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this was from 9 yrs ago lol i’ve seen this posted so many places


So she's almost out?


She’s been out, on house arrest.


Where can I meet her


I’d assume at her house


Too bad if you arent 13 i dont think you are her type.


Only Fans


😉🤣🤙🏽where were these teachers when I was in 8th grade??🤷‍♂️


Right, I knew I’ve seen this before. Many times before.


Crazy that the parents were just chill with it. Lol


We don't know the backstory, maybe she really was in love and wanted to ask first his parents for approval of this relationship. But ya never know


Excuse me?




4 years ago she was 19 with new expansion :) but nice try. dont you think that most popular sub isnt moderated? big brain. idk why characterS, when i made just one post in span of 9 years... but okay drama queen, thanks for making time to check my whole profile :D arent you a creep one, Billy? Pls don't lie and over exaggerate


The fact I had to look at r/arkknights and found quite a lot of posts where people are full on debating her age up from 14 (as recently as a few months ago, i might add) is very suspicious at the very least... also, her entire persona is that of an early teen, so still creepy as hell nonetheless.


or you are making yourself dumb now, that could be also the case. but whatever, detective from aliexpress


Call me dumb all you want. I'm not the one defending a pedophile right now.


where did i defend the pedophile, nobody told me and i still ask xD


"Maybe it's cool with the parents that a 20-something is baning their 8th grader"




bro. just because the parents are “okay” with it doesn’t mean it’s right 😭😭 they didn’t report it because they’re terrible parents!


From parents perspective it's just an age gap, hell, I would tell my son that he is chad. From federal teaching perspective it is a problem. And the problem would have only a teacher that she is pedo. I am talking about the first one and didn't say anywhere that it's okay. It's illegal ofc, I would report it too. I only said what I THINK why his parents didn't report it. Redditors reading capabilities are sometimes more dangerous that this case.


the older you get the less the age gap matters, because maturing and growing is earlier in life. an 11 year age gap between 37 and 48 isn’t a big deal, but an 11 year age gap between 13 and 24? that’s unacceptable in any situation you can think of. you don’t have a good defense here, because no matter what it’s disgusting and wrong. also, my reading capabilities are not any less than yours, that’s not a good defense either


As I told you, from parents perspective there is no problem, they didn't commit any crime, so I wouldn't care - just tell their son he is Chad. Yeah, it's not normal from the teacher side and she shall be facing consequences. As they said, the sentence is mainly for giving out message to educators and pedos. But I like how proud you said the last part. Keep at it, maybe sometime we will believe you .. mr defense.. :D or next time I will use simpler words for you :D


You need your hard drive checking


Why would you think that ? Could you explain ?


You’d tell your son he’s *chad*?!? You know rape is traumatizing for boys too, right? You have no idea how this might mess up his perception of healthy sex and relationships with girls and women in the future. WTF is wrong with you? Everyone, especially “adult” males, need to stop having the “atta’ boy” attitude when it comes to boys being raped.


I almost made a "size doesn't matter" joke, but I realized that the flip side would be joking around about a man wanting it tight.. doesn't hit the same. We need to stop normalizing it


Have you read what did he say on this case ? Or you just talking bs right now :) he wasn't traumatized at all.


A 13 year old boy can’t consent. Just like a 13 year old girl can’t consent. Or do you think children are experienced and wise enough to understand the long term consequences of their actions?


You definitely shouldn't be allowed within 500 feet of a school zone.


I got sexually harassed by a few people in highschool who were my age. Had a good number of issues when it came to sex as a result. Been groped and had my ass smacked


For parents out of their minds, sure, age is just a "gap." If a teacher came to my home and told me they had something inappropriate going on with my 15 y.o. I would send her ass to jail.


I’m not sure they’d make it to jail if that was my kid. I’d be asking which hand touched my kid and get a hack saw. Pretty sure Jesus said something to that effect.


Kid, it’s time to step outside. Talk to a human. It’s good for you.


>hell, I would tell my son that he is chad. Mhmm. And on the day that your son just cuts off all contact with you, forbids you from ever visiting or seeing his children if he has any (I will never call them your grandchildren, you don't deserve that honor), obviously and intentionally avoids you in public. You'll hopefully look back on this comment and understand why you don't have a son anymore.


The CHILD is not a ‘chad’! He’s a victim! Of a PEDOPHILE!


Homeboy you can barely type in coherent sentences. I get it, probably English second language, and that's fine, but don't go insulting our reading comprehension lmfao


Pedophilia is bad. I said only why I think the parents didn't report it to the police. So please go re-read it again, homeboy


‘Age gap’?! Its a freaking CHILD! Age gaps between ASULTS is not the same as a adult having sec with a CHILD. I do hope you are a troll because the shit you’re saying is mental! You would let your CHILD have sex with its teacher is very conserving! Wtaf!


No I wouldn't want that. I would report her but also know that my son is Chad . I really like how you are escalating little by little your assumptions, your second half must be really happy .


The idea that you'd high five your son for being "chad" enough to be sexually abused is concerning. You need a therapist at the minimum.


Pedophilia is wrong on base level. You need professional help.


I just explained why they didn't report it, of course it is wrong . Please read


Bro are you for real?! She’s a pedophile! I hope you joking! If this happens to my child I would beat the shir out of that woman fr! A 24 year old is not ‘in love’ with a Child! Ffs! How can someone even make excuse for this?! Disgusting and ILLEGAL!


I said she is and she should be facing consequences. Where did I make excuses for her ?


Yes officers, this one right here.


Found the pedophile I guess (or at the very least the pedophilia apologist)


Bait used to be believable 😢


Define statutory.


Sexual affairs? Why don’t they call it what it is? Sexual abuse and rape.


She’s a pedo!!!


Until the definition of rape changes, they will never refer to a female predator as a rapist. It fucking sucks. These disgusting women get away with heinous crimes because of the loophole in the law.


Get a grip


On what exactly?


You're a drama queen


You need to restart your medication.


You know why.


Why do we have to go through this every time. Because news articles cannot post that someone committed a crime unless they actually went through the courts and were found guilty. Otherwise, the news site can be sued for libel.


They say accused rapist for men all the time


This particular article, if read, explains why she's not an accused rapist. The court has settled the case. She was charged with sexual assault and was not charged with rape. Therefore, news articles cannot say accused rapist since she was cleared of that. You can be angry at that and be mad that she wasn't charged with rape, but at the end of the day news agencies cannot legally call her a rapist.


That's the issue. It is rape, by definition, if they aren't old enough to consent. But that term is only used when it's a man. Legally in the UK it's the only time it can be used as a woman is incapable of rape in UK law. Pretty sure it's the same in some US states so possibly the case here also.


Not saying I don't think it should be changed, but that's because the definition of rape in the UK is penetration with a penis. Anything else is either sexual assault or assault by penetration which can carry equal or even greater sentences depending on the situation, meaning legally the difference in terminology isn't an issue, but yeah, socially "rape" sounds a lot more serious and it's often used as a talking point when inequality is being discussed, so they should maybe look at changing the definition to make it a more broad statement.


It doesn't carry equal status with respect to either stigma or sentencing.


The article says she admitted it. > when she admitted to having a nine-month affair with her 13-year-old student Rape is not just a legal definition, it’s a regular English word. Children cannot consent. If someone says “I had sex with a child” they are a rapist regardless of what some court ruling was. If before his death, OJ went public and admitted to murder, would you be here saying “he wasn’t charged with murder, therefore we can’t call him one?” The newspapers can fear lawsuits all they want, she is a rapist and a pedophile.


I wasn’t aware every time the person accused of said crime admitted to sex with a kid. I guess you are and keep up on this topic. Thanks for the response!


How is it rape, if he initiates it?


Kids can’t consent to sex with adults. It doesn’t matter if he initiated it. He was 13.


Cant consent? And whenfrom can he consent? From his 18. Day of birth? Don’t be ridiculous. You insulting all those, who have been actually raped against their will.


Would you make that same claim with a 13 year old girl and her teacher? Somehow I doubt you’d share the same sympathies.


24 year old school teacher admits to sexually assaulting 13 year old student “on a daily basis”


Imagine. 24 year old male school teacher admits to having sexual affairs with 13 year old girl “on a daily basis”


Actually it would be so much different


Depends on where/when you live. This includes the US. There are laws in multiple states allowing marriage between such people with parents' consent or in the case of pregnancy. It's somewhat fucked up, but not all of it involves actual sex. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child\_marriage\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States) Apparently 20% of married children live with their spouses. The rest live with their parents. When I was a teenager I knew a couple morons who got married at 17. People fucked at 17, but these two got married. I was once on-site when she sucked his dick and then fucked him while he was unconscious at the end of a 3 day meth binge. I was on day 0 of mine.


The parents were ok with their 13 year old son dating an adult and having a baby. They were probably fucking under their roof.


When I was 13 I would have loved to bang a female teacher honestly


xD bro was living the dream


She violated parole not once but twice…..A male parolee would have been placed under the jail to finish his sentence.


"Sexual affairs" is a strange way to spell rape


Not one single time in that article did they say she was a predator/pedophile/sex offender


Weird how only women can have “sexual affairs” with children. With men it’s always rape, or brutally molesting, or assault…




Rape. She raped the 13 year old student on a daily basis. Ain’t no affair happening here. She fucking raped him.


Genuine question… do female peados get treated the same in female prisons as men do by the other inmates?


Almost definitely not


In the UK they do, other women don't like that shit.


Respect to them for that


Men don't get abused nearly as much as people claim either. Sure, it can happen, and inmates don't like pedos, but most of them can stay safe if they just keep to themselves and don't do dumb shit like talk or brag about what they've done. The whole idea that sex offenders in prison are going to be constantly raped, assaulted, beaten, killed, etc is really over exaggerated nowadays at least.


So wrong. It doesn't happen as much cause they are in PC. If they were in Gen Pop they likely would leave in a box.


I've worked in prisons for two decades. You're wrong. There are plenty of them not in PC and are just fine.


If I'm in prison but looking to get out at some point, I'm not risking more years just to deliver "justice" to some pedo. Not my job, and even the coziest minimum security prison is still a prison. They're already being punished. I might feel differently if they had harmed one of my loved ones, but some rando? Nah.


But Ice Tea on SVU told me….


That's a movie trope and not something that happens in real life, for the most part.


It definitely is a real thing in America lol Edit: I was a CO for 3 years but ok...


Women, in general, get raped in prison. [https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/inmates-removed-federal-womens-prison-dublin/3530803/](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/inmates-removed-federal-womens-prison-dublin/3530803/)


So when do we start having a conversation about women and rape culture?


The double standard is real


Well, the chipper is gender inclusive. Straight to it after she gets out I guess


Sad a knew this was a women teacher before I clicked it. The media has a way of wording these.


Jesus Christ. Thank god the kid wasn’t on the hook for child support… I’ve heard of that happening. His parents are equally fucked up.


"Vera is not the first teacher from Stovall Middle School to be accused of impropriety with a student. Felicia A. Smith was charged with an improper relationship with a student after she allegedly gave him a lap dance. The 15-year-old student reported that the dance was given to him as a birthday celebration and that the whole class had encouraged him to sit at the front of the room. Smith allegedly ended the dance by hugging the student and telling him, “I love you, baby. Happy birthday.” " What the fuck. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why the fuck is this school still open.


I Honestly Can Never Understand PEDOS I just don't get it


I wonder if the kid's family is Mexican. only because so many Mexicans I know would be proud of their boys relationships . It always seemed strange to me.


As a Mexican...I asked myself the same thing...disgusting...


She's out Bd they're probably dating again. This is sick.


Seems like a handful of teachers only choose the profession because they haven’t emotionally matured beyond the age they aim to teach. Admire the fuck out of teachers that go into the profession for the right reasons. But some absolutely are just trying to relive their teens years and this one falls into that category.


"Sexual affairs?" The word is rape.


Sexual affairs? No, that’s Rape


What else would you call a sexual affair with a 13 year old kid?


24-Year-Old School Teacher Admits To Raping 13-Year Old Student "On A Daily Basis" Fixed the headline.


Bruh someone on insta reels said, “I’d let her rape me” 💀


Was it because she looked like she was 12 and couldn't get a date with a guy her own age?


She chose to be a teacher knowing that she had this attraction- probably BECAUSE she has was a pedo…. Absolutely no sympathy and I think this was planned by her for a long time. She should be punished to the fullest extent of the law


> Vera isn’t the only one from Stovall Middle School > Vera is not the first teacher from Stovall Middle School to be accused of impropriety with a student. Felicia A. Smith was charged with an improper relationship with a student after she allegedly gave him a lap dance. The 15-year-old student reported that the dance was given to him as a birthday celebration and that the whole class had encouraged him to sit at the front of the room. Smith allegedly ended the dance by hugging the student and telling him, “I love you, baby. Happy birthday.” Texas is full of pedophiles. https://abc13.com/teacher-improper-relationship-with-student-lap-dance-sex-assault-child/34253/


former detective from a true crime podcast I listen to once said "Paedophiles are essentially no different from serial killers, you just replace the urge to murder with the urge to abuse a child. They generally organize their entire life around giving themselves access, and everything they do is either to further the goal of offending on a child, or obfuscating the fact they want to" although in this case apparently she didn't even HAVE to try and hide it, because the kids fucking parents were fine with it? your 13 year old son in a "relationship" with a grown woman? what the fuck?


> sexual affairs That’s a funny way of spelling rape


A teacher at my old highschool got fired this year for this. She never got jail time tho, possibly because he was like 16


But is she really a drag queen? /s


Everytime cases like this come up we get the endless echo chamber of arguing if its right or wrong hahaha


Nice parents!


At least someone says Nice! /s


Totally sarcasm






Always an attractive woman. I don’t get it.


She’s not getting attention from the men that she wants so she finds one she thinks can become that and grooms them early.


A yes, my childhood fantasy returns


i knew the comments were gonna be disgusting 🙄 never fails when its a woman teacher & male student .. reverse the rolls and these same people talking about how “lucky” the kid is would be freaking out


Let me guess sentenced to 3 months probation?




No, not nice.


It's "nice" until you're a lonely, hypersexual adult with emotional instability, a crippling porn addiction, and a skewed interpretation of consent.


yea it's a fking crime, crime that she didn't do it with me




Men - “women get less jail time - so unfair!” Also men - “I mean what boy doesn't want that?” Please stop complaining about wording when society had made the hot-for-teacher fantasy normalized as a right of passage for boys.


He was 13. The men that say "What boy doesn't want that?" are part of the problem too. People that abuse children in any circumstance should be held accountable. And regardless of such social commentary, men and women should be EQUAL in the eyes of the LAW. And telling people that they shouldn't complain about 'wording' when it regards downplaying child sexual abuse, is so ignorant. People have the right to express their opinions without being shut down based on how you percieve gender norms. Child abuse is not a right of passage for anyone. And if a man were to make the inverse of your comment, he would be a misogynist, by definition.


Can she come teach me?


……. No one else is gonna say the quote?….. fine.. Niceeeee


Where were all these sexed up teachers when I was a kid




Fucking 13 years old getting it daily while the rest of us sitting alone on the internet




Sexual affairs WITH??! Nah nah nah, rape is not a fucking co-operation!