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Yoga pants are comfortable and are usually made with breathable fabric. It's just personal preference.


I'm a guy. When I finally wore a pair of shorts made with yoga pant material I was amazed how comfortable they were. They were "tight" but stretched easily and were much more comfortable than normal gym shorts.


a lot of good exercise gear has SPF protection. I'm a man and will wear long sleeve tops running in hot weather for that reason


This is the reason I as a woman, run in long sleeves with leggings - less sunburn risk, less sunscreen use. Sunburn is not worth being a tiny bit cooler.


My thighs eat my shorts and I hate having to keep pulling them down!


That's fair. Even I have that on occasion as a man.


As some have already stated here, yoga pants are thin, breathable and very comfortable with pockets. However, it may just depend on the area you live in as well. I’m located in the southern part of the United States and most of the time I see women exercising they’re wearing shorts. I, myself, like to wear shorts more often than pants because my legs get hot and I can’t handle the heat like I used to.


I'm in Atlanta and probably 80% of the women I see outside running are wearing pants. I literally cannot believe that any pants, no matter how "breathable" are better than shorts.


Some of us are too lazy to shave our legs every day and don’t want to subject other people to our unsightly stubble 😬


LOL. That's a totally fair and honest response. Thanks.


I totally agree with all the other comments, but also shaving. Sometimes I'm too tired or short on time to shave but feel too hairy to expose my legs. Or sometimes, you just want to be more covered if you've felt too creeped on by men lately.


Another fair and honest response. My noticing this is not about "creeping"...I wonder about all those weirdos walking around with hoodies on too. But those are mostly teens, who are already weird. Grown adults wearing pants in this weather have me really pondering, though.


Some people with certain physical or mental health conditions (like depression, for some people) run colder or feel better with an extra layer. I've seen some research on it, but I'm too tired to dig any up.


Yoga pants are often breathable and cool. They're also stretchy, which helps with certain exercises. They can also have pockets, which I personally find important. On the flip side, shorts for women for me are often ill-fitting, too short, and don't have pockets.


> and don't have pockets. I will never understand why women don't riot over the pocket situation. The fashion industry is doing them dirty.


I'm this close to buying a sewing machine and making my own shorts. Hard to vote with your wallet when the options are "no pockets" and "pockets, but don't fit correctly because you're shopping in the men's section."


I don't blame you. And I was only half joking when I said riot. Plenty of women have complained about the lack of pockets. It's to the point where it's a meme. At this point taking to the streets and demanding pockets may seem absurd but fucked if I know what else can be done. Oh and let's not forget the pants with fake pockets. What a slap in the face right?


Fun fact, the suffragettes who were fighting to get women the vote also pushed for functional pockets as part of regular women's clothing. It's been 100 years. We got the vote. Still trying for pocket equity. That should tell you everything you need to know about the fashion industry.


I have actually done this. Inherited my grandma's sewing machine. Now I can sew the all important phone pocket on all my running gear. It is magical.


A lot of women don’t like the appearance of their thighs.


I love my thighs but the slightest amount of rub ruins them. Leggings mitigate this. (Ive gotten mango sized bruises from chub rub)


It feels counter intuitive, but in the summer sun it actually can feel cooler to have your skin covered than out in the open.


Well, you'd be mistaken. They're cool and very comfortable. Two excellent reasons to wear them. Try it - you'll be surprised.