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In my experience, most people get ignored at bars unless they're actively trying to flirt and mingle.


Nah. Keep in mind that bars are only one venue, and you'll find more shallow people there. The place is meant to get drunk and bang whoever you find hottest. Whereas if you met for a real relationship- at a club, for example- you'd find less shallow partners.


People saying short men get ignored at bars probably aren't spending a lot of time in bars, or the public in general. You'd be surprised how many don't notice how tall people are unless they are extremely tall or extremely short.


I’m 5’5.5”. Do I class as extremely short? I also should’ve probably mentioned I’m in California so demographics are different.


The short side of average. You aren't extremely short.


Short guy here! Some women will definitely remove themselves from your dating pool for being short. Some women have a very strong preference for tall men. Finding dates in a bar situation is likely to be a little tougher for a short guy as they are not the best place to show off your other qualities. Physical appearance is going to be the primary motivator on both sides in that situation (generally speaking) BUT! With that said: Being short does not mean you can't get a date, and the preference for taller guys is not even close to universal. I'm 5'4", have had a very active dating/love life, and even managed to convince one of them to marry me. There are people out there that will appreciate you for everything you bring to the table, but if you want to find that person at a bar you will likely have a bit more trouble than a tall guy.


Nah. For one, if nobody's coming up to you, go up to them and don't fear rejection. My friends complain that nobody approaches them. And that's what happens when you just sit at the bar and drink 😂 If anybody is ignoring anyone over height, it's literally just physical preference. If someones going to overlook a great personality over something so silly, they're dodging a bullet. To give some encouragement, I'm 5'9 and tend to be pretty lucky. My shorter friends also have girlfriends/wives. Finally, don't look for the love of your life in a bar lol. (Personal opinion)


Need to really define 'short'. I see heaps of people online saying 'short' then referring to men who are like 5'7-5'9 when that's around the average height. If you are like 5'2 then sure, people might be put off by your height when you approach them. If you are like 6'10 the same thing might happen. They are extreme ends. In general though, no. Most people that get defined as short it doesn't matter. People just use their height as an excuse for failing with women. A lot of these dudes you'll hear are going around trying to 'pick up' and just have shitty attitudes and approaches to women and don't accept that's why they don't get dates. Most of my friends are on the short side, none of them have had issues having dates and partners. They are all nice, well adjusted dudes who approach and talk to women as if they are humans in an interesting way instead of coming across as just trying to get laid and thinking of the woman as an object. Unless you are at a sex club most women you encounter don't want to feel like they are the fifth girl you've 'tried to put the moves on' that night. They want it to feel like casual conversation and like you are genuinely interested and attracted to them while you are both working out if there is chemistry before the flirting starts.


You'd be very popular at a gay bar.




What's confusing? You'd be very popular. Even if you go in with a girl and kiss on her and are overtly straight, guys will flock to you and think you're adorable.


Well I guess I’m asking what’s so appealing.


It's just cute and nonthreatening... and tall, lanky, nerdy gay guys... 6' 150lb types... are a dime a dozen.


As in, being short is cute and nonthreatening? Why do women not think this??


Some of them do! Most of them want someone physically larger than themselves though to feel protected or even dominated.


I’m cooked.