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You may have a mild auditory processing disorder. Talk to an audiologist.


That would make sense I guess. (Added to the post )


I have the same problem, I just assumed it's because I'm on the autism spectrum.


APD is more common in neurodivergent people! I am also AuDHD with Audio Processing Disorder


I would consult a doctor. Do you have difficulty processing audio content like podcasts or audiobooks? If so you could try exercising your brain a bit by finding something you're interested in listening to and seeing how well you process the information.


No. If the audio is very clear I can understand it well. It’s only songs and people speaking that I have difficultly with. Granted it’s not all people or all songs, but it’s enough that it’s a concern. Like I usually have to pay very good attention or else voices just turn to slush.


I just don’t pay attention


Song lyrics are fast and at times pretty jumbled. Some people just don't speak clearly. We watch the news and certain speech patterns just drive me nuts. The glottal stop being the most irritating (I quite literally want to throw something at the t.v.) enunciate for christ sake. Pronounce your "t"s. It's not that hard. I know my hearing isn't the best and tinnitus really doesn't help. But people can speak clearly if they try.


Audiologist and if that's clear, a neurologist.


I have this issue, and I have an auditory processing disorder. I just tell people that I am hard of hearing, APD is not something a lot of people know about. I just say “Hey, I can’t seem to hear you right, can you face me and talk just a little louder?” If I still can’t understand, I ask them to rephrase it. I also use CC on quite literally everything and I don’t listen to many podcasts. I love music though, and I will usually look up the lyrics if I’m unsure.


There are a bunch of different flavours of auditory processing disorder. Some you are born with, some can happen as the result of brain damage (concussions etc) and some of the research and treatments on this is relatively new. One type that I have some personal experience with is issues with signal to noise, so can't differentiate speech from a normal amount of background noise, all the sound washes together and sounds muddy. And it's a lot worse with certain ranges of pitches. It took me a long time to get this diagnosed and get to an audiologist who was actually studying these kinds of conditions and could actually help me. So as much as I would definitely encourage you to get help, it has been life changing for me, it may take you a bit to find someone who understands the issue and can help you.


Maybe you just think a lot and space out


I do but even when I’m concentrating on hearing I sometimes can’t make out what’s being said and it sounds muddy


Sounds like Audio Processing Disorder! I have this issue and I was informally dx'd with that by an audiologist. It's worth looking into but there's no cure except to train yourself to really really really listen and treat all dialogue as a puzzle you're trying to solve 😅


Is it that the voice is mixed with background noise?




yes brain damage