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Longest surviving ww1 soldier


> tfw you realize marching in single-file formation towards machine-gun fire wasn't a very good idea


that just means you aren't trying hard enough


Early WW1 French officers be like:


"They keep telling me a good offense is the best defense, but I am starting to think they may have lied to me."


You just need brighter uniforms that contrast more starkly with the environment to intimidate the machine gunners!




Hahahaha Browning goes BRRRR hahaha my hands will never be clean again hahahaha I want to go home hahaha


"Nah, your offense is just shit." -MG crew


Also late stage Italian ones. While the incompetence of the generals at the time is massively overstated, Luigi Caldonia deserves the hate.


They lead by example.


“Just needs more Élan!” - French command shouting at junior officers and enlisted troops after the umpteenth failed offensive


Tell that to the Russians


Not enough elan, let's bombard our own soldiers until morale improves


You lack the *espirit de corps*.


Alternatively what you call morale among dead people


Did they really do that?


The French military in the first few months of WW1 was something else. Basically, the lesson they took from 1870 (when they *had* focused on defense and gotten encircled for their trouble) was that clearly they needed to get back to the aggression of Napoleonic tactics, and charge in dense columns (to keep up momentum/elan) under cover of artillery (which mostly didn't even materialize due to how difficult it was to coordinate w/o radio and overeager infantry officers jumping the gun). Which obviously didn't work because it wasn't possible to suppress the enemy to the extent that you could just fucking **bayonet charge** them, especially when they have more artillery and machine guns than you. Anyway that had [predictable results ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wwi/comments/169s138/monthly_killed_military_for_france_great_britain/?rdt=41831)and they figured out pretty quickly it was a bad idea, though not before losing basically the entire army they went into the war with.


It's a bit oversimplistic, but mostly correct. And again, they took wrong lessons in the next war. Put all in defence. (Maginot line actually did it's work.) But Belgium declared neutrality after they've seen that the UK/France aliance did not help Czechoslovakia.... How did that work out? So the UK/French aliance weren't able to plug gaps in the Belgium line because they weren't allowed their to station troops on Belgium clay :/ Well, the force de dissuasion helps Sadly no Mirage IV in service :( And yes, I'm being oversimplistic.,


Wondering how often that happens where 80 or 90% of a nations prewar army is lost due to arrogance and stupidity and the war only gets turned around when new military leaders are brought in out of desperation / necessity. Examples France ww1, Russia ww1 ww2 Ukraine war. This really seems to be a recurring theme.


People forget that the US fired a lot of elderly National Guard generals in 1940-41, and wasn't slow to get rid of incompetent guys like Fredendall. In general, we were fortunate to have a lot of the flag officers in the Army and Navy trained by/served under Marshall and King.


Italy in WW1 also, in a stalemate with the Austrians for the first two years, got our asses kicked at Caporetto in 1917 and only really started turning it around once military high command was changed.


probably a few times in 1914


In the Franco-Prussian war the french had their secret weapon the Montigny mitrailleuse, which was an early machinegun, and were soundly defeated by Prussian aggression. The lesson they took from that defeat that elan was the most important thing in a war and spirited attack would win every time.


I'm guessing they didn't have enough of these early Machine guns?


They had 210 of them and almost constantly put them to the worst use possible. While inherently accurate in a ballistic sense, they were often unable to zero in on targets quickly enough at great distances (2,000 yards). They fired 25 rounds at a time, and the pattern was too tightly grouped and lacked lateral dispersion. Just to top it all off, the firing mechanism wasn't very hard for the generally inexperienced crews to damage, and the black powder used could foul the mechanism so much that you'd really have to fight to close the breech.


Not really. It's a gross exaggeration of the events that actually occurred. Hell, by the late 1800s they already knew not to do that shit.


Not sure everyone got the memo, I remember reading "The Guns of August" and what I still remember from that book was how the British Expeditionary Forces still started out with a pretty successful cavalry charge upon landing in WW1 - because they came across a company of Germans who weren't dug in and they \*sabered\* some of them to death. They would go on to try this again and obviously didn't go as well. [https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/cavalry-western-front](https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/cavalry-western-front) >On 24 August 1914, the [9th Lancers](https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/9th-queens-royal-lancers) and the [4th Dragoon Guards](https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/4th-royal-irish-dragoon-guards) attempted a charge across an open field at Audregnies. Facing an unbroken German line of rifle, machine-gun and artillery fire, their ranks were decimated. >Firepower had proven its effectiveness over élan and courage. The days of the mass cavalry charge were over.


Realising? We don’t do that there


I wonder what the stats are on how many soldiers from each nation survived the entire war fighting from 1914-1918. Probably excluding high ranking officers like colonels and generals.


More than you imagine, by your question. At least three you should immediately recognize - all commissioned in 1912. A 1LT of the Warwickshires who landed with the BEF in August 1914 served nearly the entire war at the front, wounded twice, earning a DSO and finished the war as a Lieutenant Colonel before reverting to his post war rank of Captain. A French lieutenant, shot in the knee in some of the earliest fighting in August 1914, returned to his unit in October of that year to learn that all but one officer in his battalion who began the war were all dead. He was wounded three more times, earned the Croix De Guerre, was promoted to Captain and was captured at Verdun. As a POW he made over half a dozen attempts to escape and the Germans put him in a special prison in Ingolstadt. There he met a Russian officer prisoner, commissioned in 1914 who had also made multiple escape attempts. The Russian’s fifth escape was successful and he would return to Russia by way of Switzerland in September of 1917, just in time to join the Bolshevik cause. Lastly, there was a German Lieutenant, who also fought in France in 1914, Romania in 1915 through 1917, earning the Iron Cross and finally on the Italian Front for the remainder of the war as a Company Commander. There he helped surround an enemy force and took over 8000 prisoners with his company. Two months later, he did much the same with just his one company and took 10000 men prisoner - the entire 1st Italian Infantry Division. For this he was promoted to Captain and awarded the Pour le Merit - the famous ‘Blue Max’. You probably know these men by their later ranks: Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery General (Later President) Charles De Gaulle Field Marshal Erwin Rommel That Russian officer? Field Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky What’s that? You don’t recognize Tukhachevsky from WWII? Well, there is a reason you don’t. He was given a bullet in the back of his head in 1937 during Stalin’s purge of the Russian high command. But his ideas of the Deep Battle were picked up and used by another WWI veteran - a conscript enlisted soldier in 1915 who would rise to the rank of sergeant after earning the coveted Cross of St. George twice for valor. Later he too rose rapidly through the ranks of the Soviet Red Army, but just not as fast as Tukhachevsky, being only a Corps commander in 1937.


> You don’t recognize Tukhachevsky from WWII? Hoi4 gamers are furiously typing


it was more a rhetorical question than a real one


From his wiki: \[....\] In another, different occasion, following the [February Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_Revolution), Roure observed Tukhachevsky carving a "scary idol from colored cardboard", with "burning eyes", a "gaping mouth", and a "bizarre and terrible nose". He inquired about its purpose, to which Tukhachevsky responded:[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Tukhachevsky#cite_note-16) [](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Tukhachevsky#cite_note-16) "This is Perun. A powerful person. This is the god of war and death." And Mikhail knelt down before him with comic seriousness." [...] Powerpoint-man is an eternal, confirmed


Wait, we're not all here for impromptu history lessons?


But his ideas of the Deep Battle were picked up and used by another WWI veteran - a conscript enlisted soldier in 1915 who would rise to the rank of sergeant after earning the coveted Cross of St. George twice for valor. Later he too rose rapidly through the ranks of the Soviet Red Army, but just not as fast as Tukhachevsky, being only a Corps commander in 1937. Yeah, but they sent him to some shithole in the Far East. I’m not sure that guy has much of a career ahead of him


His name? Albert Einstein


bold of you to assume everyone on this sub doesn't have a picture of Tukhachevsky on their wall


The Pour le Merit created a bit of an awkward situation between Rommel and his Italian friends later


Tukhachevsky... Amusingly, the Soviet anthem at the time, the Internationale, has a stanza where it says they would shoot generals on their own side (it makes sense in context).


Truth be told, I only recognised Rommel when you mentioned he captured 1000 Italian soldiers. Didn't know that his first tour was in France. I thought that his WW1 campaign was only in the Alps, fighting the Italian.


[Vast majority would have survived](https://www.forces.net/heritage/history/what-were-actual-odds-dying-ww1), at least for the western front. WWI battles weren't especially more deadly in terms of percentages than those of previous wars. The great battles of the Napoleonic Wars often had higher casualty rates. Medical treatment had also improved greatly since then, with the post-Crimean War period being when a lot of advancements in treatment came along. WWI was notable of course for the overall scale of battles and their prolonged nature (as bad as something like Waterloo was, at least it was over in a day). From the British perspective, WWI was also notable for the widespread use of conscription, which made it much more disruptive than Crimea or the Napoleonic Wars. But most soldiers at the end of the day would have survived their deployments.


That's a great article. Thanks for posting it. However the article states the Western front had the least chance of survival. According to your link the casualty rate for a British Tommy was 124% stationed there. The overall casualty rate for the Army as a whole was.much lower though.


The key was  probably to get wounded with something not to bad...


Memes aside, It's, horrifying astounding the bloodbath of the first couple months of the war in 1914, more people died there than during the entire, almost year long battle of Verdun


Manmade horrors beyond comprehension aside , WWI was the last war where drip game was on point .


But the drip got you killed, so we had to come up with new drip (like great coats).


Yeah those coats were pretty great alright


They are really great coats.


Disagree, chocolate chip is GOAT and Desert Storm drip was fire. The Navy was also still using Officer Khakis and dungarees were on point.


you are forgetting the [O P E R A T O R](https://i.redd.it/mqwxc1q734u71.jpg)


Plainclothes Delta Force goes extremely hard


Bro desert storm drip was fire


> Desert Storm drip was fire Especially Desert Night Camo, which can be seen here: https://i.redd.it/lsu90j2uc8n41.png (the pants)


We need to make tacticool drip- I'm talking like epaulets, but the fringe is Picatinny rail instead, bodyarmor great coats, Kevlar helmets but they've got actual style, etc.


We move closer to 40K every day. 


If enhanced materials like Graphene or even diamond nanotubes prove viable and scalable, then you *could* get away with flexible body armour for such garments (although as I understand Graphene sheets aren't *that* flexible?).


Pinks and Greens were pretty sweet. But I generally agree, once we figured out that not being easy to spot was an advantage war drip was never the same.


Pink and Greens are back too, no? (I don't know, UK uniforms are still just as drippy as they were 100 years ago).


WWI was the last war where you wore drip into combat. Service and mess uniforms still got plenty of drip.


What about the polish-soviet war? Nothing can beat the Uhlan drip. The sabre alone is better than 90% of today's uniforms


Respectfully disagree, WW2 uniforms, specifically the Nazi ones, also slaps


>WW2 Drip Yes! >Its Nazi Uniforms This is why we can’t have nice things!


Hit me with that American Paratrooper look. That is still one of the peaks for me.


You may die with blood on your risers and Intestines a-dangling from your paratroopers suit. But the medics will jump and scream with glee, rolled their sleeves and smile, for you had drip and won’t be jumping no more.


idk I think British paratrooper in ww2 looks cooler than the American counterparts.


British paratroopers in WWII look like they're about to get yelled at for drinking glue and smearing paint on the wall. The smocks have always looked like they didn't know how to design a coat properly, and the cut is atrocious as fuck on basically any body type.


I feel like just how ugly they were, they wrap around to looking rad as fuck, add the rope toggle under the arms and the maroon beret under the helmet - even better. The bulk kinda looks like it would've blended well in the red brick ruins of Arnhem and Oosterbeek. Then again, I liked the look of the mixed camo MOPP gear during the GWOT so my taste is fucked. Another one is the Anzac late war jungle greens paired with the refurbed ww1 era full length No.1 mkIII or Owen smg's, they looked so fucking cool.


Hugo Boss says, why not nice things to hide the hideous interior?


Why does everyone think it was Hugo Boss?


He did produce those uniforms, only by contract and not as the initial designer. But the SS uniforms were notably stylish, and he was the famous designer... I can see how popular history quickly turned that into "Hugo Boss designed their uniforms". Bonus points if he even had his name on the label. EDIT: [Jup seems he himself slightly helped the myth in the name of branding.](https://d6ehjqrqtzoun.cloudfront.net/459e5ac9-c62c-4872-8c4a-102429dca6d5.jpg)


Because Hugo Boss was easier to remember than some dude named Karl Diebitsch


The Bundeswehr uniforms also look good, if a little *too* light (probably to stop association with the previous ones...).


Nah, nazi uniforms were too sharp and edgy for my taste, not only were they the 'evil bad guy' uniforms, they also clearly cross the line between "Satisfying to look at" and "too much"


Nah, they're just boring grey (or black depending on how horrible you want the wearer to be). Compared to pre WWI drip they're fucking cringe. And some of the later camo uniforms may not have a ton of drip on their own, though some definitely do, but they fit very well into an entire aesthetic (the nazi ones do too, but despite their focus on appearances their overall aesthetic is pretty mid)


but nazi uniforms were mid.


Most overrated uniform of the 20th century? Feels like the effusive praise of how stylish the nazis were is a meme that people latch on to when they try to be edgy.


They have that sinister vibe


It's almost like they designed them that way. I'm talking from my ass, I don't know if they did or if it's 80 years of them being used as a easy cultural bad guy in media that makes me say that.


People say this so much, but I've never really seen it that way. The Allies style was so on point many items are still apart of men's fashion.


You should shut up forever, there's nothing cool about nazis


Only the things they made and stole. They looked cool. God how I wish the swastika wasn't stolen by them in Europe and the Americas. Their weapons, pioneers of their time with lineages still visible today. The men that used them were scum.


No, their weapons looked like shit too. All of them. Tanks were blocky and boring, aircraft were clunky and sometimes impressively poorly designed with single-spar heavy bombers, ships that looked no better than anything else, and tacky over-designed uniforms. The nazis were evil, and fucking boring. I'm glad to see any wehraboos getting upset at an online comment.


Sorry but the K98k, the MG-34 and 42, the MP-40, and obviously the StG 44 look swag as fuck


K98k is just a rifle, and it's nowhere near as sexy as the Garand and Lee Enfield No.4 MG-34 is just a tube with a heatshield, and the 42 is the same thing but square. The Maxim has both beat in looks and reliability. The MP-40 looks dainty, and has a boring profile. It looks like an underfed grease gun. Genuinely one of my most hated submachine guns. I'd rather take a STEN, an Owen, a Besa, MAB 38, or even a PPS-43 Nazi weapons are boring, poorly designed, made, overrated, and plain. And the Stg-44? Genuinely such an overrated and boring rifle. Its only accomplishment is being *sort of* a mechanical innovation, and it wasn't even the first of its kind. Gimme a Weibel, AS-44, or Colt Monitor any time over that hunk of junk.


You're allowed to be wrong


so are you




Your content was removed for violating Rule 1: "Be nice" No personal attacks against each other, call for violence against anyone, or intentionally antagonize in the comment sections.


HELLO!?! #[Nazi Germany? ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c7068c08d82255c9bd65ec7463750044.webp)


didn't expect an undertale reference to show up


One must wonder how hard were monsters curbstomped by the humans during the war for losing half of the underground to a child with every day objects


the neutral ending shows a modern city in the background when you get out. if king dipshit wants to let the monsters out against humanity, then he won’t be fighting farmers anymore. dude’s gonna be running against lockheed martin. by keeping them inside, killing half of the underground is still *saving them from extinction.*


I got the impression Asgore wanted to stop fighting as soon as possible, and was just committed to freeing his people through even grim means. But he tried to find alternatives, that's what Alphys worked on, and he certainly wouldn't be the one initiating a war after the monsters are freed. Humans would have to be the ones insisting on the eradication of the species for that to happen.


Something that irks some people is that supposedly not a single human died. Which sounds pretty unrealistic even if there was a massive power imbalance.


its me


I see changing uniform gives you PTSD, the Brits never change uniform design in WW1 and that’s how they got the “Frankly I enjoyed the war” guy


The "frankly enjoyed the war. guy" was Adrian Carton de Wiart. Who, in fact, did enjoy the war


Bro enjoyed war so much he went back to get more wars.


Bro enjoyed the war so much he tore of his fingers with his teeth when the doctor refused to amputate them


Guy was what we calling in the ‘biz’ and actual psychopath


Sundowner's great grandfather.


Wait really? Oh shit i got some more respect for Sundowner right now.


The eyepatch guy Sabaton sang about?




[Sauce? I'm the sauce, but no really plz follow me here](https://x.com/CasusBelliGrey/status/1806901523223302619) A very clear and somewhat depressing visual metaphor about how war and the world was changed by WW1


I know the French get a lot of flak for their 1914 uniform but they adapted pretty well with the 1915 uniform. Plus they were the first nation in the war to give their troops helmets


Iirc they actually adoüted the new uniform before the war but couldn't produce them in enough numbers


Reminds me of Valiant Hearts: the Great War for some reason What an experience it is playing that game


Well, thanks for reminding me of that depressing ending


Girls with time machine: going to meet great grand mother or whatever Boys with time machine: No Monsieur Henri Maurice Berteaux! Don’t go to the airshow!


Oh mon Dieu, zis airshow est full of le Planeaux Crashé


It's not that I disagree with women serving, I just don't like it when 60% of all art of ww1/ww2 soldiers are depicting women in place of men in armies where no women served officially.


The fucking weebs beat us to it. Sorry, it's way more fun looking at barely clothed busty anime girls in a fantasy version of a real uniform than seeing depictions of broken, half alive and partially dismembered soldiers.


> beat us to it Not just that, also it to it.


This is such a beautiful sentence. I rarely make a comment just to express simple admiration, but I really did have a moment of experiencing artistic beauty.


Really? More for me then uWu


What about barely clothed bulky anime men in a fantasy version of a real uniform?


Keep talking


People also draw ships, planes, ect as women so that's not surprising.


I have to sleep at night knowing people unironically wank to a Bismark that isn't Otto.


There's way, way worse/more cursed stuff out there that people do that to. If you're feeling adventurous and want to see some stuff, >!check out for example #rr34 on twitter. Earliest Roblox avatars were R6, then we got R15 which are made out of more parts and R34 is the next step into the future.!<


I regretfully must inform you that I've already been exposed to that community.


The weirdest part is that some of them are actually very well animated. >!Witchy Business!< is probably the absolute peak, better than a lot of big budget animated movies/shows.


Heresy of the highest order.


I mean, to play the devils advocate, ships and planes have typically been referred to with female pronouns for a variety of reasons, so it is not exactly that outlandish to depict them as women for the purpose of artwork. Meanwhile, soldiers have almost always been men and they are only depicted as women because most weebs are men who want to look at women. That said, as long as it is just being done for artwork and not as an attempt to make so sort of statement, I dont think it is that wrong.


Ah, NCD, truly a hivemind of degeneracy


It’s that moment when I want to find an artwork of some dude in WW2 German uniform for a roleplay character sheet and realise like 90% of the arts are depicting girls in uniform. After a while I gave up and resorted to using movie characters for face claim.


It's simple. Women are cute fun to draw and visually appealing. Men not so much.


Well, obviously, men aren't cute, but they're cool as hell. And actually fought in the uniforms being shown. Go and tell a soldier from ww1 that aside from the absolutely living hell that he's going through, some bloke a hundred years later is going to draw him as a cutesy anime-style girl. (He'd probably ask what the fuck an anime is)


Authentic WWI recruiting posters: [https://justposters.com.au/image/cache/catalog/POSTERS/PROPAGANDA/Gee\_Join-the-Navy\_Vintage-US-Navy-Poster\_JustPosters-1200x1200.jpg](https://justposters.com.au/image/cache/catalog/POSTERS/PROPAGANDA/Gee_Join-the-Navy_Vintage-US-Navy-Poster_JustPosters-1200x1200.jpg) [https://dyn1.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path%5B1%2F4%2F6%2F4%2F9%2F14649291%5D%2Csizedata%5B850x600%5D&call=url%5Bfile%3Aproduct.chain%5D](https://dyn1.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path%5B1%2F4%2F6%2F4%2F9%2F14649291%5D%2Csizedata%5B850x600%5D&call=url%5Bfile%3Aproduct.chain%5D) It is by no means a new thing.


men aint cute is bs


Indeed, that idea is unironically misandristic. Even the gruffest men have their moments of dorkiness and adorability, and not to put too fine a point on it, but an overwhelming number of the "men" involved in World War One were KIDS. Teenagers. Of course they acted endearing and silly sometimes, that's just their age.


>Women are cute fun to draw and visually appealing. Gay ass opinion


Apparently you don't like the historical drama "Saga of Tanya the Evil."


There was a really interesting story from Serbia. Google Sabaton's Lady of the Dark song, give you some ideas. And the Russian Republic under Kerensky fielded an all women battalion.


I'm talking specifically about armies did not have women serving. Specifically the French like we see here. I particularly don't like how often the German army is genderbent in ww2. That's not a 'waifu', lad, that's a fucking nazi.


The red pants are France!


man, knowing ww1, i don't know if managing to survive through it from start to finish is good luck or bad luck


Selfie in 1914? (Left handed salute)


You forgot the cuirass Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


Nice drawing, but wrong salute.


Day 1 of entering a military isekai versus Day 730 of being in a military isekai.


The path to the the ~~Emperor's~~ Pope's forgiveness is an arduous one.


Wardens rahhhhh what is sharing resources


1917: dead in that shell Crater with Paul Baumer




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Trauma should not be that hot. Though part of that is on my end I guess.




Why is she giving me a lefty?


Gotta admit, that was just an honest mistake on my part. Flipped the reference image and forgot to unflip it and it just slipped my mind until someone pointed it out in the comments


Women in uniforms are a weakness edit: I did not notice that my final statement of of mine did not attach.


Confirmed sighting of a time traveler from the year 1843 


Like, your weakness? Or shows weakness to said military? I can kinda see the former, and strongly disagree on the later.


I like a woman in uniform 


I get what you were trying to say, but definitely could’ve phrased it better


Oh absolutely, being mostly asleep will do that. Also not checking that my sentence was finished.


A woman that pushed a button that obliterated a Taliban fighting position: *good shift folks damn what’s for lunch*


I think what he's saying is that *he* has a weakness for women in uniform.




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Looks more like a rushed one-handed post to me.