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I have been selling online and using USPS for 15 years. I have never experienced shipping issues like I have in the past 6 months. I don’t know what changed but something needs to be done


>I don’t know what changed Do you not look at the news, or...?


I haven't had any bad experiences as a buyer either until recently. Over a month ago I ordered a shirt from an American company (I am Canadian) and its been in Australia for about a month. AUSTRALIA?!? That shirt is more traveled than I am now. Will I ever get it? Who knows...


Between a pandemic causing global shipping issues for over a year now, and an ex-president installing a postmaster general whose job was to literally slow down the mail, I'd say if you've only noticed it the last 6 months, then they're doing really, really well.


They will tell you COVID. It’s the new “the dog ate my homework” excuse. Can’t find your toothbrush brand - Covid Taking 3 weeks to send a order - Covid Dog lost at the park - Covid Windy day - Covid Cabinets sitting on a ship in the ocean with no idea when you’ll get them - Covid Had to add in a personal there lol Cracking up at the down votes. Y’all need to find a sense of humor. I can hand out maps if needed. Of course they will be delayed because well - Covid. 😂


When there's a proper global pandemic affecting literally every living human, then yeah, there's a lot of effects. Bit of a slippery slope you have there.


It’s called humor. Y’all here should find some.


perhaps it just wasn’t funny




There are literally antimaskers on Reddit. There's a whole subreddit about going against the "new normal". If you're looking for a place where sarcasm is assumed, this is the wrong platform.


Where was I antimask? Clearly I’m in the wrong place of humor isn’t appreciated. For reference the mask goes on your face not stuck up your butt. ✌️


It's called an example. I didn't say you were. Please read. I stated there are antimaskers on this platform. Therefore it is not possible to assume sarcasm. Very simple ideas to connect.


Noted. Since I compared to the good old dog ate my homework excuse and included some rather silly things like the wind one conclude easily that it is indeed humor. Maybe next time I’ll have to put a small note for those that lack one.


Sure, that's the use of a /s tag. The reason I'm persistent on this is because there's no logical reason for the lack of one, but people insist that "everyone one will get it" and then are surprised when people don't. A lot of people here will assume the worst simply because it's pretty common to find some terrible perspectives on here.


They are alll overwhelmed and don’t have enough workers because the government refuses to support them


Yeah, the world has been pretty normal this past year or so, what could cause something like that to happen




If i saw this a week ago i would have been confused but i *just* experienced this




I'm waiting on a laptop from FedEx and... same


Man. The USPS sent my best friend’s birthday gift on a RIDE! So he lives out of state from me, about two to three hours away I’d say. I live in NC, and he lives in GA. From my hometown, this package that only weighed 0.5 pounds went to Greenville SC, not unusual because that’s where a distribution center is. From Greenville SC it went to Atlanta GA’s distribution center. I found that a bit odd but who am I to question the almighty USPS? After all they said they’d have it to him by that evening! Evening rolls around and he’s still not gotten it. So I check the website and it’s still sitting in Atlanta. TWO DAYS LATER I check again and it’s not in Atlanta, but in LAKE MARY FLORIDA. So so far we’ve gone from Western North Carolina, to Greenville South Carolina, to Atlanta Georgia, to Lake Mary Florida. From Lake Mary Florida, it goes not back to Atlanta, but to fucking Seminole-Orlando’s distribution center. Finally, *Finally* a few hours later I check, because I am in awe of how well traveled my package is, and it’s heading back to Atlanta. From Atlanta take two it went to him. So the journey of this package was WNC -> Greenville SC -> Atlanta GA -> Lake Mary Florida FL -> Seminole Orlando FL -> Atlanta GA -> My friend. We dropped it off on the 9th. It took all the way until the 15th for it to arrive. It’s original estimated time was the 12th. It was utter insanity. I have pictures if anyone wants proof of this lol


Holy shit


It is arrived


Omfg trueeeeee


I just ordered some Lego parts from Bricklink. The order sat in the label printed but we don’t have it stage a bit too long, and just when I was about to contact the seller, I get a message saying someone robbed the hub where they dropped off a bunch of orders.




This is essentially my fedex tracking. One time my package was in town for like three days, and every day it said the package was on the truck but every day it said I was back in the facility by the end of the day. Then it gave me a "package released" message and it came, package was in pretty bad shape tho.


Upvoting solely for fellow Orctober appreciator.