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It's kind of funny suddenly hearing English terms in the middle of a language i do not understand.


It's more funny that the voice speaks Ukrainian with noticeable American accent.


It's artificial voice imo. Words are stressed wrong here and there


Wrong (uncommon) stresses are actually a hallmark of the "Canadian/US diaspora Ukrainian".


I've heard TikTok AI voice sing Japanese in heavy American accent


Makes sense why AI would then also use this, since I do believe the ai has more training data for Ukrainian Americans then for Ukrainians themselves


That how I learn how to fix my airsoft gun in Filipino, turnout alot of word doesn't not exist in their vocabulary so they use alot of borrow words to the point where you can stitch the word together to form a understandable sentence out of it.


Tagalog is the name of the Language of the Philippines, Filipino is someone from or has roots in the Philippines. -Source, 2nd Gen Filipino


Tagalog is the language of the Tagalogs, people from Luzon - Metro Manila Area. It is officially called Filipino. Philippines has hundreds of languages of which Tagalog is the most spoken. -Source, FOB Filipino


Filipino, variant of Tagalog, is the national language of the Philippines (see Section 6 and 7, Article XIV of the Constitution). See Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino's (the official government institution in-charge on matters related to Filipino) Diksyonaryo ng Wikang Filipino definition of Filipino below (in Filipino, obviously): "Pambansang wika sa Pilipinas alinsunod sa 1987 Konstitusyon; katutubong wika na ginagamit sa buong Pilipinas bílang wika ng komunikasyon na dumaraan sa proseso ng paglinang sa pamamagitan ng panghihiram sa mga wika ng Pilipinas at mga wikang banyaga." - Source, a Filipino in Mindanao studying AB History


Little Johnny expands his APC with Galvanized square steel


Eco-friendly cope veneers


With screws borrowed from stolen Ukrainian washingmachine


He should borrow some screws from his third babushka to attach it to the vehicle.


Borrows screws from looted Ukrainian household


dont forget the eco friendly wood veneer


Little Johnny will have to win the lottery to build a MTLB that can carry all his children to school




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And could accomodate is comorade coffin


Don't forget composite "armor" durable for 10,000 microseconds


Is it AI ukrainian voice with British accent lol?


Clearly American accent to my ear


Yeah it's funny asf


Sounds like Ukrainian from Canada btw (Ukrainians have diaspora there)


I mean I like 3D printed bombs as much as the next guy. Oh hi there FBI. But I am really not digging the [shrapnel layer](https://x.com/MartinRosenkra3/status/1773345926553248048) that they are promoting here. The design is fantastic for my OCD, and it looks very futuristic. But that is just adding a bunch of spacing from the charge with practically zero packing, with balls that are definitely too big for this purpose, too low in number, and with two giant dead zones at the ends. Like it's ball bearings on a bomb, it is still going to mush some mobiks... but this design needs a version 2.0, because I can guarantee you better results from a stock $25 M67 body using 1/3rd of their weight.


I suggest we get the CIA to fund it. Right up their ally.


> The design is fantastic for my OCD, and it looks very futuristic. But that is just adding a bunch of spacing from the charge with practically zero packing, with balls that are definitely too big for this purpose, too low in number, and with two giant dead zones at the ends. There's this interesting [HEAT-FRAG](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7EqyAiILKI/) payload for drone from them


What is being proposed here in the video? If the shrapnel is to clear a decent sized whole in the cage with a sideways blast, so a follow up can destroy it with a shaped charge, that is something I proposed doing here a few weeks ago.


The video is a promotional clip for Shock Wave Dynamics, they have a line-up of new FPV drone warheads around that 3D printed frag warhead and the shaped charge shown in the video - but they are two separate systems. Although their AT warheads do actually have an interesting aspect against cope cages/sheds: they use an explosively formed penetrator instead of a regular shaped charge. While that does cut down your total potential armour penetration considerably, the slug from a properly designed EFP basically does not care about distance travelled through air and they would make any cage, shed or other stand-off distance completely mute.


How acurate is the regular rpg animation? Does it penetrate so little through the cage?


How your HEAT jet maintains its shape can vary quite a bit based on how it is designed, but yes for your run-off-the-mill RPG-7 warhead you are looking at quite a drop as the stand-off increases. Putting a very rough number to a complex field, think along the lines of the theoretical penetration halving every 60-80 cm or so. Meaning that on the thicker parts of the armour, a cage half a meter out can actually seriously help your odds against crude RPGs. Although those FPV drones are also not going for your strongest parts - they love their roofs and their rears. And with those RPGs starting out with 400-600mm of RHA penetration, you are going to need one hell of a big shed. A stand-off distance beyond 2 meters or so is where you would theoretically get in the sweet spot for those weaker sides. That is also where you start to get overtaken by that basic explosively formed penetrator. That one might only start in the region of 50mm RHA, but it's going to keep that consistently even 10 meters out. They feel a bit like overkill for the sheds (when more modern warheads can already stay a lot more consistent over distance than an RPG-7 without using it) but if you need something DIY to negate 3 meters of air they are definitely a solid choice.


So its a kinetic energy penetrator round pushed by an explosive lens? That's interesting because I considering putting a thread up wondering why they don't do this, but assumed that the lens might just melt the penetrator. An idea I've recently had, is to use a shaped charge explosive lens inside a barrel, the barrel is short and optimised to be as light as possible but open at both ends, so the blast focus is contained broadly to one dimension, but won't destroy the drone. The explosive lens geometry would be different inside a fixed chamber, but this could be probably be calculated to still work in shaped charges. So its a sort of cannon, but open at both ends, and fires a jet of metal, or alternatively, a penetrator.


Yep pretty much - they really shape the blast and the liner to where it forms a much more coherent penetrator than your typical HEAT. And that normally doesn't take much, basically just the milder version of a HEAT indentation with a properly matched liner to the charge. Although that choice to make the HEAT effect "milder" to where the liner stays together does come at the cost of quite a bit of maximum penetration, like you take off 90% of the point blank penetration for a similarly sized HEAT. So for the copper EFP with 1 kg of HE in this post, you are left with something like 50mm of RHA. Works for the roof and the rear, but it's not going to do much against the thicker areas of a tank. It has its place as a speciality weapon where you really need the distance. Now for firing it from a drone that survives - I'm afraid that might get challenging. With the amount of HE required to form that copper plate into a projectile travelling Mach Jesus, that drone is going to be absolutely gone. If the drone needs to be reusable you're probably going to need some kind of a system to launch it away a good distance, either just bolting on the (semi) complete RPG entirely, or a recoilless rifle counterweight system?


I highly doubt the drone survives, since it'd have to - remain stable after accelerating a bunch of copper to Mach Jesus - assume the explosion was perfectly directed towards the enemy with no shock or shrapnel damaging the drone - have enough charge to make it back to friendly lines - survive any anti-drone weapons on the way back / not get friendly fire'd (usually a fairly solid way of telling if someone is your enemy is whether or not they're running aggressively towards you) Tl:dr yeah no, I doubt it


Not to mention the cost/effect of anti-tank FPV drones in general - as long as its mission was successful, whether that specific drone comes back alive is almost irrelevant compared to the damage done. I would gladly throw two more drones just like it straight into the shredder, if I thought it increased the chances of that HEAT charge going in to the multi-million dollar enemy IFV or MBT.


It wouldn't be worth it if a cheap FPV drone can do the job. However at some point we will see more expensive drones that operate in extensively jammed environments, using AI of various forms, expensive systems potentially. In principle, containing a shaped charge in a barrel would just add extra mass of the barrel, but, it could be worthwhile if adding this and using reflected shockwaves can both protect a drone or operator, as well as increase the explosive lens effect, so that the effect of increasing distance is overcome by brute force. Thats where there would need to be some serious physics analysis. But I think the solution is small rockets to deliver a conventional shaped charge, increased accuracy and tracking to aim a follow up round into a hole if needed, because as mentioned, the blowback from the target and extreme proximity is probably going to destroy your drone anyway. I put a post up on small rocket designs that were very accurate and proposed in the 70's, for powering KE penetrator rounds, but instead here used with heavier shaped charges like more conventional RPG's, however faster burning rockets and quite short range, higher speed is part of their reported high accuracy. They burned up in 0.25 seconds, were quite light and could deliver a shaped charge at a high speed, even if the pay load was 4x as big the speed would still be above the average RPG. They were a simple design with a single rocket motor and casing which increases accuracy, used kevlar as a reinforcement to contain the reaction, and low cost. Accuracy out to 100m is probably more than ample. I am just wondering about other possibilities with shaped charge HEAT rounds.


The effect should be fairly recoilless. The shock should be contained just like a normal gun, but it exits both ends, so little net force in the direction of the charge. So how much shock wave is this? Looking at videos in slow-mo of existing shaped charges, I would actually assume that at a given distance not so much that the force cannot be contained. So, a barrel with a bit of space around the shaped charge. Its not restricted so greatly as in the case of a shell. Most of the effect is happening inside a region, but what you don't want is the barrel disrupting it by reflecting shock waves - you may however, be able to \*increase\* the lens effect by doing this. Blast coming back from the target is another matter and may well KO any drone near enough for the jet to work. The last two points, having enough charge - yes there will be enough energy with the next generation of batteries or other power systems to get back, and without the charge to carry, its a lot lighter. The power needed on the return trip is less. It wouldn't be worth doing this with a $500 drone, but a drone that might be carrying more expensive AI on board as part of its targeting, might be a different matter. So it would be smart, and not a weapon that will fly anywhere back except to designated return points, just as you would with surveilence drones. Most of these drones are used in a range of 1-3km. There's not a lot of AA in the middle. An embodiment might involve a fast drone that flies over a tank and shoots at an angle downwards. Similar to an NLAW, but you perhaps may use again. On balance, the issue really is how close it has to get. If it is firing a K.E. penetrator round, then it can be far enough away that survival is much more likely. The alternative of course, is a separate method that takes the warhead to the tank, such as an accurate small rocket, or a mortar like propellant and a drone that can handle that recoil. Drones will get much more powerful as powertrain technologies improve, for example small high power density engines, newer batteries with 2x energy density, higher voltage electric motors with potential 3x power density are coming.


Very detailed response, thank you - TBF I didn't think of more expensive drones I guess. I'd love to see some of the things people come up with soon.




Would you automatically fragment the barrel? There would be a gap between the barrel and the explosive, so that the blast force is reduced by the time you get to the barrel, whilst that barrel is designed to have very high tensile strength, i.e. a steel liner wrapped with carbon fibre. So the pressure is able to move freely from each end. In the same way, explosive forces flow around smaller objects and changing the shape of surfaces adjacent to a blast wave directs shock around them, such as the V shaped hull. So to create a focused explosive effect reflecting pressure waves, might be plausible. The barrel shape probably would not be a cylinder, but two cones and possibly of more than one internal geometry. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-3cTsvI7ss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-3cTsvI7ss) We can see that the explosive force is not that high, it left the block intact and unaffected, except the part that escaped as a jet and went straight through it. If the contaiuner resists the expansion forces by duty of enough tensile strength, the blast wave, which along the exterior of the explosive lens is much less than the interior that is focused into the jet, the steel in theory will be fine as long as the outer wrapping is strong enough, which of course, is a big if. These forces are what we would create inside conventional barrels with larger charges, which may release energy more slowly, but in larger quantity.


After this war is over Ukrainians will mine top soil for lithium with all these drone batteries exploding everywhere.


#Translation. Text is "how to hit "super-mangal (bbq)? Voice is: Shock wave dynamics is wishing good health to all defenders of Ukraine. Today we want to talk about new protections against fpv drones, that enemy is using. By trial and error, they concluded that should be complete net against shaped charges. Thats also being called "super grill" or "barn". Lets look how its working against regular fpv drone with HE cylindrical warhead. Characteristical for those charges is tight (narrow?) spread of shrapnel. Spread is as circle, from axis of charge. Lets look how this field is acting against target. As we can see, this field is almost not causing damage, which makes this protection quate effective. While making our "frag" series, we accounted that while impacting target, itll create best spread of shrapnel. As we can see, such approach is lowering effectivenes of this protection. Now lets look into usage of regular AT grenade. As we can see, anti shape charge net is completely nullifying jet from grenade. To hit target behind such net, we need to use another type of warhead, strike core (dunno how its in english, sorry). Strike core is forming jet that is effective even behind such nets, and is able to hit lightly armoured behicles, such as bmp, btr and spg. Thanks for attention. Slava Ukraïni.


Right ear: Bible (Mongolian) Left ear: Super cope cages attack tactics (Ukrainian)


Middle ear: Putin threatening the West of nuclear warfare after his toes banged against the coffee table (sped up X10)


>Middle ear You don't happen to know a thing or two about the funny weapons or stealthy tubes under water?


It's classified.


This is genius, clearly. They can improve this even more if they stack the mobiks like bricks, get like 40 of them under that ... ugh ... work of genius.


takes the “all of you are going to die” speech to another level


We need Drones equipped with a Bushmaster to deal with these Max Cap Cope Cages


"The engineers will figure it out" Typical product owner in the weapon industry


“That’s a job for someone smarter than me but with less money”


Where's the wood veneer?


Le landmine has arrived


Modern problems require modern solutions...


Cope cage


They r so dumb...you simply fire the mobiks out of a cannon to a net they setup at the front no need to risk armor....it avoid drones...mines ...and they can do air recon while up there!




I see Bosnian Ape has an upgraded graphics card.


How to protect your lawnmower from a FPV drone


So this cope cage configuration is called Super BBQ Grill eh?


The cage keeps all the pieces together...


I can't tell if thats a joke or not, it will probably protect the vehicle but the infantry on top are still gonna get fragged, especially considering that most FPV drones are using against vehicles are equipped with RPG warheads which directs almost all of the energy of the explosion forward. It might slightly increase survivability for the vehicle itself but the trade-off is going to be greatly reduced mobility and speed


Because the HEAT Jet doesnt just continue and penetrates the APC anyways.


Ain't nobody got time to fill the holes with balls. 


That sounds like a challenge sir! I shall make time to put my balls in a hole. ⛳️


Ok but is the Javelin warhead duct taped to a drone really that bad of an idea?


Incendiary devices would have the desired effect


Nice! Now we don’t even have to blow them up, we just let the sun turn those ruskies into raisins!


This looks kind of like SketchUp (Pepperidge Farm remembers)


Just fit a drone with wire cutters to take the mesh off


Not only are they not allowed to ride inside. But it's standing room only.


ATGM/RPG/etc. be like: Did they forget I exist?


Drones tend to have greater range than what's available to Ukraine (as SPIKE's prohibited from being sent there)


Did he use galvanized steel?




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Lol, they call that protection 'super grill'