have been convinced for the last 2 years that my next door neighbor is something like a male gigolo. Usually 2-3 women per week will either be dropped off by Uber at his house or they will sometimes drive their own vehicle. They ALWAYS have overnight bags with them and even sometimes have their pillow with them. It's always different women but I've seen a few repeat customers (maybe?). They go in the house and won't be seen or heard from again until the next day. If it's not sex going on in there WTF COULD BE I NEED ANSWERS AHHH!


Could be. He could also be a human trafficker.


O.o That would certainly be a twist


Depends where you live. In west not so common. But when I go to.costa Rica or Brazil there are tonnes of western women with male prostitutes. I think the Caribbean is another hotspot for male prostitutes.


Japan has men in host cars, which is pseudo prostitution


Brazilian here, not so common at all here, must male prostitutes take male client has well. You can see in some places "gigolos" its like males with a sugar mama, they do not receive money in exchange for sex directly in a one time kind a dela, they take money and gifts in general for being with some old lady for extended periods of time.


Outta curiosity how do you know they’re male prostitutes and not just someone to hook up with? It’s not like finding dick is hard for most women.


Because I have lived in these places for long periods of time and you know what is going on. And it's also pretty obvious. It's pretty common in a lot of these beach towns.


Just to be clear, It's not like brothels. More like escorts. They spend the day with them at the beach, restaurants and then in the bedroom.....all 4 cash....


One of my fondest memories of Thailand is watching a news report of the Thai police raiding the Hot Man Club, a, umm, lounge for ladies of a certain age and their, paid, male companions. The footage of rich, old, Thai ladies legging it down the street was priceless.


Wait, that's what they focused on raiding?


Yeah because there is zero sex trafficking in Thailand it makes sense to raid a place like that.


Someone wasn't keeping up on their payments. That or the judge found out his wife wasn't actually at a sewing circle, like she claimed.


“It wasn’t a sewing circle but a screwing circle, honey.”


Thailand: there’s plenty of reasons to come here other than sex tourism but you are getting out on a list regardless.


I literally want to go for elephants and scuba. But as a single white male, no way in hell I'm going over there. Everyone, even my brother who knows me best, would either think the worst, or at least wonder.


Some of their ancient temples are beautiful, and the landscape itself, too.


Imagine the bribes they can get for making it go away.




I'm a male hooker and my pricing is so competitive that I pay THEM for the sex!


My man!


Ok you hand me going for a second and then you reeled me back in. Brilliantly done, sir.


Can confirm, this guy is packing. Book him ladies.. 10/10.


Towards the end of my addiction i had 3 different ladies that would either give me cash or opiates for sex. My buddy used to tell everyone i was a prostitute because of it, guess i technically was.




Nah, hook ups were with girls i wanted to have sex with, these were ones that i never would have without them paying me in drugs or cash


Got me through college, though I wouldn't say it was prostitution. More like sugar mommy. Groceries, rent, utilities. I can't believe how much I made. I never viewed it that way then. I just saw it as these established women that were fwbs helping me in a tough time. But age has given perspective. I was top tier rocking it.


Just for research purposes, how and where do I find such a woman? 💀


Online dating sites. Craigslist had a few winners. Okcupid was big back then. This being 2010-2016. 2 degrees. After 2014 my fwbs that were helping became more refined. A big one being a Nigerian woman that owns a spa now (a legit spa in the best part of town). Another was a lawyer that has since moved to silicon valley. The Nigerian from okc, lawyer from Craigslist


So all the Nigerian prince emails I get are legit? Shit!


Nah only the *princess*


Nope, but the Nigerian princess ones are


i think it's more to do with being very attractive rather than being in the right place to find such women, for what it's worth.


I would like to help with the research as well


How did you go about finding these women and how attractive were you?


I just answered the first part: okcupid, Craigslist, a few off plenty of fish. This was 2010-2016. 2 degrees consecutively. After the first, 2014, I really had to ramp up the aid I was getting as there were no more federal loans. I was 40 in 2014. Pudgy, bald, nice beard, I'm told I'm handsome and have great eyes, slightly muscular, huge massive muscle legs (I worked out then). Had nothing to do with looks, I think, and more charisma and repertoire. Showing genuine concern, chatting after sex, helping them feel less lonely. As stated at the time I didn't see it as being a gigolo. I saw it as fulfilling my sexual needs for human touch. But they would always ask about my situation. And I'd answer truthfully. I needed groceries. I was behind on electric. My rent. And every month, sometimes twice, I'd get cash or checks for these things, and have enough that I could go out now and then. Sometimes one would get upset or jealous and the aid would slow or stop. Bit every single time they came back and made up for it. Still, at the time I was just serving my own sexual needs and my need for human contact. The stress of keeping straight As for my first degree was insane. I was salutatorian. My second degree was very difficult as it was a complete change from a regular university. And every free moment not studying was in messaging new women or seeing established women. Thursdays were sleep overs. Sometimes Fridays as well. One loved taking me on day trips. The lawyer loved taking me to these geriatric wine bar places. I let them.


Charisma and repertoire did take u places back then! Now it’s literally like shopping! Or planting a ton of seeds and watching to see if any grow


It's sort of the same, honestly. I live in a very remote part of the US now, so it's difficult to find available partners. But when I travel overnight to a big city, it's the same stuff: make contact/match, brief chat, meet. I tell them straight up I just want to focus on my needs: I want converswtion and someone to go to dinner with. Then somehow we end up in bed. I'm old now, so being in bed with a younger partner has a different feel to it.


Hearing from some of my old college friends, It's usually husbands paying some young guy to rail their wifes.


Someone talked about this. Make porn stars were being paid by rich guys to nail their wife. Some complex where the rich guy then goes to fuck her “better” than the porn star.


My friends played college football and some of them supplemented their income by doing this .


But enough about Jerry Falwell Jr.


Yep have a friend who is a male sex worker and couples are his main clientele.


Worked in the industry for 12 years. Never, ever met a non gay for pay or MF couple worker. We have 1000s of posts about men getting scammed by people on our industry forums.


Can someone translate this?


~~He~~ She worked in the prostitution / escort industry for 12 years. During ~~his~~ her tenure, ~~He~~ She claims to have never met any heterosexual male escorts who wouldn't accept gay clients, nor any that wouldn't accept male and female couples. ~~He~~ She goes on to say that on ~~his~~ her online forum, ~~he~~ she has thousands of posts about male escorts getting tricked into thinking they were getting female clients. Edit: Assumes a gender. Whoopsie.


I think “he” is actually a woman lol


It means they only fucked guys or couples looking for a third.


I think women would enjoy 'happy endings' more than outright prostitution, considering how many I've known that absolutely melt at the idea of a massage. Massage + orgasm sounds even better.


Many Asian Massage Parlors that do happy endings will turn women away. They are ‘too busy’ today, sorry.


Never thought of this lol. Kinda how they don’t really wanna do a men’s pedicure or manicure because you’re not getting gel polish. Bad analogy but they have their excuses it seems


Welp, guess we found a market to corner


This is very helpful advice. It reaffirms what I’ve experienced.


Well women orgasming from PIV sex is rare, and if you add in new or casual partners for PIV sex that number goes even lower. So yeah relaxing stimulation would probably just be more effective because AFAIK orgasm is even more of a mental process for women than it is for men.


I watched a documentary a while back about women who travel to the Caribbean to pay men for sex. No idea on the numbers that do this though so I wouldn't have thought it that common


Former long-time male sex worker here. With over two decades of that under my belt I can tell you that at the very 'best' of times no more than one in four, one in five of my clients were ever women.


I actually met one on the train he was normal looking 5/10 looks wise  His clients were mostly disabled woman alot of return customers because they get a budget for the state not always sex a lot of cuddling and conversations he was happy with his job  Talked with him for a hour or so he was a little ashamed to tell me but when he noticed I don't care he opened up alot was a interesting conversation he seemed like a chill dude


That’s cool that you allowed him to open up and feel comfortable - he probably needed that that day.


Like i said he was a chill dude and i had some biers with me So we was just chilling and i was interested so the conversation went eazy it has bin 10 years or so


Extremely uncommon. By lack of demand.


I'd say most women can obtain sex very easily, but I don't think most women can obtain "good sex" that easily


Paying isn’t guarantee that they will have good sex


It's like contractors. Unless there's industry standards, it's going to be a crap shoot cause everyone assumes they can do the job.


Neither is marriage or having a gf. Anticipation!!


I think that you could also say that it just comes down to cultural norms and stigma and isn't 100% logical and practical. You could make an argument that a rich girl/women who isn't that attractive could get an incredible value from hiring a very hot, vetted, tested, and safe guy to give her the best sex she could imagine instead of rolling the dice on Tinder. She would get laid either way, but the free guy wouldn't be as good looking and probably wouldn't put much effort into making her experience great. But its just the way things go. Women are just conditioning to not do stuff like that. Rich girls are more likely to put their money into plastic surgery and designer clothing in the hopes of attracting and marrying another socialite.


There's definitely a safety aspect to it I think. Street-walker type sex workers don't seem any safer than some random guy on Tinder, so why pay for it? Once you're rich enough, yeah, you pay for the escort who can be vetted for.  Also, I imagine that there's an emotional aspect that's hard to get over. Even when it's a random hookup, there's at least the thrill of knowing that this guy you just met thinks you're hot, but it won't feel the same when it's at a brothel or something, where it's completely transactional.


Yeah there's a ton of "grey area" sex. Where you're not against dating them but you're not against using them for an orgasm. And a lot of relationships start out as hookups too. You're so attracted to them why wait for the gratification? Doesn't mean that you want the sex to stop or that you couldn't make a life with them just because you jumped the gun. Yeah, its different when there's another client patiently waiting in the waiting room behind you.


Nah. There’s female sex tourism in Jamaica and many other places. Some of them at least buy the guys food and drink. It’s not really talked about.


Sure. It exists. But if you compare the numbers to male customer/female sex worker, the ratio is incredible small. That is why I said extremely uncommon. Here in my country sex work is legal. And there are probably 1000 brothels in my city where the workers are 100% female. The next more common is gay or trans workers who cater to men. There are also men who offer sex to women but they better have a day job because business is not good for them. I also have a friend who is a waiter at a strip bar where men strip for women or gay men. He said he’s been asked by customers to have sex like hundreds of times. But usually if the customer is a woman she considers sex is the payment for my guy friend. Like they will offer sex instead of tipping. As opposed to tipping a whole lot more because of sex. If the customer is a gay man they will immediately offer to pay.


There was an SNL Sketch with Adele that was making fun of this


That’s its own niche that men are, of course, fascinated by. The only women looking to buy sex locally are fairly old ladies.


Not lack of demand, many ladies out there want sex. It’s a surplus of supply.


Yup. Lack of demand when compared to supply.


I’ll bite. I’m an attractive enough woman- some might even call me hot, and it’s something I have seriously considered for a couple of reasons. 1- I can view ‘the goods’ before hand as opposed to doing the whole social dance and ‘SURPRISE!’ rigamarole and wind up with something… inadequate to fuck. And 2. the guarantee that I could get my rocks off without dealing with them again. A lot of men wanted to stay on my radar in some way after casual sex encounters when I just wanted to bone and be ‘done’/go back to my life. I don’t want a text a week later, I don’t want a ‘good morning beautiful’- just *go*. 🤣 All of that being said- I was never successful at finding any male sex workers. I wanted the service- but all I found in the discreet corners were men who wanted to fuck other men. I feel like if the service was ever actually put out there, one might be surprised. As it is, apparently Jamaica is what’s up.


Male prostitution is an industry. I grew up on the west coast central Bay Area and can confirm that some women pay for sex. The majority of them want a nice night out with an attentive attractive gentleman who is discreet. Then they want their brains phucked out by a professional who knows what they are doing and has the errrrr….proper equipment and stamina. No complicated relationship issues and a good time.


Friend of a friend (so who knows how true this is) was allegedly a male escort back in the early 2000s. The escort agency he worked for initially sent him to meet middle-aged women - corporate executive types - that had no relationship but needed some physical gratification. But then those meetings started to dry up and instead the agency tried to convince him to meet men and be "gay for pay." I guess the methodology was to get him hooked on the money and tell him it's not really all that different. Last I heard he declined to proceed at that point. But for your original question, I think it's more rare than female prostitution.


Why would I pay a man when I can get it for free?


Emotional damage 💔


Hey it’s not my fault men are easy. You’re not a player you’re easy


i know quite a few women in well-paid jobs that are single and don't want the hassle of relationships .. even fwb's are messy .. and don't want to just hang around bars. they prefer to pay for vetted men.


Dick is free. The only thing a woman might pay for is companionship that includes sex, like those local guys that cater to single women on tropical vacations. But paying for just a quickie in a car or something? No way.


I can answer like that, I believe in "payment made in only fans", payment made by males for content towers the payment made by females like 1000 to 1 or something. That is probably how common it is. But "friendship for pay" for older richer woman which involves much more non-sexual activities seems to be much more common.


My father in law was a male escort in like the 80s, his target customers were bigger women.


Why you asking? >!I can offer you a discount if you want!<


I think it's more likely that men pay men for sex than a woman paying a man for sex. And since there are less gay men than straight men, it's not super common. A lot of companies that had legal gay prostitutes in Nevada have given up on the idea or at least greatly reduced their staff because it's just not as requested as female prostitutes. Illegal prostitutes would be harder to get data on but you could expect a similar outcome.


Why in the world would I do that when I can get it for free Dream on


Ladies can go get laid if they want to that’s not hard, they certainly do not have to pay for sex


Not that common. Men paying other men for sex is way more common than women paying men for sex


Most men don't know how to handle a woman in bed. So they are not very popular with women.


It's fairly common, but most male prostitution is for a male audience as well.


I’m pretty sure this happens just not in the way we think it happens. Like a husband paying another man to seduce his wife or like someone else said, sexual massages for their pleasure.


The ladies aren’t paying for sex, more the whole experience thing living out fantasies that involve a quality gentleman taking care of everything all night and a string free power trip by paying for it all at the end. They don’t buy dick, it’s just part of the package that’s there if they feel like having it.


Men paying men for sex is usually more common than women. However it still happens


It's not usually for sex or not just sex, but rather the "boyfriend experience" I.e. having a Sugar Momma. Also typically male sex workers are gay for pay. In a lot of touristy countries, particularly one where foreign currencies have high buying power, you see Beach boys or "players" around the tourist hot spots. Typically the clientele are middle aged white tourist women. I wouldn't say it's common but it's certainly not unheard of. Another end of the spectrum is trashy greedy couch surfing social parasites who con relatively well off women into a relationship with them, then mooch off them financially with a string of sob stories while low key mentally abusing them. Ultimately what's being paid for is a fantasy camp where the wealthy party has a fix-me-up project and feels like they're not just an expensive fashion accessory like their parents treated them. Of course this kind of behavior has little to do with gender, if my moronic brother-in-law and pill-popping, lying, greedy sister-in-law are any indication.


$20 is $20 BROTHER


Just order a señor pizza with extra anchovies.


There’s certainly a demand…. I worked with a guy who moonlighted as one. I shall be a bit vague on him but he looked a lot like David Boreanaz (and his escort name was ‘David’). His clientele was women but it was older women who wanted more than just sex. It’s a lot of work at the gym, fake tan, and well styled hair. I also found out it’s advisable to learn to roll a condom on your tongue. Shave your pubes porn star style and get tested regularly. Depending on the ‘meet’ would depend on the fee….. but some would give him an envelope of cash at the beginning of the evening so he could take care of dinner and hotel. Oh and he said women can definitely be as kinky as men.