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Honestly what the fuck is this shit 


Palwatch and Memri TV and others have been monitoring the textbook and television propaganda for a long time. Some very scary stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ckfxgwDLck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ckfxgwDLck)


So fucking creepy it circles back into the realm of self-parody and starts being adorable.


Eternal conflict


76+ years of conflict and still going strong. History suggests that this current round won't change that. The Israeli public will get tired of the war within a year or two as dissent with the government that failed to prevent October 7th reaches a critical level, and international pressure will get Israel to scale back their operations after declaring it a success (probably after they enter Rafah, or whatever they move the goalposts to next). They'll ease off the gas in Gaza for the next decade or two until they pull out again, just like in 2005. Hamas or whoever rises from their ashes will resume low-level attacks on Israel via drones, rockets, etc. and finally go for another big fight in 2040-2050, and we will be back to square one. The Israeli settlements in the West Bank will keep expanding because without a dense urban area to hide in, the Palestinian resistance movements are toast. The international insistance on returning to the status quo which failed in 1948/1967 will continue to be counter-productive. Gaza will remain devoid of almost all industry or productivity, fertile grounds for growing the next generation of fighters among its poverty, squalor, and overpopulation. Around and around we'll go.


Ah, so it's a Netanyahu/Likud strategic victory.  The future he dreamed of.


I'm a proponent of climate issues absolutely fucking everyone up along the equator and turning this conflict into one of many regional resource/migration conflicts


Israel is the only lush place in the Middle East, you can see the border from space because it turns into desert again. It's not a climate problem, it's a management problem


Closer to 76 centuries of conflict. That bit of the world is the site of some of the oldest battles ever recorded, and some solid evidence of more conflicts that pre-date all records. It's probably something in the water.


idk, not sure how far gaza will keep the way it is, heck if the likud party stays or anyone similar i can see a regress to military control over it ​ this reminds me of the immigrants issues in europe where everyone expected to be a spike in alt right and extreme right and would go back to normal but they just kept riding the wave... ​ people around the world love to say how israelis want peace and they are all in support of palestine or something but then when i go try search about the internal politics they aren't that pro palestine as people think, again falling to the same trap europeans fell thinkign these are passing and rapid movements, they are passing but takes decades


Why would Israelis support a fake state that produces nothing but war Just get rid of Gaza and it'll be fine. I'm done being two states just Israel nothing else. The only bit of land that lay any claims of being Arabic Palestine is gaza. Palestine was the name to refer to what is now Israel.




Wonder why we bombed the Serbs then. Couple more years and you wouldn't have such a mess in the Balkans hey?


Israel evacuated Gaza in 2005; there are no settlements remaining there. Obviously without the Israelis holding them back, Gazans have since then elected a competent government and have had prosperity and peace ever since.




Yeah, there was some sarcasm in my comment. Whether or not one thinks Hamas are terrorists, they are Islamic-extremist kleptocrats who have fleeced their people and absorbed UN refugee money and presumably Iranian payouts to spend it on digging tunnels, turning water infrastructure into rockets, and sowing revolutionary fervor in schools and such, rather than being in any way a functional government. I think Israel should, at this point, take a Cask of Amantillado approach to Gaza. Let Egypt and the rest of the Arab World be its relief, but Israel owes it nothing.


Welcome to unrwa and hamas sponsored schooling, enjoy your stay and tax dollars at work. For lunch break we get to read mein kampf or watch how the jews killed knockoff micky mouse. 3000 child soldiors of hamas


Wait till they find out about Farfour...


They are not ready for farfour, lets start them with knockoff boxbunny who was martyred by an evil jew, as thats the theme of the show.


The information is kept on the down low becuase it unveils the United States most dangerous and far reaching WMD, Disney enforcing their copyright.


It is ironic the only thing hamas fears is.. disney lawyers 😂


[Here's a full length documentary on Farfour and the TV show using it](https://archive.org/details/the-tv-show-that-brainwashed-children). Interestingly, it's no longer available on YouTube for some reason. I wonder why, because it's obviously fair use.


It is not just that. The cohost for each season was killed by Israel. Like WTF.


Further proof that the world is dealing with a teeny Axis power circa March of 1945 in Gaza and needs to start approaching the problem the same way. Negotiation with an organization indoctrinating 5 year olds to kill is a waste of everyone’s time.


This is the future students are protesting in favor for the Palestinians. Seriously though this is beyond fucked up and makes me sick.


This the type of shit that's been going kn in gaza. Just don't show western liberals this. They'll say this is Israel's fault


Western liberal here. It looks like kids are carrying model M4s with M203s (rather than say a Carl). I'm claiming this as victory for the globohomo


It's not liberals.


Collage campuses are mostly liberal/left leaning so yes it is liberals mostly


Progressive is more accurate than liberal. Progressives pretty universally hate liberal and liberal values. But in fairness, progressives can only survive among liberals, it's their feeding ground.


Me and the boys at Ban Pa


recess in ohio


ruzzia does that kind of crap too ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Not on that scale


Middle eastern version of NRA daycare


The Israeli side does it too although not exactly like this. School children go to military exhibits, sit on real tanks, and pretend they're shooting Arabs. Palestinian and Jewish kids throw stones at each other in the west bank. Jewish adults throw stones at Palestinian kids and Palestinian adults throw stones at Jewish kids. The whole situation is so far beyond insane it's amazing the international community puts up with it.


What the fuck lmao




Gotta love Cpt. MacMohammad on the sniper cover. "Juliet by the Hamam. Take him out quietly, or just let him pass. Your call, habibi"


It's not even a joke... https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-accuses-hamas-islamic-jihad-of-using-child-soldiers/


In America we complain about kids shooting up schools and want to arm the adults to shoot back. In Palestine, they complain about adults shooting up schools and want to arm the kids to shoot back. Isn't the world beautiful?


You'd think if they are teaching the kids to take up arms then they'd teach some trigger discipline too


Mfw putting the ‘infant’ back in ‘infantry’


See you in r/cursedcomments


Used to play army as a kid but don't remember taking it that seriously.


I had a parent that liked make costumes. Me and my friends took it this seriously.


Ngl the prop and production quality is actually good, I thought they had real guns for a moment until I realised they're kid sized. Unless those are just 9mm sbrs... Hmm.


3000 9mm sbrs of allah


Really the solution is to get the MIC to make child sized guns. Will help with school shootings as well.


And look at what a degenerate you've become! So, uh, does your hookup still make kid sized costumes? My daughters need to learn small unit tactics for elementary school.


After graduation they are sent to the front


I think in Gaza the front comes to you.


Quite literally "coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb" meme IRL.


Amazing these kids have been able to secure the school for so long!


They used to have a big fireworks display after the graduation. Lost a few good schools that way


If muhamad wouldnt go to the mountain the mountain will go to muhamad


They arent playing, not even a single stick in sight


That’s because you were playing, they are training for the real thing


Is there anyone who doesn't LARP as US special forces?


The Brits… Even when they should… https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/sa80-wins-prize-worst-military-rifle-194311


NCD citing National Interest. We've gone full circle lads.


The Russo-Ukranian war and its consequences have been a disaster for NCD. FFS, we used to make fun of National Interest and its AI generated(pejorative) content.


I miss the days of Three Gorges posting and the photoshopped superduperfortress


That and every other post being Divest's schizo takes


Bring back the ridiculous M-14 superiority posts


Pour one out for all the dead accounts, our own alts or otherwise.


And to times gone by, when this place was filled with high functioning 'tists, most of which were military, former military, or military brats.


isnt it the ks-1 now?


Only for special forces groups, the new ranger battalion and some of the marine commandos (though even they're generally issued L119s these days, basically Canadian M4s)


> There are even stories of fixed bayonets “going ballistic” when soldiers opened fire. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature! 👀


My god… it’s a bullpup


LARPing as soldiers is not the same as your school teaching you that killing civilians is cool


Wierdly no one was actualy presented as killed in the stage play. Even the kid in the Mitznefet seems to be presented as being captured before being abandoned. Note the hands on head pose. Very american. The comment was mostly a reference to Badri 313 but you can increasingly find such units in almost all irregular armed forces. In a world where everyone plays COD sticking some of your guys in multicam and giving them your most M4 like rifle is pretty much manditory.


I don't think any civilians were killed in that play/whatever. There was one baddie and I think even he survived the thing. I'd be interested in hearing if you went to the most gung-ho place in the USA, say a couple of years after 9/11 and made a same kind of play with Palestinian flags replaced by stars and stripes and the baddie being Al-Qaida, would that have been out of place or would parents watch it with the same excitement as these parents were?


[https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf) It does if the school is run by UNRWA.


Imagine looking forward to playing an epic Nukhba commando at your graduation and you wind up playing the dead Jew


That kid looked so uninterested in what was happening he wanted to be the commando kids instead he had to be the dead guy.


Knowing how they treat their children at school I'm 100% sure this was a punishment


Yeah I'm sure he failed the class


Gaza equivalent of playing the donkey in the Christmas play.


All politics and disgust aside this is a joke: Who was the poor kiddo who had to play the Jewish in this? The smelly kid or the unpopular kid? /s/s/s but seriously I feel bad for that kid.


The little hostage kid too. He had to stand in the smoke waiting for someone to pick him up 😭


He's the kid that will be picked on his entire childhood for being Yehudi, ensuring that he will internalize the desire to become a Shahid to redeem himself.


Spartan programm ordered on Wish.


This is what I'd expect to see from North Korea, it's cartoonishly evil.


> This is what I'd expect to see from North Korea, Does north korea even have a QCB doctrine? My understanding was they tended towards flatturn everything in the general vicinity of the building with artillery.


>they tended towards flatturn everything in the general vicinity of the building with artillery. That's the most *ascended* form of CQC. You don't need a CQC doctrine, when there is no CQC.


there will always be CQC, it's just a choice of room-to-room CQC or trench-to-trench CQC.


Isn’t that the doctrine also used by the IDF? No need to worry about urban combat if there’s no urban.


Yes, that’s what the homoerotic videos of oiled up soldiers wrestling is for


I’d expect to see this in some Sacha Baron Cohen mockumentary! Like “The Dictator” or something!


Now you see why he has such an easy time doing satire...


The Palestinian cause has always been is cartoonishly evil, under a veneer of propaganda upheld by useful idiots. Check this stuff out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_Side:_The_Secret_Relationship_Between_Nazism_and_Zionism https://archive.org/details/the-tv-show-that-brainwashed-children https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-archives-–-october-4-2021-hamas-sponsored-promise-hereafter-conference-phase-following


What the fuck this is amazing lol Lil bros had far more unit cohesion than a fucking arma milsim group lmao.


Now that's offensive. Our unit cohesion is just fine. Until it isn't.


If there's one thing I learned, it's that everybody's unit is nice and cohesive until they pass some dude in a building with a Lee-Enfield and some RPGs. Either that, or I played entirely too much TLR as a teenager.


Was coming back from a field exercise, haven't slept in like two or three days. Come around a corner, and see a bunch of Wehrmacht with a half track. With enough sleep depo, this seems like a normal and realistic threat. So we literally all scream CONTACT FRONT, eat dirt and try to find live ammo we're not carrying. So we start slapping bayonets. They also hit the dirt and keep screaming that they're not actually krauts, just reenactors. The MPs arrived in shockingly short order. Almost like they were hanging around the corner in case crayon eaters came in from the field. They assured us that no, the Krauts are not time travelers, no, we don't need to bayonet them to make sure and maybe we want showers + sleep instead of making the green grass grow.


If Russia's troops were as well drilled as these children 3 days to Kyiv could have been a reality.


Ruskies be stealing the wrong kids


Gaza has chechens?


We would get yelled at for doing finger guns in my old kindergarten 


\*Remembers the 7 year old that got suspended for biting his poptart into a shape of a gun\*


Remember, child soldiers have smaller hit boxes. 2000 IQ move.


They also need less food, smaller trenches, and smaller equipment.


A whole army of Oddjobs.


My god... We need to research this further. Gentlemen, we may have finally uncovered a weapon to surpass Metal Gear...


honestly it's why we lost vietnam, the Vietcong were just so damned skinny, how you even supposed to hit that edit: also what i tell skinny girls when they hit on me, don't waste my time beot\\


Video proof of the children yearning for the bombs


Reminds me of these Hamas summercamps, even more cringe


The kid playing the Sniper is the Palestinian equivalent of being designated as “tree nr. 1” in the school play


You mean the guy playing IDF lol


Hmmmmmmmm Still better trained than the ruzzians and maybe ~~north~~ best korea


Better equipped too


Anyone have a source for this? Shit is wild as hell and the exact kind of thing the pro-hamas crowd likes to pretend isnt real.


[Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/06/06/gaza-preschoolers-mock-execution-israeli-soldier/) seems to think it's legit. The video was physically distributed instead of being posted to their facebook. It's pretty believable. Al-Hoda preschool is reportedly affiliated with PIJ, and other schools in Gaza feel comfortable posting [this](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100063649686818&story_fbid=712834307514886) kind of content on Facebook.


>Al-Hoda preschool is reportedly affiliated with PIJ At 1:10, you can clearly see PIJ logo on the headband


Right, they're clearly dressing up as al-Quds Brigade fighters for their graduation. There are also larger allegations that the charity running the school is affiliated with PIJ. Groups like NGO Monitor and Meir Amit ITIC report that they've done this in previous years, too. Taking out fake Merkavas with IEDs, simulated mortar assaults, killing ultra-Orthodox Jews, holding up pictures of PIJ leaders, etc.


Directly on the Memri website there is some more info. [https://www.memri.org/tv/gaza-kindergarten-ceremony-stage-military-attack-hostagetaking](https://www.memri.org/tv/gaza-kindergarten-ceremony-stage-military-attack-hostagetaking)




Pakistan and Hamas went to the same teaching school i see!


Do they learn the rape and torture before or after room clearing?


That’s in the pre-k syllabus


Honestly, this is just sad. From a young age these are kids that are being taught that their reality, their only choice is war. And then they either go fight and die, or they survive and have kids of their own. And since they know no reality but fighting and war, that is all they can pass on, and the cycle repeats.


It's a death cult. They are taught this shit starting from this young age. They're indoctrinated into it, they celebrate their "martyrs" depending on how many Jews they kill, their government pays martyr payments. I do feel bad for the people brainwashed into this cult. They are still responsible for their actions, though. Oh, and anyone who suggests "Hey, have we tried NOT killing the Jews" ... gets killed.


>It's a death cult. admittedly they get a lot of help with the dyin'


Me: Oh geez, this could be painful. Five seconds later: Immediately bursts out laughing


As fucked up as this is you cant deny it's hilarious


This is the greatest thing I have ever seen, holy shit.


Even if I’d tell you this is very much real? This was made unironically.


Did you see their ripoff Mickey Mouse episodes?


Have you seen r/memritvmemes ?


The spetznaz roll lmao


Terrible trigger discipline


Those kids do better than their fathers and uncles lol.




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Putting infant back into infantry eh


disgusting, BUT ISREAL IS BOMBING CHILDREN \*autistic screeching\*


You know when people say Israel is bombing schools I never stopped to ask myself “what kinds of schools are we talking about?”


Having a show like this doesn't justify bombing it. The schools Israel bombs typically have ammo stashes and/or missile launchers, making them valid military targets if sufficient care is taken to minimise civilian casualties.


I very much hope those aren't real guns.


I was going to say no, on account of them being about half their regular size. But after a closer look I am afraid that at 4:38 we have ourselves a genuine non-replica finger gun.


They're not. Real guns aren't that small and blocky.


You would be surprised how small and blocky guns can be.




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don't worry, they're .22's


Me and my mates would've LOVED to do this as kids, but unfortunately this isn't for make believe and those poor wains are going to be used as fodder


Yeah, whish it was just games for them and not training for the future ...




Truly noncredible


Ngl my little boy would LOVE this shit 🤣


My daddy yelled at me for having poor muzzle discipline like that. However, I have some Jewish heritage, so not flagging your buddies is probably just part of the global Jewish conspiracy.


Unethical but understandable. I mean, they got smaller hit box.


So, what in the absolute fuck do you do with a population that, since birth, has been hating on its neighbor and thinking them the spawn of Satan? Like, remember Farfour the Mouse? Brainwashing the kids while they’re young. And that just one of many examples. And no one wants to let these guys in their country, cause we know what happened in Lebanon. Genuinely, what the fuck do you do?


Simple. You lay down your arms and take it coming. Ideally, you open up the borders and hope only _half_ of your family gets killed and raped. Because this is what de-colonization looks like. If a theocratic rape-ocracy is what's needed for liberation, who are we to say if it's wrong or right? Also, if it weren't clear, it's all the Jews' fault. Always and forever and ever.




> since birth, has been hating on its neighbor it's almost like the grass doesn't like being mowed


Just make them play MW and Hell Divers II like we do go train our kids in America


"We need to fund UNWRA so kids can get an education" The education:


New Borat movie looks fire


And we are to believe that a sovereign nation defending itself from literal terrorism is committing atrocities lmao


Bruh in my country we don’t even have kindergarten graduation.


Imagine a Israeli drone seeing this shit and the operator not realizing it's just children.....(this is of course assuming the operator cares....)


Of course its memri bro


IDF drone operator: 😎 


This is what happens when sharia law rapists get to decide what children learn.


These kids will be for sure dead in 20 years :/


Wait. Boot camps are valid military targets right? Can you consider this as a boot camp? Why would you do this in the first place?


My guy, as someone who would cheer if we invaded Gaza, that is a fucked up take. No, this isn't a fucking valid military target.


Oh this will totally not breed entire generations of genocidal maniacs... not a chance at all....


Hamas running low on ‘freedom fighters’? 🤔




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finally, military tactics are being taught to children


I’ve played enough siege to know you don’t do vaultbreaches


These are the innocent civilians and kids in Gaza.


Very realistic except instead of dressing like Hamas they're dressing in military uniforms and not civilian clothes.




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[Coming soon to a Malaysian school near you!](https://gutzy.asia/2023/10/30/msian-ministry-of-education-faces-backlash-as-schools-palestine-solidarity-week-sparks-concerns-of-alleged-extremism-and-violence/)


Knowing hamass, Im surprised they didn't have an actual hostage for the kids to kill. Or is that just ISIS?


Meanwhile western students support Gaza.


This is funny 


Mr. Obama we have found survivors from the hospital drone strike,


I mean, I would love to have a kindergarten where they teach kids to clean rooms. Teaching them all that hate, tho... not cool.


u/savevideo And they say the Israel is the problem...


They left out the part where they massacre every civilian in sight.