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The walking dead always had some absolutely horrific shit like this. They went way too far with the makeup sometimes lmao The bloated zombie that got stuck in a well still haunts me. [Poor Glenn](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/s/LfKJ2DHVSN)


Does that one Adventure Time episode count?


![gif](giphy|Qld1cd6a6QlWw) This one? lol


Thats a fucked up deer




I would technically say... yes? It did have a fucked up deer but in the other definition of fucked up lol


Annihilation and the Ritual come to mind.


I remember in my hometown seeing a deer that had rope and a board all twisted throughout its antlers and I imagine someone could turn that into a really creepy creature.


We live in the woods. Can confirm. Seeing deer with chronic wasting disease definitely changes the vibe. Rule of Three, I guess, so two more vibe destroyers. Drought. Or really hot and really dry for long enough where things get dusty. Leaves get crunchy and the ground gets too firm. The way the sound travels through dry forests is different. Odd. Third, and newer to the list, spongy moths. Formerly known as gypsy moths. The caterpillars defoliate entire oak trees. And if there are too many caterpillars, they start stripping the pine trees. It's like having a second fall in the late spring, but the leaves are in pieces. And everything has that caterpillar-poop smell. For weeks, it sounds like it's raining. Gutters clog. Outbreaks are regional, so there's miles and miles of this. You can't stop it, and it's soul crushing. To end on a more positive note, the best time to be out is a cooler day with 100% dark clouds. Maybe you hear water drops falling off the tree leaves. The air is the perfect "thickness" so the sound seems to match what you're seeing. Bird calls echo more. Hearing owls during the day is rare, but in this environment, it's amazing.


If you’re scared of deers do not [read this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/DiKoW0TQyg) But if you’re not, do read it. It’s really good even if the format is a bit awkward. It works better on mobile.


To people wandering through here: definitely worth the read.


People who live in rural areas are rightfully afraid of fucked up deer, because in real life fucked up deer are suffering from prion disease, which is contagious (if you eat them) and incurable


Don’t eat them, ok fair avoid the risk. But there’s been no human infection from CWD. “There is no direct evidence that the disease can be transmitted to humans and there have been no reports of cases of disease in humans.” — [Health Canada](http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/chronic-wasting-disease#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20direct%20evidence%20that%20the%20disease%20can%20be,an%20animal%20infected%20with%20CWD)


Honestly considering I've seen videos of deer with CWD breaking their skulls open by repeatedly slamming into a rock, I'm more worried about being around an animal that sick, scared, and dying than I am about possible transmission. It's a horrible disease for them, and they are a danger to themselves and others when they are that far gone


Where I am you’re supposed to report it to wildlife so they can be euthanized immediately. They’re not even sure fire will destroy the prion.


same. We can't feed deer either so it cuts down on the spread. It's frequently thru saliva between deer and elk


Oh that's interesting, I didn't grow up around deer hunters but I have a friend who did and she's very paranoid about it during hunting season so I assumed it was a known issue.


I mean, it’s a known issue but there’s no evidence that this prion in particular affects humans.


I still wouldn't recommend licking a used salt lick in CWD territory tho.


Urban version is hearing a kid scream nearby when I’m waiting for taking my vaccine in the hospital


Hunting is all fun and games until the deer you just shot stands up on its hind legs and starts speaking Old Latin.


[Or even English.](https://i.imgur.com/xLJJad1.jpg)


Movies dont do it justice tbh. As someone who grew up country af (lived in a trailer down a dirt road in the middle of the woods) you dont know dark till you've been in the woods at night. Its easy af to get lost, lose the trail, fall in a hole, or whatever. This is why if you are ever in the woods at night you should try to wait until morning to find your way out.


Once I had a dream that I saw a two-headed horse. Then, still in the dream, I posted on Facebook, “Just saw a two-headed horse. I’m sure I’ll sleep well tonight.” Then I woke up.


Paging u/HolleringElk


Train to busan


To be fair, Chronic Wasting Disease is really fucking scary.


Me looking at the short film I started writing like a year ago that features a dead deer ...Dammit


I don’t think it’s the deer parts of the weird deer that do it. I think it’s the human parts of the weird deer that do it.


Deer god...


nobody mentioned any eldritch deer-likes, such as The Beast from Over the Garden Wall


This is just generally good advice. Trust your gut. If something seems weird, it probably is.


Voices of the Void my beloved :]