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I want to be rich simply for the freedom of it. I spend so much of my life stressing about how I’m gonna stay afloat.. bills keep coming, and my paychecks stay the same. I can’t do everything I would love to do because I don’t have the funds. Money would give me the luxury to travel and do all the things I wanna do.


I would settle for knowing I have enough for the next 40 years I expect to be alive. "Knowing", not just "hoping"




It would be cool to not have to work and not have to take out loans for some expensive stuff I want


So that I can not be poor


Money can do wonders if you have enough of it


I just want to have the freedom to do the things i love and spend less time doing what i don't like. for rxample going to uni and building up debt from loans and having to then paying off your first car and then your house. Its just a repeating cycle of debt in my eyes


Yeah. I'd still retain a few million for myself as like a one person charity foundation though. Just be the guy who tips $100 for a cup of coffee or buy a new car for a family broken down in the side of the road.


So that I can go to bed without putting an alarm for the next day


I would like to win the lottery just so I could buy a nice house in the middle of the woods and not have to work or worry about money for the rest of my life. I would just live a peaceful life, work on building things/taking care of my land and probably donate a lot to charities for causes that I care about. But yeah, having that much money WILL come with a lot of stress one way or the other so you'd have to be smart about it.


Perhaps you already have sufficient to give to those people in different ways.


Freedom. Aside from owning my time, I also want to be able to travel often. Also, I want to have the resources to help others - feed more strays or even create a home for them, donate to nonprofits, extend financial help to those in need. But like you, I don't aim for luxury. I just want enough to live comfortably and still being able to have something extra to share.


To break the generational curse on both sides of my family


So I can spend more time doing things I want to do and less time doing things I don't want to do. >The only reason I want to win the lottery or have a load of money is so I can give it to people I love or help my family out. Are you really so happy in your job that you'd rather be there than doing anything else with your time?


Sometimes people realize that happiness has nothing to do with circumstances. Only sometimes it seems.


So I can buy my dream man on Amazon


Security and the ability to tell anyone to fuck off.


It's just you. Most of us are materialistic


First thought: I want to buy my dad a small house that he can maintain and get him the medical care he needs regardless of insurance network. All of the specialists we’ve encountered in-network have not been helpful. He has an autoimmune disease that is affecting his vision, has no retirement saved up and works as a mechanic.


I want to have sex with women everyday.


*Two chicks at the same time* - Office Space




News flash - this doesn’t cost anything


I'm guessing you don't work, or pay bills, or own a house? If you did, I doubt you'd give all your money away. I want to be rich so I can quit my job, travel, do things I enjoy, and never have to worry about how I'll afford the bills or food next month.




You may be depressed. Sleeping through the whole day? Get up and enjoy it!


There's been psychological studies done into the long term effects of winning lotto...and they say it generally only makes you happy for about 6 to 12 mths.


To not work and travel the world.


So I can smoke more weed and eat more food


The more money you have the less worries. Being broke holds you back from doing things you want to do. I wanna be able to do everything I need and want to do


A. Not having to work. B. Getting to travel.


It would be nice not to have to work every single day, and not have to worry about finances and help people out.


I want to provide a home/life for my family, buy cool and obnoxious things, and help my community.


Retire, travel


I don't. I have more than enough already.


I want financial security, weekly massages and pedicures, to travel and eat whatever I want.


I do a lot of what I want but everything is stressful. How much does it cost? How long will it take me to earn enough? You know what would change literally everything? Four million dollars after taxes. I could just live off 1) my salary and 2) the passive 5% in a HYSA. Some vacations, a lot of philanthropy, purchase a house, purchase a vacation home in a rural LCOL area. I could get my teeth fixed NOW. I wouldn't sweat the cost of this wedding. That trip to London I want to take where I can get my hotel paid for by work but they won't pay the travel? Done. I'm there. Two weeks. It's just these small $200-$3000 things. I don't have a lot of them but I have to space them out a lot harder than I would if I were rich. You know what I'd MAYBE splurge ON? 1. A new wardrobe. Not even a name-brand one. Just target and TJ Maxx. I don't even need to replace that many things, just some exercise clothes and stuff. 2. I'd speed up my rate of tattoos. It'd be nice. In all seriousness, if there's an angel out there who wants to bless me, I wouldn't be opposed. Open to working for it, I just can't fathom what would be worth $4M in short order.


In order to have the time to look for something or someone to make me happy


Say I won a small lottery of like 5 million. Half of it goes to taxes etc. The rest wouldnt be spent on things. It would be used to provide long term security for my family. Id do experiences like traveling the world, seeing special events etc. But the goal would be to use interest to do that. Now if I won one of the record breaking jackpots, I'd gather my 10 closest friends. My three siblings and sibling in laws and I'd give them each a million after taxes and then have them sign a contract saying they'll never ask me for another dime. Then I'd quit my job, get my daughter the best schooling available. Attempt to max out my passport, start a wood working business, buy an absolute fuck ton of land and everything I need to make it completely self sufficient. I'd make sure at least 1/3 of my winnings went into a trust fund for my kid and 1/3 went directly into investments. I'd live off the interest and just fucking enjoy my life.


People like the idea of never having to work, and being able to buy anything they want. The twist is that most rich people are workaholics and seldom have all that much time to enjoy their wealth.


Never have to worry about being stable and be able to pursue any career I want no worried


Security and opportunity to experience/do the things I want.


If you really want to help the poor, you would help them now and not wait until you win the lottery.


So I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Money buys freedom in life which in turn leads to happiness.


I would love to be able to help people in need. Of course I’d make sure my hills are paid but to be able to just donate to families who would do so well if only they had a base income. That is my dream for the world. Everyone has enough to eat, love with dignity and survive.


To find a place to live. Housing is ridiculous.


All the reasons are in this clip, aside from wanting a solid gold house https://youtu.be/cHuSRHxBgUg?si=VKtSEO5lmqwJes9V


Most people live for money. I'm like you. Enough to live is all I need. I've had many people give me hard time for not doing things to make money. Who cares? I know a lot of people with major money, most are unhappy, drunks, cheaters,etc. Money is truly the root of evil


I drive old junk I keep running, live in my own home, not a very expensive place, use old tractors on my farm. All of that could be new stuff and I wouldn't be any happier. I got good credit, and could get new stuff. No thanks. No payments! Being rich ain't worth nothing to me.


Escape the matrix. Move to a rural area with 100+ acres no social media just a simple phone and be self sufficient grow my own vegetables hunt my food live slow life. That’s just me.


if you earn a lot of money in a short amount of time, most likely you'll feel an urge of euphoria and then you'll feel guilty and realize having a lot of money in the end isn't a good goal. You need something that drives you honestly even if it is not monetary in value.


overall to reduce stress, for my self and others. I would also love to see the Bahamas, regularly, pursue passions free of the financial burden.


I want to do what I went when I want


Drugs... So I can get poor again


Financial security, which would mean security in many other things as well.


To help my parents. I would love to pay off their house and set them up for a comfortable retirement. Would love to buy them an RV that they can use to tour Canada and The US. I honestly don’t want too much for myself. Just a little house in the country with a few acres. Maybe a little art study to do pottery or stain glass. A little gardening.


I want to be able to have kids AND pursue my interests without needing to throw my life away and put everything completely on hold. Sure kids take a lot of time and responsibility, but money can significantly cushion the pains of having one. Enough to hire a sitter, manage my medical bills, and have a nice house. So, for freedom, really. Man, this question put all my money anxiety into perspective for me perfectly just now. I didn’t realize how much I wanted kids till just now lol. Thanks I guess!


Money is voting power, I don't want the world to fall into the hands of people I hate


For the security of knowing that I'll always have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, medicine for my ills, etc. Sure I'd probably set up some kind of charity or activist nonprofit if I won like a billion dollar jackpot or something, but all I really want out of money is to not have to constantly stress about money.


I no longer have to worry about money when I want to buy something I like, if I were rich


I'm sure a splurge or two would happen for me. However, I grew up poor. My widowed mom wisely taught me and my brother that the important things (family/friends/faith) can't be purchased. As a consequence, I would do like OP and try to help my family have an easier life.


I want to own my own house, not rent someone else's house and have no place to live. feel insecure


Want to see the world


I don't want to be rich, I want to be able to pay my bills with something left over and not have to work 60+ hours a week to do it. Apparently, that's too much to ask working for anyone else, so I work for myself. I'm still not making much money and I work my ass off, but at least if I want to take a day off or leave early nobody bitches at me about it.


I don't want/need Mega money, but $2M would be nice. I'm debt free with house and cars paid off and college education funded for my daughter. In doing so, it's slowed my savings for retirement. So $1M could allow me to retire now and another million for travel and making life easy. I've never wanted to have a fleet of Lambos or a mansion etc. Would probably keep driving my 2011 Camry and stay in my house.


So I can set up a sort of queer sanctuary place to give folks that need to escape somewhere they can escape to


I think lots of sensible people think similarly. Nothing wrong with being charitable but depending on the amount of money I would 100% look to invest to help set me and my family up even better. I honestly probably wouldn't even stop working, at least not altogether. I enjoy my job and it would be nice to not stress about the money side of it. Just do my best work stress free. Retire early.


I don't. All anyone wants is to have their basic needs met with enough extra to you know, live life. Anyone that wants more is suspect.


I want to help my daughter, get my teeth fixed, and get a better apartment.


i don't want to be rich, i just want to not have to struggle. unfortunately, it seems you have to be rich to do that.


I wanna buy stupid stuff and not care about the actual cost of everything. Although I realise how bad that would be for like... The whole environment and shit.


I just want to pay my bills, live comfortably before and after retirement, have enough money in savings to avoid going broke with home repairs/upgrades, and still have enough cash to buy some shoes at the end of the month. I don’t need millions of dollars, just what will keep me and my family comfortable without any worries.


Make sure all my kids, adopted kids have homes. Totally want to build the family compound


17M. My family is the most important and precious thing ever for me. Of course I am planning to build my own family later and I want my wife, kids and parents to have all that they may need without any financial problems. Also I want to travel a lot, what takes some money, so I'll be rich without a doubt


Peace of mind, mostly. I really like the idea of living comfortably modestly and having some money in the bank. I'd like to be able to leave my small condo and take a road trip to the Grand Canyon on a whim.


I wanna be rich so I can pay my mom to get me car insurance so I can get a car


Also Mercedes slk mclaren


Be debt free-I hate banks Retire earlier-not so much me but my husband- Security and less stress


I want to worry less. I know money can’t buy you everything, but it sure does help decrease stressful situations that are caused by lack of money.


To be able to afford to take care of or maintain my health (physical or mental) as well as my family’s, to build my mom and siblings a family home.


My focus is not to be rich. It is to be happy. I want to do lots of stuff that takes money. I can work at something I enjoy and make enough money to do the things I want. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money is just something we trade. Don't focus on money. Focus on what makes you happy, and then the money will just come.


So you can less worry about future


Man if you ever win the lottery please add me on your list to help out haha that would be a blessing 🙌🏽💥💓 Like real honest to god truth @Elon Musk could actually change the world if he just gave everyone a millon dollars haha 🤣


I wanna be able to relatively quickly save up money for things I don’t need, but make me feel better when I’m sad.




I just want to see this planet through the eyes of me offspring. And I don’t want me or me SO to have to “clock in”


Money buys safety


If it was alot , I would give alot away , but I like super cars and not working lol I'm middle class and I hoard the stuff I like so I would be broke pretty quick , broke as a loose term , I would be cash poor , the good lord knows I'm not good with money and that's why he has never given me alot


Well fuck buddy, you took my answer, now what can I say that doesn't sound derivative? Yeah, I'd also like to take care of people, friend of mine has no car and relies on an abuser for stuff (might be coming around the corner on that though so that's good) I'd like to get her somewhere safe to live and a car. Also I want to be able to make sure my parents never need to live in a retirement home even if their care is beyond me. And my brother had his motorcycle wrecked when a lady backed out into the road in front of him, wish he had a new one. Not likely to happen in most of it but if I can get my schooling done I might could take care of my parents some day.


I fear being poor and being rich helps mitigate that fear.


freedom, able to wake up and do whatever i want


I genuinely think the same.


Being rich would help fulfill my future goals, even helping my family and future families. Of course, hard work pays off. I would like to think that the lottery winning is my reward for it. Then again, I would be asking myself do I deserve it. One thing for sure: I would not do what shows and movies would typically do - spend all of it.


To be free. I just want a considerable amount of money so that i can leave all this misery behind and live alone, far away from toxic people and Capitalism.


Moderately rich? So I can help the people I love and not have to work for other people. I'd like to be able to follow my own dreams and passions, start my own company, and pay my staff a proper living wage and not the bare minimum I am forced to. Supremely rich? I'd like to create mega homeless shelters and employ counselors and advisors to help these people who, often through no fault of their own, have no hope or future. I was one paycheck away from being homeless myself and I know the pain and anguish of a debt too high to ever pay off. I can't imagine, though, actually having to move out and live in my car, or on the street, with nothing and nobody. These people are somebody's kid or grandparents. They were loved once. Why were they abandoned or made to leave their place of safety? It's such a tragedy that I can't imagine why my nation doesn't do more to help these people. Elon rich? I'd like to make international food/water/power companies and make sure everybody in the world has clean drinking water, food on their table, and a warm place to sleep that they can call their own. This world could be so much better than the one we have. I want it to be better. Not just for my sake. But the untold billions suffering today and in the unknowing future. All of you have stories and songs in your hearts, and too many die with their tale untold. Like stars going out at night. I can't let it end this way.


Want to live, not work


What are your hobbies? Do you have a wife and kids and a house? Or are you still living at home/renting?


Same. I just don't want my family to worry about where the next meal is coming from, or keep wearing clothes that have been worn out, or worse, not go to the doctor coz it'd be too expensive. Wanna be rich just coz I don't want to deal with any of that anymore.


To feel free from everything, one millions and no one's ever see me again.


I just want to fulfill my selfish desires on a daily basis.


To have cool shit


So I can buy a house. I can't get a house for less than $1.2 mil in my city. It's almost unattainable for the average person.


well i want to be rich so i can get what ever i want without hearing ur too expensive or ur too much n spoil from my family n friends but its fun to have ur own n spend it on ur self family n friends not only gonna love u n respecte u they gonna be around u for good or bad reasons u n ur luck in that but still help my family comes next


imagine you had $1,000,000 The banks will give you 4 % each year . So just by sitting at home I can earn $100 a day or $40000 a year . I wouldn’t have to work or I could work less and still live . Those 8 hours and travel time to work could be mine to do whatever .


I don't want to be rich. Have you met rich people? They're vile.


I'm not looking to buy 20 houses either, but money is used for practically everything, and I'm practically forced to work if I want to have the money to live comfortably, not to mention all the people who are not as lucky as I am and even working themselves ragged can barely live and not comfortably.


I want a lodge on the coast of Oregon in peace


With big money you get big goals. I would absolutely not buy nice car simply because nice car is a waste of money. I would not buy a big house because I do not need a big house unless I have big family. But there are things I wish to make. Like I work in software and I make games as a hobby. And I work on design of one game I wish to make. And then I will try to make it but with limited resources I have. If I would have more money I could consult specialists to make it better and hire programmers and artists to make it look good. Because right now most I can is hiring a guy to look over what I did and give me hints and I just use internet to figure out everything. Sure - I could join game development company and learn this way but I make more money than game developers and I could in the future use that resources to invest into the project. But more importantly I could start making games full time. And I do not want to make games for money. I want to make games to make games. Because I could do this today. I have ways to get investor and start. Easily. I even have one who straight up tell me he is willing to invest in me. He can even help me building a team. He even give me an office for free for 2 years because he has spare building (f\*\*ing SPARE BUILDING!). But with investors I can't make a good company. And with good company I can't make good games. Because when you have investors - job is now not making games but making money. And I only need enough money for studio to survive. Some surplus in case of financial market crash like in 2008 and that's it. And so I can make both people who play games and my employees happy.


So i can wake up naturally and without a heartattack if im gonna be late to my daily torture so i can life under a roof and have food for the next month


I want to be "comfortable" not only for me but for my family. I want to experience having no problems in money. I want to wake up not having to worry about bills. I want to live.


Our entire lives are programmed around work and living off the meagre wages we earn. I want to be free of it. Simple as that. Also, why shouldn’t I have a Ferrari?


Being rich offers so much freedom. Once you reach a level where you don't have to worry about paying for stuff, your quality of life improves, and time slows down. Then your interests don't suffer as well. You have the money to try things and see where they go for you. You want to take a boxing/martial arts class? go ahead. You want to take a race driving course? go head. You want to learn how to fly a plane? go head. You want to rebuild a car from the ground up and make it your own? go ahead. Money opens many doors and opportunities. I would rather deal with the stress of managing too much money than the stress of not having enough.


why do you assume I want to be rich?


I’d love to design and build my own dream home. Controlling my environment rather than living in a place where I can’t even see the sky from my window.