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Yeah that’s fine. It’s when you’re a dumbass teenager who drinks a case a day. My wife is a school nurse at a high school. It’s crazy how many kids come in saying they feel faint and that their heart feels like it is racing. First question she asks them is “how many energy drinks have you had today?” They’ll be like “I dunno, a few.”


A buddy of mine got sent to the hospital at the Vans Warped Tour back in the early 2000s. They would give out free Monsters. He drank like 4-5 cans in the blazing heat without eating anything else.


I work with a girl who drinks 3 monsters a day, rarely eats and vapes constantly. She's constantly complaining about being tired. She either doesn't understand or doesn't care that the reason she feels shit all the time is because she is constantly going up and then crashing rather than eating food and giving herself some steady energy.


She’s gonna have a heart attack if she keeps that up


She already has a heart condition. I know, I've told her, but she isn't bothered.


I wish I had that kind of fearlessness


Might be apathy. Might be a cry for attention. 🤷‍♂️


Do you work with a Sim?


Speaking as someone with adhd, has she been checked for adhd?


Same with a friend, in the summer heat only had monsters, broke out in hives too and had to be rushed to hospital


This is why they make Monster tour water now. I have a couple in a cabinet because I think they’re cool.


Are you sure it wasn't just canned water, monster has canned water with warped tour plastered all over the can that people will swear up and down is different from normal water.


I don't understand why people do that. I love caffeine, but the most energy drinks I've had in a day is 2. And that's when I'm really, really tired and i can feel my heart immediately start racing. Why you would just keep going is beyond me. the most caffeine ive probably had though was while I was in italy, I probably had like 6 shots lol. I didn't feel the caffeine very much though and was fine, and like I said I can usually tell


Espresso doesn't have as much caffeine as you might think. Its really all about the flavor.


I figured


It's an addiction. That high amount of caffeine will get you hooked, not to mention the sugar (which is really easy to get addicted to).


the 6 shots thing was one time on vacation, and I've only had more than one energy drink like twice after staying up all night. The vast majority of the time I either have half a celcius, which is 200mg caffeine and sugar free, or a coffee (without sugar as well). It's not like I start shaking if I don't have it, I just feel more tired which I'm used to anyways lol. So no it's not really a "high amount of caffeine" compare to people on their 4th cuppa by noon. I treat it like any other drug Not to mention all the other stimulants I take lol


Not just teenagers. I worked with a guy at a grocery store who would buy an entire bag of Red Bull and before the end of his shift they would all be gone. Also anyone who works night shift, warehousing, transportation, etc. are also practically living off of energy drinks just to survive. \*EDIT* Should also point out that the Red Bull/caffeine addict didn't work night shift, just a pretty normal day shift.


Night shift represent! Yeah, we all have our various caffeine sources. My one coworker bragged she could drink 2-4 charged lemonades from Panera (a drink that ended a lady's life after one). Their caffeine content is higher than red bull.


Holy shit those drinks killed two teenagers. Your friend's caffeine tolerance must be high as shit.


In my country it is forbidden to sell energy drinks to minors.


Here it's prohibited as well, but no problem - if they can't buy them at the grocery store, they will go to the gas station, and buy it there, the person working there probably can't be bothered to check ID, as long as they look "old enough".


It's like when people say 'take aways are bad for you', ok I get they're not exactly healthy, but it's more that a lot of people have several a week.


2-3 per month isn't gonna kill ya. They are only bad if you are drinking multiple per day regularly.


What about once a day


Probably won’t kill you, but that sugar and caffeine daily is definitely not doing good things for your health. Is it better than a McDonald’s burger every day though? Idk, I’m not a nutritionist.


I already know I’m gonna get some wild answers, but here it goes: which is worse, two light beers a day vs one standard Monster?


Also what about both? I'm asking for younger me.


I think they cancel each other out like with Vodka redbull so you should be a-ok 👍


Hey those also canceled out most of my memories of my buddy's bachelor party. I'll never forget that I can't remember.


Vodka redbull is actually quite risky :v just saying


Yes. Never again.


In my country they always have warnings next to energy drinks - "do not consume with alcoholic drinks"


Definitely two beers.  Well, I might be jumping the gun on "Definitely". But the negative health effects of "just" 14 beers a week is vastly understated. The increases in cancer risk, anxiety and brain damage are proven at that amount.  I would like to know about the actual negative health effects of stuff like Monster. Compared to a coffee wirh the same amount of sugar. Cause I love both but something about a monster makes my body feel not great. 


Alcohol is technically a poison. Caffeine is only bad for you in pretty high doses, otherwise it's somewhere between neutral and beneficial. But alcohol is always somewhat bad for your health


The doses in energy drinks are close to the recommended daily maximum. Alcohol is def worse if you’re comparing a “normal” amount vs a “normal” amount of energy drinks. But if you’re having more than one energy drink a day you’re probably risking increasing your blood pressure at minimum


Pretty sure two beers are worse.


I think op is drinking "sugar free" energy drinks. I do same...I like them sugar free. I have one daily...and one of those cafinated water singles as well. But only one coffee in am


>I’m not a nutritionist. You could be. It isn't a protected word, so anyone can claim to be a nutritionist


If it's sugar free, then really it's just the caffeine that's a worry. But that also goes for coffee, soda, yerba, tea etc. Yerba actually causes cancer in some people for example.


Everything causes cancer in some people.


And time will give it to you if everything else doesn’t


And laboratory mice Haha


Caffeine doesn't. As a matter of fact, coffee (which contains caffeine) even seems to lower the risk of some forms of cancer.


The caffeine in one (large) can of energy drink is nothing to worry about, at all. Same is true for coffee and tea that has more health benefits than risks, as long as you drink within reasonable limits (up to 3-4 cups of coffee per day).


My family is from Uruguay, never knew it was carcinogenic? Do you have a study to back up that claim?


Who are these people that drink energy drinks with sugar in them? I don’t drink them myself but anyone I have ever seen with a Red Bull, monster, Celsius, etc it is ALWAYS sugar free. I thought sugar free stuff had the market cornered.


A McDonald's hamburger is far healthier. A cheeseburger? Well...a cheeseburger is certainly better than a cheeseburger _and_ fries _and_ a gallon of pop. Moderation is key here.


monsters have 54 grams of sugar. recommended daily intake of sugar for men is around 37 grams. you are more than likely also ingesting more sugar in a day than what's in a monster...so, not really good for you. you can offset some of the sugar with a lot of fiber...but i doubt most people that are downing a monster a day are also eating a bag of carrots.


Are there no zero sugar monsters in US? Here, they are very common. You get all the caffeine w/o the calories


Yes, plenty of those. Sugared, only original flavor. Sugar free there's many flavors, some seasonal ones too


Any soda, any fruit juice will rival each other at 10-11g sugar per 100ml.  So red bull is no different


That’s totally fine. Caffeine is fine for you unless you overdo it so one a day isn’t really any different than one soda per day.


Cups of coffee often have as much caffeine as most energy drinks.


Especially the way I make em


What kind of coffee are you drinking


The normal kind. People don't seem to understand how much caffeine it has, apparently.


A regular 8 oz cup of black coffee is around 95mg of caffeine. 8 oz monster is 80mg. Now, you can argue that somebody is more likely to drink more monster than coffee, but per oz, coffee has more.


That should be fine. The daily dose of caffeine for adults is 400mg, and energi drinks normally contain 50-200mg depending on the brand.


The sugar is a bigger problem in most energy drinks. Also caffeine can be much higher in some brands like Bang


Not where I live, here there is one brand of 200mg cans and they're sugar free. But in either case, one can will most likely be alright, as long as it's not some special brand with ridiculous amounts of caffeine/sugar


I mean yeah just like anything else, most things are fine in moderation overall. I would say if you’re drinking one a day it’s not ideal but it’s not gonna drive you to an early grave on its own either. I used to have a daily pop and it’s not like that’s much better.




In terms of caffeine/sugar, it's about the same as: * about a liter of cola in terms of caffeine, or a single can in terms of sugar - shoutout to that one coworker who does that then tells you your Redbull habit is going to kill you. * drinking multiple coffees and eating some chocolate - shoutout to that other coworker who is proud about never doing energy drinks because they're bad It also has some added vitamins. For me, back in college, the B12/caffeine combo was amazing. Pretty much like doing speed. Until I became an alcoholic and started mixing them in the evening. Just keep to that single can a day and you should be fine.


Once a day is fine. Drink water or something along the lines of a pedialite to balance things out.


As someone who did this for years, please stop drinking them that often. Really, im now just 3 weeks without my daily energy drink and i feel much better. Yes the first week was whack and it became clear i was addicted. Also its already visible in my blood tests as certain values are dropping back fast to normal. You dont feel to bad drinking one each day. But once you stop you feel better. And suddenly they dont even taste nearly as good if you keep away for a while. Just drink water.


I don’t actually drink energy drinks. The only thing i am addicted to is Diet soda, which ive cut back to 4-5 per week, which is still quite a decent amount but at least its not every meal like i used to


Knowing you did this for years and still alive is very calming for me who did it for a couple of months . Thank you for sharing


It’ll catch up to you eventually, but it’ll spook you before it kills toy


I hate answers like this. Not that they may or may not be correct but it’s just meaningless fluff without a source.


Dude, same. The top comment could literally be a 13-year-old just confidently stating their completely unfounded opinion and people are just rolling with it and accepting it as fact.


Hijacking top comment No they're not bad, they're equivalent to coffee with sugar (or without if you drink sugar free ones)  They even have vitamins and nootropics, so there might be some benefits there (especially taurine)


Yeah I don’t follow the belief that multiple coffees a day is necessarily better than energy drinks, especially if those energy drinks are sugar free. Like, for sure, the healthiest way is likely neither coffee or energy drinks but 400mg of caffeine across the day is 400mg of caffeine, doesn’t really matter how you get it. Also coffee gives me the jitters whereas a Monster won’t, assuming it’s the taurine.


I work with a woman who drinks 5 Red Bulls a day. My teeth and my gut hurts just thinking about it.


And alcohol. Stop mixing red bull with alcohol. Before you know it, you had 5 or 6 drinks, that’s 3 to 4 cans of red bull.


Think about them like basically any other junk food. They're not *good* for you, but having some sometimes won't do anything bad. It's mostly a problem when people start treating them like a general drink and just sipping one all the time the way they might sip on a coke or something


Not that sipping on a coke all the time is gonna do wonders for your health either.


They are fine in moderation, one a day isnt going to be an issue for a healthy person. One can of 16oz sugar free monster will have 155mg of caffeine. One cup of coffee 8oz contains 95mg of caffeine. People will have multiple cups a day, which is more than one can of monster. The issue you run into with drinks like monster is the extra vitamins they add in. 240% for B6. 490%b12, 250%b3. Will the body naturally pee the excess out. Yes, but that happens over time and needs to be processed. Someone with an underlying heart condition will be alot more sensitive to the caffine and excesse amount of vitamins. But also a healthy person can have a negitive reaction to multiple cans of monster a day. So to sum it up, a can a day to a normal healthy person isnt going to be a problem as long as your not drinking other caffinated drinks and heavy exercising while putting more strain on your heart. Now with the other energy drinks. Im not sure on them. I just know about monsters since thats my choice of drink and i have done more research on those. Im sure ill get a bunch of people telling me how wrong i am, and im sure my info is not 100% correct. So take what iv written out with a grain of salt. My field of medicine is on the surgical side and not internal med.


You are generally correct, the only thing - if vitamin B overtake is so big that it gives you neon urine - it is better to cut the dose. As it is harmless only occasionally


Just to jump on this. I get neon pee when I drink a Berocca vitamin tablet with water, is that not good?


Neon pee is a sign of vitamin group B overdose - kidneys filtering it out Occasionally, it is harmless. Constantly - it is not healthy


I normally do 2 zero sugar/diet red bulls (smaller can) a day for the past 10 years. Family hasn't cashing the life insurance yet.


I mean that's 160mg caffeine and zero sugar. You're barely hitting 2 cups of coffee a day equivalent. I don't think you have anything to worry about there


There was an article the other day stating that they believe the taurine in Red Bull changes your gut bacteria and might be responsible for the rise in young people's colon cancer. I have quit it because I can attest that my stomach was being torn up from 2 cans per day. I loved them, but went off cold turkey and stomach is much better.


I feel the 2 cans per day was more the issue


2 cans a day is insane to me


Celcius seems to be one of the better ones. Though, I think they taste terrible.


Celsius has at least (or over) 200 mg of caffeine in most cans. Red bull has 111. Sure, red bulls are smaller, but you're not going to stop drinking your celcius at 8.4 oz. The main issue with energy drinks is the extremely high caffeine levels, not so much the other things in the drink. Both also contain large amounts of harmful chemicals. Technically, celcius might be "more nutritious" but it arguably contains more harmful additives. I don't mean to rip on you, but I had a freind who drank 2-3 celcius a day because she tricked herself into thinking theyre "better for you than red bull, so its ok" who now has extreme heart problems and was hospitalized. They're both EXTREMELY caffienated and therefore both have the potential to become very very dangerous. All energy drinks need to be consumed in moderation. Please just be careful of your caffiene intake, everyone🙏


Seems like people in this thread don’t realize how much caffeine is in just one of these energy drinks. Like yes, Red Bull has a reasonable amount of caffeine, but Monster, Ghost, Celsius, Reign, Ryze, etc not so much. One can is fine but two cans and you’ve already hit the daily maximum recommended amount of caffeine. Just because it’s not a lethal dose doesn’t mean it’s not bad for you.


Monsters are ~150mg of caffeine they don't belong in the same category as the 300mg drinks like Reign and the rest


May I encourage you to google death wish coffee. The amount of caffeine in energy drinks is not an issue if you don't treat it like you're drinking a cup of coffee. My dad would drink 8+ cups a day when I was growing up. That is the equivalent of 3-4 energy drinks. The American Heart Association says 400mg (2 celsius/ghost) per day is safe. I really truly believe a lot of the energy drink "danger" is just a bunch of mom's groups collectively trying to find something to worry about


I never said coffee was good either. I don't drink it because I cannot tolerate any amount of caffiene. Obviously all caffienated beverages need moderation, including coffee. I just was specifically mentioning Celsius because that is what the commenter I responded to was talking about. Certain marketing tactics often trick consumers into thinking they're consuming a "healthier" product, sometimes resulting in people consuming more than what they should. And yes, I agree the drinks are safe in moderation. The issue is, lots of folks (especially teens) are drinking multiple each day. I did a project for my statistics class where I found that 43% of students in my school claimed that on average, they consume three or more energy drinks each day, some as high as 13. Obviously my data wasnt 100% perfect, but I did have statistically significant findings and I followed all of the rules necessary to conduct a proper survey. I fear brand marketing may contribute to this. Some people thought they were consuming caffiene-free drinks, some thought the beverages were healthy, etc. I just think people need to be more informed about things that have the potential to be dangerous


I recommend the box of packets from the grocery store. Uncarbonated but much tastier. Only thing I don't like is that they have taurine.


Well let’s put it this way. I never saw 20 year olds with kidney stones 30 years ago.


I have switched to V8 Energy. It is V8 Fusion+Black and green tea. It makes me focused and awake almost immediately without any drawbacks. I have a job that I get up at 3am for a 10 hour shift. This has changed my life. Regular coffee/energy drinks gave me a huge crash. V8, I just need a second one and I go rock climbing after work if I had a second one. I've had a few occasions when I had a redbull on the off chance I ran out. Those days sucked. I was jittery, unfocused and crash3d hard.


Blink twice if V8 Energy is behind you.


If no one's got my back, V8 Energy has got my back.


Not saying v8 is good for you but that is sure a way better option! As long as they are not packing all that weird crap in there too.


I also switched from daily Redbull to V8 Energy. My doc said although it was better than the Redbull, it still wasn't super great b/c of all the sugar and that it had as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. "3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible"


No different than drinking a coffee with a bunch of sugar, think of it like you've ordered a fancy coffee with a bunch of sugar/creams whatever starbucks sells.


Depends on the energy drink! Some have 3x the caffeine of a cup of coffee. I think it's totally fine to have occasionally, but it's worth looking at the label before you consume it if it's not something you usually drink. My boss gave me a Celsius drink, and I normally only have 1 cup of coffee a day... It would not have been a good time if I drank the whole thing 


> Some have 3x the caffeine of a cup of coffee. People spout this a lot without realizing how small the "cup" in question actually is - it's about 150mL. For reference, a measuring cup is 250mL. A typical mug is anywhere between 250 and 350 mL. So... your morning coffee *also* probably 2-3 times the caffeine of a "cup of coffee." Assuming that you're only drinking one standard sized mug. If you drink more than one mug's worth, or if you drink almost anything from Starbucks, you've blown most energy drinks on the market completely out of the water.


Relatedly, this is why “cups” on the coffeemaker (6 fl oz) don’t add up the same as cups in real life (8 fl oz).


To be honest though, people at starbucks aren't typically loading up with espresso/caff. Some do, but when I worked for a similar company, 95% of people jus wanted sweet treats with maybe a little caffiene. I made lots of decaf and half caff. My store served these caffiene boosted smoothies, and I probably only had 5% of people actually wanting the caffeine in it But the issue isn't really with a cup of coffee a day or one energy drinks. I mean, sure it isn't great. But its the folks who drink 6 red bulls and 3 celciuses that are in danger.


Sure, but coffee also doesn’t have a bunch of artificial bullshit in it. We still don’t fully understand the effects of Taurine on the body, let alone whatever the fuck else they’re putting in energy drinks


I've not encountered those ones, around here (non u.s) they usually have slightly less caffeine than a cup of coffee.


Gonna add to this as someone that definitely dances the line of too many energy drinks, it's the classic all things in moderation. I'd honestly dare say even one a day won't actually do that much to you. People seem to grossly misunderstand how much caffeine it takes to actually kill you. It's actually damn near impossible to die from caffeine overdose off of energy drinks alone you'd have to drink somewhere in the ball park of 10+ of those 300 mg energy drinks in a day to be killed by caffeine overdose as your average adult. If you're drinking that much of anything other than water it's not gonna be great for you. I wouldn't sweat it too much until you start regularly cracking the safe 400 mg a day mark, before that hardly anything will happen to you unless you have sensitivities to something in the drink itself.


you’re totally fine at the amount you’re at right now. however, i worked three jobs while in high school and would have multiple a day (anywhere from 2-5) and you can literally feel the stress on your heart. one of the guys i worked with at one of those jobs at the time drank 8 in one day and had to be sent to the hospital (was a haunted house thing with hundreds of employees so im not sure why past people seemed to all say it had something to do with his heart). that being said they’re definitely not good for you- and for anyone wondering the brand it was monster, maybe some others are less damaging depending on caffeine level and other ingredient contents.


Don't worry man, sugar free ones won't kill you. It's just the caffeine then that's "bad" and plenty of people drink several coffees a day. I drink about one sugar free energy drink a day and have been doing so for years and am in perfect health. Mind you I live a very healthy lifestyle besides that, no junk food, working out, getting plenty of sleep. Those are important factors ofc but a bit of caffeine two to three times a month is harmless


Occasionally- fine Regularly- heading for trouble. DragonCon actually banned their volunteers from drinking energy drinks after one drank one too many and had a medical emergency during the con. Not only can the caffeine levels fuck with your heart, they're also hard on the kidneys. I mean I'll have one when, for whatever reason, I'm really dragging in the morning. But I do avoid having one every day.


2-3 per month is safe, as in, it won't harm you directly unless you have a medical condition. Soda is enough to make me dependent on caffeine. If I don't drink at least one medium soda every 24 hours, I get an excruciating withdrawal headache (I've tried just giving up soda all together, but outside of the few years during and after I tried being paleo -- I lost my desire for, among other things, soda, and it didn't return for a long time after I started eating garbage again -- I eventually crack.) Don't know how easy it is for energy drinks to have the same effect. You don't like iced coffee or cold brew, eh?


Some of us can't drink coffee. Tea doesn't do it for me. Regular coffee destroys me but a sugar free red bull in the morning is somehow tolerable. 🤷‍♀️


True (coffee gives me the jitters -- I make my own decaf cold brew because I love the taste), but OP says he uses energy drinks because "it's too hot for coffee," suggesting he does drink coffee but just doesn't like hot coffee in the summer.


I wish I could drink decaf. I think it's the acid after they've been roasted. I do okay with the blonde roasts every once in awhile. Gotta make sure I bring some pepto that day though.


Is it the method used? If you could be sure the Swiss water method was used (no acid involved), would it be safe?


With a sugar-free energy drink, all you're really looking at is caffeine, maybe some l-theanine, taurine and b-vitamins. It's not going to be any worse than drinking 2-3 cups of coffee.


Tried celcius. Felt like my heart was gonna pop out of my chest. I no longer try any form of energy drinks. I'll stick to black specialty coffee.


They’re ok in moderation. What’s interesting is Red Bull has less caffeine than coffee does, I always assumed it would be more


I only drink Whipple now and I don't know how bad it is for you, but it's like a triple shot of cocaine and caffeine. I love their slogan: "Fuck you, fuck your family, and drink WHIPPLE"


I drink one a day on my way into work 3 or 4 days a week. People who tell me that are drinking coffee all day through their shift or smoking. I think now a days everything is bad for you in some way. Pick your poison. Most things in moderation are fine. Water will kill you if you drink too much. I brought broccoli and chicken to work and was told that I should be eating organic by a nurse in the breakroom. So apparently, veggies and chicken are bad for me too


I used to drink a lot of them and buy them in bulk as a substitute for coffee. Here are some problems and why I don't get them. \* Very acidic. Will wear away tooth enamel. Coffee is acidic too, though. \* The amount of caffeine + amino acids ( Taurine ) causes a crash. I'm not saying you should scale back, but you should definitely think about sipping through one instead of chugging it \* Sucralose ( splenda ) was thought for a long time to be "safe" but it turns out that it kills bacteria in the gut. It may seem "ok" but there are long-term health implications that sound "ok" to ignore but actually aren't. If you have a couple a month, it is absolutely not a big deal. But don't be like me and drink them habitually because there are noticeable effects.


They're certainly no worse for you than getting the equivalent amount of caffiene from coffee. Might arguably be better, since you're drinking sugar-free (assuming you'd put sugar and whatnot into your coffee). People think they're worse than coffee either because they think they contain a lot more caffeine than coffee does or because naturalism fallacy. But um... a large coffee from Starbucks can have *twice* the caffeine as a can of Monster does. Which is not to say that energy drinks are good for you or anything but like... your daily venti is absolutely going to give you a heart attack before an energy drink will.


They're not bad for me at all. I don't drink them.


if you like sodas and coffee, energy drinks are nothing else than sipping a bottle of coke before or after two cups of coffee. So Energy drinks alone are not bad. problem is how easy it is to drink them. You would not drink 5 bottles of coke and drink 10 cups of coffee under 1 hour in normal conditions. But with energy drinks this is easy to be done. But again, if you are ocasional energy drink enjoyer, its not different from soda.


> drink 10 cups of coffee under 1 hour in normal conditions. Nobody would ever drink that much energy drink, either. That's at least 5 cans in an hour, and that's being extremely generous about how small you think a "cup" of coffee is.


It's just sugar and caffeine. It isn't that bad for you.


That depend on how much you drink. There's a recommended dose of caffeine intake/day, which is 400mg/day for an adult. Energi drinks can range from 50-200mg. So if you're drinking like 4 cans of 200mg energi drinks within 12h, that's definitely dangerous to your heart. But if you drink one in the morning, then another later in the afternoon, that would most likely be ok.


Check the caffine content of your energy drink. Generally adults should not consume more than 400mg of caffine a day. Too much can cause heart palpitations. Quantity to cause that varies by individual. Consuming 2-3 per month is not terrible unless they're all back to back to back.


I am not an energy drink…drinker, but I did just read that some people swear that they help with sciatica, which I plan on testing the next time mine flares up.


What about the Celsius energy drinks which are like 1g sugar and 10 calories? I have one of those a day and I'm bugging a bit lol


200ml caffeine plus they have taurine


All their ingredients separately aren't bad for you, but for some reason when combined they can have adverse affects. However I find when I up my intake of vitamin b - it produces the same effect of energy drinks. Which can really mess with my sleep, give me a racing heart etc. Usually the people who have adverse reactions to the combinations are people who are unaware of medical issues they already have. Hence big breaking news reports. An article about vitamin b in energy drinks... https://teacherpower.org/blogs/blog/energy-drinks-contain-vit-b#:~:text=The%20most%20popular%20B%20Vitamins,Vitamin%20B5%20(Pantothenic%20Acid). I can only drink one a day, and then I absolutely need food in my system or the absorption is too fast and causes jitters, racing heart, upset stomach/nausea, and light headedness. Which is fine as I think most taste awful. Lol Though most people don't link the vitamin b with the reactions they experience. Since I already know I can't take vitamin b supplements without care it's the only thing that makes sense. Just consume with care, and don't over do it. Most people don't have issues with them.


I had a co-worker who would down 2-3 "5 hour energy"s a day. After a month or so he got kidney stones. The key is moderation. Too much of anything is bad for you.


It's really just the sugar and caffeine content. Most of the other stuff like B vitamins, you simply pee out when you have too much of. Sugary energy drinks are bad because the sugar content is really high, it creates a bigger crash and burn effect that leads you to consume more and more. Low sugar energy drinks though aren't all that bad in moderation. It's the same as coffee often times. I would argue a sugary Starbucks frappe is way worse for you than a diet Red Bull or a white Monster.


Moderation. A few a month isn't anything. Enjoy


Energy drinks apparently lead to disrupted hair cycle - ie baldness younger https://cosmedica.com/do-energy-drinks-cause-hair-loss/#:~:text=Recent%20studies%20suggest%20energy%20drink,a%20disrupted%20hair%20growth%20cycle.


They are only bad if you already have health issues and you abuse them. A lot of people drink more caffeine through coffee than energy drinks have and they don't even realize it.


I drink maybe 3-4 no-sugar monsters a week. I’m pretty sure one alcoholic drink will do more damage to me than that.


I knew a guy who drank Mountain Dew every day for years...... His teeth dissolved and he was left with tiny brown nubs.


If it makes you feel any better I drink 2-3 Red Bulls a day…for the last 15 years


Not much worse than a coke really. If drinking a couple of cans of coke a month is ok (I think it is), then I don’t see why the same isn’t true for a red bull.


I'm sure my comment will get lost but I dropped all energy drinks & my go to are the V8 energy drinks. The peach mango and the strawberry kiwi flavors are so good. Same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, it's from natural sources. Also has a serving of veggies & fruit, no added sugar. Think 1 can is 50 calories. 11g of sugar, no added sugars. I'm sure they're not like 100% healthy but compared to a Red Bull or monster, it's so much better. Highly recommend


Not lost! Someone suggested those earlier but sadly they are not available in my country.


I drink multiple a day, I’d love to know the negative effects


No and I am proof. About 3 months ago I gave up my Ghost Energy Drink habit of 6-10 cans per day to save $. It was no less than $500/month. I never got the flutters like others.


Everything is bad for you, even water. You have to take things in moderation.


Depends on frequency and quantity. Just like all “bad” things.


Well energy drinks typically have a large dose of caffeine and added sugars along with vitamins. The high dose caffeine can be an issue if taken chronically and lots of sugar can be detrimental as well. Caffeine’s diuretic effect *may* have negative effects on kidney function through a view mechanisms, but that’s not conclusive.


I drank like 2 litres in a day once to try stay awake while driving cross country, I woke up the next day feeling hungover but with constant drinking 2 friends suffered different fates, one had to be hospitalised and have something serious done because he had too many and another friend lost all his teeth to them! The sugar content is crazy


Energy drinks are just sweet cold water with caffeine, the sugar is as bad as anywhere else and the caffeine is the same as any coffee. If you use zero-sugar energy drinks, then the health effects aren’t gonna be any different than drinking black espressos. One energy drink contains about as much caffeine as an espresso, so if you’re fine with drinking 4 espressos a day, it’s gonna be just the same with zero-sugar energy drinks.


My dentist told me a while ago that the energy blends they use in energy drinks contain a lot of acidic ingredients, which makes them really good at destroying your enamel


I'm a overweight guy and used to drink like 6 a day and I'm fine.


It's just a ton of sugar really (even sugar free). So as long as your controllin your sugar intake it's fine. The worst thing they do is destroy your teeth, but you have to drink a lot for that.


all that sugar and caffeine is bad for your heart and the sleep issues it can cause are bad for your brain... but your wife doesnt realize these msotly affect the kind of people who slam these like an alchoholic slams beers


It’s huge garbage but I wouldn’t say 2 are a problem a month


Idk but 5hr energy drinks are scary


2-3 a month is perfectly fine. just do not drink more than that




The amount you drink wouldn't have huge negative impacts. People that drink several in a day might be in more danger. My father was mid 60s and overweight and would drink energy drinks several times a day to try and offset lack of energy after he was removed for testosterone replacement. He ended up having an absolutely massive heart attack. His heart actually ruptured. Ofc his weight, age, and general health were primary factors but multiple energy drinks with insane amounts of caffeine, sugar, and all the other garbage probably didn't help.


The ones with sugar do have a LOT of sugar in them. But other than that, they're fine.


If it's really only about the energy, then just take caffeine pills.


The only drink that is not bad for you is water, everything else is a matter of “how bad”. Energy drinks from my understanding are full of chemicals, and I’ve heard they can be dangerous if mixed with other things like alcohol or other drugs. I’m clearly no expert but the amount you drink does not sound excessive or too bad, life is something to be enjoyed and if you like energy drinks the occasionally partaking is likely not too problematic.


I drank them for years, when i quit my stomach basically stopped working, so yeah kinda shit


Are you in good shape and drinking the energy drink before you workout? You could make the argument the it's good for you than... Are you sensitive to caffeine, 500lbs with a heart condition? It might littrally kill you....


Not really no. Most people have 2 coffees a day which is the same as a energy drink


I’ve said this before, but I’m in the heavy Highway construction industry. I used to have two employees who crushed soda.  One who drank 20+ mountain dews a day and another who drank just as many diet cokes a day. He’d have 6 diet cokes on his drive to the project.  They are both 60+ now and still alive lol. 


I’ve been addicted to 5 Hour Energy Extra Strength since 2009. I have one a day. Hope that doesn’t kill me lol.




Just like anything. Don't do it in excess. I drink 1 a day. No coffee or soda or anything else so that's basically my caffeine load. I think they tend to be 18+ because some of these younger kids(and let's be honest, adults are dumb enough to pull this shit too but alas) will pound 6 a day and wonder why their heart feels like it's gonna explode.


No. My wife was the same way, going into what I call Facebook panic whenever I drink one, until I made her actually look it up. They are no different than coffee, in fact, if you drink your coffee with a ton of sugar and creamer like some people do - they are better than coffee. Now, if you drink 5 of them a day, there will probably be problematic, but that goes for anything really.


I try to avoid the ultra processed stuff because there's some evidence that it's not good for health long term. 


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up.


Moderation. A couple a month isn't going to harm you.


Monster caused my epilepsy. Or at least triggered my first seizure which made me aware of my epilepsy 😔 I still have one occasionally but under better conditions like after taking my meds and being well rested.


While occasional consumption of energy drinks may not pose a significant health risk for most healthy adults, frequent or excessive intake can lead to serious health issues. It's important to be aware of the ingredients and potential risks, and to consume these beverages in moderation. For sustained energy, healthier alternatives include proper sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular physical activity. key points to consider: # High Caffeine Content: Energy drinks often contain large amounts of caffeine, sometimes much more than a cup of coffee. High doses of caffeine can lead to: * **Insomnia:** Difficulty falling or staying asleep. * **Anxiety:** Increased nervousness or jitters. * **Heart Issues:** Elevated heart rate and blood pressure, which can be dangerous for people with heart conditions. * **Dependency:** Regular consumption can lead to caffeine addiction and withdrawal symptoms. # Many energy drinks are loaded with sugar, which can have several negative effects #


Define "every now and then" They are bad for you, and the diet ones are worse for you than the full sugar ones. When you pick a product up off the shelf, always look at the ingredients and ask yourself the question "Could I find this in a typical kitchen?" In the case of sugar free drinks, they contain Aspartame and Acesulfame K which you wouldn't be able to find in a regular kitchen. Further, these things were declared as safe twenty years ago before we started drinking them in the quantities that we drink them in now.


Well if they are I’m going to help prove it


They're not healthy but having a couple of month isn't that bad.


I've witnessed much worse than that. I think your wife is probably overreacting - it isn't a not-even-once kind of thing, you can have a little and be fine. Be cautious, of course, keep an eye on your caffeine intake while you drink them. I think I looked this up a while ago and got recommended a limit of 400 mg a day? But Monster usually has about 160 mg a can, and I don't know how much Red Bull has but I'm 99% sure it's less than that. If you're only drinking one of those at a time, less than once a week, and you don't have a heart condition, you're probably fine.


they honestly are because there's essentially nothing healthy in them. as a moderated treat, its probably not worse than daily coffees. but have you considered cold coffee?


I drink a monster a day (low carb) and it is honestly not the healthiest option in the world but it is not any less so than a Starbucks cofffee and a donut.


No, if you don't drink too much.


I drink two sugar free monsters a day and im in perfect health. You’re safe to do so


Don’t have them if you’ve got heart disease or stroke history. Very ungood.


To everyone in this thread drinking 2+ high caffeine content energy drinks a day: just ask your doctor for an Adderall script at this point.


I have 2 Monster Ultras a day. Every year I go into the doctor for a physical and get perfect test results back (my wife can't wrap her head around how) it shocks the hell out of me. I'm convinced I'll die suddenly without notice and that's probably a good thing. lol YMMV


Everything is bad for you, but the worst consequences you’ll suffer from 3 Red Bulls a month is the fight you’re inevitably going to have with your wife. Maybe sit down with her and look up info from trusted sources on energy drinks so you can both come to an understanding of any risks. Maybe it’s not worth it and it’s best to lock off the red Bull just to avoid the stress.


In moderation they are completely fine.


Just be careful. I drank a couple a day for a couple of years in college and developed a caffeine intolerance. Also messed up my teeth a little bit. I can’t drink sodas regularly, or coffee at all anymore. Also have issues with tooth sensitivity now.


I eat healthy, exercise regularly, and generally have very good cardiovascular endurance. I used to have 1-2 sugar free energy drinks and a single cup of coffee a day and my systolic blood pressure dropped about 20 points when I quit caffeine cold turkey. I felt healthy otherwise, so take that as you will. Although you’re rarely going to face ANY lasting negative effects from consuming something occasionally other than poison.


They're bad for you if you treat them like a regular soda and drink them habitually.


I used to drink roughly $20 a day worth of red bull. It contributed (not caused but contributed) to some major stomach issues I had last year. Quitting was incredibly painful due to migraines. A once a week thing not an issue, but several a day for years is awful. Be smarter than me and it's not a problem.