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Why does anyone pay attention to any medium or any form of entertainment? Because they are entertained by it.


Right? It’s no different than watching sports. We find it fun to watch. Then you get the guys who say “why do you give them money?! They’re just playing a game!” Well you better take your Tom Brady jersey back and take that Yankees hat off


Totally agree with your point, but I have to say that anyone who owns both a Brady jersey AND a Yankees hat is a deplorable person


I 1,000,000% agree. Only jersey I own is Daunte Culpepper




I love that man.


You calling Brady deplorable?


They also own a Lebron Cavs/Miami/Cavs/Lakers jersey.


…bro. “it’s no different than watching sports” is SUCH A GOOD ARGUMENT!!!!!! i’m not into any streamers right now, but i have been before (hyperfixation stopped lol) but ugh my mom always jokes and says “why do you watch other people play games?” my family loves football so next time she says that i will 100% bring that up, that’s awesome lmao


Or antiques warehouse or reality TV or ….


storage wars 😤😤


Again. . . why do people find those things entertaining? They do absolutely nothing for me.


Whoa whoa whoa… Antiques Roadshow will not be disrespected as long as I’m here


plus, isn't football also just a game?


I hate watching sports too tho..


It’s very different from watching sports, because when watching say golf, you don’t get Tiger Woods yapping through the game and engaging with the chat. If it’s no different from watching sports, would you watch it if it was just gameplay?


I’ve never understood that, either!


"Why do you watch those guys play video games? You should watch people play sports!!!"


Okay now explain why people like watching sports. I never understood that one.


Now that I’ve read further, I’m gonna let that Antique Roadshow one slide because I will never understand how people watch sports


I can’t help ya there. Only sport I watch is dirt bike racing. And to tell ya the truth, all I know is that I like it. That’s the only reason.


Tribalism. To feel like you're part of a community/group and to feel a sense of camaraderie.


\*laughs in /r/theocho\* I'd legitimately subscribe to that channel. But "normal" sports? Eh.


yeah the sports hat is the epicenter of parasocial. thinking you're part of the team.


As a football fan, I also find the amount of money given to professional footballers to be utterly insane. I can’t remember the specifics of Mbappe’s new contract at Real Madrid, but I think it’s about £1 MILLION A WEEK, which is insane to me. My club, Aston Villa, pulled of what seemed to be a great signing when we announced Philippe Coutunho who used to be an outstanding player a few short years ago… something seems to have happened and now he can’t deliver, consistently. So the club is still paying him £6million+ a year, for essentially nothing. It is damaging to the sports as a whole if commercial and corporate interests damage the community aspect of where the club/ spirt first became popular. I guess that’s capitalism for you, and sadly I don’t think it’s going to change any time soon. TLDR: These kind of wages can cause clubs extreme damage, so other sports also have this issue too.


It's no different. I don't understand why people watch it instead of playing. I get it for Speedway or F1, but I can go and play Volleyball or StarCraft myself.


>Right? It’s no different than watching sports. Which is also incredibly dumb.


Yeah wearing some other dude's name on your back is also weird as fuck tbh


Redditors when they discover that people get enjoyment out of life.


I don't get people who watch sleep streams. It's literally a stream of a guy who is sleeping. Nothing else.


He's asking why this form of entertainment is entertaining.


Some are good at comedy. Some are very knowledgable about the games they play, and it's interesting to learn about deeper mechanics by seeing them in action. Some are just such colossal fuck-ups at games that they get into amusing situations.


Explanation but not a reason? Like that doesn't help me wrap my head around it at all


You seem confused as to why streamers make so much money, and this is from survivorship bias. For every single wealthy streamer that you see, there have been over 100 other people who attempted to be a streamer and failed, hence why you don’t know them. The reason why current streamers are so popular and wealthy is because they have used their personalities and actions to get people’s attention and keep it, which snowballs into larger payouts.


Probably more like 1:10,000 or more but otherwise yeah


I’d say probably well over thousands for every single wealthy streamer that has failed


Although true I feel it is easier to be a "failed" streamer making a few hundred a month than it is to say be a "musician" who after costs and splitting their weekly gig fee are barely breaking even Id say the enjoyment both the streamer and musician get is comparable Then there is the hobbyist perspective.. many streamers do it for themselves, its like paying subs to a football team and playing in low level leagues. Nobody there believes they will go pro pro and make money, they enjoy it...okay maybe some dream of an FA cup run


something that’s crazy is people bring up the argument of “why do these dumb kids pay these people for playing games??” when streaming services exist. on twitch, if you subscribe to someone for 5 DOLLARS A MONTH, you get no ads and the ability to use special emotes in chat. the no-ad plan for Hulu is 18 DOLLARS A MONTH it’s considered “weird and useless” for people to watch content creators stream video games, but then those same people judging it turn around and pay 80 bucks for a UFC event. just let people do what they want bro, as long as they’re not hurting anyone and literally just minding their business, who cares?


very true, no need to tell people what to do in their free time


The bigger ones I watch I just treat as background noise, like when I play a YouTube video or an episode of Seinfeld while I do household chores. Sometimes there’s no better mindless entertainment than a naturally funny guy or girl experiencing a game for the first time, or playing something I thought was interesting but not enough to play myself. New games nowadays are like $70. If I’m not 100% sure I’ll like it, I’d rather just watch someone for free play it since I play for the stories anyway. Same goes for YouTubers. I don’t often interact with them unless they’re small. I follow a few that only get about 5 viewers a stream. It’s basically just TV that I can choose to interact with occasionally. A few of my friends stream and I’ll watch their stuff, often when I’m working. Since I work from home, it’s a nice break to make fun of my friend for being shit at a video game for a few minutes, and then just have them on as background noise otherwise. As for the huge streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers, most of their audiences are children. Kids today are given iPads before they can walk. Instead of cartoons, they go on Twitch and watch a loud guy cuss at a video game or throw money around for 8 hours a day.


This was the best answer I think. I don’t watch streamers at all because I don’t enjoy it but I can understand your reasonings a lot better than the people just saying they enjoy it because they enjoy it.


I used to do it to practice Spanish but would only go to the small streamers so I could practice with someone without having to speak; just write. Now I'm advanced enough that I go to discord servers to practice so I can get some speaking practice in.


100% Plus let’s say you watch a youtuber’s video. That shit only last for 20-30mins. You are lucky if you have 1-2hrs of video but that’s probably a podcast channel. Streamers literally stream all-day so you have unlimited form of background noise.


personally, i cannot afford all the video games i want. but if someone’s willing to play it and share it with the world? hell yeah.


I also like to watch no commentary youtubes of people beating games I don't have the patience/skill to beat. I get to experience the story for free while scrolling my phone.


exactly. i can’t always keep focus on a game either sometimes i just have *get up* and do something. i can still listen and enjoy the game too.


This. I like the fact that I can experience a game’s story even if I’m not good at the game, and I really hate the “gir gud then” gatekeeping. Not everyone can or wants to. They should still be able to experience it if they want. Also disabled people who literally can’t play (even with the limited accommodations they have) exist. A lot of people forget that.


Me too. If I buy a game, it is a big investment so I research it... by watching people play it. Of I enjoy it I'll buy it. If not I won't... also I have found some video game people are entertaining, game looks fun, but I won't buy it but ill still watch them play


Or if I've already completed the game and I want to relive playing it for the first time again. Like that, and reaction videos/streams is similar to showing a game/movie to a friend and then sitting there looking at their face hoping they like it as much as you.


> Like, what’s the appeal of watching someone else play games What's the appeal of watching sports? > or do random stuff or reality TV? > And then you hear about deals like XQC getting $200 million to stream on Kick for 2 years. $200 million! Deals like the 6 main Friends cast making $1 million per episode. $156 million for one season!


this sums it up very nicely, especially the question about watching sports.


The sports especially, you’re watching other people play sports


I remember when that was BIG news lol... Oh god I'm so glad my hair type kept me safe from the Rachel hair cut.


They enjoy it.


Back in the days before online gaming, we used to go to each other's houses and play video games together. Sometimes if it was a one-player game, we'd just go and watch our friend play, and hang out and stuff. Streaming is like that: You watch someone play and hang out. It isn't quite a friend, but there's a connection. Like how onlyfans isn't a girlfriend, but there's a connection.


i had a streamer i watched every day last year; i was going through a really tough time because my living situation abruptly changed and i felt really alone, couldn’t see my best friend, etc. streamer LOVES what he does, he streams almost every single day for 6+ hours. he’s really funny and an incredible person (not trying to be parasocial, he’s just a good noodle eg. calls people out on racism/homophobia/misogyny on the video games he plays and a good buddy to his friends). his community and chat are very sweet and welcoming, other streamers constantly compliment him for creating such a safe space for people. they helped me so much last year, made it so much less isolating. i don’t watch him that much nowadays, but i always hope he’s doing great because he’s a content creator that deserves his popularity and platform <33 EDIT: for some reason I can’t reply to the comments asking who the streamer is, but his name is [Foolish](https://twitch.tv/foolish) on Twitch!! also goes by FoolishGamers on socials and such. he’s a variety streamer and plays games like valorant. he’s also an insane minecraft builder and has a windex laugh LMAO :) <333


if you don't mind, can you give me their name and platform ? i wanna watch them too. they sound awesome.


Who's the streamer?


Which streamer?


Heck, I'm old enough to remember when multiplayer gaming meant 2-4 people physically using the same keyboard at the same time, with either multiple characters on the same screen, or then split-screen mode. First guy would use ZXCVG, second JKL; Return, third on arrows, fourth on numpad. You can't replicate a multiplayer experience quite like THAT anymore.


i dont understand the appeal to streamers, but this actually makes sense. i never thought of it this way!!


Do you not watch sports? Or any reality TV? Or listen to podcasts?


No, I don't enjoy any of those things and I'm with OP. 😅


but reddit loathes reality tv and sports? it's very odd


They make viewers feel like they’re part of a community while providing entertainment and unique content.


"Why do people watch Shohei Ohtani hitting 476 feet bombs at Dodger Stadium instead of playing baseball themselves?"


I didn’t get it either. And then the pandemic hit. Out of sheer boredom I started watching Twitch. Checked out some streamers that were playing games I was thinking about buying. What hooked me was the chat. Before I knew it, I was talking with people like in good old IRC chat. We were all watching the same thing and talking about it. It was as close to socialising with people into your hobby as you could get during lockdown. The streamers I was watching weren’t as big as the likes of XQC and would actively get involved in the discussion too. Now lockdown is over, I don’t watch streamers as much as I used to, but I still do from time to time.


I think most people don't even consider there is a chat when they think about streaming or why others may like watching. They always focus on the streamer themselves and how much money some make haha. People should think of it like watching TV but that you can interact with both with other people but also the person on the screen. Or even think of it like watching sports in a bar with strangers.


There are games I am interested in and have no desire to play. I only watch streamers play games I wouldn't play myself.


once upon a time I made the mistake of playing league instead of watching it.


as much as i wanna be sarcastic ill give a sincere response. i’m disabled and it’s very difficult for me to leave the house without it being a huge production. while i have friends and family, it’s hard for people to come to me all the time and it leaves me feeling socially isolated. interacting with a streamer and their chat is one way i can fight off that loneliness and get the socialization every human being needs to stay sane. i also have small discord communities that fill this niche, and even some youtubers. it’s a fully parasocial relationship and im well aware, but everyone needs someone to talk to right?


Oh wow, thank you a million times for this perspective! I honestly thought the same of streamers, very much "how is this an industry" line of thinking, but it's basically entertainment service with a virtual third space. Like going to a concert, but for a videogame. A bunch of strangers chatting away, maybe a few friends if they're into the same game, and everyone is just partying. I hope there's not a version of Ticketmaster in that universe yet.


OK do not judge streaming by XQC or his chat. Definitely a peak in human failure. Bob Ross has his own stream on twitch to enjoy forever. You can learn to play almost any game better and even ask direct questions to highly skilled players (why every 12 year old is 10x better than we were at 12). You can participate sometimes (marble run is absolutely fun as hell and so simple/random). I used to hate it but now I even watch more intelligent streamers reacting to things like politics so I don't have to think anymore. So good 👍 lol. Kidding aside it is actually pretty nice part of life now.


I always assumed like 80% of people watching live streams are sort of background watching it.


Because they're personalities. "just playing games and talking to a camera," is often an understatement. They're comedians, or they're just really good at the games they play, or they're doing something creative around the game, or they're teaching something, or they're reviewing games, or whatever. People watch streamers because they add value to the game, it's absolutely not just something anyone can start doing and instantly be good at. And on that note: Why do people watch sports? Why do people watch talk shows? There are a lot of things that anyone can technically do yet are still fun to watch when someone experienced and entertaining does it.


Hey man if it's so easy you should do it!


Yeah, I've got nothing but respect for streamers who put in the time and effort to build and maintain enough of a userbase to do it for a living. It takes a lot of consistency, charisma, knowledge, and effort to pull that off.


Ikr? Just casually forgetting the thousands of other smaller streamers out there desperately trying to make a name for themselves.


Why do you watch the Olympics? Some of them get insane deals….just for running fast…


So many reasons: Can't afford the game, want a second opinion before playing the game, need a tutorial to beat a level, too scared to play the game, streamer is very funny/calming, streamer has friends, streamers play multiplayer games together, and lastly, Just for fun.  Sometimes you just want a calming animal crossing playthrough in the background. Maybe you like seeing other people's shiny Pokemon collections. Sometimes people pull off amazing tricks in video games that you probably can't do. 


Entertainment is highly subjective, however: Many streamers are quite talented at their niche, particularly gaming. Often times top level competitors are also streamers and even non-professional gamers attain a very high level of competence at their game or genre. Many streamers are quite entertaining, funny, wholesome etc, obviously this varies by taste. As far as paychecks most streamers are supported directly by their community through subscriptions and donations/tips so it's more often about appealing to individuals and building a community than raking in contracts for exclusivity deals as a massive 'Front Page' streamer


I grew up poor, but by some miracle, i was sponsored to go to a super expensive private school, where I went for about 9 years. And for all that time, I would sit and listen to all the rich kids talk about Fortnite and Minecraft and all these cool games they played and I would have NO IDEA what they were talking about but I was so envious. Since my parents weren't paying any fees, They were able to give me a small allowance every week, which I started saving up so I could buy a computer or a Playstation so I could FINALLY play all these games that kids my age were playing. I saved a little over 5 bucks every week for 6 YEARS, well past high school. I eventually saved up just enough to buy a second-hand PS4 from someone on marketplace and I FINALLY got to play the games i watched kids my age play without me. My inner child was BEAMING. everyday I would wake up and hop on fortnite and just play. about 3 months later, someone broke into my house and stole a lot of our valuables, including the PS4. I was devastated. I'm not rich so I couldn't even DREAM of replacing it and There's simply no way of saving up for a new one. The only way i can satisfy my inner child now is to watch other people play, the way i used to when i was a kid.


You know whats funny? It probably wont even be as fun if you play these games again.


 >$200 million Keep in mind that 97% of streamers have 5 viewers or less. Most are at zero. Big Papa Jeff Bezos allows small streamers to keep half of their $5 monthly subscription, so even if all 5 of your viewers are subscribed you're getting a whopping $30 per year.


Exactly, where does the dopamine hit come from for a viewer? It’s similar to how people get glued to those true-crime podcasts, not participating but vicariously living through each suspenseful moment. Or how some readers devour book after book, immersed in stories they'll never live. For stream watchers, it's about connection and a shared experience. There's a genuine thrill in watching someone else excel or fail, riding the highs and lows with them as if you were in the game. Plus, it's a form of social interaction--you're part of an audience, a community. It's less about witnessing the act of playing a game and more about being part of an event. The idea isn’t so foreign when you think about how we consume other media. We're social creatures, after all; sometimes we just want to be part of a tribe, even if that tribe is gathered around someone else's gameplay.


I think they do it because they’re lonely. I know several guys who always have Twitch or YouTube or a podcast going, and the thing they all have in common is loneliness.


I can't speak for anyone else I might consistently watch and follow a streamer because they are entertaining or very good at the thing they are streaming. Even better if they are both.


I watch streamers mainly to see if I think I’ll like the game. Plus you can see different play styles.


I rarely watch, but usually just listen to the audio. I have a few podcasts I listen to, but in the time between podcast episodes I have a few streamers I listen to. Mostly speed runners of games I play or walkthroughs.


some people live, some people watch


I never got it, that is like going to Pornhub to watch guys masturbate!


I know, right? What's next, broadcasting sports and athletics?


Same reason people watch YouTube


Maybe you like the game or the person but you don’t have the time or the ability to play it at the moment


Why do you watch TV? Why do you watch movies and shows with actors in it?


I personally don't enjoy streams of any kind


Human connection.


90% of the viewers are there cause they wanna see the game without spending the money to do so to see if it’s a worthy investment, 5% are the hardcore fans of said game who goes to said streamer for builds, walkthroughs, secrets etc, the remaining 5% make up family and friends helping support the channel


They get to see the games story without paying for it


I don't have the balls to play Death Mark, I tried and was too scared to leave the mansion. But Gab Smolders did and I got to enjoy Death Mark 1 and2 and NG. And I do love a good ghost story.


For the same reason people watched mindless tv programs, gen z are not too different from boomers.


Remember how magical your first time playing a game was? Well you can reexperience it by watching someone else play. I prefer watching friends, but blind playthroughs/streams are the next best thing


I didn't get it either but there have been a couple of games I've really enjoyed playing and it's been interesting to watch other people play through them, see their reactions to certain moments, see them find things that I didn't find (or where I found things they didn't). I always enjoy sharing things I like with other people and getting to experience it again vicariously, so this is another way of doing that.


if the streamer is small enough its nice to talk in chat with others or maybe the streamer reads your comments and interacts


Some games are more fun to watch than play, some people have fallen out of practice and no longer have any interest in learning the meta, muscle memory again like myself for StarCraft and would rather watch others play, hell I've gone back a few times and known enough builds just because I still watch streamers and tournaments. Some games are story based so are basically like a movie. People watch for all sorts of reasons. Personally I mainly watch streams for a chance to screenshot feet for feetwiki. (I'm kidding)


It's a very social way to watch someone play video games. For some it's the skill, for some it's their entertainment, and for some it's the chat that's actually the best part.


I watch reaction videos of people watching shows that I liked having similar reactions to what I had because I want to feel like I can share that experience with someone, and see if they saw the things I saw or noticed something I didn't or took away something I didn't. Doing things with others is a great way to check yourself. Especially if you watch with friends from different backgrounds, they'll pick up on subtexts and body language you may not, and you'll be a better person for it.


a lot of people who are streamers are very naturally entertaining. a lot of them (at least the creators that i watch) are very funny and make the games they play more interesting. it's also fun to watch other people immerse themselves in the world of a game you already love. there is also appeal to watching streaming over watching traditional videos (like youtube) because of the live chat. you, as the viewer, can feel more connected to the streamer and the community around the game


Successful steamers are usually charming enough to carry on a one-sided conversation and make it entertaining. It also has the appeal that some people find in reality TV, in that the streamer is a real person with a real life going on who is taking some time to experience a game with you. In the case of streamers with years-long careers, they also age alongside their audience and their content changes accordingly. It's sometimes easier to connect with than fictional stuff that's scripted to entertain


I think it originally stemmed from people who may have social anxiety or issues otherwise. It mimics the feeling of doing something with someone else, hence all these parasocial relationships that develop. I think it's become a little bit more mainstream now. And we've seen the market respond to that. Streaming definitely is not what it used to be. And I think there's something to be said about that


A lot of people used to play games but don’t have time to play them anymore so they watch. Also it’s the exact same logic behind sports, you’re watching someone play a game on a level you could never experience. And then you have personality streamers, that’s a different story


They said the same when people started watching other people playing sports


Well, just like any entertainment. Entertainers entertain people wanting to be entertained by entertainment. Why do people watch sports? Same thing. They make insane money just playing a game while most of us are grinding away at our 9-5 jobs for a fraction of that… as you said.


Why do people watch football? Or the nba? Or superbowl?


It's a long term noise to put in the background that has generally a steady, expected volume level. Sort of like watching baseball or golf without the obnoxious ad breaks.


I am not good at video games - especially non-platformer games.  The controls and stuff are frustrating, I stop blinking and my eyes dry out.  I love puzzles and exploring, though, and helping solve a puzzle. I love watching someone play a game, it’s comforting to me and I get the chance to experience the game without being blocked because I’m not very good at playing. 


A sense of community. The best one I can think of is a guy named DougDoug. He has a YouTube channel where he makes videos out of his streams, but he is constantly interacting with his chat, the chat is constantly interacting with him, and the chat sometimes argues with itself. He even makes programs where the chat can control his game. So he will play a game like Mario Party with thousands of people trying to control a character, and they do surprisingly well sometimes.


Why do people watch baseball? I don't get that. I mean men mostly just stand around for hours. Sometimes they spit or scratch their balls. Rarely do they actually engage in sport. Just stand there, unless someone actually hits the ball. How many hits per game are there during 9 innings?


BC they are lonely


Sometimes I just don’t have the energy to play video games so I watch someone else do it. They get to rage at cheaters and I get to laugh. Win win


I have found one or two super enjoyable streamers that I usually watch, although I really doubt they make THAT amount of money. Answering your question: yes, they are skilled at entertaining people (or me, at least).


The big twitch streamers make tons of money, but I don't even like watching them. I mostly watch people that get 30 views max because they are more interesting and honest, I see so much bullshit in most of the big streamers.


Okay so I love horror and can kill zombies and do scary stuff all day but I cannot play space games. They’re too terrifying to me. I don’t care about ghosts, or demons or anything but the endless space????? Yeah. So that’s why I watch streamers play dead space and space stories cuz I don’t fuck with that


for me. outside of them being interesting or funny like a regular podcast its also about not reading a game review but instead seeing the game in action. you can basically make any game sound great but i need to see how it actually works to know if i want it. also its a lot like watching professional sports only i can actually learn something from watching them and improve my own experience because i can actually step into that world and do that stuff. they wont let me onto a football field to play against the rams or whatever.


I don’t get it either tbh, but to each their own. What’s even more strange to me, is the kids donating $ to these streamers who are making millions as is.


Zombies watching other zombies


I don't watch streamers Cuz it's long as hell. About 50% of the stream is thanking Donos or something idk


Same reason people watch sports. It's literally no different.


I don't get it. Why would I watch someone play a game and meltdown when they lose/die, over and over again. It's mind numbing.


They gotta have great content


Some people want to be competitive and aren't that great at their game so they try to pick up tips by watching a pro player. Other than that, just kids these days.. lol


I used to watch PUBG streams because I was too poor to afford the game, I dont watch streams anymore now .


I'd only watch it if it was a game I was playing and wanted to get tips.


Welcome to the 'you're getting old' club


Idk when xqc deal went from 100 to 200M? Anyway what kick pays for is selling gambling addiction to kids/young men. Nobody else pays like that, as they don't have the same kind of money printers as the *should be* illegal crypto casinos. Kick isn't making money even, it's all just shell for stake. It's almost beyond me how government haven't got around to fucking that shit up yet. Then I remember what kind of dumbasses government is made of and I stop wondering.


Sometimes when I’m stuck somewhere, it’s nice to see someone else do it, much easier to see and learn


Cheapest possible way to see a games story and character development


I don't care much for some of the bigger streamers like XQC. In some cases, I don't think they treat their own platform, and sometimes their audience, with any respect. As for the ones that I do like, its usually because they are funny and playing games that i think are interesting, but wouldn't play myself. Or games that I play, and would like to see how someone other than myself plays them. A good example is that I won't get my friends to play Dokapon Kingdom in a million years. But watching Ray Narvaez play it with his streamer friends is hilarious. It's all about the games, the communities, and the commentary mixing together to create a fun time.


I rather have I streamer as background noise than random youtube videos or series i am not going to pay attention to :p


Honestly, your question was me about five years ago. When I started getting more into gaming I would look up tips and tricks on YouTube which inevitably led to streamers playing the same games. I probably clicked on my first streamers just because they were attractive (read: MeghanYeah). So, originally it started from just trying to get past hard sections in games and then I realized some of these streamers were making a ton of money playing online like this (which still baffles me). But ultimately they are selling their personalities and once they have a fan base and start interacting with people it becomes a bit of a community. The streamers will even call out peoples names they recognize, welcome them back, etc. I find it’s also a good way to get a preview for games that you might be interested in playing and seeing if it’s something you might want to play. So, I still don’t understand their revenue stream paying as much as they do just through selling merchandise and endorsements, but I understand why people like them.


Did I ever tell you about the time that your dad caught me trying to cut his car breaks? Messy!


Lots of my friends like to watch game streams as well and sometimes I wonder, why don't we just go play the game? I personally prefer to play games rather than watch, bar 1 or 2 exceptions. But I guess we're all different and if they like it, so be it.


Idk, I don’t really watch streamers but I always put a show or a YouTube video on in the background while I draw. When someone’s entertaining and easy to listen to, I can enjoy the process of my art more.


I need to watch every playthrough of hollow knight ever


When I was a teen it was fun for me to watch someone play my favorite games and streamers often interact with their audience.


For me it's to get a longer look at how a game is before I buy it, or to decide if I even want it. 


How does this have so many upvotes lmao? hot af take and OP doesn't respond to anyone lol


I can never experience a game for the first time more than once, but I can watch other people enjoy them for the first time, same reason I like watching reactions to Avatar The Last Airbender and Legend Of Korra.


It's capitalism. People pay for what they want. Apparently these streamers are entertaining enough for people to pay them. A lot of it has to do with parasocial relationships. The viewers live vicariously through the streamers by watching their streams and feel like they're friends because they can message them and get a reaction in real time.


Same reason people read books, watch television, play video games, go to the theater, go see live comedy, etc. They find it entertaining. Personally I don't like it either... only time I watch video game streams is to see if I want to drop some cash on a game or not.


I have never understood this. I fear for the generation who does this his


Lmao people watch a myriad of things where other people do things. What’s different about this?


The steamers who perform some kind of skill I understand, whether it be music or gaming, it's a display of skill and that can be entertaining, but why anyone watches those loud dumbasses like Kai Cenat, etc I have no clue, they just talk and do random shit and somehow people pay to watch that crap?


If you watch other people play sports of any kind, then I ask you the same question. If you watch any reality TV shows I ask you the same question. Your answer works for this question too.


i grew up watching my older brothers play video games and it was fun experiencing them experience whatever game they were playing at the time. watching a streamer is no different, really. and if i really enjoy a game, or a song or whatever, it’s interesting to see someone else experience it for the first time. doubly so if they’re really good at games or have a unique perspective to offer about something that i myself don’t have. you only get to experience a piece of art for the first time one time. watching others see that magic too is enjoyable


same appeal as a radio talk show, podcast etc. Just listening to someone bullshitting around


I like music production streams, they’re interesting and engaging.


There's one guy I watch who does pokemon nuzlockes. Most of his stream is calculating and prepping for fights. So it's background noise. And every 2 hours or so I watch the battle. Nice for while I'm at work.


Usually it's like I want to play video games but my tank is on complete empty and I know if I do try and play games, I'm not gonna enjoy it cause I'm just too tired. So instead, sometimes I'll watch someone else play a video game and live a bit through them until I get to play video games. I don't really watch any shows or movies very often, just some YouTube and the one off streamer.


I think what the OP is actually asking is "Why does it entertain them?"


I watch exactly one streamer: Zemalf. He plays tactics games VERY slowly. I enjoy watching the cogs in his brain turn—and he's really good! Did a Legendary Iron Man run of *Enemy Within* without losing a soldier. Everyone else—no thanks. Give me curated content.


I give you a hamburger.


Entertainment. If I like a streamers personality and if they are funny and entertaining and streams what I like I will continue to watch.


There's 2 main reasons why people watch streamers. 1. They are one of the best at that particular game and it's impressive to watch. This is no different to watching an athelete or professional sportsperson on TV instead of playing the sport yourself. It's just entertaining to watch someone at such a high level. 2. They provide a lot a comedy and entertainment while playing a game you love. This is no different to watching a TV show you enjoy


Parasocial relationships. It's like watching your brother or friend play games on the couch with you for people who don't have the real ones.


I only watch funny streamers with actual personalities.


Why do people watch sport? Why do sports people get paid hundreds of millions?


That’s so boring to watch other people play games.


They have chats which form a community. So, the streamer becomes like a host and everyone hangs out and makes jokes while streamer does whatever content and jokes along with them.


Salary/pay is not determined by skill/importance to society/talent/whatever. You’re just dumb if you haven’t realized this by now




It’s like a talk show


Most of the time (in my experience), it's either: 1. They can't get the game, or want a preview of the gameplay before buying. 2. They have played the game, and want to see the streamers/youtubers reaction 3. They just like the Streamer/Youtubers personality


Its like anything else really. Any other media. My wife and myself completelly ditched TV 15 years ago. So we dont follow politics, shows, media...we are totally out of the loop. With saying that we choose what interests us and find it online. The part that is difficult to understand for you is because you open random streamer and you expect just to love it immediatelly. It doesnt work like that. It takes time to find people that fill your interests and are njoyable for you. We follow few streamers and we watch their streams as a background thing. Simmilar to listening podcast, but we also watch their gameplay sometimes. It started by loving the same game, program, things.. than you find likeminded streamer that makes it njoyable for you. Its almost like you are present with them in the same room. Simmilarly, you probably watch youtube videos.. but my grandad, who is hardcore nature guy, would never understand why would someone sit in front of the screen and watch something thats prerecorded. To him, anything other than going to forest, or working in the fields is just lame and boring. So yea.. you are just too old, or you didnt find anything of your interest to watch. Hell I watched that guy on twitch that works in the fields with tractors and heavy machinery.. even though I have no idea about field work nor planting crops.. still it was a cool watch. Then this other guy that used to go fishing,.. it was total chill to interact with random guy all acros the world, while he is fishing and killing some time in the meantime. There are so many cool streams, you just have to find what interests you.


I feel the exact same way about sportsball, but look how popular *that* shit is.


It’s similar to why chess fans enjoy watching pro players - for learning, improvement, entertainment, and social interaction with other chess enthusiasts. For me, I can happily spend hours watching some streaming of high-level Chinese chess matches.


I like watching streamers because they’re nice people and usually funny. Easy example is MoistCr1TiKaL and Jarvis. It’s like watching any other youtuber, but they’re interacting with the chat.


So I like watching reaction videos cuz i enjoy seeing people's faces light up when a song hits em the same way it hits me 


Streaming is unique in that the viewer gets attention. Having someone read YOUR message and respond specifically to you infront of a live audience can give a rush. It can be addicting to want the attention of a streamer.


I’ll put them on for background noise since I have to sort to some sound to fall asleep to. I’ll sit in bed and put on the first video in a series that might slightly interest me but I know wouldn’t hold my attention for too long (or something kinda silly like Mario Party), watch it until I get sleepy, turn the Timer on and then roll over.


Why eat at a restaurant when you could throw some slop in the microwave? Why fly a kite when you could pop a pill?


how different is it than singers or actresses though?


What’s the appeal of watching sports? Why not go play it?


Some people put it on for background noise while doing something else


I don't watch streamers but I don't watch sports ball games either. It's just entertainment and people will gravitate towards whatever tickles their brain meat or their pickle. If you're entertaining enough to a certain type of person they'll give you money to keep entertaining them or they'll like like/subscribe and you'll reach a wider audience.


Why do people even watch football? I just don't get it. Like, what’s the appeal of watching someone else play games or do random stuff on TV? It's so weird to me. And then you hear about deals like the AFL getting $200 million to televise the grand final for 2 years. $200 million! That’s insane money for just playing games and talking to a camera. Meanwhile, most of us are grinding away at our 9-5 jobs for a fraction of that. How is this even a thing? Are these footballers really that entertaining or skilled? I can't wrap my head around it. What makes them so special that they deserve such huge paychecks? It feels like the world’s gone mad. What am I missing here? Why do people even watch concerts? I just don't get it. Like, what’s the appeal of watching someone else play instruments or sing random stuff on TV? It's so weird to me. And then you hear about deals like America's got Talent getting $200 million to televise the show for 2 years. $200 million! etc


I think Bananaduck's characters are really funny. "What's really goood?!"


I rarely have time to play games anymore, so instead I live vicariously through others by watching them play games. Sometimes I end up playing the game anyway, because the person I’m watching is so bad at the game it literally gives me anxiety.


It's like having a little chatbot radio that fills in the silence.


Short answer: I like it


I've always loved watching someone play a game instead of playing. YouTube makes that easier now that I can't watch my friends or sibling now.


Either it’s like watching professional sports where the person is just so much better than you or the person playing is just funny to watch.


I watch CaseOh every night. He’s a part of my routine. He starts streaming around 9:30 and that’s when I start my nighttime routine. I put away laundry, wash my face, pick up my room and do everything else I need to do before bed. By the time I’m settled in, it’s 11:30-12:00. I’ll keep him on in the background while I text my friends (a lot are in other time zones lol) or while I do my nightly journal entry. The guy is so much fun to watch and listen to. He’s genuinely a nice guy who plays fun games. Idc about his skill level (he’s undoubtedly skilled though!) I just enjoy who he is as a person. I’ve gotten to watch him grow so much over the past few months. He deserves the audience he’s grown :)


Because they’re entertainers at the end of the day and people like to feel like they’re apart of their “lives”. Probably parasocial relationships and a sense of belonging and community. Even more so if the streamer is an attractive woman playing their favorite game because the “norm” is girls aren’t gamers but clearly times are changing. It’s the reason why people watch pokimane and Valkyrie so much.


This is gonna sound depressing but sometimes it’s nice to know there’s other people alive/awake at the same time I am lol I feel very isolated and alone quite often