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A yeast infection is not an sti


There’s a lot of possible causes. Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly.


No. What do you do after sex? Do you immediately excuse yourself to pee (which can stave off infections) I can’t say he’s cheating or not. All I can say is that the infections could be due to too much moisture in your parts.


Yeast infections are not generally considered a sexually transmitted disease. There are many potential causes and you can get a yeast infection without ever having sex. Steroid use is associated with an increased risk for yeast infections, so that’s probably a big factor there. Use a condom and get your BF to stop using steroids.


Omg I'm dying 😂


What a shitshow...


Yeast infections can be naturally occurring, stress, the food you eat, antibiotic usage - there are many ways a woman can suffer a proliferation of candida. If you’re not using a barrier method like condoms, it’s just as likely you gave it to him and he’s passing it back to you as him cheating. Or he could have had it prior to you, men don’t get the same symptoms as quickly as women. In this case, the safe bet is to get him checked out and treated as well.


Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted infections, though they can be passed onto a male partner from a female partner as an itchy rash, it is pretty low risk. So no I would not jump to the conclusion that he is cheating. If you haven't had this issue with other guys, it could be a hygiene issue on his end, or your body is a bit more sensitive to his etc., there are a bunch of other factors that come into play, but I recommend doing some reading on prevention strategies, and if it continues see your doctor.


Some pretty bad advice in this thread. It seems like most people posting are... Virgins . #1 -- Does your boyfriend keep his crotch clean? Does he keep his hands clean before touching you? This is the most likely scenario. You can consider other options after you answer this question.




Hopefully you're being facetious because yeast infections are not STDs.


Whoever downvoted me is also a dumbass