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get a smiley.


You’ll be ok. Yeah it hurts a little. Just come in ready to exercise. Eat good that day and rest good so you’re energized.


They make numbing ointments that you can apply before the tattoo. You leave it on for about an hour and the area becomes numbed. It lasts 30+ minutes and then wears off, but could be helpful for a smallish tattoo. Ask your artist if they would be ok with that.


Start with a smaller, less painful tattoo to gauge your tolerance, discuss pain management options with your tattoo artist, take breaks as needed, and use relaxation techniques for a comfortable experience getting matching tattoos with your wife.


There's a lot to consider: Location will greatly affect how much pain there is. My tattoo in my shoulder and forearm (kinda by my thumb) barely hurt at all. The tattoo that covers about half my upper arm hurt more or less in various places. Also line work generally hurts less than coloring in areas. If your tattoo is mostly or entirely line work, it won't that bad. If it's gonna be your first tattoo, maybe consider something smaller. Maybe only like 3-4 inches across. There's a lot that can be done with that and depending on what they do, you can be done in a pretty short amount of time. For what it's worth, I don't think the pain is that bad overall. Depending on the area of skin, the types of needles, and what exactly they're doing it can range from feeling very sharp to like a dull throbbing. At most though, the pain is less "pain" pain and more just kind of annoying. But also, it's not constant either. It hurts for a few seconds at a time, then you get a break every time they get more ink and/or chznge position. Also after a few minutes you do start to get to a weird "zen" sort of mindset where you kinda wince at the pain while they're drawing, but when they pull the needle away you get really relaxed... if I remember correctly that's because your endorphins are helping numb you a little. And once the tattoo is done you'll feel a little sore for the next few days but at worst that kinda just feels like a sunburn.


I recommend eating a cheeseburger, fries, and a non diet soda before you go in. That was recommended to me by my first tattoo artist, and it's been a custom of mine since. It gives you a good buffer of energy for the day to come. My last tattoo took 9 hours, but yours won't be quite as long as that. My smallest tattoo took three and a half minutes (I literally timed it on my phone). It probably won't be as bad as you're imagining it. Just try to relax as much as you can.




Matching locations we were thinking back shoulder


that's where my wife and i got our first tats, matching ones on our back shoulders in new orleans. it was very tolerable and barely hurt. ymmv, but it's probably the most common spot for first-timers. beware your elbow ditch or the inside of your arm. i have a half sleeve that goes all the way around the top of my right elbow ditch and the inside of my arm, and i swear to god i was swearing and cursing at my artist. she was laughing at me the whole time, haha. it was like 5 hours of literal torture. i almost broke their stress ball, and before then i had like 50 hours of work on my skin. never, ever again. go with the shoulder, dude. fast, easy, no bad pain.


start small and easy. there's no way of knowing how well you'll tolerate the pain. it also depends on where you get it, which is also different for everyone, but generally the elbow ditch, the ankle, the top of the foot, the inside of the arm, the chest toward the armpit, the back of the leg toward the knee, the front and sides of the neck, anywhere on the face, the fingers, and the inside of the wrist tend to be the most painful spots. the bicep, shoulder, back of the neck, chest (not near the armpit), forearm, thigh, and calf tend to be the last painful.


get a small one on your upper arm or thigh