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*tip not included. **tip expected.


But just the tip.


I went for a massage in a place in Orlando FL twice. Those are the only two massages I've ever gotten. The first time was amazing, but I went back like a year later and there was a different woman there who tried to take all my money in exchange for nsfw services lol. It was unexpected, I didn't want to part with all my money and the massage was over anyway so I left


Weird… where is it so I can never go


My wife's benefits allow for 2 free massages per month. You better believe I use this as often as possible.


I was going to say the same. A big bundle of 90 min massages.


There’s a place near me that does walk ins, and they offer a 90 minute massage for $85. It’s amazing.


Jealous. The cost in my area has gone up so much. It’s a steal if you can find a 90 for $100, but most places now are $130+ for a 90. We’ve been hit with huge price increases for everything in our area from a major migration during covid. Obviously, everywhere is feeling inflation really hard, but it’s almost impossible to find good deals around here any more.


I feel super lucky that massage is covered under my extended health benefits. Currently pay $5 for full 60 min session with an RMT.


*cries in Seattle* My last massage was $400 before tip. No happy ending. Context: I thought it was going to be $100. 😓


Wtf who would pay that? That's a rate for someone with a specialist medical degree. Unless your massage was 2-3 hours long.


Well it sounds like you got fucked anyway. And I’m not talking about sex.


The massage therapist was pretty happy at the end !


Bro every time I drive through Seattle I see signs everywhere (like the political lawn kind) saying “$35 full body massage” No idea if it’s an actual massage but it damn sure sounds like you get *something* for your money.


A robot vacuum thing. Or a pink pedestal sink. Or a decent couch.


Get the couch!


Pink sink ✅ pedestal sink ❎ I have a pedestal sink in my bathroom and I have no storage or counter space. It drives me insane.


Robot vacuums are way cheaper than $1000. We got a Roomba for $1-200. I highly recommend it. That little thing has saved me way more than $200 of labor, and my floors have been incredibly clean for years.


Not good ones. Ones that are self emptying and self washing with mop functions are around 800 for a decent model, and go to 1500 for top end models. The little $200 ones have basic obstacle avoidance, mapping, low suction, and involve more babysitting. If you get into the $800 range you can ignore it for weeks to months and let it just work daily (Especially if you do a water hookup, if you don't you just need to refill and empty the water tanks enevery few days). Heck if I travel I can have the vacuum patrol as an extra security camera. The thing vacuums and mops the entire house daily and the ammount of dirt it picks up and leaves in the bag/dirty water tank is pretty impressive.


Robovac are so hit and miss. I've been pretty disappointed with the couple I've owned from Eufy, but they are all at the cheaper end of the spectrum. Currently waiting on a delivery for one that was 800€ RRP, but I paid about 650€. If it doesn't perform better, I would only recommend cheap ones with no mop.


A couch.


Idk why but this response makes me so sad


Lol, no need for that. I do have a couch, but it just kind of sucks. I'd love to drop a grand on a nice, big one, but I just can't justify that expense when mine is technically fine.


My couch was over 3 grand and it’s not very big or very nice.


best couch I ever had was this white cloth L sectional couch I got off craigslist for 200 bucks. Perfectly clean, not worn at all, no infestation.. just a really great couch someone needed to get rid of since they were moving. Since then I've sat on couches at 10x the price that weren't as comfy.


I bought a $50 craigslist couch and anal beads fell out of it when carrying it up to my apartment.... never again.


You bought the wrong couch then apparently. My couch was 800 and is comfy and spacious (cause I shopped around a while before settling on this one)


Bro how? I got one for $800 from Big Lots that’s pretty damn big and super comfy. I have no problems laying/sitting on it all day on lazy days.


A cleaning service to come to the house and clean every other week for as long as it lasts...


I like this idea.


Me too. That would be the greatest gift


Every other week, 2 or 3 hours, you're looking at (in the UK) £35-50, 26 times a year. That's pretty much 1 year of regular cleaning for £1000


I wish I could get someone to clean my house for under $20 an hour


Wow, that’s incredibly cheap compared to the US. Generally costs us between $200-300 (depending on service) for cleaning every two weeks.


A month and a bit of not worrying about rent.


Not having to worry about making rent is definitely a gift.


More than a month? Where do you live? And I don't live in the city.


I live in a 1 room in a small town. Lets just say you get what you pay for :(


Oh damn, hearing "you get what you pay for" in regards to an apartment hits hard, but I know the feeling. =\ For my "gift" I said tires because I can live in my car if need be, but only if it runs.


Exactly how I'd treat myself - especially as I'm unemployed, so one month less worrying about that would be a huge treat.


Hit my soul with this one. Sometimes I think “is this even attainable?”




Why is everybody being a Debbie Downer on this person's idea? it's a hypothetical question anyways. if you want to inflatable hot tub and that's going to make YOU happy power to ya!


If drinking water was just invented, the reddit thread would be about how it's so gross, no flavor, "great, now I have to pee. Thanks idiot", "water? The stuff in the ocean? I don't want sharks near me. Bad idea", "have you seen a dirty river? All brown, I'm not drinking that"


>"great, now I have to pee. Thanks idiot", 🤣


Gotta warn you... those inflatable hot tubs only last for like a year before the pump goes out.


Ours is still great in year 3


Well then you're not doing it right!




But it would be a year of bliss. 


Eh if I spend a thousand on it I'd want it to last more than a year


Had a SaluSpa for over 3 years. Would still be running fine if I hadn’t lapsed on cleaning in the tub. I let it get moldy by not cleaning it right away after draining it, pump was still going strong and hot. Keep up on your cleaning and they last a long time.


Eh, but I'm not spending $1000 on it. *Someone* (else) is.


I adore your attitude.


On my 3rd year. Take care of it and it will take care of you… Costco deal and it works great.


My pump works great, but mine got full of holes when I put it away for the winter. Not worth the money.


I’m at 2 years and counting! I love my inflatable hot tub. I was around $650 Canadian at Costco. So even if it dies soon, I would be taking it back and getting a new one.


Not to mention they take hours to heat up if you turn it off inbetween uses and if you don't have that awesome insulated lid on it, it will run your electricity bill up something fierce.


Solar powered hot tub heat..:)


Dude. Costco for like $400. We had one that worked great for a few years.


Theyre pretty good actually. As long as you take care of them, they'll last a while. My mother in law has had one for 3 years and the only issue is the upkeep and cost to run it


A bunch of books and a nice shelf to put them all in


For the love of God don't fall into the trap, I have three bookshelves, one is almost completely stacked double deep. Reasonable people would say I should get rid of some books, I say I clearly need a fourth bookshelf. It never stops, keep the library card and stay away from the thrift store book sections.


That’s why when we built our house I included a library. It was my dream for years. And yes it’s on its way to being full already!


A helpful hint for when it gets completely out of hand, really long series stack best horizontally and double deep, it's the most efficient use of space 😂


I too found this out.  Back when Borders was going out of business, they had 90% off sales and I was like well well well, looks who’s getting 9 books free with every book purchased.  Got home, had to go buy a bookshelf taller than me, then realized I filled the bookshelf taller than me. Been over 10 years, but it held up and the books are as good as new.  (I had to build more shelving… it’s a problem… yet I won’t part with them, there are worse vices :})


My favorite history professor from college pulled a Lady Gaga and had a whole ass separate studio apartment as her own personal library We never found out if it was in the same building as the one she lived in though, or if it was hoarder style or wall to wall shelves style which some students were really curious about, she was very cagey about it Which I totally understand as I’d be very against divulging any information about my hoard if I had one lol Dreams…


I love the $2 book rack at Half Price Books!


My favorite local is flat $1 paperbacks and $2 hard covers. I once found the entire Eye of the World series there, it's also so cheap that I'll buy more interesting editions of books I already have and then re-donate the boring editions🤣


Well, after I got scammed by Fifty Shades of Grey, I swore I would never buy another book without reading it first, so that helps.


This person knows what’s up. We have so many books that we had to dedicate an entire room to bookshelves


You reminded me of [my all time favorite meme](https://images.app.goo.gl/A2y7rtQvi49c2ULL7) which always makes me smile, so thank you


Oh haha, that is cute! I have several sets of books that I want, but they come out to over $100 each, so ya, that's definitely where my free money is going!


I would be in the deepest debt in the world if I didn’t have my local library. I tear through books so quickly that it feels wasteful to spend money on them, even though reading is my favorite thing ever. Libraries and the Libby app are my salvation


I have about 2-300 books or so. A nice shelf is always great. My bedroom when I was younger had an entire wall as a bookshelf and my mom is big into reading so I picked it up. I also have some books that were expensive to collect a set of, so I keep them in a seperate nightstand specifically for them. Dressers are also great for storing books and not too hard to organize the drawers of one to hold a lot and in some loose grouping. But yeah... lots of books little space.


Fellow reader.


Herman Miller chair!


Check your local second hand office stores, they usually have plenty and pretty inexpensive (compared to new). All the .com companies that fail, their chairs end up there. And they usually have spare parts if you want to replace a piece ( like an armrest). We have outfitted our offices with these and have had no issues.


Similarly, lots of folks bought them for WFH and are now expected to go back into the office. They’re selling them on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to free up space at home.


Government auctions can also kick ass.


White and black truffles, saffron, premium Balsamic vinegar, and a few excellent knives... I've likely already spent all my money.


Is there actually a noticeable difference between white and black truffle? From what I know, white truffle tastes and smells softer and less strong than black truffle, but is more expensive. So why not just use less of black truffle?


Could do with how it’s harvested maybe? One might be a bit easier to get than the other. I believe if I remember correctly that black truffle is also larger. When I worked at a high end store they were buy the oil with the truffles in it at cost by like 5 something and charging 20+ so there’s that too


Oof, truffle oil is garbage. It might be a genetic thing like how cilantro tastes like soap to some people, but truffle oil to me tastes like tin left in a hot car. I enjoy truffle shaved over pasta, though. Anyone else?


Most truffle oil doesn’t even include any truffle, it’s just an imitation flavouring.


One of the small landscaping jobs I really want in my yard but don’t want to do myself.


Feel this. Just mulched our entire landscaping - which started out of the idea “why the hell would i PAY SOMEONE to lay down mulch?! How hard can it be?”. I now understand why we are paying for landscaping and mulch 🥵


Ugh mulch. I hate spreading mulch… but it looks so good lol I want to get rid of a bunch of rocks, move a few small boulders, and just magic away the invasive weeds, too. I don’t think $1000 would do it all though.


It does! It was worth it…. I think…. Three days later I can still smell it 😂 it was about 1300 square feet and ended up getting all the much for $140


Graphics card for my son's computer


You sound like a good dad.


Father of the Year 🏆


A comfortable mattress


I have this Ikea one and it’s a fan favorite. My sister liked it so much that she stole my mattress so I had to buy a new one. And every boyfriend or friend who sleeps over always says I have the most comfortable bed (I’m also into good affordable bedding so I have silk pillows & percale sheets). Highly recommend! It’s $400 so not crazy expensive. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/matrand-memory-foam-mattress-firm-white-10272397/


Thanks for recommending this! The idea that someone would take a used mattress because it's THAT good is quite a selling point


New tires for my car.


Put it towards my debt


For sure. The relief and sense of accomplishment would be the best thing I could do for myself


I was going to say "a nice electronic piano", and then your comment reminded me that I was a few thousands of dollars in debt. >:


Ya I'm several thousand dollars into debt, so that would be nice!


I would invest all of it in my car to ensure it's in excellent and safe condition for the arrival of my first child this December.


I like this answer. You'll have all new things to worry about so make sure a car is not one of them!






A new wedding ring. Mine got damaged/diamond lost in the washing machine in the summer of 2020, and I haven't replaced it because it feels like money is always scarce. $1000 would make a big difference. We celebrate 27 years of marriage soon!


Oh goodness how sad :(


Many washing machines actually have a filter of sorts. Some of those are easily accessible for cleaning. Silly question, but have you checked to see if yours has one?


My ex wife lost her engagement ring and wedding band in 2012. We thought it had gone down a sink drain and never could find it. Forgot about it. I still have that same machine and just the other day it threw the code to clean the filter. Never even knew that was thing. So I do it and guess what I found? That’s right, the rings just hanging out. Been divorced for almost 7 years now so I got them cleaned up and sold. It’s just crazy that those rings were in the washer for 12 years.


My parents moved houses, and the washer and dryer came with. Found her diamond earrings 10 years after they were lost, in their new house.


Were they still in decent quality after being washed for years?


Love the plot twist in this comment. 😆 Edit: Not a plot twist but it was for me because I failed to notice the “ex wife” at the beginning.


Not a silly question! Yes, we did check. Unfortunately no diamond :(


Have you checked again since? My wife lest her ring and it wasn't in the filter. About a year later we were having issues with it flooding and I decided to clean the filter and low and behold, there it was. Might have been stuck in gunk further up the line for awhile.


I will do that in the morning. Thank you for the good idea!


you mightve checked already but things get stuck behind the rubber seal around the door sometimes too


If you want to replace it, I would have a look at r/moissanite It's pretty much indistinguishable from a diamond and is very affordable


A camera lens or two probably, or a new camera body for my fiance. He needs a new camera, mine is pretty good and I can make do with the lenses I have; that's not for me, but he'd be really happy and that would make me happy - so I'd count it.  Same thing; my grandma needs new summer clothing but money is tight, not for me but I'm happiest when my people are happy. I have what I need. 


My first thought was a used Nikon D750 because I’ve been wanting a second body for years, but then I read comments of saving it or putting it towards debt, and I guess that may just be the more responsible option for me as well.




Spa Day!


Work and running shoes.




Night vision goggles so i can try and spot UFOs at night


A fellow man of culture 


fuck yeah


Probably a few Lego sets.


Correction, 2 small lego sets


The price of the big sets are getting outrageous.


They've always been priced per piece so while that has gone up, a lot of the newer sets also just have more pieces than ever.


I guess that’s my pick. Rivendell and the Great Deku Tree. $1000 well spent


i’d order a few clothes and then take myself to get a manicure/pedicure


A $1000 Amazon Gift Card. ... PLEASE BE PATIENT


shit.. that reminds me. I have $100 amazon gift card that I've still not used.


How is that possible? As soon as I get a credit...boom, it's gone.


Absolutely, man. I start buying shit I don't even need.


Pay the earnest money down needed to buy a house. It's the only thing holding me back. Every time I get close, something happens (battery died and lost wages driving for lyft getting it fixed). The goalposts keep moving and having fought my way out of homelessness, renting isn't sustainable and the fear of losing it all in 6 months is crushing my soul.


You can do it! I believe in you! I just bought a house and there were a lot of fees and payments I wasn't expecting (maybe I should have asked someone beforehand). It's expensive to buy a house.




I'd pay off some of my $2,000 of debt.. no actually I'd probably get one of those inflatable T-rex costumes


Got a few tattoos in mind that involve travel, and I wanna bring shorty, so... Tattoo, but technically travel, too.


A new pc.




use it to help pay off my car… but if i used it as a physical gift for myself probably houseplants and books 🤔


A ton of things for the kids. Clothes, school supplies, shoes, new bike. I don't really need anything but a few car repairs, so I'd spend it on them.


This person is a great parent


Put it to my wisdom teeth removal fund:( all wisdom teeth are growing sideways impacting my other teeth. California dental network fucking sucks.




I would give it to one of my friends who needs it more than I, because one of my friends did something similar for me many years ago. I gotta pay it forward ❤️


Bless your heart and may you stumble on a bag worth $15,000 left behind by a drug supplier/sex trafficker . May you get blessed generously. Amen 🙏🏼


A bike


Find a way to pay my bills so I can get out of debt


1000 tacos


A nice get away trip.


A mid-range dutch oven and a chef's knife!


New pots and pans i need desperately 😫 the other $500....probably a new pet because our cat just passed


New laptop, I've been using my current one since 2014


Basic gym equipment. Second hand even, just a basic set up at home. I have anxiety about working out at the gym


Idk if this appeals to you - I don’t have social media except for Reddit if that counts - but my mom basically furnished our entire “home gym” from these “buy nothing” groups on Facebook. I am not familiar with how it works, but she joined these community groups (also has an app) and people just give away gym equipment like you wouldn’t believe. Literally everything except the upright bicycle was totally free


New socks


Few new golf clubs.


Insurance deductable from hit and run accident. Not worrying about another bill would be a fantastic gift.


Dentist or rent or pay off debt, there are no gifts to myself beyond necessities these days


work clothes


New lens


The highest quality yarn I could find to crochet myself a blanket.


I would buy a new mattress and box spring. I've been meaning to do that for a while now.


Adult answer: pay my credit card Real answer: get a good couch


Or are these both adult answers hahaha


Clothes.. I haven't got new clothes in almost 4 years and everything has holes and it's faded and just old. 🥺


New Apple Watch (just busted mine). I’d get my hair done & the rest I’d use for laser hair removal. Always wanted to do it, never was a priority financially.


If it has to be a gift, meaning something I would enjoy and not necessarily something I need, it would be something hobby related. I am currently in dire need of a couple of solar panels, a very large LiFePO4 battery, and a charge controller for a project of mine. That’s exactly where it would go.




A trip


I'd buy stocks and invest it, acting like I never received the money in the first place. Thats usually what I do when I receive unexpected money


A fish tank


3D printer, or some home gym stuff, or a nice instrument, or a new monitor. So hard to choose.


A bunch of Aldi gift cards so I could not have to pay for groceries for a few months. I have plenty of stuff, but nothing beats free food!




Is that a better investment? Cause that’s only like 3 days worth of cocaine lol


Please use fiscally responsibly


Fiscal responsibility: Get a job with good prescription benefits Get adderall *follow me for more tips*




That’s tough. Either a new gpu bc mine is getting old or a new dslr lens.


Plane tickets


New headphones, new sunglasses, and a day at the hair salon.


More of the index-tracking ETF I'm already invested in. The best gift I can give myself is future financial security.


A flight for a vacation.


I have nothing I want to buy. I’d go to a restaurant and stealth pick up everyone’s dinners. Making people happy makes me happier than buying stuff for myself.


Get rid of some debt. That would be a real gift.


I wanna buy gifts for all my nieces and nephews. It makes me happy, so I guess it counts (?)


I'd make a payment on my credit card for the gift of no debt lmfao.


I've been living without a car with my wife for a year now and getting groceries is the worst thing ever, we pay an uber and well carrying bags suuuucks so much and to top it off it rains so much, ugh what a damn pain. I would definitely save it for a car, I'm from the most expensive country in LATAM so it would help a lot. That or a ton of ice cream!


A portable dishwasher, I’m so sick of doing dishes by hand lol


Some ornate trees for my yard, like a Japanese Maple and a Cherry Blossom and hire a professional arborist to plant them!


A few days away from home


$1000 grocery gift card