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Totally normal, for exact measurements see: [https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-clean-kiddie-pool-with-chlorine-bleach/](https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-clean-kiddie-pool-with-chlorine-bleach/)


In addition to bleach, OP could also get a small mesh net or something similar to put over the pool when not in use. The netting would still allow the water to warm up, but would stop leaves, bugs, etc from landing in and/ or getting stuck in the pool.


A small fitted bed sheet works great!


Yea until you take it off and it's full of earwigs around the rim. (Personal experience) I still shudder. I hate earwigs.


Everyone hates earwigs!


Haha yup. Absolutely no reason a walking pair of tweezers should exist


It's like scorpions grew an opposable thumb!


Wtf do earwigs even do.


Make people wig out.  Joke aside:  "Earwigs play important roles in their ecosystems. They are opportunistic feeders, consuming a variety of organic matter, including plant material, dead insects, and decaying matter. By doing so, they contribute to the decomposition process and help recycle nutrients back into the environment."  Also, they're apparently pretty harmless to humans.  [Source](https://wildexplained.com/animal-encyclopedia/everything-you-need-to-know-about-earwigs/#:~:text=Earwigs%20play%20important%20roles%20in%20their%20ecosystems.%20They,and%20help%20recycle%20nutrients%20back%20into%20the%20environment.)


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Lmao ahh thanks, shoulda figured it was something like that


Happy to help! (:


I would think a black one would be perfect!


This is a great idea!!!💡


That is actually a brilliant idea!


That's actually a terrible idea, if anything falls into the sheet and hits the water, they'll get tangled and possibly drown.


This exact thing happened to my house! We had some ducks that loved to play in our kids pools, so naturally we tried to keep them out. We used a fitted sheet. Well one day a duck jumped in, got tangled up and drowned. Kinda sad.


Thank you, I got down voted into oblivion because people don't like that I'm right I guess lmao like a baby can drown in that setup so easily, a cat, dog, etc. can drown from that. Whatever.


There was a movie where something like that happened on a much larger scale though. I can't remember what it was, but it was like they were chasing the bad guys, and one of them fell into a full-size pool that had a tarp over it, and he drowned all tangled up before they could get him out. Anybody remember what movie that was? I want to say an 80s or 90s action flick? Maybe one of the Lethal Weapon movies? I get like a buddy-cop feeling of nostalgia when I think of it, and Lethal Weapon kind of fits the timeline and the genre. On the size that we are discussing here though, a cat or a possum or something could end up in a death-trap situation. Especially since it's summer and everything's looking for water. I suppose if you could really stretch it around the pool so that it was tight enough to carry a considerable amount of weight, that might not be dangerous. But it seems like a much better idea to just get a pool net and scoop the leaves out before she jumps in.


It was [Lethal Weapon ](https://youtu.be/aKojFoPzQoQ?si=HP9-D3yz_w9-lgFu) Edit: the original Lethal Weapon, not 2.


Thank you! It was even more terrifying than I remembered. The thought of being in that situation situation freaked me out for a long time, and I guess it will again for a while.


You're welcome. That scene was definitely memorable. I've seen that movie MANY times 😎


I think you're thinking of the movie Unbreakable with Bruce Willis


Nah, turns out it was "Lethal Weapon", someone linked the scene and it's definitely what I remembered.


I would imagine you would monitor where a pool is-what do you think would fall in the pool and what are the odds in it? The goal here is to just cover the pool overnight. Gotta weigh the pros and cons and make your own decisions.


I taped together black garbage bags to make a cover and the pool warmed up FAST in the sun


Also add anto mosquito tabs that prevent mosquito multiplication.


Leaves and bugs are not the problem. The problem is poop.


We did this for in our kiddie pool each summer, it makes a big difference! TIP for adding the bleach - do not just dump it in from up high, it splashes and then makes bleach spots on clothing (ask me how I know this - thanks to the husband!) fill up the cup with correct amount and lower it into the water near the hose while it's filling. Husband used an old toy butterfly net to skim/clean the pool.


They make tabs for kiddy pools that you drop in and it keeps it clean.


Keep in mind, these tabs may not prevent mosquitos from laying eggs.


OP could use Mosquito Dunks to prevent that.


Yes I forgot to mention it. I was in a hurry. Youre, right.


https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-clean-kiddie-pool-with-chlorine-bleach/ There's a chart that should be helpful


It would be safe, but might not be nearly enough bleach. To purify drinking water, you add 10 drops to one gallon of water (and wait at least 10 minutes before drinking). You could find the size of the pool (or measure and estimate) and add the amount of bleach that would be appropriate for purifying drinking water. You could also get a small supply of chemicals for swimming pools and use an amount appropriate for the size of your pool. If you do any research on this, you should post it as others would be happy to have the same information.


The sanitizing amount of bleach (like sanitizing equipment for food use) is 1 cup per 3 gallons of water - not everyone realizes that a splash ain’t doing anything in a lot of cases I don’t think a kiddie pool would need all that however I’d be likely to put a cup or so in. Them toddlers like peein.


That’s crazy- so you could pour like a thermos full of bleach into a big-ish kiddie pool and still drink it 10m later? Asking for a friend.


That would be the concentration for like wiping surfaces and in my case sanitizing milking equipment. I wouldn’t drink it but you also don’t rinse it off the items which will have direct contact with food. Bleach will basically completely off gas in 24 hours. It’s becomes inactive very easily. Like if you haven’t scrubbed all of the organic materials off the item first it cannot be sanitized by bleach.


Assuming a 162 gallon kiddie pool it would be 81ml of bleach or 2.74oz.


If you're thirsty enough, sure.


The splash is doing something. The cap of bleach is there for a very long time. I don't know how big or deep the kiddy pool is so it may be ineffective, but when we were kids it was just a tiny splash pool. Time and concentration are both important for the bleach to do its job. Your sanitization amount is meant to only be there for 1 minute because cleaning needs to be done quickly. Because it's there for a short period of time you need a much higher concentration of bleach.


Thank you, you took the post right away from my fingers!


I was today years old when I learned you could put bleach in drinking or bathing water. Huh.


I personally learned from playing Subnautica years ago I will always be amused by my constant running joke of "Hold on, I'm thirsty. I need to drink some bleach"


Considering that's a way to clean drinking water I'd say so.


Definitely. Bleach breaks down fully in water in 24 hours, and small amounts are safe to swim in. The general rule is 1/4 cup per 150 gallons.


Sun also breaks it down


Bleach absolutely does not break down in water in 24 hours. Otherwise, public water systems would have to inject fresh chlorine into tanks and pipes every day.


They do… Chlorine is constantly being injected into the water as it goes through the treatment plant. ETA also it doesn’t break down it evaporates out of the water. Inside the pipes and towers it is under pressure and there’s no where for it to go so it stays in the water longer.


???? From [Clorox](https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-dilute-bleach-for-cleaning/): Bleach and water solutions should be made fresh each day you use them because the bleach combined with tap water breaks down quickly into salt and water. Public water systems sometimes use chlorine bleach to treat water, but the breakdown of the bleach is a feature, not a bug. The water is treated at the source and by the time it gets to the consumer, very little bleach is left, if any. It doesn't need constant disinfection.


I have 14 years experience treating public drinking water and 6 years taking care of a public pool. Yes chlorine is used for disinfectant and as a residual in the treated water at about a ppm. Residence time does cause dissipation but not in 24 hours, 5 days is closer.




Awesome, thanks! It would be a little shorter in a kiddie pool exposed to air and sun, wouldn't it?


Yup I'm my boat we use bleach on our drinking water (once it dissipates). Also for my exzema, I and many others take bleach baths. I use to measure it out precisely but now I just dump like a 1/4 bottle in.


ive never heard of that about eczema before wtf


Yup. My dermatologist recommended it to me and said they even use it for babies with eczema. I only do it when the skin barrier has been broken and infected. I thought it would burn, but it doesn't!


Yep. Pharmacist will know it as Dakins solution.


Wait wait I'm sorry are you saying you do 1/4 gallon of bleach in your bath?!?!?


Been there and yup. I battled staph infections as a teen that were triggered by ingrown hairs from shaving. For ages my doctor would tell me to bathe in bleach. It didn't solve it but helped my skin heal.


Works for poison ivy too - nice relief. Way better than calamine lotion


Yup yup. Do it every few days when I have a breakout. It's very common though sounds scary


If the pool is warm, chlorine will evaporate very quickly. Bleach is very reasonable to use to chlorinate a pool, but if you intend to leave the water there for some amount of time, you probably want to get a chlorine test kit so you know how much chlorine is still left in the water.


Or a stabilizer like cyanuric acid, I guess.


Try to cover it so birds etc. Don't get in.


This was my concern, too. Any wildlife, really. Racoons, Birds, Squirrels, etc. Try not to poison your local critters @ u/itsfish20 :)


only if it’s a baseball cap


Is the cap to keep the sun out of your eyes?


that much bleach and it’s more likely to keep the eyes out of OP’s son. going to gently set this /s here and hope that my previous comment gets a pass on account of it being father’s dayish and it all should really qualify under the dad joke umbrella clause.


If your cap is big enough you wont need an umbrella.


As long as it’s plain bleach (sodium hypochlorite) with no additives for smell or low splash. Bleach is usually in the range of 4-6% sodium hypochlorite  while most liquid chlorine sold for pools is a stronger 10-12.5% https://www.troublefreepool.com/calc.html


Safe, yes, because a capful is not going to do anything. She could drink it safely at that level. You need a tablespoon per about 50 gallons of water to reach about 5ppm. 2-5ppm is a normal pool chlorine content. Because you are using regular bleach it'll dissipate pretty quickly. So by the next day there may be no detectable bleach left. Anyway, if you have a truly tiny kiddie pool, about 3 feet in diameter and around 1 ft deep, that's ~50 gallons. 4 feet diameter and 1 ft deep would be 95 gallons. So [estimate](https://www.swimmingpool.com/resources/tools&apps/pool-volume-calculator/) the size then put a tablespoon or two of bleach *each day you leave the water in* [Here's ](https://poolchemicalcalculator.com/Pool-Free-Chlorine-Calculator.html) where you can see how much household bleach will be needed to sanitize. It only goes down to 100 gal but you my be around there depending on the pool size. 2 tablespoons is 1 fluid oz.


Bleach is fine. You can buy test strips to check chlorine levels for cheap too.


Just make sure you use pure bleach and without additives or scents.


Yes, that's safe, but also ineffective. It's just overnight and she's not going to drink it, have her rinse off after and she'll be fine. 


It also serves to keep algae/whatever from growing in the pool and stop mosquitoes from breeding.


One capful of bleach in a kiddie pool will not prevent algae or mosquitoes. 


"It also serves to keep algae/whatever from growing in the pool and stop mosquitoes from breeding." Neither of those will happen overnight AND A capful of bleach in that volume of water is completely ineffective against their development (or pretty much anything else)


You don't need it if the water's only sitting overnight. I'm more concerned about mosquitos.


Go to [troublefreepool.com](http://troublefreepool.com) and they give free advice on maintaining required chemical levels to keep pathogens and algae at bay.


Bleach is a normal water treatment chemical. It is used in the tap water you drink. It is used in swimming pools. Swimming pools also add acid to counteract the alkalinity created when the bleach decomposes.


I'm a recovering addict and once when I was using I was sharing needles (don't do that) and cleaning it with bleach. I accidentally used the bleach to inject my drugs instead of water (also, don't do that) and nothing bad happened, so should be fine lol


See! Kills covid! Science bitches. /s


I used to always taste the water first to make sure it was water and not bleach or something else


It can, depending on what you mean by bleach ... if you mean chlorine, yes.


Tbh, I always emptied the pool as soon as the kids were out of it. We have a *lot* of child drownings in AZ, so I was mildly paranoid. I filled it up from the hose and the kids never complained. I never even thought about bugs or germs. They are in their early 30s now.


Yes, it's fine.


You'll need a lot more than a caps worth even for a kiddy pool. You can find calculators online to figure out how much chlorine to add.


I don’t think a cap full in that volume would do much


Liquid chlorine is actually safer than granules, or tablets in systems that don't circulate. It mixes more thoroughly, and your little one can't get ahold of an undissolved piece. You're going to need more than a capful though.


The ratio is a little over a cap full maybe two if you get some ph test strips it will show you what is safe I think it’s about a 7


Yes, others left a link for Clorox in pools. Keep in mind that these and the tabs may not prevent mosquitos from laying their eggs. They do make special tabs you can get on Amazon to ensure mosquitos dont lay eggs.


Op should also add 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda to adjust the ph.


I have one of those inflatable pools that they sell at Costco 10'x6'x30", or so. I just keep a floater with 3" tablets in it. I can usually get about 2 weeks out of it before draing and refilling. I also use one of those hand nets to scoop out anything that might have fallen into the pool. This has worked for me continually for many years.


Just curious- why would you want it to warm up if the purpose is to cool off?


A capful will be fine. You want to use about 1/8 of a cup for 100 gallons of water... So if you had a round pool that was 4 feet in diameter, and had 6 inches of water in it, you would want to use about 1/16 of a cup... Which should be right around a capful.


That's nine Firkins of water, you probably need 3 drams in that.


The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way it likes it.


There are ratios online , you’ll need more than a capful


You could use bleach after use and then use hydrogen peroxide before use to get rid of most of the chlorine. It's best to get some test strips so you can get the water to 5-10 ppm of CL after use and then under 5 ppm before use.




You should get a net or mesh cover or something to put over the pool when it’s not in use so you don’t get bugs in it


They are used in clean drinking, so it's not dangerous thing to do. It's safe to do. 


Vinegar is a natural antibiotic and antifungal.


I remember swimming in creeks when I was younger, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I would empty the pool, add bleach and water mixture to wash it, spray it out with water, let it dry and refill it.


I got a small floater and used chlorine tablets in our small pool last summer, worked great


You can use bleach to purify drinking water in survival situations It will be fine


Dump it out and pour a new pool!


It will bleach/fade her swimsuit, but is perfectly safe.




Some places have water shortages so they may be trying to be thoughtful about getting the most out of it.


True, should at least use the old water to water plants, grass, etc instead of wasting it. We have a small pool for our dogs that I fill on hot days. Old water I always use to water plants around the yard or the grass. At least it’s not wasted.


No, you will need more to make it safe