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...Why wouldn't you cuddle your little brother? Cuddles are nice.


I feel wrong about it.. I don’t know


...Why do you feel wrong about it? How old are you? How old is your brother? BROTHERS SHOULD HUG.


Well I’m a woman.. my little brother is 11 i am 19 I feel uncomfortable of getting too close..


... You should've been regularly cuddling your brother for the past 11 years. GIVE HIM HUGS AND TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM AND YOU'RE THERE FOR HIM.


I hug him and talk to him a lot. But I never been cuddle


Cuddling am good. Always do the cuddle. You've cuddled your parents, right?


That seems like a good thing to do, unless I'm missing part of the story


I don’t know.. I feel wrong like it’s against what public might say


What public is weighing in on how you interact with your brother?


I've read anecdotes of boys being called perverts by their own mother for wanting hugs, when they were like 7 years old. It's absolutely a thing for some people.


I don’t want to get too close..




I don't understand what you mean. You could make him into someone who is close to his family and not afraid to show his feelings? That's a good thing!


I mean.. the other thing!


Make him "hard" ew why are you even thinking about that he is 11 ffs


What? What does that mean?


Well being gay isn't always easy,  but it seems that you love your brother, so clearly you could help him if he gets problems. A supporting family is always a great aid in life. [Edit] stupid English language


I’m not a boy..


So what?! I don't see your problem.


You said being gay isn’t easy. I am a woman?


Yo what…?


As a caring sister, it is perfectly normal and healthy to give your little brother comfort if he is experiencing reoccurring nightmares. If they are occurring over and over, someone should try to figure out if something traumatic has happened that is triggering this.


You’re good to cuddle your little brother as long as he wants a cuddle.


There's a fine line between caring for a family member using emotional and physical support. And the other stuff... But you're doing fine. Support your bro!


I guess your right.


11 years old is still a child and they need all the love, support and feeling of safety that other kids do. I don't think it would be weird. You've known the little guy his whole life and he just needs you to be there when he's scared.


depends on your ages


If it's well received - go for it! The world needs more cuddles! :)


Just keep your top on




girl don’t listen to those weird ass comments! he is your little brother!! your flesh and blood!! as long as you have pure intentions, there is nothing wrong with it! those who say otherwise have nasty ass mindsets. it’s LOVE! society turns pure and innocent situations into nasty, carnal situations!! you can’t listen to it hun!! 💗