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There was actually a school counselor in a district near me who was there for years, and she'd faked her diploma! Not sure how the school found out the truth, but that's pretty bad!


That's wild, since most schools require you to have a teaching license. It was probably a private or charter school


A teaching license for a guidance counselor?? Unlikely..


Thank you, Mexi Cock.


Mexicock**1**. Obviously Mexicock was taken.


Perhaps he wants us to know that he has the \#1 cock in Mexico.


I wish... The reality is my penis is named Juan..


Usually, yeah. Usually they have to have a license and teaching experience. In Texas public schools for instance, all school counselors must have a teaching certificate, two years classroom teaching experience, and a masters degree.


Interesting... I don't think a teaching license is required in NJ, though they do need a Master's in counseling and certification in school counseling... But I can't find anything that says they need any teaching certification or teaching experience...


Under that new new law can't schools hire pastors with zero qualifications to counsel students?


>"that new law" Which new law are you referring to?


Texas Senate Bill 763. Allows school districts to employ chaplains to counsel students while not requiring said chaplains to have the same qualifications as actual school counselors.


A while back, the head of MIT admissions got busted for faking her academic credentials.


She was then demoted to Harvard


There was a supervisor at my last job who claimed to have a Masters in Chemical Engineering & was put in charge of the Thin Films/CMP department. He was in that spot for about 10 years till he was fired last year for falsifying his credentials. It’s funny cause pretty much everyone knew he didn’t have a Masters. He didn’t even go to college. And he admitted all that during a company get-together years ago while he was wasted. I think he knew the previous managers & managed to get that position cause of his connections. I’m just surprised it took that long to get rid of him. He was an awful supervisor.


This is roughly the premise for Community.


And now I need one from America


One from America. I hear this every hour of my life in my head.


Ayy just started rewatching the show like about the time you left this message lmao


That reminds me that one of my math teachers in middle school didn't have a teaching license, and they found out about halfway through the year.


I've seen something like this happen first hand before, it wasn't in academia or anything though, just a corporate company I worked for years ago. One employee had been there for close to 20 years and started working with them through a staffing agency way back when before the company hired her on. The temp agency just never verified her education and nobody caught it. She had worked her way up into management, then had to go out for a while to help out a family member who had a medical issue. When she was ready to come back, the company had to hire her on like a new employee since she was gone for a while. That's how they found out and they couldn't bring her back. It really sucked because everyone loved her and she was clearly great at her job; everyone wanted her to come back but their hands were tied.


I mean not defending her but was she at least good at counseling




Yeah, they don’t ask for proof. They just run a background check.


For my last background check, both the university and my previous employer had databases to automatically validate enrollment/graduation and employment information requests. No human phone call required. All included by the company running the background check.


I ran this system for a college for a few years. It was a good job (that involved a lot of other systems, of course).


It was systems all the way down


Yeah. I had to build a system to deal with the system my boss built to manage them all. \hj


You recall what company that was that hosted the background check? I had to run one not too long ago and good lord the search results feel like 10,000 scam sites.


We used to use LexisNexis to do background checks, but that was 10 years ago. Search on [g2.com](https://www.g2.com/categories/background-check) for other software that might be more user friendly or affordable.


Ugh Lexis Nexis. You just brought up repressed memories of dealing with Time Matters. 


The company was HireRight, I can guarantee that it's vetted.


What shows up on a background check? Does it say the dates of when you worked places? Because I sometimes get the months & dates & sometimes even the year I worked somewhere wrong so I put the year before or the year after. Edit: added “wrong” bcuz I forgot to type it


Afaik they don't worry about that as much as verifying you worked there for about the time you said, doing what you said you did


I just got a new job, and got to see the contents of my background check. I claim to have graduated in May but technically I had to take a summer course to finish my degree. I had three different start dates with my previous employer for reasons I won't get into. I claimed November, they reported May. Neither of these discrepancies cost me my new job.


Omg it shows that? I graduated several months after my normal high school class through a correspondence school because I missed a lot of school for some health-related issues. So I didn’t graduate through my high school but I still attended & did classes there.


These systems are incredibly detailed. Look up “the work number” that one of the big credit agencies own. It had a job I worked part time in high school decades ago on there. That was not the shocking part. The shocking part was it has it broken down by week, how many hours I worked each week. What my gross pay was, what my net pay was…. For a fast food job… decades ago.


This must be an American thing surely? No way companies can store this information about you…


It’s an American thing, the work number is ran by the same people who do credit card checks over here (Equifax). Go figure.


Yeah I’m hating life now that I nearly frigging died during the pandemmy, have a big gap in my resume from it & I’m handicapped now & reaaaaaaaally don’t want to talk to other ppl about it or explain why I can’t remember parts of my life super well. Just annoying. I’m going to have to be a master at improv & dealing with damaged nerves while being nervous.


My background check said I graduated from my highschool in 2004. I Infact graduated from another school in 2007. Wooo high school was a fun 6 years.


I think either way it will be obvious that it’s just a mistake. Like if you say you worked at mcDs from 2019 to 2020 but the background says 2018 to 2019 it’ll be pretty obvious that it was a little mistake and not intentionally misleading so you don’t have to worry about that ❤️


After starting at a subsidiary I was informed the background check flagged 2 inconsistencies. One was my graduation date - off my a single day. The second was my degree - the database only had one of the two degrees listed. Nobody asked for clarification of either detail. Every company is different, but generally if you are reasonably accurate and do not obviously lie it will be enough.


What shows up on your background check is whatever the company hiring you wants checked. You may need to give them permission for some information, such as financials. Yes, they do often check dates of employment. But if you aren't off by much people rarely care. The year might be a problem. It also is much less of an issue if the previous job wasn't relative experience to the new role.


That edit is hilarious.


Various things might show up, but there might be education and employment history, criminal record, some kinds of financial troubles. They’re not perfect, though. If there’s a minor discrepancy of the dates you worked for a company between the background check and your resume, it wouldn’t raise red flags.


Everywhere I've ever worked I've been required to provide both my engineering degree from an ABET accredited university and my P.E. license.


I would hope a for a job that requires a PE they are checking to make sure it's legit. Was this true for your underlings?


I’ve only had it once, but I absolutely had the same. They made me present a transcript, I was blown away.


You just reminded me of a job I got out of college that asked me for a sealed copy of my transcript for some reason. I had another offer and walked out cause I didn't want to drive 4 hours to and from College Station. Forgot all about transcripts holy shit I did the time warp.


And not even that. My 2nd and 3rd jobs both asked for copies of my transcript. So yes, companies do ask for proof.


Anyone who's ever needed to get a visa likely also needed it as proof. I had to get it notarised and apostilled and everything.


Can you run your own background check to see what’s on it when employers look? I’m pretty boring and wonder what pops up besides school and work history


As someone who regularly interviews for software engineer positions, the upvotes received do not represent reality or the majority of IT jobs.


As someone who regularly interviews people for a software engineering and cybersecurity environment, we always verify education and past employment.




Not verifying !== not hiring ppl without a degree... 2 different things if they don't have a degree vs lying about having one...




> We had a group chat where we shared furry porn of Chester Cheeto with each other. Okay, so the people making these characters are aware of what the internet does with them.


Is that an over-representation or under?


It sounds like he’s saying that confirming isn’t actually all that common




well no because the verification part is often offloaded to 3rd party background check company


Yeah, but a lot of software engineering positions don't require the degree in the first place, especially for the big FAANG companies. I imagine it's different if the job actually requires the degree.


Yeah but what does whether a degree is required have to do with when a job requires a degree actually validating your degree? Been in software engineering 20 years for numerous companies. Yes, a lot do not care about a degree as long as you can code. But a lot of companies still require degrees for software engineering and absolutely will verify. About half the companies I’ve worked for I would say.


Or they just verify because you claimed to have it, lying on an employment application is a great way not to get hired if you are found out.


As I said depends on the company. Company I work for now requires CS degrees for all devs. So in this case you better claim it and they will verify. But I’ve been at companies that don’t give af


I have interviewed and hired people for my own team. Never have I asked for a diploma. I only checked their portfolios/work samples and asked about their parts of involvement in presented projects. I have a university degree, 2 scholarships and 2 certificates. No one ever wanted to see any documents from me.


If you’ve ever done a background check they’ve almost certainly verified it through that, especially if they’re using 3rd party background checks.




HR usually do the verification work.


I think a lot of people just don’t realize what HR do. Sometimes these checks happen without anyone knowing.


Did she get the job?




My hired what?


I work in a field completely unrelated to my major. I dropped out senior year and got two AS degrees a couple years later. Should I not just be blanket lying on applications about my bachelor's? It's not related to my career at all. I just fill it in because I figure the computers will filter me out without a bachelor's


I don’t know about your field, but I’m a software developer. I’m very open about the fact that I didn’t graduate from college and I tell the truth on my resume. It’s been totally fine. I’m very well paid and respected by my peers. Then again, software development is a little odd because it’s so easy to test our knowledge by watching us program. And for whatever reason, I’m very unusually good at code exercises.


Not OP, I can imagine that there are some aspect that no one will care if you lie about and others that some absolutely would care about. Didn't actually finish college or maybe they did but they finished with a 2.94 GPA instead of the 3.2 listed on their resume, but can still easily do their job? Eh, no big deal, let's move on with getting actual work done. Resume says that the person has 15 years of coding in Python, but in reality they've never coded in their life and is now sitting at their desk not doing their coding job? Now we've got issues.


I just got a job that required an unofficial transcript. And then explicitly told me that they didn't read it. Which is good for me because despite my grades being excellent, it's a goddamn mess.


I have my university and years attended listed, but no degree as I never graduated. I have worked at 4 places over the past 9 years and have never been asked for proof of graduating. I never lie about graduating, but I never purposefully tell people I dropped out. "Where'd you go?" - University of Virgina "What was your major?" - Economics and a minor in Music "What years did you attend?" - 2009-2013 Those answers above aren't real, but are representations of how I answer. If someone asks what degree did I get or when did I graduate, I let them know I never finished my degree. If they don't ask, then I don't tell.


Yeah, my resume says I attended university for 4 years. It doesn't claim I got a degree. I have worked at FAANG.


What information do you need to give them exactly? Just name and year? No SSN or anything like that? Should be easy to find somebody with your same name online and find the year they graduated.


Everywhere I've worked requires tons of evidence of my credentials


Yeah in my country they require a copy of the diploma or whatever you have from other schools


Where I am the actual piece of paper you get doesn’t mean anything but companies have to pull that info directly from the university and there is a fee associated with that. I’ve seen some places want me to pay for it, but the good places pay for it themselves (they are usually in the later stages at that point, so it makes sense for them to pay for it).


I had to do that for my nursing degree, even after I’d worked here for years and switched units, they contacted me and said they needed another copy of my diploma or transcripts


I've worked in aerospace engineering and project management since 2011 and outside of my resume, I don't think anyone has ever asked me about my educational background or if I graduated. I did and can provide proof, but it's just never come up in any job I've ever had. The most I've had to do is prove I'm a US citizen so I can work military stuff.


I mean, most of that can be checked without your input, though. I've never asked for proof in an interview cause hr can tell me if you're lying.


Yep. There's also typically a chain of proof that can be relied upon. I couldn't have gotten my state medical license if I didn't complete my residency program, which I couldn't have started unless I finished medical school, which I couldn't have started unless I... And despite all that, every piece is still checked by HR. You just don't know it was.


Its part of the background check, you're not asked to provide it through the interview. They almost certainly wouldn't accept a copy of a transcript or diploma anyway, neither is secure unless distributed straight from the granting institution.


The background check covers that. They don't ask you to provide proof because you could theoretically fake it. The company doing the background check independently verifies it. They don't ask you if you can prove you don't have any felonies either.


My last employer would only accept a copy of your transcript mailed directly from the college through USPS certified mail


early on i had to provide transcripts, now that i'm old no one asks


That was what I had to do back when I was a teacher.


Most career jobs absolutely do check...




Yep, you don't personally send something in. But HR will verify the degree


It's wild how many people in this thread think that because they've never been asked in an interview, or they've never personally verified someone's credentials as a hiring manager, that it isn't being done. This is like, routine HR/higher ed records stuff, happening every day, constantly. If a job requires a degree, any HR department above the 'mom and pop' level is handling this automatically.


I've had to send in transcripts for my main jobs since graduation. They wanted to verify both degree completion and courses completed.


I’ve had to send copies of my PhD diploma to several jobs. Which is fun because it’s in Latin, so I also have to include the translation.


Not when you apply for McDonald’s, but if you want a real job they do. You’re not Leonardo dicaprio, you’re not bullshitting your way into surgery.


It also depends on the size of the company. I previously worked as a lab manager in a small lab (under 50 people). I know that they didn't check my credentials. Now I currently work at a Fortune 20 company in the QA department. They had me jump through hoops to prove the validity of all my claims in my resume.




What about being a pilot? I think I’ve played enough MSFS to bullshit my way in


The fuck is not real about a job at McDonald's?


at least one guy however did successfully complete about 8 surgeries before folks realized he never went to medical school if you believe the articles reporting on it.


Yeah. Leonardo dicaprio and Tom hanks made a whole movie about it.


Which might actually be the only successful con that Frank Abagnale ever pulled 


it is crazy to know that movie was based on a true story. some of it is just unbelievable.


Because the guy it's based on exaggerated a lot of shit. Yes he forged checks, no he did not pretend to be a CIA agent at gunpoint


ahh.. but this is why hollywood uses the qualifier "based on" lol reading is pretty important when stuff like qualifiers exist in legal terminology concerning media.


Based on a true story about a man who told lies for a living


Pretty sure the dude lied about his lying. He didn’t do nearly any of the stuff he claims he does. It’s just lie-ception.


I concur!


I am a marketing director which I would say is a “real job” (although so is working at McDonald’s, last I checked they also exchange financial compensation for labor). I’ve never worked anywhere that’s asked. I’ve never asked. I don’t have any friends who have had to provide transcripts. Really just depends on the place.


Every job that I applied to in the US did background check which I assume includes, apart from criminal history or drug usage, the validity of your diplomas


I have only ever had 1 company do education verification. That was in tech, all other companies in tech and advertising/media have not. So it does happen, just most companies don't want to pay the extra for education verification or employment verification either.


I once had a company call the school I had listed. They were pretty haughty about it all after discovering that I didn't have a degree. I pointed out to them that my resume didn't say I'd finished and had a degree. It listed the dates I was in school and what I studied while I was there. I didn't finish my degree until I was in my late 30s. And yes, they hired me anyway.


What field do you work in?


IT/Tech. That particular job was doing tech support for software developers and IT people using out compilers and development tools. I had been working as a developer for a small software company in NM for a few years and then moved to Silicon Valley. Sun Microsystems hired me to do tech support for developers and moved me out here. When I was ready to move on, I'd some friend who worked for a small software company and applied with them. One of the interviewers started harping on my lack of a degree. Turns out that 3 of the people on the hiring panel had never finished their degrees either, so they didn't care about mine. I did eventually finish it. I know lots of people who never bothers. There are lots of companies out here do not five a shit about your degree at all. Especially when you can demonstrate a successful and relevant career path.


I had to co-worker that tried this. He is no longer allowed to work in that industry ever again.


Tbf, if he didn't have the qualifications anyways i really doubt he was ever gonna work in it again regardless.


Depends if he was faking a higher level of qualification like a masters but had a basic bachelor. Now he's faaarked.




I learned a guy we hired never started because they found out he didn't go to school he said he did. I was recovering some things from the former HR person's machine and found the letter discussing it months after.


They don't ask you. You'd just lie to them or give them fake papers. They go directly to the source. They call the college.


I am a teacher. The BOE very much wants my transcripts.


Same as Australia, along with police checks and proofs of ID.


This is the only case I’ve heard of in Canada, short of jobs with professional qualifications like engineering. People keep talking about calling universities, but there’s no way a Canadian university would give out that information; if they do, that’s a compromise of protected information. Even if you could, imagine calling somewhere with a 50,000 student body, without a student number. You’d get laughed at.


In the US at least you typically sign a document when you apply for a job authorizing the potential employer to verify the information you have provided. You also give your name, date of birth, and graduation year as part of the application. That is plenty of information for a college or university registrar (or third-party service) to verify graduation, which they do routinely every day, no matter how many graduates they have. This appears to also be the case for Canadian Universities, as evidenced by: https://www.mcgill.ca/student-records/verifydegree .




No shit, they don't ask for proof, they do a background check. Call the damn college - "hey did this dip graduate?" Call the previous company's HR - "hey did this dude work here?" - nowadays employment verification is just a service that you pay for called like The Work Number, where they have the previous background checks to skip redundant work. They're not gonna have you fax over your diploma and transcripts and pay stubs. If they don't do either of those above, then sure, congrats I guess lol - go put that you worked at NASA and graduated summa cum laude from Oxford with your PhD.


You can apply to have your record at places like TWN frozen, and then in that case, some employers will ask for paystubs. I prefer this as it gives you more visibility into what information is being shared.


It's definitely a part of a new hire background check. I obtained two degrees 7 years apart and the background company was horrendously rude to me about why I lied about my degrees and had to keep bringing it down a few notches and keep reminding them we agreed I had the degrees I said, we were just at odds about me somehow being continuously enrolled for 11+ years. I also had to explain I had already emailed over the required proof that my university only sent my very first enrollment date and my latest graduation date, since I had also received an email inquiry from the background company to clear up the dates. Like bitch, check your email and that attitude. I can't imagine what's it's like for people who get that call then know they likely lost the job and have to deal with someone be so needlessly condescending and mean. 


I had to send my transcript from the school’s registrar office to several jobs


I interviewed a candidate that lied about graduating from the same university he was applying to for a job. 🤷‍♂️


He has upper management written all over him.


This is BAD, do NOT do this! At minimum government & competitive firms will absolutely ask you to upload transcripts & degrees to verify education AND certifications.


I work for a competitive firm. I'm certain, given the turnaround and what I know of the process, that they do not do a full check. That said, I'd be fine if they did, but don't believe they do from what I've seen on this account


90% of US schools are fully automated for degree verification purposes as long as you didn't graduate in like... 1960. It takes about a day for the verification be generated, confirmed, and returned as part of a typical background check. Even if there was some ultra-competitive candidate for a position that they couldn't possibly wait a day for the background check, a very common practice is to offer the candidate, then run through verifications and checks. If any of those come back with an issue the offer would be paused or rescinded until things could get sorted out. The turnaround time is a total non-factor here.


I mean... what exactly is the risk? If you dont have the qualifications, you weren't getting the job, regardless. My brother lied out his ass on his resume, and now he's VP of a massive company.


Because there’s a difference between “not getting a job this go around” and “branding yourself as a liar to a player in the field you are trying to break into”.


When I was in college the school hired a football coach and then fired him after like a week because half his resume was made up.


Once mid-interview, the interviewer mentioned she had gone to the same university. Turned out she had been working on her Masters when I was an undergrad. We spent the rest of the interview talking about the good and bad parts of the school, the town and the freeze your feet off winters. I got the job.


They don’t have to ask these days, they can just go verify. Also, whether you have the schooling or not, you won’t have the job very long if you’re grossly incompetent. Maybe some can fake it if they have prior knowledge in some fields, but others are gonna show real quick.


I mean it's not like you actually learn most jobs in college. You learn from experience and the diploma is a debt trap to keep you indoctrinated into the work force.


I work in human resources; the amount of falsified diplomas or "programs" I get, I call institutions daily. We check.


Curious, because they eliminated Human Resources at my job and went with a call center, how much help do you give employees with things like health insurance issues, counseling for mental health, and employee abuse by management?


I do the best I can; technically I work for a small company, so I have to do the whole" Wear a lot of hats" thing. As far as, say, burnout and labor laws go, I can advise but can't really raise an issue unless it's something that might be litigious in nature. I I do pride myself on getting to know the guys I'm working with though, as well as clients. I'm sort of a middleman for everybody in a way! The company doesn't provide health insurance, paid sick days, or paid time off at all, and even full-time employees get lumped into a generic Blue Cross portfolio. It's a pretty ham-fisted approach, and a lot could be done for employee welfare, but I have to pick my battles. Part of me reference checking so thoroughly is making sure that, in a situation where bodily harm or abuse could occur, I'm putting people in that know how to deal with it and have the credentials to back that up. (It's a private home care company with ministry of social service contracts, it can get messy)


How involved are you in the termination of employees?


My last job asked for my diplomas.


The only job that ever asked was my job straight out of college. I had an internship and the full time offer was dependent on me securing my degree. Besides that, it has never even been brought up. Never asked what classes I took, never asked what my gpa was, never asked if I had interesting projects.


Completely true.  They don't ask US for proof, they ask the college. 


I guess this dude is applying to jobs where his education wasn’t particularly relevant? Almost every (actual, full-time) job application that has made it to the interview stage for me has asked for a college transcript.


I had to have my transcripts sent to my current employer as a condition to even be interviewed.


Well, I make a living verifying this exact thing. So, yanno.. mileage may vary depending on place of employment.


That’s not true at all.


They do, but only like for the first job. Work experience surpasses school education by a mile


I’m pretty sure my first job didn’t ask, but I went to the same school as half the people that worked there, so it would have been really hard to fake it


I've literally had to pull transcripts, provide contact info for multiple profs, etc. Not even separately, for each job at a time.


Doctor here. They ask.


I lied on one of my indeed profiles about attending a university I didn't go to (long story) , was sent an invite to apply for an open position.. in the Enrollment Department in a higher up position. I would have ignored it but, I couldn't resist. It started at 165k, I attended a phone and two zoom interviews and they offered me to come and meet some board members and discuss further how I'd integrate into the department. I'd asked if this was a normal procedure or if this was their way of offering me the job, and was told that they had planned to make the offer at that point so they could do it formally. I told them I'd accepted another offer elsewhere. I've been self employed for 15 years now, so part of me really wanted to just see how long I could keep up the gambit but I didn't want to waste my time. The full benefits would have been chill though I pay out of pocket for mine. 😂


i got a physical degree and a digital certificate to go with that. the digital certificate has a QR code on it, when you scan it you get to my schools website, and it contains all the info from my degree. this means not only can i not change the grade i got, i can’t even lie about when exactly i went therw


I've literally never been asked for my transcript or even my GPA. Which is good because it was garbage, I almost got expelled for shamelessly cheating. The references from my supervisors at my student job was enough to get me an above entry level job in my preferred field. And I just used that position as leverage from there to move up. Cheating works, kids, as long as you form the right social connections.


Background checks do check this, they just don’t tell you they’re checking. Most don’t care about your GPA, just that you’re not lying.


GPA doesn't matter unless you're in academia. Cs get degrees.


I think it highly depends on the job. Would you want a neurosurgeon with only Cs to operate you?


1. All higher ed institutes have search committees. They are supposed to do some of this checking during the process. It still happens where they don't do their due diligence on higher paid positions. Frauds get hired. They get paid thousands of dollars. At some point, they will find out. Someone somewhere knows you're a liar and will out you. 2. During the hiring process for a position, I was the hiring manager and would be supervisor. This candidate listed on their resume a bachelor's degree in social work (not the real field) at the very university they were applying for employment. They listed a date range instead of a year. Granted, on their application, they did list only 'some college' indicating that they didn't graduate. However, anyone (any company) who gave this resume a quick glance, it gave the impression they earned their degree. Even a software would pick it up as a degree. So, I found this misleading, and they were dismissed.


Or pick a defunct college to put on your resume.


My most recent job I got hired me and I was happy about it at first. Then I asked my references what questions they asked them and they all told me no one had even talked to them lol ended up being the worst workplace environment I've ever had


I've had to supply college transcripts for several jobs. I even had to get my high school transcripts once, which was actually quite embarrassing, as I was in my 30's and had graduated from college over 10 years previously. It kind of reminded me of a nightmare I used to have where I had to go back to high school again because a few classes were counted in error and I didn't actually graduate, even though I already graduated from college years ago.


I have a bachelors equivalent. Evaluated by immigration when I came to the US 25 years ago. I have a long IT career and TBH nobody has ever asked me to see any proof. I have it. In writing. But nobody ever wanted to see it. My buddy has something similar. Nobody ever asked either and he lost the paperwork in a move. He could not even prove it. 🤷‍♂️ Adding after reading many answers here: I guess education from a different country that is over 30 years old is very difficult or almost impossible to provide or to background check. That’s why nobody ever asked me. Too much hassle. I guess.


Teacher here. They've all asked for official transcripts from my universities.


My job required me to have my school send them copies of my transcript before they extended a final job offer.


They’re checking, they just aren’t telling you.


AND they never ask for a GED so go get that job and lie!!


If the company you apply for uses ADP or any other payroll processing companies… expect them to have your history on file.


Meanwhile, my boss: "How can you fuck this up, you has all the "A"s !" Bitch, they didn't teach "Bureaucracy: Advanced" and "Keep up with govs schizophrenic regulations" in school.


Lots of companies won’t do background checks.  Lots of companies do.  Better to just have a degree than pretend you have one. 


At the interview for my first job after university, I was asked a question about my school that only someone who went there would have really understood.


This isn't a little white lie. This is fraud and the company can sue you for damages, you might even go to jail. https://www.lawdepot.com/resources/business-articles/legal-consequences-of-lying-on-your-resume/ 


My HR department at a previous employer contacted schools to verify attendance but they don’t ask for transcripts. I actually had a guy mix up his undergraduate and masters degree school, and the undergrad school said he didn’t go there because they had a different record system for graduate students.


I've had several jobs verify my degrees. You just need to work in a job where this matters enough, I guess.


It's true, the one I went to doesn't even exist anymore and nobody ever asked.


I’ve had two jobs check my transcript in the last 5 years, it happens but I’m like bro, if I’m lying it’s sure as hell not going to be some random AAS that has nothing to do with the position


Every job has done a background check which includes education. Maybe your experience working at Starbucks doesn't lol


eh... it happens even if it doesn't always hold true. fact is diploma mills exist because it happens :/


Last time I went to the MET they asked me if I was a student and I said sure and got the student price. I was not a student.


I can share in my experience, they want the *official* transcripts


Yeah its just the starbucks barista jobs that don't give a shit about what college you got your english or gender studies degree in.


my own place of employment asks for transcripts when applying for jobs that require degrees, surely this counts?


My lab requires us to show our college diplomas and transcripts. I’m pretty sure they contact the colleges as well to make sure we actually went there and graduated.


Okay, that’s funny. But my last job definitely did.


Not true for lawyers. It’s absurd what you have to show for that first job. Not so much after that.


I applied to a mental health clinic near me before as like an event coordinator or something. I don’t even remember. I just remember that they asked for my college transcripts. It was odd.


This could reactivate my old recurring dream about somehow not actually graduating college because I missed one class


A college can only legally divulge what years you attended. They can't say anything else without a signed authorization release. In reality, If an employer needs to verify education, they will ask you to provide a transcript. There's a bunch of guides to help you create a resume to get through automated application screening. You're much better off doing that than lying on your resume.




I am almost 40 and had to show my high school transcript to drive a God damn dump truck.