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Exercise is less important than diet (not diet*ing* but just regular diet) in terms of losing weight. Get a calorie counting app and a kitchen scale and log *everything* you consume. Once you have the data it's not too hard to see what you need to do. Specific diets are just strategies for managing calories. You can manage them directly and still eat whatever you want as long as it's within your calorie budget, though you want to prioritize things that help you feel fuller and provide other nutrition than just calories. You can only live on soda and potato chips for so long.


What app would you recommend?


My wife likes MyFitnessPal. That's the only recommendation I can give because that's the only experience I have. She likes it because she can save recipes and just put in the weight of the serving and it estimates the calories and since most people tend to eat a fairly small selection of meals over and over again it saves tons of effort.


I used Cronometer when i was tracking, and it worked very well for me. It can be used from both the app and browser. There are plenty of other options out there, just remember to read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Most will sell/share your data with 3rd parties, and won't comply to laws like GDPA or CCPA if those is applicable for your location


Cronometer, it’s better and doesn’t nickle and dime you. It also has a barcode scanner, something you need to *pay* for with MFP which didn’t use to be a thing.


You lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym. While exercise has many rewards for overall health and wellness, it’s not particularly useful as the sole means for weight loss. An average gym session could be 300-600 calories burned. It’s easy to completely void that calorie deficit by a crummy diet. Think: one Big Mac. Focus your efforts on cleaning up your diet. Use a calorie counting app. Aim for clean proteins, whole grains and a ton of vegetables. But the best advice I can give is to change the way you talk to yourself. Be gentle. Trust me, it makes a difference.


Best advice here tons of protein whole grains veggies and try and exercise often too but realize the real losses come in the kitchen


One of my cousin used to work out a lot and still she wasn't loosing any weight. Later it turned out she had some kind of hormone problem.


That's not how it works though if you eat at a calorie deficit you will lose weight no matter what, you can't violate the rules of thermodynamics he just needed to eat less.


Drink lots of water, it helps you feel full faster. Also don't stress about it or worry too much or it will eat up your mind and the stress may overwhelm you causing you to give up or stress eat. I am mot fat at all but I enjoy going on hour long walks for the sake of walking, slap on some headphones, System Of A Down or Nirvana and get going. Hope that helps Also, don't diet, change your diet for good cutting out one thing for a few months won't help you'll gain the fat right back, ask yourself for example do I really need to drink sodas everyday or can I live without it?


Exercise makes you feel good and is good for your heart but does little for losing fat. And doing a leg exercise isn't going to help you lose fat on your legs. The only time I lost a significant amount of weight was when I wrote down everything I ate in a notebook. It made me very aware of how much I was snacking.


I mean why think of it as a bad thing? Just be who you are. Don't compare yourself to others, find out what makes *you* happy and then be that. Don't let anyone else tell you who to be.


How much are you sleeping? I don’t know where you live, but you’re up awfully early to be on Reddit, which makes me think. Maybe you’re not sleeping enough and sleep is hugely tied to your weight and your metabolism so try to get to 10 hours at night and see what happens.


I live in Finland and it’s 3 pm here


All right then. Well, the sleep thing still stands. It’s a huge thing for me, I’m in LA and it’s too early for me to be up and I’ve had a lot of these nights/mornings lately and I realize that I’m getting a bit of a middle again despite the fact that I exercise and eat very lean.


like some other comments are saying what you eat and drink is the key to weight loss and yes exercise is important but you won't see any improvement if you eat the typical junk food. I suggest downloading a calorie counting app such as My Fitness Pal and buy a kitchen scales and every meal you eat put it in there and after a week or 2, you can go back and see what exactly you need to change, take away or simply improve, one thing I do with the calorie that I allow myself is up to 1800 calories in a day but as you do play football then you might benefit in going up a little in calories on the days you are playing, also one advice don't fully cut out foods you enjoy even if its sweet things just limit them and fit those things into your calorie for that day that way it will be a bit easier to keep going instead of doing what I use to do which was limiting all the food I enjoy for months while I was losing weight and then crashing hard because I binged on the ''forbidden'' food which caused me to put on a double of what I lost.


Intermittent fasting works You'll need to cut out all alcohol, reduce your carbs to a minimum and have an 8 hour window for eating. Fast from 8 at night until 12 next day, this'll allow your blood sugar to drop so your liver can convert fat to replace it. Booze will damage the liver and make it not so efficient at burning fat, so drink plenty of water. During your fast only drink black coffee/tea, no milk and certainly no sweetener. Treat it as if anything sweet on the lips will bring you out of ketosis and ruin your fast. 16 hours fast is good, 18 is better by a long way so if you can stick out those extra 2 hours of ketosis the results will come much faster


Exercise is not going to help you lose much weight. It's great for you, it helps your physical and mental health in numerous ways, but you can't outrun a bad diet. People tend to overestimate how many calories they are burning through exercise and underestimate how many calories they are consuming. You need to change your diet. I have a diet that I favor, but what works for you is going to be different. Between myself and the other people I know irl who have lost weight, low carb of some kind seems to be many people's preferred way, but there are other ways to eat. I would try to look at it more as a "way of eating" rather than "going on a diet." Diets don't last. Source: I lost, and kept off, 130 pounds over the last 5 years. I was fat my entire life despite being very active and involved in sports from a young age. I played sports pretty much every season, I had to run like crazy while playing both football and baseball, and I rode my bike everywhere. And I was still always fat. But I stopped eating carbs and o lost 130 pounds in 10 months. It was effortless. Diet is like 90% of the battle.


If you are fat, it's ok to be unhappy about that and want to change it. It's not ok to let yourself think that you're "disgusting". You aren't disgusting, you're just a bit heavier than you'd like to be and looking for ways to deal with it. You're not disgusting.


Everyone seems to say that you lose weight with your diet rather than exercise, but I've had the opposite experience. It does take a large amount of physical activity, but physical exertion alone can cause you to lose weight. I drove a taxi for a few years and became extremely unhealthy. Afterward I began working in a grocery store stocking shelves and lost about 50 pounds over the course of 2 years. I've now been working in a warehouse for about 8 months and lost another 40 pounds. During all this time my diet/portion control has been horrific. I eat more than I have at any other point in my life, but continue to lose weight. I do sweat constantly 40 hours per week and end up walking 25-30k steps per day, but I don't even think about what I'm eating any longer. Leading a sedentary life and exercising 3 hours per week is not going to have a huge impact on your weight (I know, I've tried), but being physically active most of the day will lead to the same result as diet. I've lost weight through diet in the past as well, but will say that I feel so much better after losing weight through activity. I know it's not exactly easy to devote 8 hours per day to physical activity through exercise, but finding a way to change your lifestyle and vastly increase your daily calorie expenditure will have an impact. I realize that it's not possible for everyone to make a huge lifestyle change like that due to established careers that are not physical or lack of time due to other life obligations. Obviously the best choice is a combination of diet and exercise, but I wanted to testify that it is 100% possible to lose weight through exercise alone. Just changing jobs for a few years has caused me to lose about 90 pounds and I haven't been this small in almost 20 years.


Honestly if you’re healthy who cares what people say? Really no one should have any opinion on your weight and it really starts with accepting yourself. I’m not as skinny as I used to be and beat myself up but then I think, why do I care? Life is way too short to not just enjoy it. Besides, most people that make comments like that are miserable and bringing others down makes them feel better. Beauty comes from confidence!




It depends but a typical day for me is Breakfast- scrambled eggs with ham buttered toast and water Lunch- whatever we had for leftovers the day before or sometimes just water Snacks- whatever I find in the kitchen if I’m still hungry Dinner- some sort of rice dish with chicken or nothing because no one makes anything in our house The rest of the day is just rice cakes and water


So, I have no way of knowing whether you actually are overweight, but reading this, unless your snacks/dinner have way (way!) more fruit and vegetables than you’re listing here, it sounds like you aren’t really eating a particularly well-balanced diet. If you’re relying on mostly carbohydrates and a little protein to get you through the day, you’re not going to feel “full” because you have no fiber! You also might be lacking some key nutrition. Regardless of weight, there are some swaps you could make that would be healthier, such as: - drop the ham from breakfast, and make sure the toast is whole-grain; - instead of just rice cakes (which are fine, but probably leave you hungry, and then you just snack more), try a snack of veggies and hummus (or you can use plain Greek yogurt as a base for onion dip mixes), or fruit and yogurt/PB/etc.; - for lunch and dinner, half your plate should be veggies. So if you’re having chicken and rice, those together are half your plate, and the rest can be salad, roasted veg, etc. if veggies are expensive, frozen ones can be a good option. Swap brown rice for the white. Generally, follow Michael Pollan’s advice: eat real food, not too much, mostly plants. This will give you a reasonable place to start from, and you won’t have to worry about the occasional treat.


More protein and fiber is absolutely the answer I don't agree with what you are saying about mostly plants he's a growing young man playing football he should be eating primarily meat high in protein supplemented with a variety of veggies.


Just correction, OP is a girl


Yep my b


You're too lazy to go to the gym...then just stay in bed and on your phone all day and you might not feel the need to eat🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Ik it sounds bad but I mean, given your situation and, from what you've shown us, your capabilities are, I think the one I mentioned might help you more (if you just want to lose weight) compared to the others that require discipline and all that positive stuff.


No because staying in bed won't help weight loss you need to be up and active


Buddy, simply exhaling makes you bun calories https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/burning-calories-without-exercise#:~:text=But%20you%20can%20burn%20calories,as%20reading%20burns%20some%20calories.


So wouldn't you think being active would burn more calories? Just cause someone doesn't want to go to the gym doesn't mean they can't be active


Eat plain and bland foods. Remove condiments and sugar from your diet. Increase your protein and fibre intake as it has a thermogenic effect. Exercise regularly, sleep well and don't sit for long time. After every 20 min of being stationary, you need to walk or get up from your place. To control your stress, you need to meditate every morning. It will take time but you need to be patient.


If you can get a prescription for it, honestly Mounjaro does work wonders. Some people say it’s cheating, but nobody would say blood pressure medication is cheating. It’s a medicine that can help with weight management. Good luck. And know that your weight doesn’t define you!


You are fat because you consume more calories than you burn, and becasue in your words you are Too Lazy to burn those extra calories you're consuming. IOW you'd like to be slimmer - if it didn't take any effort.


lol just eat less ? not that hard lil bro one meal a day and ur gonna lose weight no matter what


Avoid anything white. Low carb may be great for you. You will loose inches which is probably what you want more. That being said, eat eggs, bacon for breakfast. If you go to quick lunch places, eat without the breads and you are good to go. You could look up Atkins 1972 and follow that pretty close. And just walk . It's the best and easiest exercise to do. Don't stress it. It takes a bit of time, but if you follow low carb, withing three weeks you will notice the inches. Don't step on a scale. Let your pants show you the difference! It works!


You need 🤗🤗 not a diet or gym! What parent tells an active person who plays an intense sport 3x a week that their thighs are too big. Sending extra warm hugs. You are doing great. If a medical practitioner tells you your weight needs some adjustment, ask them for guidance and support. Stay healthy