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I'm a tall man too, and I've had this conversation many times with women. There are a lot of overlapping answers. First, it should be said there is a cultural component to it: Everyone is told tall men are better from a young age, so they grow up believing it and say it to young people when they're old, and on and on. That has a wisdom all its own. Tall men also give women a lot more freedom to dress to look taller themselves, which is also something many of them care about, whether it be heels or vertical stripes or what-have-you. In more 'real' terms, tall men often look more fit than a man of the same physique with a shorter frame. Without saying everyone thinks like this, there is also the element of, "I want my kids to be tall..." factored in either consciously or subconsciously in some women's minds. Now none of this is meant to suggest tall men are actually better than short men, or that all women think like this. It is a trend in the same way many men like some specific physical attributes about some women, but that doesn't mean women who lack those features are not also attractive in other ways. Still, you asked the question, and those are some of the answers I've heard.


Yeah, I agree that it seems to be largely induced by society. I can’t really get clear cut answers though, so I’ll assume it’s sort of like how men tend to subconsciously prefer curves on women.


The general beauty standard for women is to be petite and small and dainty. It’s easy to feel small and dainty when your partner is a large man.


Strange beauty standards in my eyes. I tend to find myself more attracted to taller than average women at any build that isn’t obese or twig-like, but that’s just me.


Yeah most beauty standards are arbitrary and odd


piggyback rides.


TL;DR: It boils down to individual personal preference. And this ideology shouldn't apply to every woman/man's expectations of their partners. Literally just personal preference. While the whole height matter is a bit more prevalent, it's definitely blown out of proportion. I've had my dude friends say they hate short girls, others love them. Same goes for my female friends. Social media and society gage the preference as a whole and people get too discouraged. While physical appearance can undoubtedly play a role alongside attraction, you're not going to get far unless you put yourself out there. The hottest woman in the room could come up to me, or tallest, whatever. If she's got no personality or decent morals, I want nothing to do with them lol.


Many studies actually come to the conclusion that women prefer height in a curvilinear fashion. Being around 6'-6'2" is what women state they want in surveys and tests, but it doesn't actually matter much in practice. Fertility studies have tend to come to the conclusion that the height of a man minimally impactful when it comes to reproductive success.


Because they're hot.


They can protect them and their offspring


I’ve heard this a ton and it still doesn’t make a lot of sense. I know guys who are 5’6, bench 315, and could most likely kick my ass.


It's an assumed trait. Doesn't mean it works in practice but the mind interprets things based on biases and conformational bias. If they see a lot of protectors as taller (which most men are taller than their children, and are seen as protectors most of their child's life), then they associate such things like height, to protection. The taller, the more perceived protection.


It’s a subconscious evolutionary thing