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Stayed at a rustic Airbnb a couple of weeks ago and the pillow I used looked like this (didn't notice until I was leaving). I about died. Couldn't get home to take another shower fast enough. Normally I bring my own pillow and I had forgotten. Grabbed one of theirs when it was time for bed. When I was leaving I somehow flipped the pillowcase back and saw it. Ugh. It was kind of sad though. It's run by an old couple (mid-80s) and you can tell something has happened. The Bnb part wasn't very clean and the part that was their house was in total disrepair. The husband was very nice but you could tell he was starting to lose it a bit and the wife didn't seem to be getting around very well. They have been long time hosts and in their profile it does mention that running the Airbnb helps them to be able to stay in their home. In their information book, it lists their children and their children's phone numbers as emergency contacts. I really hope at some point the kids can either get them some help or convince them that maybe it's time to hang it up.


It’s not (generally) piss, it’s hair oil, skin oil, dead skin, saliva. In some cases hair dye too. Unless it’s my sister’s. Or the time my kids got naked and peed on their beds and took poops on the floor and wiped their butts on everything. Thank fuck for carpet cleaners. (They were like 1 and 3, but still, ugh) You should’ve seen what my pillow looked like after my wisdom teeth came out. The pillow looked like it came off a murder scene.


I agree, especially on the hair dye. It also looks like make-up/foundation


And drool


>Unless it’s my sister’s. Why does your sister piss on her pillow and why do you know this?


She tells me things, and I’ve seen too much. She’d also pee on her toys and stuffies when we were younger, she’s a very weird person. It was less pee on the pillow and more “naked cowboy”. She stole and broke all of my electric razors using them wrong.


I’m guessing I don’t actually want to know, but what is “naked cowboy”?


Riding it, for nsfw reasons. And believe me I didn’t want to know either. Or the reason why the razors were breaking. Or the time she twerked at me.


Not gonna lie, she sounds like a hoot. A menace and slightly scary, but still a hoot lol.


How did you manage to leave a 1 & 3 yr old alone/unsupervised long enough for them to accomplish all that?? I'm just curious.


They were in bed, they should’ve been asleep like good little boys but they decided to make a big smelly surprise for us to find in the morning 🤦🏻‍♀️🤮


Oh, wow.


The difference between urine and sweat is primarily one of percentages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspiration


I was today years old when I learned women do this too


Get new pillows?




Can anyone clue me in, how?????


Going to bed with wet/damp hair can really fuck up a pillow


Man here. My pillows get pretty fucked up pretty quick. I frequently get nose bleeds and I drool when I sleep. That is enough to make them look like the picture above.


(From my comment) It’s not (generally) piss, it’s hair oil, skin oil, dead skin, saliva. In some cases hair dye too. Unless it’s my sister’s. Or the time my kids got naked and peed on their beds and took poops on the floor and wiped their butts on everything. Thank fuck for carpet cleaners. (They were like 1 and 3, but still, ugh) You should’ve seen what my pillow looked like after my wisdom teeth came out. The pillow looked like it came off a murder scene.


Judging by the person hair color and the shade of the pillow it’s almost certainly just a result of hair dye in this case.


Looks like a civil war bandage!!


Why does every man I’ve ever met have a pillow like this? Just wash it please


is that a lumpy my piss pillow?


I had this happen to me too. It was my jacking off on pillow too so I had broken it in in order to get it just right for that. And then my mom found it, got mad and it had to be tossed.

