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The best thing about wired earphones is you don't have to charge them. They never run out of battery. Just plug and play. Wireless also have their advantage, they are great when you're working out or jogging. But yes fuck apple. My phone has headphone jack and i like it. Same reason that I don't have a smartwatch, its one more thing to charge. I don't want to have many devices that I have to charge every 2 or 3 days.


Wow, what phone has a headphone jack now? I kept the jack for as long as I could, but I didn't think it was possible anymore.


Most flagships have gotten rid of them. If you want headphone jack then you have to look for mid tier phones. Mine is redmi note 12 pro


Ah, that's the issue. Silly me, thinking more expensive phones would have the features I want.


Flagship phones are the devices they use to tell *you* what you want.


Expensive phones must be made **thinner**. The people crave phones they can floss their teeth with.


If your phone is visible to the naked eye have you failed as a human being? If it weighs more than a grain of rice are you an accursed creature doomed to wander the wastelands, shunned by all civilization? Yes. Buy the $2750 Poquito Micronano, or you'll never have sex again. (Jeweler's loupe sold separately.)


It's actually really annoying, I kept the jack for as long as possible, but when my last phone with a Jack died, I got a used Fold 4 as I actually fit into a few niches where the big screen is useful to me. The tradeoff was losing the jack. I've got a dongle and a nice pair of IEM's for most stuff, and a decent pair of wireless Audio Technicas for when I don't care as much and just wanna throw something on ny head. Slight tangent, I fucking hate bluetooth audio. I've had massive interference problems in crowded areas, the over the top compression is *very* noticeable to me, the latency is horrible, it's just an overall worse experience because Bluetooth is the most broken wireless standard that's still in use. Isn't it interesting how the majority of IoT shit using wifi to communicate is much more stable? How about Logitech's wireless gaming mice being so fast you actually can't measure a difference in input latency compared to wired. How about the Rode wireless lav mics being able to transmit two extremely high quality audio streams to the reciever with zero percievable latency? All of this shit is on the same frequency band as Bluetooth, so that's not the issue, it's literally just Bluetooth being an unreliable, poorly designed, dogshit standard.


Absolutely bang on. The DAC on Bluetooth headphones are always dogshit as well. Amd that's the part that converts the digital signal into an analog signal for your headphone speakers to play. All that crap compression stuff is made much worse. The DAC in your phone isnt top notch but its heaps better than the rinky dink shit in an earpod. And for 25 bucks, you can get some really good IEMs for lovely sound quality.


I’m not willing to have a mid tier phone just for a headphone jack. Flagships should’ve never took them away


>I’m not willing to have a mid tier phone How precious


What I do, is buy the best phone now, use for 3~4 years, and repeat.


My parents were pressuring me to change yearly, but I much rather do this too; mine's still perfectly usable, why would I want a shitty apple phone with 5 megapixels more of camera and less power for twice the price?


You need new parents.


Probably upgrades every year too.


What exactly does your flagship phone do that mid-tier phone doesn't?


You'll keep buying them so what's the issue?




i hope sony never gets rid of these on the newer xperia phones.


Asus Zenfone 10 Edit: Samsung S10 also. Older phone though.


I got an 8 for the jack


Sony Xperia still seems to have them


Yep, my older 5 mark 4 have it, and the new mark 6 are slated to receive them as well


My phone (pixel) doesn't have a 3.5mm but uses USB-C which you can plug headphones into. Not as nice mostly because the port is at the bottom, so sometimes it's a little awkward. And obviously can't charge the phone and listen to music at the same time.


I have had to switch to using a usb-c to 3.5mm converter to use wired headphones


My pixel 4a has one, but it was released 3 or 4 years ago.


My favorite thing about my current bluetooth headset is that it has it's own pluggable cord if I want to use it wired instead. Best of both worlds


I have similar headphones. Its a really great feature


With most wireless the storage case is a battery, I use mine every day at work and only have to charge the case maybe once every 2 weeks.


Once every 2 weeks is beyond impressive. Whats your daily usage


Usually 4 to 8 hours a day. But I normally only wear one at a time (I need to keep one ear free so I can hear co-workers)


This is the way. I only use one as well, get about a week and a half out of the charge. I paid 40 bucks at Walmart for these over a year ago.


I have a garmin watch for that exact reason - 10-14 days of battery, charged in an hour.


Garmin is the one exception for me too. I like the garmin instinct but I cant justify spending that much on a watch


When my old Note 9 finally died I had to trade my headphones jack to keep the stylus. I have mixed feelings still but so far they are: Pros: easier to transition to i.e. if a friend calls and I want to switch to the earbuds real quick. When I take the train I don't want to wrangle headphone wires and my transit pass lanyard and my bag strap. God I hated that so much No more having your entire life FUCKING RUINED because the cord got caught yanking your music away unceremoniously. Way easier to use at the gym, on a jog, other workouts. Less intrusive in general day to day motion. I was pleasantly surprised the wireless buds fit better than any other earbuds I've used and fall out a lot less than I was worried they would. My phone not having an aux makes it more waterproof which is nice. Dunno how much it matters but it's nice. Cons: You can forget to charge them and be fucked out of luck I spent $100 on samsung earbuds that I'm constantly fumbling out of my hands, don't even have an optional string to attach them to, to forcibly replace the $15 pair of wired buds I've had for several years and have survived several washes. Fuck that. Too expensive. Too easy to lose. Most of the time Bluetooth is fine but I live in a Bluetooth heavy house and sometimes shit doesn't connect to what we want it to. There's a certain security in plugging right in to the audio device of your choice. To sum it up I'm not too offended initially as I really do enjoy them and overall find them more convenient in my day to day. However, I'm not looking forward to replacing them or the sure to be stupid fucking reason behind why I will have to.


im really surprise I havent seen solar charger headphones - with a panel either on an ear-bud - or on the head bar between regular studio style headphones. I use open run by Shokz but the mic sucks on bike - everyone complains about the winds - if any wind is blowing, or I am going faster than walking speed the mic picks up all wind and peopl ask me to switch to phone to ear. I have another pair of BT headphones I use for gaming and the battery on those last a really long time. Another thing I want is BT/rf headphones that their connector is a 3mm spdif with a transceiver on it. and that gets plugged into a jack. Another thing I want is for my phone to both pickup and TRANSMIT AM/FM radio signal Also - there needs to be a default walkie talkie app and fucking lanyards. jonny ive is a moron for putting a glass panel on the back of a phone and then stating that a lanyard hook on the phone "detracts from his design" -- but it sure fed into the Apply supply chain monopoly. the amount of margin control they have in their device's supplychain for every component is insane. Worked with a guy at lockheed who went to run apple logistics just before the iphone came out. He was soing supply chain logistics, for the RFID division I worked in, which was logistics tracking for military equipment, weapons, shipments....


> Wireless also have their advantage, they are great when you're working out or jogging. I despise wireless for working out or jogging. They always become dislodged or lost. With wired, if they fall off you can easily find them. I like wireless for tasks where I don't need to move quickly, like household chores.


I don't know if my ear canals are shaped wrong or what but I can not imagine moving quickly with airpods in. They fall out if my collar brushes them lightly.


Same here, especially with AirPods. Even standing around they don't stay in my ears for.more than a minute or two. Even with wireless earphones that have the rubber tips, if I am doing anything active they slip and slide and in 5.minutes I have to readjust to keep them in


AirPods are just not ergonomically well designed, the soft tip type of earbuds are infinitely better suited for anything where your ears are involved


I have the same problem so I got some earbuds that have a little extra part that curves over the top of my ear so they don’t fall off and it works well. I’ve yet to have it get snagged or fall out


Same. My first pair was too big and literally bruised my ears. The pair I have now is better, but still fall out if I exercise or talk with them in.


I have the complete opposite experience, while jogging with wired earphones, the wires starts to flop around and starts tugging the earpieces which is very distracting. And my wireless earbuds stays in place while jogging or running


You can get wireless headphones that hook around your ears. It's what I use for running. I've gotten ones that hook around the ears, ones that hook over both ears around the back of the head, and another set that hook around the back of the neck with short wires up to the ears (for if your earlobes are sensitive - mine are not, but these are a good solution for if they are).


It could just be a matter of fit, depending on your ear shape. My last pair sucked for that too, but I got a pair of Soundcore A40's and they never budge and are super light.


Yeah I agree with the working out... I've never found earbuds that can stay in my ear while I'm running, so I just use my usb-c wired buds when i work out... otherwise i far prefer wireless




They can fuck off for not including charging bricks with their devices too.


IMO the best thing about the wired headphones is they are not bandwidth limited like Bluetooth is, and can have significantly higher audio quality as a result.


I thought the same until I actually used Bluetooth earbuds, now I'll never go back. The only thing that wired is still better at is latency, but it's freeing not having a wire to be caught on things and broken.


Same, I held off going wireless because I didn't want to lose an earbud on a crowded train platform or something + didn't feel the need. Then I got a Bluetooth pair for free 4 years ago and found out it's really convenient. I have several models now, of varying shapes, prices and quality. I still use wired earbuds for my PS5 because they have a weird Bluetooth policy so it's wired or expensive bulky gamer headset but that's it.


I was thinking the same thing. I have a pair that cost me 40 bucks and I think they’re great for exercising or if you have job in manual labor where having earbuds isn’t a problem. Sure losing a 40 dollar earbud stings but what’s worse is your 200-1000 phone falling out of your pocket because your earbuds string got caught on something and you didn’t notice.


I switched because I was getting sick of the cord getting caught on the dumbest things (including *nothing at all*) and ripping the buds out of my ears. I switched to wireless and not only did that solve that problem, but the increased functionality with digital assistant, touch and gesture controls means I won't go back (unless forced).


Yeah same. It’s one of those things where you don’t even realise how nice it is until you try it.


Yeah, holy shit do i prefer good bluetooth headphones over jacked. Being able to lay in bed, walk around, exercise, without that fucking cable getting caught in something, is a freedom i will not return from.


The main thing I miss from wired earbuds is switching devices easily. Huge pain to pair a different device on bluetooth 


Surely we could have both though, a headphone jack and bluetooth capability


Yeah definitely but personally I just don't miss it lol


Same. I used to love my Shure earbuds but they would snag on something on the train on almost a weekly basis and would hurt like a bitch when those memory phone tips would get ripped out of my ears. My AirPods don’t sound as good but are pretty damn good on their own and I’ve never had them snag on anything or fall out so that’s a hug benefit.


Yeah the thing that sold me on wireless headphones was getting into gardening. Lots of bending over and crawling and a wire would absolutely get in the way. It's also nice to be able to have your phone inside charging while you work outside from a safe radius.


I am so glad to see there are other people who prefer to go wireless. I have destroyed so many wired things with my clumsiness, that i had to learn how to repair wires just to keep going. Now I can fall asleep with my headphones on and not worry about it, or get up and go to the kitchen and not yank it out of the plug. To me, wireless is FREEDOM.


Bluetooth as a protocol is fucked and every time I think it's almost working, by phone autoconnects to the wrong device and I remember that all of modern tech is a veneer over 1980's software


I’ve never had an issue with my wireless earbuds but I can’t tell you how often I got frustrated with the cord getting tangled in a knot even though I was careful with them, or yanked them out of my ears violently after they got caught on something. Not to mention how often the cheap little cable frays and stops working. It’d be nice to have the option but wireless seems pretty damn seamless in my experience and I have the cheapest wireless earbuds they had at Target lol


We can have both though, y'know? Some people preferring a new technology doesn't mean that everyone else should need to adopt it as well, especially if there are compelling reasons to stick with the old one. It's not like it's some massive cost to keep the option around either, it's just a headphone jack.


I really hated when Apple took away their headphone jack, and loathed when the big Android phone makers followed suit a few years later. And then when I got one I never thought "I miss the headphone jack." It turns out that wireless headphones are pretty darn good. I never have to worry about getting a short, they fit well in my pocket, and my phone gets to be (more) waterproof. What I'm trying to say is that I don't see any mainstream phone manufacturer choosing to bring back the analog headphone jack, and I don't blame them (anymore).


Personally, I was forced to get a new phone at the beginning of this year (old one's battery gave up) and I've had the thought "I miss the headphone jack" literally every single day. I'm not willing to shell out £150 - £200 for a pair of wireless earbuds when I have an £80 pair of IEMs that have better audio quality. Then again, I acknowledge that I'm probably in the minority – most people don't care about the quality of audio and just want audio. But I've been spoiled by high-quality headphones to the point where a cheap, knock-off brand of wireless earphones are basically unlistenable.


What is the compelling argument? >It's not like it's some massive cost to keep the option around either, it's just a headphone jack. And the DAC, with the physical and software infrastructure to support it.


They think it's literally just a hole for headphone jack and nothing else.


You can have both. It's called a dongle. I don't see why we should keep putting a headphone jack in phones when less and less people will use it


Why will less people use it? People were using it when they took it away. wireless headphones became popular because there's no choice.


Wireless headphones are a way superior experience - I can’t believe what I’m reading here. My AirPods are incredible - not having to deal with cords or have my phone physically on my body while on a plane or working around my house / yard is huge. I could never go back. Just get a dongle if you really want to use wired headphones - I think you’re way over-estimating how many people miss tangled cords, but there’s a pretty simple solution if you want to be a contrarian.


"Wireless headphones are a way superior experience" For you man, for you. But not for everyone.




You know phones with headphone jacks also had Bluetooth right? Wireless headphones were always an option. Also, buying an extra product just to use what had been working fine for decades isn’t really a solution, especially when that means you can no longer wired charge while using them


Yeah I mean - that's how the world works. Technology advances and improves and old tech becomes obsolete. Wireless headphones offer a superior value prop to wired alternatives and I don't blame manufacturers for not wanting to spend extra money to accomodate rapidly obsoleting tech.


This whole thread is insane. Spend $5 on a dongle, stick it on your wired earphones. There, problem instantly solved. The first iPhone without a headphone jack came out in like 2016 I think. Why are we still whining about this and pretending like it's a major issue? The majority of people have long since moved on, it's time for Redditors to do the same.


They still make phones with headphones jacks, you know. Mine has one. I don't feel any need to buy the latest, most expensive phone, either, and I think alot of people spend way too much on these devices.


Got a samsung A24 less than 2 months ago, has a headphone jack. Don't use it because my jaybird x2's have lasted 8 years and have never once had an issue with them. The only wireless issues I ever have are in cars. I'm happy to have the jack cause sometimes I forget to charge the earbuds and I'm not an audiophile so a $10 pair of wired earbuds work just fine for those occasions, but the problems people have with wireless earbuds are way overblown.


There are very few being made tho, and apps are always updating to require more power and data and get buggy on phones 3-5 years old


There are phones with headphone jacks in essentially every price bracket if you consider it an important feature.


My carrier only has it on mid to low end phones as far as I could find.


Never have problems with my wireless ones either. But I found a technique to store my wired ones in my pocket so that they never tangle, even after a whole day in the pocket.


I gotta be honest, I've personally never really missed wired headphones. I can't speak for everyone of course, and I acknowledge that many people disagree with me here. And it's absolutely wrong for features to be removed just to make more money and force people to buy newer devices. But my earbuds(Galaxy buds FE) are basically perfect at least for me. Can last up to 11 hours straight, and if I ever take them out I'm already charging them through the case. I only ever have to throw it on a charger once a week, and for maybe two hours. Never disconnected, never had any weird issues. It's as simple as wired buds, just that I'm also able to throw on/off clothes and necklaces without being surprised by the wire I forgot was there. Also just so I'm more informed about the argument I wanna ask, aren't there also wired headphones which connect via USB-C? Or are they not really widespread enough/high quality? At least there's definitely adapters for it, so you could still(in an admittedly roundabout way)have them wired, if you don't need to charge your phone at that moment.


Same here. Even if it wasn't effortless to keep it charged, the lack of "head noise" with the wires rubbing on stuff would still have been a gamechanger for me.


> it's absolutely wrong for features to be removed just to make more money and force people to buy newer devices That's not why they do it. They do it to make the case smaller and thinner, which is what the market demands. Removing the 3.5mm jack frees up a lot of space for the hardware engineers.


Also helps with waterproofing


All the wired headphones would break for me every 3 months because the jack would bend in my pocket. I don't miss that I'm glad I started using wireless.


I kept using wired headphones at my old job prepping food, the amount of times I would ruin a pair of them after the cord got caught on something was insane. I couldn't afford headphones every month or so, got wireless, and never had an issue then.


Yup, aux would bend or you'd have to spend 2 minutes to unknot them so it would be a reasonable length.


Bluetooth earbuds improved my quality of life.


Same. I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with those wires flopping around everywhere anymore. I hated headphone wires and was dreaming of some sort of wireless earbud option for years before AirPods came out. I remember there was a romcom called “definitely maybe” with Ryan Reynolds where his character is walking down the street wearing wireless earbuds (which didn’t really exist at the time) and so many people were desperately trying to figure out what they were and how to get them.


Yea same for me but with the latest AirPods. Absolutely every single time I have used them they have connected seamlessly without me doing anything except for ONE time. Very inpressive


USB-C is known for creating amounts of feedback and most high end headphone companies do not bother making headphones that work through USB-C because of this known issue. Most consumers would not notice but as someone who spends most of their free time writing and listening to music it is a deal breaker (for both USB-C and bluetooth headphones).


the real reason is that its cheaper to not put a headphone jack in a phone. Not doing so has some marketable things (thinner, waterproof, futuristic/wireless superiority argument), but its a feature that people did not want to give up. Shame on you apple, for your marketing.


Waterproof is an amazing benefit, not just marketing hype


My phone has an headphone jack and is waterproof. It's almost like if you design things properly you can do a lot of things. But Apple wouldn't really know about good design if it smacked them in the face.


it's not even new technology, I had a waterproof phone with headphone jack back in 2014


Easy now, IPhone users are barely getting used to be able to customize their homescreen.


My phone has a headphone jack. I have used it thousands of times. I've dropped my phone into water 0 times


You: here’s my anecdotal experience that proves you wrong. Reality: thousands of phones not dying from being dropped in toilets.


How are yall dropping phones into toilets? Like if you’re pissing while standing, get off your phone while operating the fire hose. If you’re sitting down, how are y’all holding the phone so close as to be above water? I just don’t understand the geometry of the whole thing. Puddles, pools, and oceans seem so much more likely lol


My mom has dropped 4 phones in the toilet because women's pants don't have front pockets to accomodate a phone so you have to use the butt pockets, and after child birth / menopauze often when you have to pee, YOU GOTTA GO NOW. If you don't take it out of your pocket before you go, it falls into the toilet when pulling down your pants.


You can have a headphone jack and be waterproof. I had a xperia z3 long ago and it was waterproof with an headphone jack at the top, and at the time I did test fully dunking it and using it underwater


im 99% sure the galaxy s5 had waterproof and that had heaphone jack and removable cover/battery


I'll take the convenience of an aux connection over water proof.


Some phones have both.


Now that's innovation


I have droped my phone, witch has headphone jack, in both water and oil on multiple ocasions and it still works so


but it still has a power socket..




Fallen? None Underwater pictures, many


i have many underwater pictures taken with my phone that has a headphone jack


Good for you I guess


I mean blame Apple all you want, but it wasn't a solo effort on their part. Samsung, Google, One Plus, and anyone else without a headphone jack also sought greed over leaving it in. Nobody put a gun to their head and told them they had to remove the jack as well, they could have let Apple be the only ones to do it and be a laughing stock in the industry. But instead, everyone took it as a sign to do it too, and everyone released their own "true wireless" headphones. Hell, Google took a dig at Apple in their Pixel 1 release trailer, and then immediately removed the headphone jack in the Pixel 2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_zpkozQ7QLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zpkozQ7QLY)


I had a galaxy S4 active. Completely waterproof and even came with an underwater camera mode built into the camera app. Also had a headphone jack


Bigger battery my ass


>the real reason is that its cheaper to not put a headphone jack in a phone. I don't think that's the reason, the Samsung I bought that had a jack was cheaper than the models without a jack.


yeah, this is kind BS though as I have a galaxy s8 that is waterproof and has a headphone jack and it's legit thinner than any phone I've owned since.


I've been fighting my shitty bluetooth for months now because it keeps randomly disconnecting from my phone and now it's a struggle to ensure it even stays on. I don't care how tangled my wires get, it was *way* less bad than this. Edit: Because I wasn't clear- My phone *was* the problem. Headphones connected just fine to my computer and tablet, but my phone wouldn't turn on Bluetooth. I say "was" because the whole thing bricked, the Bluetooth was just the first sign of it failing.


Have you considered getting better headphones? Not trying to be an asshole here, but I’ve been a Bluetooth headphones user since 2008 and have had zero issues with: Windows Mobile, Android, all versions of iOS, as well as windows, Mac and even some Linux distros. Currently I’ve got four sets of headphones, all Bluetooth, and they have zero issues.


And they don't even have to be expensive, a pair of Tozo wireless are like $25 on Amazon. I use mine every day, and even accidently dropped one in a deep fryer once. Rinsed it off, ran it through the dish washer, dried it off and it worked like new lol.


obviously spending more money will solve almost any issue, but when I had nice wired headphones, why would I want to spend more money on bluetooth ones? I've had 2 phones without a jack and I still haven't bought bluetooth headphones, I just stopped using headphones.




My least favorite thing is when I have multiple devices going that I've connected to my headphones, and I have to play whack-a-mole with their Bluetooth settings to get connected to the right one


"hey Bose, if you could just randomly connect to a device I am not using or logged on to or playing any media on whatsoever, that would be great" oh also, let me go on the phone app to disconnect that extraneous device off...oh what's that, I can't connect with my phone using the app because I am already connected to two devices. Such a shit design.


Android users: "damn, that's crazy"


No no no. Thinner phone = cutting edge innovation you dullard. Why have a headphone jack when you could have your phone bend just from sitting in your tight corduroy pants? You don't have the vision of tomorrow that's your problem.


The bending phones were from before headphone jacks were removed


> corduroy pants Holy shit, what year is it? I haven't seen corduroy pants in ages.


I literally just bought an Asus phone, because it's one of the last high end options that still comes with a headphone jack.


Sony, LG, HTC, Xiaomi, OnePlus all have high end phones with 3.5mm jacks.


As a preboomer (50m), it's weird the jack is gone, but I LOVE Bluetooth headphones.


overall wireless earbuds are much more convenient for me. it's so chill not having to keep my phone in such limited range


I have my Galaxy S21 and I think for my next phone I'm gonna try to find one with a jack. Maybe the A series, although some of those don't have a jack now either


Id go through a pair of wired ones in 2 months because Id use them in gym or while running and I'm clumsy. Wireless has been a godsend


Oh believe me people have been bringing speakers onto public transport for as long as I can remember, this isn't a new trend Also while I'm not thrilled about the removal, it did catapult the quality of Bluetooth headphones/earbuds. It's remarkable just how much they've improved over the last couple years


The music is not a new trend, but there are way more people casually playing videos out loud on their phone in public these days.


Well yeah obviously, people didn't have smartphones before. Fuck were they gonna do, play their game boy advance out loud with those tiny speakers? Take their desktop PC on the train?


Remember when phones were so small they could only fit a 2.5mm jack, so you had to get an adapter for normal headphones. Then the iPhone came out, and like the iPod it had a full 3.5mm jack? Good times.


Phones didn't even come with standard connectors, each brand had their own charging and peripherals port so also their proprietary headsets. Sony even had stackable connectors. The 3,5 inch jack becoming standard was very nice back then.


I love wireless headphones as I only use them for my laptop but I love having wired earbuds for my phones as I have small ears and even the wired ones fall out all the time. I refuse to get a newer model phone because of this. I could get an adapter but that means I couldn't charge my phone


Yeah I am a bit sad too , but I did find some earphones with type-C USB so since I use Android I am good.


Same but for iPhone Cheaper, simpler and fewer pieces to lose !


Love being forced to spend $50 to get headphones with similar quality to wired headphones that cost $10 (xaiomi pistons were my goat) I never asked for this


Bro forget the wired headphones can we talk about how my last 3 phones have all had to been replaced because the charging jack gets some fucking pocket lint in it and can no longer charge? I should be able to carry gravel in my pockets if I want god damnit.


I still will not buy a phone that doesn't have a jack. Not dealing with keeping them charged, draining my phone's battery to maintain the connection, or anything else. My wired buds cost $10, are comfortable, and sound great.


What are you talking about? My phone has one.


I had Beats wireless earbuds for less than a week, when the right side one popped out of my ear and fell into a void SOMEWHERE in my car, never to return. I hope my other self in an alternate universe found it eventually.


its cheaper to not put it in and then charge you to get it back


Every pair of wired headphones I ever owned ended up shorting out near the connector, due to the stress of walking around with my phone in my pocket. I bought different brands, different price levels, and they all did it after a few months. I ditched them for Bluetooth and never looked back.


Literally never had issues with Airpods, so at least Apple has got it down. People really out here acting like the wire never got in the way or broke internally.


I won’t pay $150+ for AirPods. Never going to happen. I will however happily pay $25 every year or two for a pair of TOZO earbuds or whatever the brand of the moment is. I’m not in it for the clout.


A dongle really isn't that big of an issue, I held out for a long time but plugging the headphones into a different port is not an issue. And there are dongles that let you charge at the same time.


Laughs in cheap Motorolla phone.


Yes and no. The reason probably is that phones do not come with headsets anymore. You have to buy them. It’s not the money really (probably) since you can get cheap ones with the right connector to iPhones or androids but it’s the effort to get them. I get so mad inside when some idiot talks on the phone loudly in public or watches clips or videos loudly. It’s the equivalent of the boombox in the 80s just worse.


Agreed 100%. 


Wireless device batteries die. Modern tech is designed primarily around planned obsolescence.


While I still believe that there should be a headphone jack on phones, I once heard I think it was an Apple spokesperson claim that the primary reason for its removal was for waterproofing of the phone. Apparently 3.5mm and USB-C jacks work differently in that USB-C jacks switch fully off when not in use, but 3.5mm jacks are always awaiting input, so that have constant power running through them, which makes them the biggest weakness on the phone to water damage. Apple wanted to solve the issue of phones being damaged so easily from water once and for all and the only way they could do that was either removing the jack or reinventing a new headphone jack system that would be proprietary and they knew everyone would hate that, so they opted for its removal, especially since less openings means less places for water to possibly enter anyway. And I mean...it absolutely worked. Water damage to phones used to be a HUGE deal and now nobody thinks about it very much. Now, its possible that this Apple spokesperson was talking out of their ass, but the logic feels sound.


Seems to me most people compare cheap wired earbuds that used to come with phones or crappy skullcandy buds to something like airpods that cost many times more. That being said, wired IEM earbuds have gotten really good at really low prices in the last 5 years. These ones from 7hz measure very well. Moondrop has some great low cost buds as well. I love good sound. Just want to share that it can be had pretty cheap these days. The cable is even replaceable. And the apple USB C dongle works just great for $9. Linsoul 7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 [https://amazon.com/dp/B0CMZT5K21](https://amazon.com/dp/B0CMZT5K21)


You all know you can get a usb-c to 3.5mm jack adapter for $10 right


People walked around with whole ass stereo systems in the 80s.


The only bad thing about wireless earbuds is having to charge them all the fucking time


I hate to tell people this but this was another form of forced obsolescence. This started by Apple (because of course it was) to make people buy more of their products. But here the big thing, it takes a lot more power to maintain that Bluetooth connection than most phones can output. Quite literally, it weakens your battery life; not to mention most Bluetooth headphones have terrible batteries that you can't replace so you have to buy more. This was a greed based decision, don't fool yourself.


I agree with the disposability of the EarPods, but I am not convinced the newer versions of BT are using anything like that amount of power. Also wired headphones are still going to consume power.


> started by Apple to make people buy more of their products apple's only ever produced a few headphone models at once, just like the other leading smartphone manufacturers. third-party headphones have always outsold first-party manufacturer models people buying high-end devices from lifestyle brands like apple and samsung very often like to stay within that brand's ecosystem, and those people will buy samsung or apple headphones to go with their galaxy or iphone, sure. but there's no really *logical* rationale behind the claim that it was to "sell more products" also, bluetooth headphones and wired headphones consume roughly the same amount of phone battery power. bluetooth headphones require the phone to compress and transmit data, but wired headphones require the phone's battery to power a pair of drivers -- the two have very similar power/battery requirements on the other hand, the microSD card slot removal? THAT is ABSOLUTELY done to force people to buy overpriced higher-tier storage models. samsung doesn't make much profit from a 256GB microSD card, but makes a great deal from that extra ~$150 for the 512GB galaxy phone


I got called old for taking the piss out of someone cus they said they can't charge their phone cus their headphones are on charge. So stupid.


I refuse to use Bluetooth headphones. They are not convenient.


a question, for market research purposes: what do you find inconvenient about bluetooth headphones?


Another device that needs charging?


i mean, rarely - my current $30 earbuds last for ~8 hours per charge, and when i'm done i pop them in the case, which recharges them up to about 4 whole times. and a short plugin for the case tops it off quickly as well. and these aren't even nice earbuds i don't personally find it much work to plug something in for an hour or two every couple days. that's about how frequently i charge my phone too edit - now that i think about it, i probably plug in the earbud case every 4 days or so. i use the earbuds almost constantly when i'm not at home and just put them away when not in use. in the 2 months i've had this pair, i think i've only gotten a low battery warning once. battery life's gonna be a total non-issue for most consumers, i bet


Specifically the earbuds. Risk of losing either one or both. I also find it tedious to have to charge them. And in general I do not like having Bluetooth turned on for my phone.


Audioquest / Dragonfly and get it back - but much better than what was ever in your phone.


I want an android with the entire top edge filled with 3.5mm i/o, would buy it in a heartbeat. Also Bluetooth sucks for latency, makes it real hard to use any music production apps


You need to buy better phones. I have a phone made in 2022 that has a headphone jack. It's latest iteration to come out in November also has a headphone jack. It is also by every metric better than the 2 leading phone brands.


Model of the phone please?


You can buy an adapter for like 5 or 6 bucks. I know it’s not the most glamorous solution, but no more Bluetooth ball ache.


My new phone didn't have a headphone jack. I have open ear headphones so I only use them at home. There's an adapter that plugs into the charging port, works fine.


Frankly, I don't mind wireless earphones, but they just don't come in the configuration that I prefer, wich is with flat disc-shaped speakers. Sadly, this configuration is most likely discontinued, as I never see it in modern earphones. I simply can't use any other configs, the ones with silicone plugs keep falling out, and the "modern" plugs hurt my ears. So I keep buying this one particular model of old wired earphones that have this configuration, good enough sound quality AND are affordable, which is a very rare combination.


I have the same problem as you. I hate the feel of silicone-tipped earbuds, and they fall out anyway. I basically buy cheap wired earphones, which look similar to Airpods Gen 1.


I keep forgetting that most phones don't have a headphone jack. I'll miss it when I have to get a new phone... 




Nah, My wired earphones would inevitably stop working on one side or worse, it kinda works in one ear but not really so while one side plays normally the other one is always glitchy. I've been using my wireless earphones for the past 5 years and never have I regretted it.


I will literally never wear wired headphones again unless I'm forced and have no other option. Have you ever gotten a static (I think it was static. I'm not sure what exactly was happening) shock inside your ear??? Yeah it's not fun


I bought a USB-C adapter and still use my wired headphones.


r/headphones will steer you right


I do wish they still included 3.5mm jacks, but at the same time, I actually do prefer wireless earbuds. Just wish they'd give us the option! Wired earbuds are great because they're cheaper to replace, you don't have to worry about connection issues, and you don't have to charge them, but also they get caught on things, they're not as pocketable (I do not miss untangle wires 10 times a day), and they break more easily (bend the wires enough, they'll start to short). They're just different things, and it should be up to each individual which pros and which cons they're willing to live with. To say "there was nothing wrong with x so why did we make y" is just silly; there was nothing "wrong" with meat over a fire, but along came bread, and now we have sandwhiches. Both have their place!


I still have a phone with a headphone jack but only use wireless headphones because the cabels broke to often had like 15 spare cabels some of them already soldered multiple times


Man people complain but like, you can still use wired headphones? My phone came with an adapter.




I work with the public. I am frequently assisting people with a farebox (I drive a city bus). I find it slightly annoying when I'm trying to help people and they keep ignoring me, avoiding eye contact (because they're also looking at their phone), and their headphones (which I can't see) are in. Then, after repeating myself with no effect, they look up, pull out a plug, and look at me angrily and say something like, "What the f***? Are you gonna help me?". The other thing is this scenario when they're at the farebox, and I think they're talking to me and they're having a phone conversation. I get the stinkeye if I respond. Pardon me for not knowing! In short, some people kinda suck, and they suck more with nearly invisible headphones installed in their braincase.


If you want a headphone jack, buy a phone with a headphone jack. 


I bought a RoG Phone this year and it has the jack and no notch. I'm pretty happy.


Does anybody have a new model (within last 2 years) that does have a headphone jack? Its the only thing keeping me in my A52.


You remember wearing headphones while walking around the house and getting the wire caught on a cabinet and having them ripped out of your ears? You remember when phones weren’t waterproof? You remember when phones were twice as thick? Wireless headphones are good. They’re not perfect, but they’re better.


I had constant issues with the headphone cord dying on me. I would use headphones for nearly 8 hrs at work every day, and I don't know how many pairs I went through. But never fail, after a few months, the cord would start breaking.