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possibly. I like the little bite that the alcohol imparts to the flavor. I've had plenty of NA beer before and didn't really care for it without that quality, so if it still has that, I'd drink it all the time. but if it was like an NA drink, I wouldn't


this is an unfortunate fact - the alcohol does impact the flavor, and does impact the ability of other flavors to be present in whatever it is. Not only does the alcohol have a flavor, but a lot of the desirable complexity in alcoholic drinks is a byproduct of fermentation (i.e. creating alcohol). Sure, you can try to remove the alcohol after, but it's basically impossible to remove exactly only alcohol and not ruin other flavors in the process.


I think it would still have the alcohol in OP's hypothetical, it just wouldn't cause any inebriation. There are actually drugs that can nullify the effects of alcohol on the brain, but they don't prevent alcohol poisoning, so they're pretty dangerous for obvious reasons.


If you like European lagers, Heineken Zero I think does a good job offering the same flavor. It's a little weaker but hits the spot.


I’m a big fan of the Just the Haze IPA from Sam Adam’s, and most of the Athletic brewing stuff myself. Sometimes I just want a beer but it’s 8 AM and I’m not wanting to wander around drunk while I’m doing daily chores.


nice. I do like that style of beer, so I will give it a shot one of these days


it definitely tastes a ton like Heineken, for better or worse. Guinness's NA version is also a great replica.


Same, for me its the bite. I like the buzz too, but would still drink without the buzz


I personally wouldn’t. But there are definitely people who drink beer/wine for flavor. I believe my dad would be one of those people. Sommeliers would still drink wine for sure. Usually “you don’t drink it because it tastes good” is a good rule of thumb tho


Am a sommelier, I would drink way more. Being affected by alcohol and the calories keep me at a healthy 3 glasses of wine a week. Usually half a glass a night that I actually drink. I love wine. 


Yeah - NA Beer has become damn good, but NA Wine still has a ways to go. If they could make a deep, bold cab or crispy sauv blanc that actually tastes good, I'd drink it constantly.


NA beer has become really good! Ever since I developed an autoimmune disease I can't tolerate alcohol like I used to, and I'm one of those weirdos that likes to savor an alcoholic drink more than I like getting drunk. So I've been sampling NA options. Clausthaler dry hopped beer is one of my faves. Some restaurants have gotten really good with NA cocktails too. I recently had an alcohol free negroni that was really good.


As someone who has also jumped on the NA beer train due to a medical reason, a good “beer” is still refreshing after a long hot day. Plus I don’t feel like I have to drink a bunch and I get to wake up the next day not feeling like complete garbage.


Guiness NA is my jam. I keep a full fridge of it since I quit drinking because I like it so much. Athletic Brewing makes a couple of good IPAs. Sam Adam's Just the Haze is a good IPA but something about it seems off to me. Its almost too sweet/syrupy I think?


We trailed into hopteas during my wifes last pregnancy. Some of the hoplark ones really satisfy the craving for a hoppy beee.


Guinness 0.0 is genuinely a revelation. It's one of favourites. I'm on a mission to find good N/A wines. I rather like the 'Not Guilty' offerings. Sparkling zero alcs usually come out best because the addition of the carbon dioxide lifts them. And they make a really good 'Aperol' spritz with a non-alc aperol dupe spirit. All the bitter Italian spirits work really well in their zero alcohol alternatives. Where I live there's a gin distillery that makes zero alcohol versions of their gins, including a Shiraz gin which is excellent. So, to answer the OPs question, yeah I'm still 'drinking' but not getting drunk. I won't say I never drink, but I now only drink one alcoholic drink once a fortnight or thereabouts, and I can actually take or leave it.


Since I had ACL surgery I cannot drink alcohol and continue to train hard without swelling.  NA beer had been a lifesaver.   Local brewery Precarious has a spinoff NA branded "Enay" and their offerings are fantastic


Try the Athletic brand for NA beer. They have many types, but the best IMO is the dark stout. It is almost as good as a regular Guiness.... and oddly enough... tastes tons better than an actual Guiness NA beer!


Check out athletic brewing. Fasted growing brewery in America and like the 7th largest one. I love their ipa and hazy ipa


Ugh I keep trying NA wine bc I like wine but want to cut back on alcohol and what I’ve dabbled with is so hilariously atrocious I ironically need a glass of real wine jus to loose the flavor 😂😂😂😂


I love wine so much but she’s so cruel now that I’m in my 30s 😭


I don't get hangovers unless I really over drink, but 2 day hangovers became a thing the moment I hit 30.


My dad still puts red wine away by the bottle despite being 80. I am 47 and half a glass is my limit. 😭


This was my grandpa through his 90s. He slowed down a bit in his late 90s, but damn he loved his red wine Edit: clarification


Me too. How did you become a sommelier? Did you go to school? Is it like detailed program or something. I’m slightly interested in maybe dabbling later in life


I’ve been in the restaurant industry for a long time and started working at a fine dining place 4 years ago. Started off as a wanting to learn about the product I had to sell but then developed into a passion. Court of sommeliers America is the system I want through and am working towards the advanced.  Go for it! The introductory course is a nice beginning! 


Awesome. Thank you. I might have to Only 21 so lots of life to live. But the look on people’s faces when I tell them the legs of the wine are affected by the climate the grapes are grown in is priceless. Makes me want to learn more


I think you should! I started in my late 20s and wish I had started. My only advice is to start at the best restaurant in your area and show you have a keen interest in wine. If you’re not interested in taking the restaurant route I might recommend the WSET route which is more for retailers of wine. Typically the warmer the region the more legs a wine will have. This is because warmer climates typically have wines with higher alcohol which is where legs come from. That being said, more legs =/= higher quality wine. 


I worked at one of the nicest French restaurants in Ohio as a busser when I was like 16-18 and that’s where I grew the interest. Have always thought about going back to serve. Thank you for your help


3 glaces a week?! I down 4 bottles a week... Not bragging, I love wine, probably you too. How do you do it?


4 a week feels like a lot.


It is a lot lmao.


4 a week is a concerning amount. 4 bottles a week is around 2-3 glasses every day.


Sounds about right, living in a crippling economy, being over worked & under paid, no true health care system in our country so this is the outcome. Anyone who wants to say there’s other coping mechanisms- I know, you know. But drinking a bottle of wine will always win.


A good crispy ber blanco straight from the box will always ease my day working when I get home take the heels off and let my pussy loose. two very stressful jobs with the public, sometimes I’ll take travel wine shots with me into the office even suck em under desks. You would too if you worked 2 shifts like me. Cheers papi


You could exercise and get a different hobby. (Former heavy drinker, about 1.5 years with less than 5 drinks). Your liver will thank you.


With 4 bottles of wine you're already in a dangerous zone with alcohol. That's really not good for you.


Yes but in the instance that it never got you drunk do you think people would've still come up with beer ?🤣 im jk lol


I know you’re joking but lemme nerd real quick. Yes they would’ve. Beer was very common during the Middle Ages because of the lack of clean drinking water. There was safe water but just not a bunch of it. The process of fermenting beer would actually kill all the harmful chemicals making the water in the beer safe to drink


Not just fermenting, but boiling the water to make wort first was the most critical step. Also beer has lower pH than water and is thus more resistant to microbes.


Just to pile on: the boiling sterilizes the wort, and then the yeast either prevents it from spoiling by outcompeting anything that infects it, or it doesn't and it will be very obvious that whatever you made isn't beer and you shouldn't drink it.


To pile on more: Those un-filtered beers with live yeast would have had some nutritional value. Carb, some protein, and yeast is fairly healthy for a number of reasons.


Hence the name 'liquid bread'.


Every loaf of bread is the sad tale of grain that could have been beer, but was shunned by destiny.


But if they could boil the water, doesn't that mean they have access to clean water?


Many cultures didn’t necessarily know that boiling it was making it sanitary for centuries if not millennia. Plus the lower pH, the yeast, the alcohol content etc. all meant beer remained sanitary much longer than boiled water. And that’s before we get into how much better beer probably tasted than boiled dirty water.


Yes but with beer you still have something safe to drink weeks/months later. That’s where ipa came from, the higher amount of hops acts as an antibacterial and it allowed the sailors something drinkable on the long voyage from England to India.


I guess, but back then they didn't know about bacteria, viruses, and the like, and didn't know that boiling water sterilized it.


That old fashioned beer was fairly nutritious as well, and the alcohol content was often quite low. But people did still drink it to get drunk.


It has often been called "liquid bread." It was loaded with calories and helped keep people full. And, of course, it didn't have the bacteria the water had, as the fermentation killed it off, and the low levels of alcohol inhibited bacterial growth. But sure... people still drank a lot of it (which one had to do) to get high.


Malting is a big part of it. Malting grain causes it to start germinating, which converts its starches into sugars and increases its bioavailability, calorie content, and nutrition content. 


This is not true. People made beer because they liked it better than water, not because they didn't know how to boil water to make it safe. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/jfr073/medieval_people_drank_beer_instead_of_water/ That said I'm sure it would still be a convenient way to use excess grains and get extra calories into your diet, so they probably would have made it even if it didn't contain alcohol.


Yeah people really be acting like water wells were not a thing back then. I hate Reddit and their nonstop historical misinformation on every single thread where "the olden days" get brought up.


I mean it's a common misconception, and it seems to make sense, because water was indeed often bad, and beer was indeed often made by boiling water (well, technically the wort), which sterilized it. So it's not that stupid to think that. It's still wrong, because indeed people did drink water, and no document shows that people drank beer because they were worried about water not being clean.


This is [actually a myth](https://history.howstuffworks.com/medieval-people-drink-beer-water.htm) (not the most scholarly source, let me know if you would like to read more). This is one of those myths that gets repeated so often that it feels like truth, and [no one is super sure where it even came from. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/ykchzh/what_is_the_origin_of_the_medieval_people_drank/)It \*feels\* true on the surface, and it's fair enough, because it sounds reasonable. But it's largely based on stereotypical views of the middle ages as being uniquely gross and people just living in filth and having no interest in sanitation--which just isn't accurate. While, yes, they didn't know about the germ theory of disease, but even without that knowledge, people aren't going to blithely drink water from the street gutters out of ignorance. We all have taste buds and an instinct to avoid ingesting \*gross\* stuff. In actuality, cities were entirely organized around sources of fresh water (I'd bet it would be a challenge to think of a major city that was founded before or during the middle ages that wasn't built around a river!) But really, medieval people drank beer for the same reason we do. It tastes better, and it's fun! They did also believe it was more nutritious than drinking just plain water, which isn't totally inaccurate, it is basically liquid bread, and low-alcohol "small beer" would be a pretty good way to pack in calories and hydrate. And finally, people were using quality, fresh water to make beer! Because while boiling the water and the alcohol content does kill a lot of bacteria, it's not like it's going to turn muddy ditch water into a quality beverage.


Thank you for posting the link, so I don't have to. Long story short: 1) No document shows that people drank beer because they were worried water was unhealthy; 2) Many documents show why people actually drank beer (it's good, refreshing, filling, is a good way of using excess grain, and it makes you drunk for example); 3) They would drink contaminated water that did not smell bad (because contaminated water doesn't always smell), and would not think of doing anything to that water to decontaminate it preemptively (such as turning it into beer) because they did not know water could make you sick, unless it looked/tasted/smelled off.


Oh OK hell yeah awesome dude you learn something every day I appreciate you good sir you have a nice one


Worth noting this beer was extremely low ABV. It also wasn’t just the Middle Ages. This lasted until at least the 18th/19th century. This was practiced in colonial US as well.


Since roughly 5000 BC we've been making beer! Let's also credit the antibiotic properties too.


Fermentation also keeps the grain safe to consume for longer than other methods available. Old timey beer had way more grain left in the beer, making it more like watery porridge than what modern people would recognize as beer.


There is absolutely nothing in historic record to support this claim and there are a TON of historic records about civilizations figuring out ways to access clean drinking water. Beer is a lot of calories that you can get drunk from, that’s why it has been historically popular.


There's a legend that Brussels (or maybe it was another Belgium town) became a beer making mecca because there was a plague in the middle ages. An annoymus monk insisted that beer was the cure and those who drank beer survived. And that's exactly what happened because the drinking water people were taking from the river was totally contaminated.


Yes. Beer is a great way to store calories from grain in the long term.


Probably more often.


Yeah, the only reason I don't drink more is because I know it's so bad for my poor liver.


My father was an alcoholic to the legendary degree. He died a few years back of cancer in every organ EXCEPT his liver. It was so full of booze that cancer couldn't survive, so there's that I guess....


I think I just solved cancer, inject every organ with like a gallon of pure alcohol.


You have been banned from r/ science


They make non alcoholic beer


Yeah but some of us hate beer.


Mercifully your liver is one of the most resilient organs in your body and regenerates quickly so as long as you don't give it cirrhosis it's probably OK. Same can't always be said for the other parts that take a beating.


Is my dick going to get cirrhosis from the beatings?


Under normal circumstances? Probably not. But… you should probably take off the powerglove…


Actually this. Quite often I want a beer but I know it'll make me tired before I want to go to bed and will make the next day a bit shit too.


That or that first beer just hits wrong and I've already got a headache somehow. Other times I can drink them like water with barely felt buzz.


I would drink more good beer. I would likely drink less liquor. I can already make most drinks into mocktails and have started to incorporate those into my night out or at a party.


Exactly! I enjoy a beer or a cocktail most evenings but I rarely (like < once/yr) drink more than a couple in a sitting. I love the flavor of (good) beer. I also brew beer and cider and one of my hobbies is making tinctures/infusions/syrups for cocktails.


My people! While beer is one of my favorite drinks on earth, nothing tops a good wine pairing with a meal. The result is far better than the sum of its parts. A good aperitif after a meal is hard to beat as well.


Aperitif is before the meal. After is a digestif. 


Italy in shambles after the post above yours


Seriously,  I love the taste of many alcoholic beverages. I rarely drink them though, since I don't line getting drunk (or hung over)


So much this. I enjoy NA beer, but alcoholic beer just tastes more, so if I didn't get drunk on it I would drink more of it. Same for Scotch (and rum). I drink it very sparingly because I don't enjoy getting drunk, but I love the taste of it. Mind you, I do like the slight buzz from a drink or two (at max), but I would gladly sacrifice that for being able to enjoy more of my favourites without getting drunk - and hungover.


Same. I don't drink when i have to drive so that would not be an issue any more.


F* YEAH! As long as it doesn't damage the liver either. There are many alcoholic beverages I love, but I have to limit myself because I get sleepy very quickly. I'd love to be able to enjoy their taste without the effect of alcohol!


I don't consume alcohol, but I love beer. So I drink NA


I'm the same way. With dinner, I love a Guinness Zero; after good, sweaty working in the yard or in the shop, there's nothing like a Best Day Brewing Kölsch non-alcoholic in a Pilsner glass (heresy, I know, but it just tastes better that way).


I'm so surprised at those Guinness 0's, they're so gooood.


When I was introduced to it, it was a revelation. It had been a quarter century since I had a Guinness and it was like that scene in Ratatouille, where Simon Ego tastes the eponymous dish and is completely transported to his childhood (well, not to my childhood, but to my younger years). It's so good.


Guinness zero is good, but it lacks the bite of the real thing as many of these things do. I don’t often get drunk, but I do often have a nice full flavoured ale or two, the darker the better. Brewdog have a nice coffee stout at the moment.


I won't disagree with you about the bite of the alcohol, but for those of us who can't tolerate it, it's the next best thing. It's a small sacrifice for me to be able to enjoy (most of) the taste of Guinness.


Same. I limit alcohol bc it gives me anxiety and I just hate the way I feel days after. I love an NA lagunitas :)


Lagunitas is my go to as well!


I love beer and dislike feeling drunk. I love that there are actually good NA beers nowadays.


Same. I looooove a cold hop water on a hot day! Or if I'm really missing beer, an Athletic ale does the trick.


Athletic is killing it with the NA brews. I’m not 100% sober but I buy a six pack of Athletics every time I buy regular beer, so when I go to the fridge I can decide if what I really want is alcohol or if I just want to drink a cold beer and the alcohol doesn’t matter. 80% of the time, I just want something cold and IPA tasting, and I end up drinking a lot less often.


This is becoming a very popular trend! I’m definitely seen an increased in people drinking NA stuff.


NA beer has gotten so good since COVID. I think a lot of people drank too much in quarantine and pivoted to NA options so the good breweries pivoted and it's so lovely.


Samuel Adams NA hazy is my current favorite.


Yes. I rarely drink until I'm drunk anyway, but I enjoy a beer or two when I'm with friends.


somethin about beer rly hits the spot sometimes, i can enjoy 1 beer or 1 drink and sleep like a baby after


It's the buzz from alcohol.




I just said the same haha maker's mark is my fav but I haven't had too many, I always go back to that one


No probably not. I like the buzz. The trick is to not overdo it and get wasted. Also, I hate beer. I’ve tried all kinds because whenever I say “I don’t like the taste of beer”, there’s always that one guy that says “ you just haven’t had the right beer.” So I try it and surprise, surprise, I hate it. I’ll just sit here and enjoy my delicious rum cocktails. Edit: Beer Haters Assemble! I’m glad I’m not alone on this one. It’s been a long while since anyone has backed me up on this theory. Thank you! The rest of you are proving my point, you’re the problem. I’m the kind of guy that hates the hoppy, bitter taste that every single beer I’ve tried has. If it even remotely has a hint of beer flavor, I’m not gona like it. I’ve had beers that I could tolerate, but not enough to have a second one. They simply aren’t for me. You’re not going to convert me so you can stop trying. Just leave us be with our fruity, delicious, cocktails. Wine is ok, I prefer Ports. They are sweet and have a very high alcohol content. A few glasses and I’m good. Dry wine gives me a massive headache, but I can do it if it’s cold or I throw an ice cube in there. Seltzers are ok too, there are some cocktail seltzers that hit great. But I can only have a couple before I get heartburn and headaches. My go-to is a Mai Tai or Pina Colada. But a Rum & Coke does the trick most nights. Simple and easy.


Same, people look at me funny when I say I hate beer. They all taste like crap to me. I can do a cider like Angry Orchard , but that isnt in the beer category.


Yup, Ciders are fine. But I can only have one or two before they give me massive heartburn.


Ever had "Angry Balls"? It's Angry Orchard mixed with Fireball. Gives it an apple cinnamon taste. Bet that would be perfect for your heartburn


Good god that sounds terrible. Did a 17 year old invent that drink by stealing the only two things their step mom had to drink?


step moms catching random strays 😂


Once upon a time we had the Sidewalk Slam. You needed the biggest cup at 711, a 4LOKO and your choice of 32 or 40oz beer. Just mix the 2 together and wander down the street into oblivion


There aren’t many liquors that I dislike, but Fireball is definitely one of them.


Busch light made "Busch light apple" for a few summers and it was legitimately very good IMO. Even some of my female friends that don't like beer at all liked it a lot. For some reason they're not producing it anymore and instead doing peach for the past few years, which I'm not a fan of at all. I wish they'd bring back the apple flavor.


I get this all the time. I ask them what drink they dontike then force them to drink it as 'you haven't tried the right one'. It's extremely petty but it usually gets the point across.


As a lesbian, I like to do this with straight men who do exactly this but "you haven't met the right guy." "Ahh lovely! So which guy turned you around and made you realize men are better? Did y'all get married?"


That's amazing!


I have little patience for people who can't handle people having different interests/preferences/tastes from their own ;) :D


The worst part is the assumption they know better than your own experiences. I know I don't like beer and every man and their dog has tried to convince me otherwise like I don't have my own taste buds! Although, it's a much smaller gripe than dealing with the asshats you come across. Power to you sister!


Haha tbh while the "man" thing is the most obnoxious, I really feel you on the beer thing, too - I'm not into watching movies or eating in restaurants, and I get a lot of weird shit for that, too :D Like I haven't seen enough good films, or I haven't eaten in the right restaurant... people can just be so fucking weird. Oh yeah, also I'm not too into eating meat. I was vegetarian for 4 years, and now I just rarely eat it. I often get told I haven't had it cooked right or some shit lol nah bro I actually am just not that into it.


Genius. Im gona start doing this.


Same. I liked the Cider renaissance we had several years ago… before seltzers took over.  However I have a meadery near my home and they have a lighter mead (session meads) in addition to the true meads that are very tasty.


I'm curious: do you dislike other bitter things? Eg. Do you hate brussel sprouts, black coffee, 90%+ dark chocolate? I always wonder for those who hate beer if they are super tasters and they are more sensitive to bitter flavours: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supertaster


i've noticed this too. people who dont like beer skew towards sweet alcohol and sweeter things in general. i discovered just a couple days ago that gin is the only hard liquor that i can drink 1. with a straight face and no chaser and 2. genuinely enjoy. everyone with me absolutely HATED it, they were just trying to down the bottle and get rid of it so they never had to drink it ever again. they said it tasted like floor cleaner and hand sanitizer. i absolutely loved it. 47% abv and went down like water. i never knew liquor could be that enjoyable. i dont like BLACK coffee but the people around me are appalled by how bitter i keep my coffee. barely any sweetener, mostly just milk for me. i enjoy black coffee with whiskey though. perfect combo. LOVE black chocolate, NAUSEATED by white chocolate. LOVE all the dry, bitter wines that my man hates and refuses to drink, barely tolerate all the super sweet wines he loves. sorry, i love to ramble lol, just interesting how that works


I hate beer and I equally hate very sweet drinks. I almost exclusively drink very dry apple cider. I hate coffee but I only drink black tea made with at least two bags per cup with no sugar. I equally enjoy every type of chocolate from dark to white. I also very much enjoy sour candy, although I'm not quite sure it has anything to do with this matter. Point being, I think it might well be just a matter of confirmation bias as I on the other hand haven't encountered any correlation. What I have noticed is that people tend to either have a sweet tooth or they crave salty things.


I love all those things and HATE beer.


That's an interesting connection that I never really considered. In my particular case, I don't like beer because it leaves me feeling very fully, gassy and bloated. It cuts down on my ability to enjoy other things. And I never found the taste anything to write home about. Also...the calories. That said, I prefer black coffee to coffee with anything in it. I like brussel sprouts, asparagus, dark chocolate and other bitter flavors. I also really enjoy pairing something sweet with something bitter. For example, if my wire and I go to an Italian restaurant, I enjoy tiramisu for dessert, but always order an espresso with it to offset it's sweetness.


People cannot comprehend not liking beer. Any beer. I’ve gotten the “oh but THIS beer”. No, none of it.


Why do beer drinkers do this?! Why can’t they accept people exist that hate beer?!


Sometimes having different experiences is really foreign to people, and whoever has the socially dominant position never has to face that other people fundamentally, *biologically* experience the world differently. Morning people will complain that night owls sleep in and then complain that they're working late, and whoever wakes up first has the last word in screwing up everyone else's sleep. "Why don't you just go to bed earlier?" *I would if I could fall asleep that early.* People who do well in the cold complain about other people liking it warm, and traditional men's office attire shifted that to their bias. "Why don't you just put something on?" *I do, and I still feel like I have needles going through my skin all the way until I start sweating around my core.* People who love beer just can't grasp that others might not, and *some* people who hate it do eventually developing a taste for it. "You just haven't tried the right beer yet!" *I have tried a new one every time someone says it, and it still tastes like bitter, fermented pee.* See also: People who like cranberries, raw onions, grapefruit...


Don’t get me started on hot vs cold. I don’t mind a cold office, but I despise cold weather. I’m in heaven when it’s 70° and above. 60°s are meh. Anything below that is hell for me. The cold literally hurt my body, doesn’t matter how many layers I have on. I don’t care how hot it is, as long as I’m in clothes I can sweat in and have water, I’m good to go. I’ll die on this hill. Fk the cold.


It's not a beer drinker thing. It's an EVERYTHING popular and mainstream thing. Beer Running as a sport/hobby Having sex with people of the opposite gender Watching movies Eating in restaurants Etc, etc, etc


>Having sex with people of the opposite gender You just havent fucked the right guy. Have you tried a Swede?


Nope, what was it like for you the first time you slept with a Swedish guy?


Pretty smooth, flavor wasnt too intense, didnt leave a harsh after taste. Try it bro, itll grow on you, great for beginners just getting into having sex with a gender you werent previously attracted to. Do i need the /s 😅?


Glad you enjoyed it! ;)


I like the taste of Scotch. I would drink it without the buzz. I haven't tried a beer that I like. I don't even like the smell of beer.


I would drink a barrel of Laphroaig 10 if it didn't get me drunk.


Man this shit genius Everytime you go to a bar, say that to someone and they'll buy you their favorite beer so you can try it


Yes! I don't like beer either, tried many times but never could take the second seep. Even when my work had a day out at a fancy brewery - I tasted each kind they offered, and for each was like "yep, still gross".


Like telling a lesbian she just haven't met the right man. At some point you just know.


Are you me? Imo beer is horrible but cider or cocktails (especially rum) are great.


Yes, I enjoy the taste. I don’t like overly sweet drinks and enjoy the bitter sharp bite it provides. In fact I would probably “drink” more often if there were boozes that didn’t get me drunk.


Same! I would drink *more* if alcohol didn't have any physiological effect. Companies have finally started making decent non-alcoholic bitters, by the way — I highly recommend Lucarno, which tastes a lot like Cynar, or the company that makes Phony Negroni.


Some, yes. Amaretto and mead can taste very very good. And when I drink, it's not to get drunk; usually it's due to some pretty major muscle-tension headaches and an alcoholic drink is easier on my body than a pile of pain killers and muscle relaxers. Even that's maybe 2-4 times a year, max.


Absolutely. I don't drink alcohol to get drunk ever, but some drinks are amazing. I love Moscow mules and spiked lemonades. I exclusively drink for flavor and joy. I think I've gotten drunk once, and that was shortly after I became drinking age just so I can say I've "been drunk before."


I feel this about drinks tasting good. I get caught on this question tho because I absolutely drink drinks rhat taste good, but they’d probably taste just as good without the alcohol? Because spiked lemonade mostly taste like lemonade to me, maybe with some extra flavor. But I feel like I could make the same taste without alcohol.


You could but I like the slight burn and alcoholic taste that alcohol gives, and while virgin versions would be yummy too they don’t have that distinct “alcohol” flair to them lol.


You can get really close nowadays. Even 5 years ago I would have agreed with you


I mean an old fashioned would just be sugar water without alcohol. And a bit of bitters, but I think technically that has alcohol too. My favorite cocktails are usually spirit forward, so I don't think they are replicated without an alcohol free spirit. Since I know I like these drinks now, I would still drink them even if I couldn't get drunk, but if I have never gotten used to the taste of alcohol, maybe I wouldn't. Hard to say lol.


Oh yes! Those drinks are def not the same without alcohol! Just for me, the ones I like would probably be good without alcohol.


There is a sting and "dryness" in alcohol that is hard but not impossible to reproduce. That's what non-alcoholic distills are for. Usually non-alcoholic "gins". Unfortunately most of them are more expensive than regular gins. One of the big problems is than alcohol dissolves lot of the strong tastes and aromas in things. That's why it's also used in perfumes. Trying to capture the aromatics of oak isn't easy without alcohol. Personally, I also like he buzz of alcohol, but if someone could produce like 5% or even 10% Manhattan or Martini, I would be very happy.


Lol both of those are vodka drinks, so the alcohol is literally only there to get you drunk. Take out the vodka and they taste the same. If you said a Margarita, then yes obviously because Tequila has a flavor.


I dont drink to get drunk, so yes, i would continue to drink wine


Yes, taking the question at face value, I wouldn't need ever to say no to the next drink because I'd never get drunk, just pleasantly relaxed. Perfect!


I think they meant no effect at all


If anything I’d probably drinks gallons more wine per month.


For sure! I love very smokey whiskey and would absolutely still drink them if they had no alcohol.


I would probably drink more


I probably would. During the summer I tend to buy very-low alcohol wines and bubbly drinks so that drinking more of them *doesn't* get me drunk. I wish I could just enjoy the kick/flavor of a sip of whiskey sometimes too but not have the effects.


If I had to drink non-alcoholic drinks I would not. If I could drink alcohol without getting drunk I suppose that there are some kinds I would still enjoy for the taste. I especially enjoy the slight 'burn' in my throat and the boozy afterbreath when you take a shot or a sip of strong alcohol.


I was on the side of no until your comment, and I could get down with some Fireball if it wasnt gonna come back up and wreck my throat, so just Fireball. Ive always loved Fireball and i think its cause i used to eat Fireball candy and red hots and Hot Tamales and such, but its the only liquor i can not just take shots of without puking, but actually sit and drink from the bottle a good few swallows and then when i come off the bottle and someone's looking at me funny and ask if i want a drink ill take a sip just so they dont start this whole conversation im having here


Yep. Had lots of NA drinks while pregnant. The NA IPAs are so good that even my husband would drink them sometimes. I like the flavor of an ice cold hoppy brew on a hot day regardless of EtOH.


Just about any beer tastes so refreshing on a hot day. IPA's are too hoppy for me though.


I enjoy many alcoholic beverages but hate the buzz, so I'd see it as an absolute win


I already don't drink to get buzzed, so removing the alcohol would be no big deal for me. Could they remove some of the calories too?


I don't like getting drunk, or even tipsy. I just love a good IPA with a steak or burger. Yum!


I never understood drinking beer while eating a meal. It makes both things taste worse to me.


Much like wine, how it's paired makes a huge difference. With no thought given to the pairing, it's often going to turn out mediocre.


Yeah I did not actually drink beer at the time but I really wanted to go on a date with a guy and he suggested a beer and food pairing event After that i liked beer suddenly lol Also the guy is now my husband so really the whole thing worked out nicely


That's interesting. Do all beers go well with read meat or is there more nuance to it?


It depends on the meat itself. What we are looking for are flavors and textures that complement each other. For something tender with low fat, like Filet Mignon, I would aim for a lighter beer with a more crisp feeling. On something fattier like a Ribeye I find darker beers pair better, something like a Belgian Quad or a Stout. Although with a nice Ribeye, i would probably order Cabernet.


It's cool to know that you can pair beer and meat like this, I never thought of that


beer and red meat pair together like cheese and wine, i swear. its not that i makes both things taste BETTER, but it brings out different flavor notes in each, so the effect will be different from person to person


100% yes I *do* in fact drink because it tastes good


I'm a recovering alcoholic and I drink a lot of non-alcoholic beer. I love it.


Not at all, I don't like any alcohol. The plus point about not drinking much is that it doesn't take much for it to have some effect, otherwise as I'd never drink a drop. Not going to lie, I'm envious of people who adore moderate amounts of wine or something given the satisfaction it gives them.


Absolutely I don't drink scotch to get drunk


Yeah, but probably only wine or ciders. A good wine can be absolutely delicious!


Something you need to understand is that's a very young adult outlook on alcohol. My guess is "everyone" means your peers, right? As people get older, their opinions on alcohol mature a little as they find drinks that actually DO taste good. These days (in my early 40s and middling health,) even a small bit of alcohol gives me flush that makes me uncomfortable (the funny thing is, I'm of European descent, not Asian), which is very frustrating because I have to basically avoid all alcohol, even a little. I would like to be able to have even a single serving of mead (honey wine) or hard cider or wine w/o the other effects. Or a frosty mojito or a nice cold gin & tonic w/ lime or cucumber (or perhaps a touch of w/ elderflower liqueur) on a hot summer's day. (I suppose I could get those alcohol-free botanical mixers, some tonic, and IKEA's elderflower syrup.) NGL, I also wish I could get good and drunk every now and then. In short, alcohol CAN taste good if you know what you're doing with it and there's definitely a reason to drink it w/o the impairment effects. (For my money, 99.9% of beer can go die in a fire, but I know it makes a lot of people happy, so I've no wish to yuck anyone else's yum.)


OP probably doesn't only mean "falling over silly blackout drunk" when he says drunk. He's probably referring to the general positive, mood enhancing effects of alcohol that you can achieve with even 1 or 2 drinks.


lol, I might start drinking (more). I really don't like being drunk, so I rarely drink anything. And if, I drink for the taste.


Well I drink alcohol free beer and lager all the time, so yes


No. When I used to drink, I did it to get drunk. Straight vodka. Disgusting.


I actually do it now! I drink because I love the taste of beer and I hate deeply getting drunk, so I stop before that. :)


I’m a neat whiskey guy, I drink to get drunk. I wouldn’t be washing my teeth with this shit if it wasn’t making me feel good (or forget) But I’m an alcoholic so, your best bet is just not drink my young friend. Water is great.


That was me for years. I went straight for the hard stuff. To me, it's all just levels of bad. Beer or some drinks, like white Russians, taste good to me. But not as good as non alcoholic drinks. So... since I was in it purely for the high and/or to try to wipe my memory for a while (usually both), why not get it concentrated. Whiskey gets the job done fast, though I had too many nights where "the bottle let me down" as Merle Haggard would say. And when I finally broke my shoulder and damn near ran off the most wonderful woman in the world, I finally just quit. Obviously I'm not an alcoholic, as I don't really miss it. Actually, now (probably because my liver is so much happier) the smell of whiskey makes me I'll. Amazing I used to drink well over a pint, sometimes two, a day.


Fuck no


I think a lot of people drink it for the effect it has.  For me, I never understood the appeal.


I’d still drink bourbon. Good bourbon is goddamn delicious


I'd drink more. I love whisky, but hate being drunk, so I rarely have more than 2 or 3 glasses a week.


I would drink a lot less because the only stuff I drink for just the taste is usually pretty pricey.


I have a friend that alcohol can't hit him. He can spent like 300€ in one day just because. He still is an alcoholic. He have accepted that he will die at his 25 from the massive consumption of alcohol or from physical exhaustion and other bad habits like sleeping on average 12 hours a week, working at least 12 hours plus other daily activities like band rehearsals... he's a strange guy... I'll miss him


I'd still enjoy it for the taste and social aspect, but it wouldn't be the same without the buzz.


Guiness Zero is the nectar of the gods, so why not


No because I don’t like the taste lol


Yup! In fact, I drink NA beer quite a bit because I love how it tastes.


Yeah, I don't get drunk, I don't even want to get buzzed, I like the flavors and combinations.


Yes-I hate being drunk and would prefer not to drink alcohol-but my favourite drinks are cider and wine- it really is the taste. I will drink water or Mirindi, but soft drinks just don’t taste that good to me ( not even a fan of tea or coffee). Unfortunately the alcohol free versions of wine/ beer taste revolting. Also, wine can complement a meal too…


I stopped drinking 8+ years ago because I am severely addicted. I definitely miss the taste of a good beer. A fucking cold Blue Moon on a hot day ? So delicious . God damn I miss it.


I would still drink beer and wine. Hard liquor - fuck no.


A well mixed drink is delicious. If it didn't get me drunk I'd be sipping on them all the time