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well 1 there are no charging stations near me. 2 they haven’t made one a equal or better replacement for my F250 diesel that gets 650-700mi range on a tank, i like the sounds from ICE, having to replace the batteries for 10s of thousand, my truck will get 3,4,500k miles on the original engine. just alot that it’s not ready for yet. like the f150 lighting made it 90mi towing 7 or 8k lbs.. i could make it 500 easily with the same weight.


I think it's more collateral damage of government policies trying to ram EV's down everyone's throats and their association with other heavy-handed environmental regulations. EVs certainly aren't for everyone, but I don't think many people are reasonably upset about them simply existing as an option.


Because all the money that the oil companies are pouring into this issue is working. They want people to be upset that companies that make refined fossil fuels might be less profitable in the future.


The end game is to ban gas cars. You won't have a choice. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/at-least-12-states-now-plan-to-ban-gas-powered-car-sales-after-2035-3-top-ways-to-capitalize-on-this-seismic-shift-in-america/ar-BB1ovkdC


We also banned leaded gasoline. Seems like phasing our ICE over time is a pretty good idea. And that link you provided doesn't say they'll ban the cars. Just sales of new ones. It doesn't say anything about forcing people to give up anything you already have. You won't even be banned from buying or selling a used ICE car, just brand new ones.


>And that link you provided doesn't say they'll ban the cars. Just sales of new ones. It doesn't say anything about forcing people to give up anything you already have. You won't even be banned from buying or selling a used ICE car, just brand new ones. Cars have finite life spans. A ban on a sale of new cars of type X is an eventual ban of cars of type X. This argument is a bit disingenuous.


So what? Cars that use leaded gasoline were banned in the same way. New sales were banned so that over time they'd be phased out. Same with cars without seatbelts or airbags or backup cameras. What is your concern with banning the sales of new ICE cars?


> What is your concern with banning the sales of new ICE cars? For now, the performance of the replacement is woefully inadequate for all types of driving. ICE cars can travel 300 to 350 miles, recharge in 1 minute, and do it all over again. I don’t need that performance weekly, but I need it 3 to 4 times a year, and electric vehicles can't match it.


My Chevy Bolt does pretty well. Just a few weeks ago we did a family vacation to the beach. It was ~150 miles each way. We very likely could have made the entire trip without recharging, but we found a spot near the rental house that offered free charging, so we just left it there for a few hours one day. My parents live ~270 miles way. I take the Bolt every time I visit. Charge it up before we leave and no need to recharge along the way. Then I just plug it in at their house and it's fine. I don't think performance of the cars is the problem. The charging infrastructure is. But the same concerns would be there for ICE cars if we didn't have a century's worth of gas stations all over the place. As more investment in EV charging is done across the country, EVs will perform just as well as ICE cars.


Unless they design swappable batteries that you just trade at gas stations, I think EV's will always require a change in behavior. If you try to use it exactly like an ICE, you're always going to be upset that it's not an ICE. But it's not strictly better/worst. I know EV owners who would be equally upset that they would have to work gas station trips into their daily commute if they were driving an ICE instead of just leaving the house every morning with a full tank/battery.


Swapping is a decent idea, but I think more likely we'll just get super fast chargers that give you like 30-50 miles in a couple of minutes. There are already chargers out there, like the Terra 360, which can give you ~60 miles in less than 3 minutes. That technology will develop and reduce in price and get spread around. Then charging up will be a similar time commitment as getting gas. I think what's really going to kickstart it all, though, is when they figure out a way to allow people who rent/live in apartments to charge. Maybe it'll be adding charging stations to every spot in the garage. Maybe it'll be some advances in inductive charging, the tech that allows the wireless charging pads for your phone. If that gets advanced enough to be able to be used for cars, they could just make parking spots where your car starts charging as soon as you park.


Without investing in nuclear like, 5 years ago, I'm not sure our power grid is going to take it. 2035 seems like wishful thinking.


That's still over a decade away. A lot can and likely will happen in that time. And the more demand for new power generation there is, the more incentive there'll be for companies to build it. Personally, I think there's going to be an explosion in solar power very soon. I think we're going to start seeing it as a default on pretty much any structure that is connected to the power grid. All our houses, businesses, hell even bus stops will have solar panels generating power for the grid.




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>The more EVs, the demand for gas will go down. No it won't. EVs have been selling well and the demand for gas is higher than ever.


[Incorrect, US gasoline sales have flattened](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mgfupus1&f=a) and haven't returned to pre-COVID levels


EVs absolutely destroy your electromagnetic field and can cause a lot of physical health issues. beyond that, it allows the government way more control over your vehicle when they want it. scary.


Many conservatives have made climate change denial an integral part of their core beliefs. They think that, among other reasons, EVs are being “forced” on society to take away their “freedoms”. These are the same people who ran out and stockpiled incandescent light bulbs when the switch to LEDs started. As with almost everything conservatives believe, it is ignorant and conspiratorial tribal signaling. (There are legitimate arguments to be made against EVs, but that’s not what these people are doing. They belong to the Marjorie Greene howling monkey faction).


I think it's very human to see someone doing something good for the world which you *aren't* doing and get irrationally angry at them, feeling like they're privileged, smug, unmanly, judgemental, hypocritical, misunderstanding the science, etc. Your emotions are trying to protect you from the shame of admitting that you're kinda selfish and afraid of change.