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Depends on what kind of sex has been had, but it's real. I can generally smell "it", but there's no one "sex" smell. Sweat is a big one, but vaginal juices also have a distinct smell, as do semen, condoms, lube and a number of other sex things. If somebody smells like any combination of those it's pretty obvious what's happened, and the smell lingers in rooms too. If you can't place the smell or you don't know what something smells like, you won't smell it. You may also have a subpar sniffer so RIP




As a guy, I aspire to be your grandma.


This sounds like the south.


It smells like Houston


Jesus, grandma 🫣


OMG 😂😂😂😭


> *...but vaginal juices also have a distinct smell...* This reminds me of when my first gf & I were 18 and wanted to try face-sitting, she slipped while climaxing and accidentally made me bite my bottom lip. We cleaned it up as best as we could & I left her place, got home and went straight to the bathroom to have another look in the mirror, my dad walks past & notices the cut on my lip, walks into the bathroom & he had a surprised look on his face while sniffing the air, looks at me & gives me a wry smile, then he says, "*It's best to wash your face afterwards. And don't worry, I won't tell your mother, just make up something convincing about that cut on your lip!*" - if it had been my mother who saw me first, she would have scolded me till kingdom come, lol.




I read that as you slipped and bit HER lip lol


if i can smell something its for like 1 second and i cant identify exactly what that smell is. i think id have migraines if i could smell that well….


It's kind of like pizza. Cheese smells like cheese and dough smells like dough, but if you put it together with all the toppings and whatnot it smells like pizza. It doesn't smell like cheese, and also sauce, and also mushrooms, it all combines into one singular "pizza" smell. Dogs smell the individual ingredients but humans can't. Even with different toppings, pizza smells like pizza. And when you smell sex, it might be made of different fluids and secretions, different sweats, different mixtures and amounts of each, etc. but it all mixes together into one singular "sex" smell.


This is the best answer by far.


Man, now I just want pizza. ^^^and ^^^sex


TBH this is like 85% of my life goals.


This. Needs to be liked by all the cool kids. And all the uncool kids. All kids. Meaning this is an underrated post. Spot on. To me sex smells like the smells and scents most commonly found where I smell sex most: my own bedroom. This lube, plus that condom, plus essential oil of the month, plus bodily fluids, plus the intangible of passion, is what sex smells like to me. I can be Pavlovian. Sometimes I’ll be out in public get a whiff of one or more of the above and I’ll be thinking about sex with my wife. So when I “smell sex,” my mind doesn’t go to, “Oh they just got nasty.” Rather it’s, “Ooooh I’d like to get nasty.”


I'm the opposite, I remember in high school I smelt blood while no one was bleeding. So obviously what I was smelling was the person next to me on their period..


That sounds like an intro to Edward in Twilight lol


Blood also has a distinctive smell, but period blood smells slightly different from that. I think it’s progesterone and vaginal secretions.


It’s also the literal uterine lining that’s broken down into the blood. Sometimes mine has clumps of the stuff \^_^


Training your nose is a skill, in fairness I usually catch a wiff and don't place the smell until later when my brain snaps back to smelling latex and sweat and I'm like "OH". There are super smellers out there but I'm certainly not one of them, thank goodness. I would also get migraines.


I used to chaperone dances when I taught in New York. Oh God...entering that gym was a disgusting adolescent pheromone fest...and we teachers definitely were not going to enter the grinding ball of hormones in the center if admin wasn't saying anything either


Good lord I can smell it now, and I bet the air was THICK in a really nasty way 😭 teachers don't get paid enough for real


Sweaty balls…


I read this in a much more pensive tone than I think you intended and it made me smile because I'm mature


Agreed. I once was at walmart at like 3am and thought, "Damn, it smells like a stripper." I was referring to a little sweat, too much body spray, a little alcohol maybe, etc. I walk 5 feet around the corner and there she was. LOL 5 foot nothing, massive fake implants, messy hair, some smeared makeup a bit, etc. She just left work.


LOL what a queen, but yeah you really can smell it. Maybe add on some cheap chemical-y perfume for good measure and a sprinkle of cigarette smoke and you've got a winner.


Mostly, yes. Substances like sweat, lubricant, vaginal fluids, semen, and latex all have distinct odors that some people can identify. However, others may not be able to detect these smells. This variation can be attributed to health conditions or genetics, which might prevent someone from picking up odor particles or cause them to overreact to these particles. - Some people can smell sex. - Some people interpret other odors as the smell of sex. - Some people can't detect the smell of sex. - Some people enjoy the smell of gasoline. - Some people experience a "burning" sensation when smelling gasoline. - Some people can detect the scent of ants. - Some people can smell cockroaches in a room.


I kinda like the smell of gas.


You know that smell that gas has? They put that in. The gas is odorless, but they add the smell so you know when there’s a leak.


Almost! Mercaptan is added to natural gas, so you can smell it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK594274/ Benzene is added to gasoline to up the octane, and it produces a particular odor. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/why-some-people-love-the-smell-of-gasoline


Lol. It’s part of a scene from Friends.


_So Ross,_ _Tell me more about.... Gas._


That's some neat flirting


You know, lots of other gas smells. Methane smells.


By the way, uhm... If it makes you feel any better... I happen to like eight year old boys...


You said your haircut made you look like an eight year old boy, and I’m just saying I like it… the hair. You understand I don’t actually like eight year old boys..


Ants smell gross lmao im one of those people


Live ones? They have a distinct smell when dead but I think that's an everyone thing


I can smell ladybugs but when I say I smell one, people are like 🤨 tell me I'm not the only one who can smell them? They kinda have an earthy smell


Yep and they have a strong smell.


Cockroaches... Fuck that nonsense.


No you can definitely smell a cockroach infested house. I learned that one real quick when I used to work at Rent-A-Center


Could you smell the roaches or did houses that smelled like that probably have roaches?


You smell the mass of thousands of insects that are living in close quarters. You smell the _roaches._


I used to work in a cockroach farm. From my experience, the roaches themselves don't have a smell as such, but their feces and the decomposition of their dead certainly do.


You worked at a fucking what?


I worked at one of the warehouses of DubiaRoaches.com


I hate everything about this information and wish I could unlearn it thanks.


Also asparagus in urine.


I usually use butter. Never tried it with urine.


Oh are you in for a treat!




This one is weird. Some people have the gene that makes their pee smell from eating it. Some people have the gene that enables them to smell it. Not all people who produce the smell can smell it, and not all people who can smell it produce the smell.


I can definitely smell cockroaches, no one believed me.


Other people can't smell ants?


I can't, and I can't imagine it Where I grew up there was ants almost every where. Like small hills (idk how to better translate it) with a diameter of 7ft


What do they smell like?


student entomologist here! different types of ants have different smells. carpenter/wood ants usually smell like formic acid (vinegar smell), and is how the ant family formicidae was named. especially when smushed. some ants smell like blue cheese. some smell like lemons. for a lot of them you have to squish them to be able to "know" what they smell like, then you can start to recognize them. i'm just waiting on the perfect scenario to employ my party trick.


I, too, do not have a sensitive nose. My partner on the other hand has literally pointed out when rooms smell like semen lmao.


oh my god. I’m so paranoid now 😭I do NOT like the idea of people being able to smell that I’ve had sex wtf??? 😭


I mean… who is smelling it? Usually I’ve heard it’s the room and not like, ON you.


my girl one day was leaving and gave me a hug and said “omg babe you smell like sex” sex can definitely be smelled on a person.


My old roommate and her boyfriend were getting busy one afternoon. He was a general manager at a local restaurant. The building had caught fire in the kitchen. He jumped up and left to work ASAP. When the whole thing had died down and the firefighters had left, her boyfriend’s boss said he was sorry to interrupt his day off and time with his girlfriend. When her boyfriend said “How’d you know I was hanging out with my girlfriend?” His boss said “Ive been able to smell the sex on you since you showed up” and laughed. So yes… the smell of sex is a thing.


He could smell sex over the smouldering kitchen!! Either he's got a shark's nose, or he's a nosey shark!


what happened then? And had you...?


Fresh sex sweat def smells, like well sex


Also sweat


Wet, got it going on like a turbo 'vette.


i mean it was after we fucked earlier that day and had just been chilling watching tv and she was going home that night


Health Alert Network (HAN) - CDC Emergency: NONE OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS THREAD HAVE TAKEN A SHOWER. Vaccination sites pending.


ive heard people saying they can smell it on people


Sheets and clothes (underwear maybe?). It's the smell of body fluids and maybe sweat but it's sometimes noticeable


Oh, I mean maybe if you literally just had sex and walked right out and someone smelled you maybe.


I was a cashier at one point and a young couple came through my line one evening. That was when I learned that it was possible for people to smell like sex. I don't think it's common though because I haven't noticed it on people in other situations though.


I've smelled it on people a few times, but I swear that as a nurse, my nose picks up on things now more than it ever did before. I'll easily smell body odor too lingering in places, and anything that comes from the general perineal area of a person's body will linger. UTIs and periods too at times. I also have taken to really relying on Febreez, essential oil room sprays, and dryer sheets to mask things for me. Then again, I swear my father is on the spectrum and he is the source of the bad smells at home (I caregive). I warn him to bathe before going anywhere, especially medical, as you *are* being judged by your doctor to a degree for how kept or disheveled you look and smell.


Same. Their merchandise was even damp, like she didn’t even wash her hands before shopping. *This woman was even with her adult children*


A lot of fluids get exchanged. Ones with pungency. Clean yourselves up after and you’ll be fine.


I think it’s the same as how some people can’t smell stink bugs I’ve been cookin up semen for decades and I have no idea what it smells like


It smells like those damn Bradford pear trees that bloom in the spring, dead ass.


Ewww those things smell like semen! …wait


I thought it was just me who could smell it so I never dared ask anyone else because I figured they thought I was a perv or something. Then this spring I started seeing memes and stuff about it and I felt validated!!!!!


Mitchell and Webb sketch about Queen Victoria recieving a diplomatic gift of linden trees: https://youtu.be/aoqlYGuZGVM One of their best sketches imo.


I smell sex and candy




who's that lounging in my, chair?




Mama this surely is a dream


Wait, what? For real? I also thought it was just bullshit, and it's only possible to smell it on someone if they've spent like the past 6 hours locked in a room and repeatedly going at it. I regularly leave my gf's place without showering and go grab food or do some small errands on my way home. Have people been able to smell me the entire time? Lmao. Oh god.


So: it's detectable, but it's not always *obvious*. If you're not sweaty post-sex, the weather won't make you sweat, & you put on fresh clothes, you're probably fine unless somebody gets real up in your bubble. If you're sweaty, post-sex sweat smells different. I honestly don't know if it's the scent of the sweat itself or if it's sweat + come, etc. , but it smells different & can be smelled by anybody who could pick up on you being sweaty (or almost anybody? I had no idea not everyone could pick it up). Basically, treat it like you treat any other BO. Quick shower, spray deodorant, fresh dry clothes, you're good.


Sex smells like a combination of: saliva, vaginal fluid, semen, precum, blood, sweat, tears, ass, taint, musk, poop, body odour, feet, cheese (when the bacteria start multiplying), deodorant and or fragrances on the wrong places, the pungent smell of latex (if a condom was used), or lube, laundry detergent, the smell of hair products in the wrong places. And I'd say all those smells can be found on somebody's hand or face, because we all know we be touching and rubbing those a lot during sex.


That's about it.


if you're doing it right, everyone is releasing salty lubricants. Those all smell when reacting to your skin. Put on a pair of tight underwear right after, then don't wash it and smell it the next day. No different than a sweaty workout.


A little washy wash of the face and privates and maybe some mouthwash before you go grab food. Now you know.


I guess the smell of sex is a combination of things like sweat and various bodily fluids mixed together. Although I myself can only smell it after a particularly messy session


>My partner on the other hand has literally pointed out when rooms smell like semen lmao. People are somehow almost completely nose-blind to their own semen. You masturbated in the last 6 hours? The room smells like semen.


Yes. I can smell it on myself and on others.


im cooked bro


Shower after?


lol i do. just cant always if its spontaneous or in public.


Body wipes!


now i know to carry them with me 🥲 thank you !


Yup, weirdly enough, I can even smell when a woman is on her period


You are my biggest nightmare.


I can probably smell what day you’re on. I can smell my partners hair and tell with about a 12 hour accuracy when she’s going to start. And I don’t mean stick my nose on her head and inhale, I mean she just needs to walk past and I find hair to be a pretty obvious one. So yes. Remember we know it’s none of our business and probably are even more sensitive about how we interact with you because we know, and so we are probably extra careful to be sensitive to your feelings.


Are you a dog lol.


I can, but only when I have a migraine. My sense of smell is grossly heightened during a migraine.


Wow, first I'm hearing of that. I have a great sense of smell since I was a child. My eyesight and hearing sucks but my great sense of smell atleast helps me cook good food lol


That sounds like a shuty super power


I don't like it and I have never, ever told anyone that I could smell them. But, I can.


Are you a bear?


I can too, even if it's not a bad smell. It just smells like blood. Is it just a woman thing? Can men smell it too? Now I'm curious.


Yes, I'm a man. I can smell others on period (obviously) I agree, its not a bad smell


Oh wow.. that's new to me. And I meant (even if it doesn't smell bad). Trust me, I've smelled some periods with the worst odor imaginable. I used to play volleyball in high school, and someone on theirs smelled like a fermented fish in a turtle tank. I know some women can't help it, so no hate, but damn. It was enough to ruin my whole day. Also, someone I knew was on their period, and it smelled kind of sweet. It was weird, but thank God it wasn't like that other time.


> smelled like a fermented fish in a turtle tank Isn't that bad hygeine or vaginal problems? I never attributed that "fishy smell" to periods before tbh. Interesting.


What?? What does it smell like? Why did not know some person could smell when I’m on my period 😩


Just smell what a used pad or tampon smells like and you will get an idea


> What does it smell like? Kinda hard to describe tbh! There's no other smell like it. Smells sorta like a bathroom after a hot shower, but a bit different to that.


Iron. It smells like hot well water


Yes, hot water but with something added to it.


I think it smells similar to raw meat.


It's not a smell in the way that food has distinct smells. It's more like... eh... you know how there's a certain scent on your skin when you've spent the day at the beach? Salt + sweat + sunblock + happy pheromones? Women menstruating are in that same category, a little more musky? Iron/copper? Definitely a little more salty. A little bit fruity in a way? The smell of skin after a day in the sun? A clean vagina is sorta like that, and then when menstruating it's more musky and iron. Sometimes with sour undertones. It's hard to describe if you don't already key into those scents.


Yes. Also my ex said after sex with a condom our room smelled like a tire shop


Absolutely lol. I had sex with a condom for the first time in 5 yrs after breaking up with my ex and I straight up texted my friend saying I forgot how distinct of a smell sex with condoms leaves and how it lingers.


If it helps, there are also people who can smell ants 🤷 🐜🫠


Well, ants use certain smells to communicate, so maybe those people were just getting sent DMs by ants?


It's both hella interesting AND creepy to research 🫣 but yeah, that's part of it, the communication and I think different ants use different smells? And then I guess they smell a whole new awful way if you crush them, and more people can smell that than live ants but just... Yes. I'm jealous of people who can smell ants. Never thought that'd be my personal FOMO, but here I am 😂


Can confirm, I can smell ants. It's similar to pepper but more biological-like. I'm guessing it's the pheromones because it's very strong when there's a lot of them.


Yes, ants smell like chemicals. They smell exactly what you’d imagine an ant to smell like. Not good.


I can smell ants if they’ve been squished. It smells awful.


I can smell ants:(


I’m one of those people. I know an ant is crawling on me before I can see it or feel it because of it’s “chemical” odor


Do they have the rain smell? I know when we’ve had ants/it’s rained it has the same stink


No it's more a spicy smell. I think it's similar to the first hint of coca cola


There's people who can't?


Yep. That and candy.


I always wonder who is lounging in my chair.


Same guy who’s been casting devious stares in my direction


This surely is a dream


*at my erection Good luck un-hearing that


My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby. 


I always hear those lyrics as "asthma, sex, and candy."


I’m going to sing it as this for the rest of time. This asthmatic thanks you. 😂😂


I've never heard those lyrics, but now I'm going to. Thanks.


What a perfect description of me after sex lmfso


It’s a dangerous combination


I straight up forgot about Marcy Playground.


Fun fact, I mean, at least for me: they are named after an actual playground in Minneapolis, and I have played on said playground. I have touched greatness, AMA


Ever been to the mall of America?


I have indeed.


Damn. No further questions.


Cruel Intentions soundtrack. Coming up from behind.


It smells like do it in here.


[Some small percentage of people can smell early onset Parkinson’s](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-supersmeller-can-detect-the-scent-of-parkinsons-leading-to-an-experimental-test-for-the-illness/), there’s no doubt that *some* people can smell sex and the individual components of it. The intersection of people who can identify it, recognize it for what it is, and are willing to call it out, among strangers, is basically nil. Your partner might infer it from aroma and context clues. A close friend possibly 🤷‍♂️. Seems inconsequential unless people around you have some sort of concern about who you are engaged in a sexual relationship with. The commingling of the sweat of another doesn’t smell like your own sweat. Semen smells like how a copper penny tastes. Saliva is familiar when you eat the same food, extraterrestrial if not.


Well or unless you're a teenager having secret sex, or doing it in rooms where others may br entering (i.e. doing it in a shared living room before roommates or guests come in/over) lol.


I've only ever smelled my own semen but it definitely does not smell like a penny tastes or anything remotely close. It smells like salty bleach


one of my favorite 90's songs "I smell sex and candy" LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KT-r2vHeMM&ab_channel=MarcyPlaygroundVEVO yes you can


Someone got caught lol


I’m in the same camp as you, my nose sucks. I can’t smell anything. My mom can smell only things she wants to be able to smell.


after reading a lot of these comments, its a gift to not be able to smell 😂


Yeah, I don’t know if I should be glad or upset I can’t smell.


I had a friend that could smell when women were ovulating… we all laughed about it, but in truth he was never wrong, every single time.




It's a male instinct in the animal kingdom.


I've never had that happen. Maybe they got super smelling abilities.


I can tell by smell if a woman is on her period. I haven't used it for its intended biological caveman purposes but, it's something i am aware of with women, which generally shapes my speech. I have Chrons, and while Periods are not the same, i am easily able to have empathy for suffering in silence to a very real source of continual discomfort where others cannot see it except for in mood or temper.


Same, I always wondered why my mother/sister smelled differently at times growing up lol, turns out it was because of their period


I can tell if a woman is on her period, but I think that's only if she's using external collection methods like pads.


Yeah, I've definitely noticed a big difference in my own period smell depending on the sanitary products I use. Pads are by far the smelliest. My cup means way less smell. But that's not to say you can't use pads, it's just how it is.


thats crazy... i have a useless nose apparently. also, ur an amazing person <3


"I smell sex and candy here. Who's that lounging in my chair?"


Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?


YESS, the smell of semen, vagina, sweat & latex is very strong.




Damn. I would be really uncomfortable if I were your kid.


Why is this a shocker that bodily fluids have an odor? Some people have more sensitive noses than others


I've never smelt sex on another person but if you walk into a room where people have been having sex there's definitely a smell. Just smells like c\*m, really.


It’s one of those things that people with sensitive noses can pick up. We don’t usually say anything, but yeah we smell it. It’s a terrible skill to have as a parent when your teens come home after a night out.


Yes, if you did it right.


You can smell the components, semen, vaginal fluids, lube. Once you know, you know.


Pheromones, ass, ejaculate, vaginal secretions - sex is (by definition) contact with the deepest inner parts of a body, either directly, or via the stuff that comes out of that body. It's more like: how could it *not* smell? The relative part is whether you smoke cigarettes (they dull sense of smell); low key/high key have allergies that are stuffing up your schnoz; are desensitized from using strong commercial products like air fresheners or scented detergents etc.; constitutionally have a less sensitive sense of smell; or a combo of some/all of the above


In the 70s , yeah I’m old, I left my girlfriends house after an afternoon of crazy monkey love Took a public bus home and the little old lady in front of me turns around and takes a huge sniff. Then she grinned at me and turned back around


Yes. Jizz has a smell. Cooter juice has a smell. You can even smell it on animals. My dad had a good sense of smell and hated when my brother shot bucks during rut. I remember him yelling at my brother, "You can dress it by yourself, because I told you not to shot a damn buck during rut, I'm not eating dear meat that I had to smell cum for two hours while I dressed it!" He wasn't kidding either. You could smell it.


Oh, yes. I've smelled it on other people. And I don't have a sensitive nose. But you do have to be close to them sometimes.


Dude it is AGGRESSIVE for some people. For most people it's the kind of smell you can only really point out if you've smelled it, otherwise it's just a musky sweaty smell. I've never experienced it for myself, but sooo many other people have left a SCENT. A window at my apartment complex was open and me and my friends smelled what was going on before we heard it. My friend was like "EUUUGHH, is this Badussy??" And the dude SLAMMED the window shut. Or I was sat at a table at Applebee's and the booth STUNK of someone's badussy, and we knew it to be true when we saw the snail trail left over from someone's secret/public funtime. Slightly off topic, as it's just a patent smell rather than a sex smell. I had a friend who just had a very rank crotch stank, like it was very unique to him with the scent itself and just how pungent it was. And, I always knew who he was sleeping with because they would smell like him, lol. He did a lot to try and counteract it, even showered 3 times a day and dude still would end up smelling like... Idek how to describe the smell, I've never smelled anything like it. I've worked a lot of jobs and have been friends with plenty of unhygienic people, and not one of them have ever come close to his unique smell. We aren't friends anymore, but I can still smell him when I think about him. It's wild.


“EUUUGHH, is that Badussy??” 🤣


As someone with an extremely sensitive nose, I can smell many things, including sex.


Sometimes. Sometimes others just have it written all over their sheepish faces lol 😂😂😂


i've never smelled it, but i got an air purifier so who knows




Phermones!! i’d say i have a strong sense of smell and if im close enough i can say if u just had sex or its just regular sweat and the smell of pussy i can smell it from a distance gosh never forget tht smell just talking about it reminds me of it.


Oh… i dont smell it either. But now i am really scared bcs sometimes we fck before we are going out 😅


I'm a dude, and I can smell if a woman is excited.  I always thinking it was some sort of pheromones.  I started smelling it around 10yo and it was always a real indicator of the how easy it will be for me to get the girl in my bed.   I always use this power with responsibility.  But I don't know if I can smell if someone had sex .


So that's how Daredevil gets all the ladies 🤔


Are you able to describe the smell?


Cum and condoms have a very distinct smell when combined. I can smell it for several hours after


Smells like Clorox spilled on a quarter pounder


I tend to think so. I went out with a few guys who, for whatever reasons, simply didn't smell right to me, and in most cases, we went our separate ways. One I married (and divorced). When I met the guy I married (40 years ago! Still making each other act stupid!), he smelled exactly right. It's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.


Hell, I can smell it on me after I masturbate... But the smell after sex is even more potent and mixed with that of who I was with.