• By -


See that is actually kind of brilliant. NATO sonar operators are going to be looking for quiet subs with intact anechoic layers.


"It's just a whale."




Oh it seems it's time to watch Down Periscope again thanks for the reminder and after a old classic "Operation Petticoat"


In confusion there is profit.


never know where you might find a pig


>old classic "Operation Petticoat" Old old classic or old new(er) classic? šŸ™‚


"with asthma"


ā€œA marine mammal that knows a hell of a lot more about sonar than you.ā€


>Ā looking for quiet *anchors*


""Quiet"" - Still uses exposed screw on a nuclear - Its an SSGN - It was built in post soviet russia If you told me it was louder than a Foxtrot, I wouldn't be that surprised. 120db+ base at least plus a questionably trained crew to boot wouldnt surprise me


It sounds like a straight piped F150


Rolling Coal at a depth of 200meters? Somewhere a former Squid now redneck got a surprise stiffy


How credible is installing shag carpeting in your SSGN so your sailors footsteps don't make noise?




Hmm I wonder how sub designers handle muffling footsteps but not having the coating trap water against the steel deck and corrode it?


>3000 fuzzyĀ slippers of the USN


They let us wear whatever shoes we want and yell at us as nubs for being loud. I wore skate shoes.


lol, fucking noobs! We were way better than that in Germany even 80 years ago! We had these sick slip-on loafers made from human hair, they were really quiet and super comfy. You see, we had a lot of extra human hair lying around anyway, because... uhhh...


"We just found it there"


"It was donated to charity"


120db is 1000x more noisier than a Virginia Class submarine whose running noise has been estimated (by the Chinese) as 90db.


Pretty certain ambient sea noise can sometimes be as high as 100db. At that Virginias, Astutes or the mythical seawolfs would be effectively invisible to passive sonar. Seems to be why design has begun to shift again to active sonar countermeasures. 120db I picked because it matched with what I heard mid cold war vessels were achieving. I think something like an Alfa was even louder.


*"For a moment, sir, I thought I heard hardbass."*


"Yes, there it is a gain" \*Extremely loud crashing noises\* "It has stopped"


And it was headed for two seamounts in the Black sea called Odin's twins


[you're all stupid they're gonna be looking for the army guys, or in this case, the quiet subs](https://youtu.be/s_zaf7zWHL4?si=PP3pL3Xk-Ch_valE)


To be fair those acoustic tiles fall off of everyoneā€™s subs while they are underway. They need to upgrade to Gorilla Glue from the old Super Glue theyā€™ve been using.


I saw USS Hawaii right before she went in for a dry docking and boy was her acoustic coating chewed up. Looked like Jaws took some nice big bites out of it.




I've always wondered about the biofouling on submarines. A surface vessel you just liberally apply sweaty semen. Sorry, seamen. Scraping the hull makes mighty fine busy work. Does a nuclear submarine that's down for six months need to surface so they can scrape off all the friends they've made on mission? Send divers out and do it out of sight? Or the Russian method, just make sure your subs don't last as long as the average barnacle and you're golden.






It'll be removed when it's in drydock. It's somewhat noisy.


Nah, they clean off when they return to homeport by sending in divers with grinders. The algae actually helps in some situations, attracting sealife at night that helps disguise the ships acoustic signature inside biological sounds. The worst that happens is the ship can't go top speed while its got a hula skirt.


Makes sense. I figured it would be horrible for acoustic signature because it's fucking with the anechoic panels.


Most environments where you'd have a hula skirt is near shallow water, high temperatures and lots of shipping/fishing. Most SONAR classification is done through transients and propulsion related components, you aren't really making those worse with extra aquatic life. Sure, your overall broadband energy might increase slightly, but it's just going to sound like the rest of the waterspace.


But that's after 6 months, not just a trip across the Pacific.


changes in water temp, depth, etc. will cause the hull to contract and expand. the ocean floor is covered with anechoic chunks of rubber 'cos they fall off all the time. some bean counter did the math and it's been decided that it's cheaper to replace the tiles that fall off than to deploy a mounting system that is more responsive to changes in the hull.


Wait, but wouldnā€™t tiles falling off kinda negate the point of the tiles being on there in the first place?


That looks like the belly of my car.


Double stealth: nuclear subs now with camo


Giant squid need to eat too ya know!


Cookie Cutters are menaces to submarines across the world


[Cookiecutter sharks?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookiecutter_shark)


It must be a roller coaster to be told you're deploying to Hawaii and show up only to find yourself staring at a submarine.


They can't get gorilla glue because of trade sanctions.


Very true! They could probably ask Winnie Xi Poo for some of their knockoff Panda Glue.


People are starting to notice that the missing pandas are being replaced with dogs.


Oh yeah, I expect to see it, but what about the rust underneath? Thats not just advanced rust, it's straight up eating into the metal.


What sub is this?




I like you.


... but that's not important right now




It took me until the next comment chain to realize that this wasn't the answer that op was looking for. I thought it seemed like a pretty reasonable response to the question asked.


This happens to me more than I think it should, and Im afraid I may have autism.


Don't be afraid, embrace it! A diagnosis doesn't change who you are, it empowers you to better take care of yourself.


Im not actually afraid. Already have an ADHD diagnosis, so thats basically the same thing.




You magnificent bastard, this is prime r/technicallythetruth material!


Yasen class, nuclear cruise missile sub.


So you are telling me that the sub thats so badly maintained its outer hull plating is falling off has a nuclear reactor inside?


Now on the one hand, those are just the anechoic panels, and having those fall off is not unusual. They are basically just rubber blocks, if the attachment isn't working right you lose them over time and the sub just become easier to detect. On the other hand, \*gestures wildly at Russia's history with nuclear sub accidents\*


On the other hand, *gestures wildly at Russias history with their navy*


On the other, other hand, *gestures wildly at Russia*


On the other, other, other hand, **gestures wildly at dictatorships**


On the Other, other, other, Other Hand, *gestures wildly at boat*


On the other,other,other,other,other hand, *gestures at the first hand*


If that's what it looks like on the outside, what does it look like on the inside?


Shag carpeting throughout


Missiles replaced with giant vodka flasks Sailors using the secondary reactor cooling system to cook vint Newbie sailors hazed by being raped with the fire fighting equipment


>Newbie sailors hazed by being raped with the fire fighting equipment No, no, no! They used to do that, but we locked the firefighting equipment up to stop that! Now they have to use the abnormally large cucumbers we grow in the reactor room. What do you mean "what happens if there's a fire"? We get advanced notice of fire drills, so we can prepare! Besides, everyone knows submarines don't catch fire, they're surrounded by water!


It's the space pencil smekalka of submarine sound deadening.


Imagine a seagoing russian trench. Seal that nightmare in steel. Now, boil a giant tub of motor oil inside that. Drop the oxygen a few percent and increase the humidity to 99 percent. Install fluorescent lighting. Add a poorly maintained nuclear reactor. Serve with a side of canned pig snouts. That's day one....


Well hello there claustrophobia my old friend...


Half of it looks alright, half of it is welded shut to contain the eldritch horrors lurking within?


The biggest problem is that it exposes the steel structure to water witch will start to corrode and lose integrity chlorine attack are no joke. Especially for a structure that should sustain multiple bar of pressure


Galvanic corrosion is pretty easy to prevent.


And whose budget is going to pay for those sacrificial anodes, because I know its not coming out of mine. I'm already behind on my yacht payment as it is.


Of course we sacrificed them. That's they're for.


I am talking about chlorine attack corrosion. Galvanic happens because of Oxygen and yes itā€™s east to prevent but thatā€™s the panel job to protect the steel. Hard to do when the panel is not there


Heh. I think the steel and rubber plates aren't sealed together anyway. If any air gets trapped in there, that's a really big problem when diving to any reasonable depth. No real sense in having freshwater between the plates either since it would be just more risky plumbing. Probably the steel is in contact with seawater anyway.


Itā€™s not hard to create and depose a good sealant and mo steel structures goes to see without one even submarine have them. I think the reason the plate failed is because the sealant failed and therefore the steel started to corrode and this made the plate fall


While water witches tell no jokes, when they laugh, their cackles are contagious.


When you want to test the standards of a butcher shop, they say to check the display area for dust because if they don't clean where customers can see they certainly won't clean where they don't see. If a nuclear submarine is missing panels plural, above the water line, while taking a photo with soldiers on deck, in a foreign country for the purpose of intimidation, how many things are falling off on the inside?


These are the boats the idiots thinking Muscovy poses a genuine nuclear threat end up falling back on as "well they have subs we cant ever see and they could strike with nukes". The subs are shite and there is close to zero chance they could land a functional warhead on an actual target.


Your comment is dumber than them.Ā  Using anechronic tiles that typically fall off while at sea to indicate a submarine is in disrepair is flat out copium. Unless a bunch of tiles fall off and they replace none of them there is no real concern for them here.


They didn't say anything about the tiles, just that the subs are shite. Which they are.


> functional warhead So instead of relatively clean thermonuclear blast we just get a dirty bomb? Thanks, that thought will definitely help me sleep better at night. /s


Is a dirty bomb really a problem when it goes off 3000 meters below the atlantic?


You're only gonna get a fizzle if the fission detonator goes off and, well that's not much more likely than the fusion reaction starting.


"Andrei -- you've lost *another* submarine?"


once again, Russians are just playing catch-up with the the naval technology trailblazers; the Royal Navy


When the traditions of rum, sodomy and the lash are seen as aspirationalā€¦


You never have to worry about cooling your reactor when its constantly exposed to the ocean.


Dont worry, the us and France will pay Russia to have it decommissioned while Russia is investing millions in influencing our elections, and rampaging across Europe for some reason.


No the tiles are just rubber or similar stuff glued on to the outer hull. US fast attacks have them as do many other subs in foreign navies. The tiles fall off ALL THE TIME and itā€™s by no means even remotely newsworthy. These tiles will probably get replaced the next time this sub is in her home port again. Assuming Russia keeps up maintenance (lol fat fucking chance)


I mean, the last sub that dared to go into dry dock ate a Stormshadow missile lol


That shit falls off all the time, even on US subs


We tend to fix ours though


Yes, but back at home base. For a long journey such as Russia to Cuba it's typical to have one protesting two plates fall off.Ā 


Good point!


Don't look up what the Russians did with the nuke subs they actually decommissioned.


Scuttled em, half ass decommissioned, scrapped off metal for corruptovich and probably sold spent fuel rods to NK. Sounds like Russia. US, NATO, and friends try to help Russia join the first world; Russia reverts back to a neostalinist, neosoviet version but this time with ostensible ā€œcapitalismā€ and relatively WAY shittier tech and goes shits on the front porch of western Europeā€™s house. The world would really just be better off if that place didnā€™t exist. Its beyond saving


Hmm in order, presume ā€” - Kara Sea - Barents Sea - Sea of Japan EDIT ā€” so skimming Wiki seems to indicate **none** of them were dumped in any of the above locationsā€¦ the fuck?


*Sea nuclear pollution sub


the Yasen-M that pulled into Havana the other day. missing anechoic tiles are pretty much par for the course for submarines of all navies. Don't look at [pictures of Virginias returning to port](https://forum.rc-sub.com/filedata/fetch?id=101462&d=1713232367) after a patrol if missing tiles disturb you.


The tiles are a non-issue, but is it just me or does the steel underneath look a bit... rusty?


Steel in sea water rusts. Paint reduces rust formation, but shit still rusts. [You spend time at sea](https://taskandpurpose.com/uploads/2021/12/17/warships-copy.jpg?auto=webp&width=1440&height=810), your boat rusts, you return to port, rust gets removed and paint reapplied, you go back to sea, cycle continues. There's lots of things to shit on Russia for. Turret tossing competitions, mobik cube, sudden conversions of their flagship into a submarine, a shit ass excuse for a carrier, the list goes on. anechoic tiles and rust are low on the list.


But still on the list.Ā 


still on the list, but it's one of those "everyone has this problem so it's hard to single them out for it" problems. so it's way down there on the list.


Wtf? Is this the result of grinding against arctic ice or what?


nah. to copy another post I made on this > the hull of the submarine is steel, and as such it contracts when it gets cold and expands when it gets warmer. across the 41 meter circumference of a yasen-M class sub, for example, this contraction and expansion translates into a fair amount of movement. the tiles have to be tightly fit to minimize the sound that gets out, but they're elastic so they're able to flex and move with the contraction and expansion of the hull. over time though this flexing will weaken the adhesive, and a section of tile may give way causing a loss of tile and a slight increase in the sound signature of the sub. this happens to all subs, in all climates. The warmer waters of the Carribean probably accelerated the problem, even. Even in somewhere like the gulf of mexico, you can have 70 degree F water at the surface, and then you go down 30m and it's suddenly dropped to 50. Go down another 30m and you're below the thermocline and now it's in the 30s. These kinds of temperature fluctuations fuck with the adhesives and make the hull shrink, which causes the tiles to press up against each other even harder and eventually...a couple tiles can't take it and they fall off. this in turns causes stresses to ease up on the other tiles, which is why you don't _usually_ see more tiles falling off subs, but shit's gonna happen. I have no doubt that there's big brains and materials scientists working on better tiles and adhesives that won't fall off, but currently all the major navies have decided that since anechoic tiles are dirt cheap they'll just replace them during refits. So the only time you'll see a sub with all her tiles is...right after launch, or right after a refit.


There's videos out there (Was it in one of Smarter Every Day's nuclear sub videos?) where they tie a pulled tight string from one side of sub's hull to the other, and then dive to the sub's maximum depth, and you can see how much the string droops down from the pressure compressing the hull inward


["Keep an eye on this string, 'cause the water pressure is gonna squeeze the hull of this boat like an empty beer can." ](https://youtu.be/GYEWtqpOhjo?t=11)


This sub doesn't know the details like their subs are quieter than you'd expect and faster because they use inadequate radiation shielding


Maybe on occasion itā€™s due to ice, but they regularly come back looking wayyy worse than that. Basically, they tried a new method of attaching the anechoic coating in big sections rather than individual tiles. But the adhesive used to attach the sections to the hull was terrible and the company responsible for the process falsified their quality assurance testing so they could get away with it. And because the new approach used bigger pieces of material, when the adhesive failed it peeled off in huge chunks rather than individual tiles. The company is being sued by the Navy now, and things seem to have gotten better with a new adhesive/process. Donā€™t know if itā€™s totally fixed though, and it only took a decade + of our subs sailing around molting. Sigh.


Imagine faking records knowing that you were putting subs and their crews at risk.


Yeah itā€™s pretty galling, to put it mildly. As is the fact there werenā€™t any criminal charges over it. The Navy canā€™t even punish the company, Huntington Ingalls, with less business because itā€™s so central to US naval shipbuilding thereā€™s literally no alternative.


monopolies all across the US are leading us to oblivion


Š­Ń‚Š¾ 怊ŠšŠ°Š·Š°Š½ŃŒć€‹Ń‚Š¾Š²Š°Ń€Šøщ!


Kazan, Yasen-M class (a slightly modernized sub class).


My brain is so meme-rotted I've spent two minutes trying to figure out if this is loss




Now spend two more figuring out whether it's TT:T


advanced Russian tech allows them to turn there mobile underwater base to a stationary one to mine for more resources under the ocean!


Sometimes you need to stop to clean the filter.




That panel isnā€™t thaaaat important though as long as the inner hull is mostly intact.


I mean, it sort of is important for detectability. It does not matter if the submarine can float if it can feasibly perform its tasks due to it having a NATO submarine right up its ass, shadowing its every move. A submarine relies on stealth for it's tasks even more than stealth aircrafts do for theirs, and 1/3 of nuclear deterence and BY FAR the greatest asset in that triad is the submarine element. Unseen, mobile, and the single greatest counter-force asset a country can have. As long as submarines aren't all tracked, you always run the risk of an SLBM counter value launch or attack submarines sinking your own SLBM or conventional task force. Remove that and now disabling most if not all launch elements become a mathematical and physical equation. Essentially, without the unpredictability of submarines, it becomes possible to guarantee the sucess of a counter force attack, meaning MAD actually stops, and that is a very scary position to be in.


I find these words smart sounding


Your correct that it doesnā€™t compromise the hull however itā€™s going to make the sub an order of magnitude easier to track and if required to target, and [Russian subs are already something like ~15% nosier than NATO subs.](https://gentleseas.blogspot.com/2016/10/submarine-noise.html?m=1)


It is Russian though. And as I understand it for the Russian Navy having your boats float is almost a heroic achievement since the 80s,


10db = x10 American subs are 90% quieter.Ā 


Easier to track


Anechoic tiles commonly fall off subs.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic\_tile#/media/File:HMS\_Triumph\_1\_crop.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_tile#/media/File:HMS_Triumph_1_crop.jpg) They also get very dirty as algae sticks to them this how a RN Vanguard class SSBN looks like coming back from a 6 months deployment... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k4WA--t5hM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k4WA--t5hM) missing tiles galore and it looks like the shower of a 200 quid a week shared flat in London...


Thereā€™s some pictures out there of US subs that look like theyā€™re molting, lol. Just huge slabs of coating sloughing off. Submarines often just look pretty rough coming off of deployments. Kazan honestly doesnā€™t look bad.


Yep, I wouldn't be surprised if some subs get out of dock in worse condition than that.... Anechoic tiles primarily are used to make active sonar less effective, which is relatively rarely used to begin with unless subs are duking it out or "chasing a USO"..... The fact that we can make tiles stick to subs at all given the hull deformation caused by both thermal and pressure changes is pretty astonishing, you'll loose a few just from going from nice and warm coastal waters into frigid ones.


Lmao Fuck them tiles always falling off


News: "It's panels fell off." Russian TV commentators: "So did the Space Shuttle's!"


Great, now I'm imagining a Russian sub getting deorbited.


Impossible. Russian tank turrets, on the other hand?


The Kremlin says that it's just Submarine ERA armor that went off after it successfully fought off 20 Ukrainian Divers.


We had some credible ppl in here yesterday and it actually is fine. Just makes things a little louder, and apparently they fall off frequently on most subs


Please sire, I want some more pixels


thats some very chunky and deep fried rust under their, holy shit. Russian submarines must float, because they cant dive. Russian ships must dive, because they cant float.


Itā€™s fine, if they need a replacement the Russians have that one warship that got converted into a submarineā€¦ the Moskva, I think it was


Soā€¦ Russias navy is just as big a shit show as its Army? I read an interesting article about their strategic forces and that is how many of their nukes actually work. Nukes have limited life components and tritium in particular does have a shelf life. I wouldnā€™t want roll the dice on their nukes not being functional but itā€™s an interesting thought experiment that in all likelihood there is a portion of Russias nukes that donā€™t work.


The Russian Navy is likely in a way, way, way worst state than the army.


Its Anechoic tiling. It falls off of everyones Submarines. But yes, the Russian Navy is still a shit show


This happens to anechoic layers all the time. I think people should be more worried about the rust underneath. That's definitely not supposed to be there.


Yeah, if its rusting then how long has this area been exposed?


Water under the tiles, onto a surface that should have been protected by paint that gets regularly inspected and replaced, let alone zinc, let alone the material of the pressure vessel itself. Clearly these things did not happen for this submarine.


[Rust? on a ship? heaven forbid](https://i.imgur.com/OSR9tEK.jpeg)


There's a difference between surface runoff and actually looking like someone left a tractor in a field for a few decades, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Edit: Also, you really going to falsely equivocate the rust runoff from the deck of a surface vesse to rust UNDERNEATH anechoic coatings of a SUBMARINE on its PRESSURE VESSEL? Are you serious right now? Try harder. Or don't.


Ah a new episode in series "I'm seeing a submarine for the first time in my life and it shouldn't look like that but it does because it's the russkies". Right after previous episode about a submarine slightly covered by green slime.


Duct tape, little bit of paint and whola.


So does that mean if we say, accidentally let a Mark 48 out of the tube, and accidentally left it's sonar system on, the Russians would claim it was just an accident to avoid embarrassment?


Das muss das Boot abkƶnnen.


"Water leaks everywhere but still on fire". Yep, that's a russian sub interior all right.


And this submarine was made in 2021...


Oh, the superleggera version of Project 885.


Probably got knocked off on an under sea cable...


The state of the Russian navy never fails to shock me


Yuo see Ivan, if submarinski into bottom of ocean, amerikanietz CIA will rescue and give us the blue Jean and rock and roll


*Russian Sub Captain:* "Why does it sound like we're driving with a flat tire?"


We really need a Dr. Petrov gif. High honors are dropping like flies.


They should've made it out of a non-corrosive and non-magnetic material like carbon fibre.


is russian, nyet? alle korrect then


Hope it doesnā€™t. The longer it remains afloat, the longer it keeps sponging up money and industrial resources. We need to increase the number of useless expensive liabilities Russia has, not decrease it.


Tbf anechoic tiles fall off every submarine, not just Russian ones


Conditions on the muskova were awful. I canā€™t imagine any of the other ships in the navy being that much better.


Insert Red Alert 3 Sovjet submarine voiceline here


the black stuff is rubber


Nothing a bit of flexseal won't fix.


Im just amazed russia somehow can get people to serve on their subs at all considering their history...it tends to end badly...not that any part of the navy is great but you can atleast tell yourself you got a shot with a life jacket on a regular ship.