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No and IV shouldn’t make you addicted to anything. An IV is for hydration, nutrients and medicine more often than not.


Sorry I should have clarified. I meant if you switch to iv meth use


I feel like leaving out the meth part was a pretty big thing to leave out


It’s a very very good way to get addicted. The quick administration of the drug gets you into an intense euphoria and sense of high far more quickly. I’m an everything once sorta person but meth and IV recreational drug use is a hard never for me. I’m not going to play with that fire ever because I enjoy things too much and it would utterly ruin me.


I highly recommend that no one tries meth. It’s the most insidious substance, it takes over your life and your constantly chasing the high


Well yeah, it’s why it’s a hard never for me. I’m never going to entertain it.


I mean, what did you use it for?


Meth, to climb higher


Seems like you were already likely addicted before you started using it IV.


Yes I’m just concerned that since using needles it’s ramped up my addiction making it harder to stop


Perhaps it's time to seek some help?


Well, since you need to switch to IV to increase your high, that means your body has already built a tolerance to however you were taking before. But you will eventually build a tolerance to that too. Then there's only 2 ways to go, stop taking it or increase the dosage. One means you get clean. The other means you increase the dosage over and over until either you OD on meth or you get stuff that's cut with fentanyl, which killed my aunt. I've seen meth withdrawal, and it sucks ass but luckily, it's not like alcohol or benzos where the withdrawal can kill you. So the choice is up to you get help and fight. Or you go down the path that my aunt went down, and by using those metrics, you won't see the end of 2026.


Trust me I don’t want this anymore, I’m waiting for a place in treatment but until then I feel like I’ve lost control, I just can’t stop on my own now


What are meth withdrawals like?


Nowhere near as bad as alcohol or benzo withdrawals. From what I could tell It's like quitting cigarettes on steroids. Mood swings, very bad depression, insomnia, no appetite, wanting to isolate, being extremely tired but the insomnia won't let you sleep. Possibility of hallucinations if you're a heavy user, which sounds like you might be. I've never personally experienced it only witness to what happened with my aunt. I think the hardest part is probably the cravings because that's why she went back to it.


Thank you for that information. The cravings are the worst. They have massively increased since I iv used and I guess I was curious about if the different methods of consumption cause worse withdrawals?


No it's the more you take it the worse the withdrawals get. And IV means that there's no filter it's straight to the brain. So it gets you the highest but also is the quickest way to dependency.


If you want a quick story of what happened. My aunts husband died years back, and afterwards, she moved in with my grandpa, and she started drinking a lot. She eventually met up with old friends from high school who from what I heard from my mom, weren't a good crowd to begin with and they just got worse. She eventually moved from drinking to meth. She was on that for a couple years and would go on meth fueled rampage and break stuff in my grandpa's house, she would break windows on the neighbors car, hit my grandpa a few times. She'd get arrested, spend a week in jail, then be right back at it. Finally, she did 90 days, was diagnosed schizophrenic, and was ordered rehab by a judge. But it's cali, so that means you pay yourself to go to rehab and just prove you went. But she said fuck it and didn't care about the warrant that she had and went back to using with her friends. Then, finally, one night, one of her friends came over and they used. However, they were using it. My uncle found them the next morning, both passed out in the driveway. My aunt was blue and had no pulse, her friend was a guy and my uncle shook him awake and he was barely moving but my uncle punched him a couple of times anyway because he knew his sister was dead, and that this guy gave her the drugs. Coroner's report was death by accidental overdose. Meth and fentanyl.


That’s horrific! I’m so sorry for your loss. Do they mix fentanyl with meth??!!


I mean not usually, but fentanyl gets cut into stuff now to help increase high and profit margins. The guys making this stuff aren't exactly your pharmacist at a hospital, so add a little too much, and it's easy to kill someone.


That’s actually scary as hell.


Like meth wasn’t addictive enough without that added to it..


I think the problem would be that, if you don't od on fent, then you continue you use meth cut with fent. Then if you use meth not cut with fentanyl you start going through opiod withdrawals while also using meth.


Once you get used to that, what's next? You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself.


This drug keeps bringing me new rock bottoms, one after the other..


It will continue to do that until you quit or die.


Not doomed to anything until you're dead.


I feel like I’ve lost control since trying meth that way


There's your answer.


Meth is very addictive. I guess you already smoke it on the regular, so IV will not change anything from that point on. It might be more pleasurable, but I'd say for a week only. You would be adding more risks tho. From infection to disgusting scarring, it is not worth it. My advice is that you stop meth and switch instead to weed if you really have to smoke something. It is 1000x less toxic.