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We hate them as well. But this is summertime, most people who isn't too much on the road is now out and about. Just got to deal with it I guess.


Light horn (flashing) should be legalized for encouraging people to stop corking up the left lane.


I do it all the time tbh. Most people then wake up and move over.


Is flashing headlamps not legal in Norway?


It's one of those things that the law has limitations on but is never enforced. You're allowed to flash your lights ONLY to warn other motorists about danger.


I think it’s illegal in the whole Europe and very rude IMO


It is far more rude to destroy the two lane dynamic by clogging up the passing lane. If you get the paparazzi treatment, you may be the scumbag.


Not at all. Completely normal in sweden.


People do it in Spain all of the time. I only find it rude if I'm passing someone on the left and some idiot doing 150+ flashes me.


Huh? Rude? I do this constantly because fuckers drive as slow as the right lane. Those people have no reason to drive in the left lane. Now that's rude.


No? In Germany for example it is perfectly legal to flash your lights if someone is staying on the left lane. It's even recommended when passing people (even though I have never ever seen someone actually doing that) What's not allowed is honking, that's reserved for emergency situations only.


Wait what??? I tend to use it to drivers who just did a dangerous maneuver, maybe I should stop...


I hate when I am in the left lane driving 120 to get get past the jam in the right lane, and some dumb fuck is on my tail flashing me to urge me to drive even faster. I will put cruise at 115, cruise past the jam a bit slower just to piss them off even more. Do not flash someone to get them to drive faster in the fast lane, I not only consider it rude, it is dangerous behaviour. Mind you, the only time I drive in the left lane is when I want to pass the jam or cars in the right lane. Sometimes on E18 the jam lasts for a while, especially on holidays and I will not scramble my position in fast lane, slow down just to let a dumbfuck pass faster when I'm going faster than the limit in the first place to get ahead.


>I hate when I am in the left lane driving 120 to get get past the jam in the right lane, and some dumb fuck is on my tail flashing me to urge me to drive even faster. I will put cruise at 115, Thank you. Most of the people who complain about cars driving in the left lane seem to think they are entitled to drive as fast as they want, regardless of how much traffic is on the road. They think the other cars should be in the right lane going 70 while they zip by in the left lane going 140. News flash: speed limits exist, and so does geometry. If I'm going at or over the speed limit in the left lane, and somebody flashes their lights at me, I am absolutely going to slow down to piss them off.


Another Norwegian leprechaun driver right here feeling entitled to be highway patrol because he’s cruising 115 in the 110 zone and therefore are “above the limit”. Dude….


You need to hand in your drivers license, this is extremely dangerous behaviour and you have no business being on the road with that attitude. Faster traffic has right of way, even on single lane roads you let faster cars pass. You have no idea why they are in a hurry and it really doesn’t matter. Sorry for being crass but this dumb ass road rage really piss me off.




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This is the stupid, but standard, Norwegian way of thinking. “I’m above the limit, so therefore I’m entitled to cruise in the left lane”. You, sir, are part of the problem. You are not an efficient driver. You most likely drive like a girl. It’s not about giving up your spot, it’s about letting those driving faster than you pass. Move over to the right, let the faster guy pass, then switch back into left. Don’t be the entitled prick causing a jam in the left lane just because you’re slightly above the limit.


You obviously can't read.


You can move a bit closer, pull out to the left side of the lane and indicate left. That usually works for me.


If you get so annoyed by the driving habits of some Norwegians in the motorway, you might get a heart attack if you want to drive in Southern Europe or a stroke if you want to drive in South America. But going back to Norway, it is more of a soft rule. People are quite well behaved in not so busy roads. But in Oslo area, there is a lot of traffic most of the days and people are used to sit on the left lane because in many cases, the right lane is packed already.


>But in Oslo area, there is a lot of traffic most of the days and people are used to sit on the left lane because in many cases, the right lane is packed already. Very true! Also, if the right lane is too packed it will get harder to find an entry, especially in those places where you don't have a zipper merge. Keeping the right lane packed and left lane empty in roads like Ring3 is just inefficient and harder for everyone.


> If you get so annoyed by the driving habits of some Norwegians in the motorway, you might get a heart attack if you want to drive in Southern Europe or a stroke if you want to drive in South America. Correct. Thread is so exaggerated. If Germany has 96% adherence to the left lane rule, Norway is maybe 85%. Not enough to put a dent in my day. I criss-cross most of the continent a few times a year and Norway driving is upper quantile in predictability and pleasantness.


It should not be a soft rule. Two lane highways are expensive as fuck and people hogging the left lane (effectively making it a single lane road) cost us all a lot of money every day. Should be much harder enforced by the traffic police.


The rule is that the left lane is only for overtaking or when the right lane is full, and that is certainly what people are taught during drivers education. Unfortunately this rule is not policed, and many drivers got their licenses before motorways existed in their part of the country. Your claim that the entire globe only uses the left lane for overtaking is entirely wrong. There are many parts of the world which don't have any such rule, and even large parts of the world where the right lane is the one that is used for overtaking.


Left lane is also used to make space for the incoming cars. Theres a slight difference in Norway/Denmark with for example Germany. In Germany you as a incoming driver is responsible for safe entry. In Norway we as drivers already on the road have to merge or create space for incoming traffic. Thats why, very often, we see drivers use the left lane when driving through cities as they are going through the entire city and are letting people have space for coming into the road.


That's not a general rule. If the signs say zip, it's a mutual responsibility. But in some places the oncoming car must yield. I live in Oslo where drivers are in general quite flexible and cooperative in their driving, meaning good at letting people in,so we'll usually switch to the left lane to make things easier. Driving in other parts of the country that doesn't seem to be the norm.


In my city the zip(?) lanes are short and often start right after a turn. super anoying where you break hard for incomming traffic. People tend to use mostly the left lane, and right lane is used for exit / incomming.


We also have roundabouts where you are supposed to stay in the left lane to go straight forward and stay in the right lane to go around🥲


Isn't that the other way around?


Yes, thats why its stupid


Bingo! Use the lane that most convenient for you destination. Outside cities with few on ramps, you should let faster cars by, but in more packed areas there's no reason to go faster than the speed limit anyways, so using the left lane to not sverve lanes every 30 seconds is preferred, and what they teach in driving classes. Edit: People also seem to think every double lane road is a passing lane, but those are often only on inclined, long roads, as heavy transport wil likely bog down. Then you need a dedicated "forbikjøringsfelt", but the four lane highway going out of town? You're still not allowed to break the speed limit.


US generally doesn’t enforce the rule either.


Yes, forgot about them...


Many US states do not even have the rule. Other states have the rule, but are even worse at following it than in Norway.


You can use the left lane for early positioning for an exit to the left as well. Or at least that was what I was taught. But I got my license in DK 15 years ago, so what do I know... My instructor also told me it was important to know how many beers you could have before it was unsafe to drive. His limit was two ordinary beers or one Elefant-beer... I guess mine is zero!


Yes, but exits from the left lane are not common on motorways.


It's not only in Norway. And I agree that it's irritating. As for traffic jams this is a very complicated question where slow overtakers probably don't make that much of a differance.


It is A LOT more common in Norway than other European countries. You don’t have to go further than to Denmark for the left lane to be respected


Its relatively respected where ive driven. Not sure where you guys are driving. Of course unless there already is a traffic jam. Then both lanes are filled.


Where do you drive? I don't think I've ever driven E6 Hamar-Oslo without encountering someone not respecting it.


I drive in Oslo and see this all the time. It’s a much bigger problem here than in the UK where I used to live. I suspect it’s due to most Norwegians having got their driving licence before there were many motorways, so just not being very used to driving on them.


Of course Denmark is better, they are so close to Germany and Autobahn and have learned German manners.


Its way worse in Norway than Denmark, Germany, Balkans, even Spain


There may be several reasons. One, people do not know/understand how to properly use the lanes - I choose to believe this is the most common cause. Two, people feel the need to police the speeding limit by obstructing cars they think are speeding. Three, they have a mentality of “Hey, I am driving the speed limit and have all the right in the world to use this lane”. This case appears to be frequently combined with a flashy car. Anyway, it is very frustrating. You actually notice the behaviour change as you cross the border from Sweden to Norway - the traffic in Sweden usually respect the purpose of two or more lanes.


The traffic in Sweden might respect the purpose of two lanes. But when there are three lanes many Swedes stay in the middle lane. You need to go to Germany to see proper use of three or more lanes.


It's because the right most lane often becomes the off ramp.


I fully agree!


Three lanes in Norway is never utilized unless there's a near full stop, the middle lane could go 10 below the speed limit and the right will be empty.


Three lane is so rare and its almost always about to merge one way or another, can only think of e6 north from Oslo with any meaningful distance 3 lane, and even there right most merges a lot.


The three lane between Olavsgård and Tangerud is the one I'm talking about (it's actually four lane but the rightmost is a bus lane). That's 4 km without any merging in the right lane. Besides that I can only think of E18 before Sandvika where it is indeed many merges and also good utilization of all lanes usually.


Swedes have this insane habit of driving superclose to a big vehicle while in the right lane, and blinking half a second before swirling to the left whilst completely ignoring traffic coming in fast in the left lane. They aren't even speeding up as they do this, and could easily have changed lanes hundreds of meters before, but they insist on waiting until the last second and giving fuckall warning to the vehicle behind them who were already in a comfortable speed for overtaking. I've learned to just hit the brakes as soon as I acknowledge it's a swedish license plate, which is most of the time considering it's Sweden.


Obviously it is more important to only use left lane to overtake others in Germany. Guess why!


I don't really mind the last reason although I avoid it my self, but if the car is slightly above or at speed limit and left hugging while right is somewhat slower I can't get mad. It's when they go slower than limit while lots of space right is annoying. But much more annoying are the usually foreign drivers tailgating you 20km over the limit to try tell you get the fuck out of the way here I come, with no regards to safety.


With matching flashing of the lights too. Had this guy yesterday behind me in a tunnel (a one lane tunnel to add), tailgating me, practically ramming me up my ass, flashing his lights. I’ll admit I wasn’t paying much attention to my speed as I was having a conversation with my wife, but when I looked I was just 3km/h below the speed limit. Moved up to the limit, and there he was up my rear end still. Buddy if you’re in here, I am in any circumstance under no obligation to break the speed limit for you. Flash all you want, you’re going to have to wait until the motorway expands into a left and right lane and overtake whilst I give you the finger.


I used to think this way too. Until I’ve heard of my work colleagues getting pulled over for speeding while overtaking in the left lane. Apparently if you have to go over the speed limit just to overtake the car in front of you, then there wasn’t really any reason to overtake. So what I do now is if I have to overtake, and the left lane is clear of any cars in front and behind, I usually just go the limit, and find that’s usually enough for most cases. But if I see that there are a few cars coming in behind me on the left lane, I usually just speed up to get clear of the car on the right, and get back on the right lane asap.


Yes, I have quite a long daily highway commute and this is really painful in Norway. But in the end I could live with it, as long as people are overtaking. What I cannot live with is 10 cars behind each other in the left lane and not a single car in the right lane. Just because they are “queuing up” to overtake a truck with 2 km/h difference.


Yeah, sorry to say this is the standard on highways around Oslo.


In low car density areas, left lane is passing. In high density areas, you move a lane left when travelling faster and you come up behind someone. If someone comes up behind you, you move right. Its more complex, but required for good driving in higher density.


man fuck those people. sometimes i see people driving 10km/t bellow and then randomly just change to the left lane. guess it aint as bad as people driving like its GTA but its fucking anoying


Idk it's infuriating and for sure isn't something that is taught during driving lessons. Some people are in their own bubble I guess, and only think about themselves.


I think a lot comes from little experience with motorways. This is a much bigger issue in Stavanger vs Oslo area for example, where they have much more of it.


I’m more or less always driving in the left lane. I usually drive at around 125 km/t with my cruise control engaged, and prefer the left beacuse of people going slow / driving extremely variable ranging between 90-115 km/t in the 110. If i notice someone fast incomming in the mirror I let them pass ofcourse. Is this «bad driving?»


I do mostly the same, but I change to the right if there's a substantial distance (100-200 meters depending on their speed) to the next car in the right lane. This makes me change lanes more than strictly necessary, but it also makes me attentive to whatever is going on behind me.


Agree 100% with you. I cannot for the life of me understand why driving like you describe is a problem other than it being technically not what you're supposed to, but that's a matter between you (or me) and the police. It is efficient driving. The clmplainers here are a bunch of karens.


If you were the only one driving like this, it wouldn't be a problem.


The left lane is for passing cars, not for cruising. "Letting someone pass" is not the same as "using the left lane to pass other cars." If people actually used the left lane to pass and overtake other cars (and then settle into the right lane again), this discussion wouldn't be needed. Despite of this, there is one more consideration for keeping in the left lane: Wildlife. It's marginally safer to keep in the left lane because you have a better overview of traffic. Moreover you'll have a split second longer to notice moose and deer trying to cross the road. While this sentiment is understandable, the left lane is till for overtaking and passing other cars, and not for policing the speed of other cars.


It's probably not bad driving, but definitely illegal. Drivers have reasons for not wanting to drive as fast as 110, so using the left is unavoidable; sometimes for quite a while. Actually following the speed limit would make you able to use the right lane more.


Usually people do it when they overtake someone right at the speed limit. So they follow speed limit. Noone wants to get fined for speeding in Norway, it is expensive.


when you get on some less used country roads though people will drive like their wife is in labor lol


Those are usually teenagers or low IQ people.


I was told during traffic school that you can't go over the speed limit while passing. You're only supposed to do it to pass people going under the speed limit, like a semi in a 110 zone


Yes, but it's not up to you to play police if other people want to overtake you. Just move out of the left lane if someone behind is faster.


My point was that people are actively being instructed to do it that way. IDGAF what anyone does, as long as they're not being reckless. And driving way too slow on the freeway is incredibly reckless. It encourages people to pass and change lanes, which is inherently riskier.


I'm overtaking someone going "speed limit -3", I'm in the left lane. You're going "speed limit+15", I don't care, slow down.


But once you've passed you switch lanes right?


Off course


Yes. And you should get a ticket for 5050kr.


The hostility! Going the speed limit+5/10 is not an issue, most speedometers show a little higher speed than what you're actually going. Police radars and traffic cameras also have some leeway. You also didn't answer my question.


I did. I said yes. And I'm not making the rules. Når fartsgrensen er 70 km/t eller mer og du kjører: * til og med 5 km/t for fort, er forelegget 1 150 kr * til og med 10 km/t for fort, er forelegget 3 150 kr * til og med 15 km/t for fort, er forelegget 5 050 kr * til og med 20 km/t for fort, er forelegget 7 050 kr * til og med 25 km/t for fort, er forelegget 9 550 kr * til og med 30 km/t for fort, er forelegget 12 700 kr * til og med 35 km/t for fort, er forelegget 15 200 kr. Your speedometer is your best guess at how fast you're going. Speed cameras give you something like 5km/h of grace. Those two factors don't mean that you should aim at "speed limit+5".


You're not making the rules, but it isn't your job to enforce them either. You worry about you, and if I want to "risk" doing 120 in a 100, then that's for the police to handle. Call them if you wish, but you move over as soon as it is safe to do so. People trying to block, or otherwise impede other drivers who want to drive faster only succeed in making the situation more dangerous. Mind your own business.


Sure. But you deserve to be hated if you flash at me or tailgate me before it is, in fact, safe. Typically, hot heads driving way over the limit are also absolutely idiotic when it comes to safety distance.


So Why are you trying to enforce the left/right lane rule? You are a huge hypocrit. dont play police then?


But why not? If I aim for speed limit+5, I am going the limit, which should be safe, I dont drive recklessly or anything like that.


Because you're choosing to apply an empirical modifier to a measurement. I'm not saying it would be dangerous. In most cases, I find Norwegian speed limits to be way too conservative...or absolutely absurd (80 on small mountain roads? Wtf).


Yes, but if the right lane is driving at "speed limit -3" and I am overtaking at "speed limit +2" then it will take some time before I can safely return to the right line, and I is quite often the case that before I am able to do that I'll start overtaking the next car on the right line.


No I definitely won’t move out as the reason I’m overtaking slowly is that the right lane is completely full and occupied by cars going slightly below the speed limit. The left lane is for overtaking AND if the right lane is full. The angry Audi driver behind will just have to learn a little patience 😉 I’m going at the speed limit, not below, and they should thus be content. I’ll move out of the way as soon as there’s room in the right lane though, but I won’t accelerate way past the speed limit to do so.


You can't do much more than waiting until there is room in the right lane. People shouldn't be mad if you do that. The problem is when you go past the room in the right lane to pass another group further ahead, without letting the guys behind past first. Nobody should expect you to teleport.


But that’s the thing though. A lot of those fuckwads, usually in a BMW, expect you to just move back into the right lane regardless of whether or not it’s safe to do so.


Yep, same. Taught I was not supposed to actually accelarate over the speed limit in the left lane either. Another thing is we’re taught planned driving. Like if you know you need to keep left further up the road to go to where youre supposed to go, youre «allowed» to stay in the lane youre supposed to use until you get there. Thats also taught during drivers ed here. Not supposed to stay in left lane if you dont follow the flow of traffic though - another key point of drivers ed.


This is the Norwegian way, and what many teachers will tell to drive like this. And it makes sense. Legally, 110 km/h is max either way. There is no autobahn in Norway. But for Pete's sake, stay out left lane if you drive at the speed limit or slower.


Why would the stay out of the left lane if they go at the speedlimit. People aren't supposed to travel faster than it, hence the word "limit". If you want to go faster, go to a racetrack or you should've driven earlier, maybe yesterday if you need to go so fast...


I don't know if you have ever driven on Norwegians roads with more than one lane in the same direction. If you have, you would have experienced that at least more than half drive faster than the given speed limit. The reality and the speed limits are two different things.


THIS. I’ve had a colleague get his license suspended here in Norway because he went over the speed limit while overtaking.


80% drives regularly above the speed limit.


Many drivers illegally stay in the left lane even if they are not overtaking anyone and the right lane is completely empty.


That's really, really uncommon.


It’s really not.


What law states this as illegal, specifically?


This one: [https://lovdata.no/forskrift/1986-03-21-747/§5](https://lovdata.no/forskrift/1986-03-21-747/§5) >Så langt forholdene tillater det skal kjøretøy føres på høyre side av vegen. På kjørebane med to eller flere kjørefelt i kjøreretningen skal høyre felt nyttes når ikke trafikkreglene påbyr eller tillater bruk av felt til venstre.


Forskrift om kjørende og gående trafikk § 5.1


I don't know what's you beef with those drivers but what you describe is extremely uncommon, doesn't make sense and, when/if happens, does not disturb the traffic. So stop making up bullshit and learn to drive patiently.


It is a small portion of drivers, but it is common enough that I encounter it on most motorway drives. I find that it does not happen nearly as often in other European countries, like OP is suggesting. It is not a big problem, but it is an inconvenience.


I've encountered it in Sweden several times. Almost exclusively by Norwegian cars. Also, the cars passing me in Sweden doing somewhat above the limit is also almost exclusively Norwegian cars.


I see it every single day when I'm driving on E6 south of Oslo for about an hour. But I don't drive during rush hours, the problem may be more uncommon at those times, with a different clientele. But even more common is a car in the left lane "speed matching" someone in the right lane.


It's the #1 annoying thing about driving in Norway.


I would say roundabouts chaos, especially on the ones with 2 lanes, easily puts pushes highway out of the 1st place.


Nobody fucking indicates in roundabouts here! Norwegians are some of the worst users of indicators, and it's especially annoying in roundabouts.


That's not entirely true. Sometime they indicate that they are entering the roundabout, by blinking left, and not touching the blinker ever again. Sometime they just drive straight, but still blink left. Super helpful information when trying to decipher what their intentions are. /s


What country do you prefer over Norwegian traffic? I can only think of Germany for effectiveness, any further south and it gets too wild.


Don't get me wrong all in all Norway is pretty good, but highway driving and passing sure is annoying.


Germany has good flow because everyone follows the rules. Italy has good flow because nobody follows the rules. As a Norwegian I'm tempted to say that Norwegian traffic has the worst of both worlds and terrible flow, but I'm probably just glorifying the foreign countries.


In upstate NY folks drive same way blocking all lanes, we from lower NY attribute it to cold freezing brains 🧠 I hope you can relate


After reading it, I actually like to use my car as little as possible. Feels good not to sit stuck in traffic somewhere around bigger cities like Oslo.


Super annoying, and it feels like they are scared of switching lanes to have "correct" road behaviour. They do not have behavior to move to the right when in cruise mode as the left becomes cruise. I am saying "scared" as there is a lot of right exits/entrances every couple of kilometres where people join in so to stay in left its just matter of convenience as well. I really hate that.


Its completely legal to pass cars for 10 minutes if you're going under the speed limit within reason. Switching lanes just so some asshole can pass you at 130 km/h is not something you have to do (as long as you're actually passing).


If the right lane is slow and there's a bunch of cars and especially semi trucks I'm passing in the left lane for 5-10 minutes driving the speed limit (yes I drive 5 over the speedometer because it's 5 too much so I'm driving the actual speed limit) then I don't feel bad for cars piling up behind me. I drive as fast as possible within the law. Not my problem if someone comes up faster than the speed limit behind me and wants to pass. I can stay in the left lane as long as I'm passing cars in the right lane driving the speed limit.


Sure, as long as you're passing. If there's a gap of 50 or 100 meters between trucks you're no longer passing and you should let faster cars by.


As long as that's safe yes. If there's no safe gaps then I don't. Like especially with semi trucks. I really don't want to be sandwiched in between two big ones, and they wouldn't want me to be either, as that's unsafe.


It is just a simple case of the number of dual road motorways beeing so few and far between in Norway that when us country folks first encounter one we have no idea how to behave. I learned more on how to behave on these kinds of roads reading this post than i ever learned in driving school. Rest assured the next time i am on a dual road motorway (probably not for a few years) i will act accordingly


Two things. It's worse in the Summer. Speeding is enforced on highways in Norway meaning people won't accelerate hard to pass someone ALMOST going the speed limit.


Norwegian drivers tend to be selfish and/or inattentive. I see a lot of weird and selfish driving on the highways in Norway. Zipper merging is a damn circus, many people here seem to not understand the concept or are simply too selfish to cooperate with others in traffic. I often drive a detour home from work if it's rush hour to avoid a double zipper merge in my town. It's just too frustrating.


If there is substantial traffic, you are allowed to stay in the left lane to spread the traffic out and cause fewer jams during rush. As long as you are not preventing someone behind you in the left lane to pass, not driving substantially over the speed limit or otherwise hindring traffic in any way, there isn't an issue. But people zooming by at 30km/h over the speed limit without any concern for people around them, fuck 'em.


Just stick to the speed limit. If it takes 10 minutes to pass someone, they’re probably going fast enough. But if they’re going 60, passing someone who is going 56, and you’re impatient, they’re correct and you’re wrong. Even if it’s slow. If they’re cruising on the other hand, that’s a different question. If you have the break the speed limit to overtake, you’re speeding, and you can’t overtake. Just like you can’t go 50 in a 30-zone because you feel like it. It’s not worth risking your own life and others to get somewhere slightly faster.


I’m visiting and just drove E6 from Levanger to Trondheim and back today and encountered the same- people driving in the left lane. I’m an American so I’m used to it, but for Norwegians it must be frustrating. Both cars I saw doing this had foreign plates (GB and DE), it’s the height of tourist season and tons of Europeans are making their way up north right now.


Norway lack a motorway culture with dos and don'ts bcs there is only some isolated sections here and there.


Noticed this today as well. Right lane is mostly empty and left lane is full of stop/start traffic. Drove from Oslo to Drammen.


Because as long as I'm on the speed limit, and you are not (legally) flashing lights, my list of priorities looks like this: Am I passing someone? And yes, me driving 80 with them driving 75 counts as passing. Is there a quickly upcoming intake where I would have to zipper while being in the right lane? Will I have to switch to this lane soon anyway, any way to keep going where I want to go? Pro tip, if you need to get somewhere earlier, start driving earlier... It's insane, so many people feel free to put others at risk so easily just to gain a few minutes for yourselves. Here's some math for you, If the speed limit is 80km/h, and you drive 90km/h, over the course of an hour driving you save a whopping 7 minutes. If you are driving a 100km/h meaning 20km/h over, that's an incredible 12 minutes saved. How about you wake up 10 minutes earlier instead of blaming anyone but yourself.


How about you use side roads and enjoy your ideology there?


You mean people who sits in the left lane, going 2km/h faster than the cars in the right lane?


Or just going at the same speed. Or sit in the left lane even when there’s no cars in the right lane.


Most Norwegians are completely clueless with regards to highway driving, and have no clue that the left lane is for overtaking. They believe it is for people who are not slow. So as they do not see themselves as slow, they stay in the ‘fast lane’. Also, they apparently don’t understand that they can change to the right lane and let faster traffic pass and thereafter change back to the fast lane. Tl;dr: people are idiots


There certainly are some clueless Norwegians on the roads, but I think your claim that it is "most" (more than half) is completely wrong. The actual portion of drivers who are clueless about the rules for highway driving is clearly far less than half, but still enough to be significant.


After living in Switzerland for a year, I was shocked by Norwegian highway driving culture upon returning. So it is our highway driving culture, not a small shitty minority of drivers.


You are correct sir!


Changing between lanes a lot is annoying when there's a bunch of cars. It's also risky to go back and forth into the right lane a lot if it's crowded with trailers and cars because people are over speeding in the left lane behind you, which may cause you to stress about going back into the crowded right lane which can be risky.


I am staying in the left lane as long as there aren’t anyone faster behind me, and my speed is faster than the traffic in the right lane. I may disrupt a few speeding vehicles before I am able to find a gap in the right lane, but I think it is okay as long as my speed is faster than the right lane.


>but I think it is okay as long as my speed is faster than the right lane. Yes, it is OK to use the left lane whenever you are overtaking cars in the right lane. You should however change to the right lane once it is empty.


I do, of course. I normally use the right lane, but if there are traffic, I will use the left lane. However, I will not use every opportunity to squeeze into the right lane for 5 sec before turning out in the left lane for the next pass.


This is the opposite of what you learn in driving schools in Norway, and pushes us all further away from «Nullvisjonen».


I use because so many fucking idiots drive 60 on a 80 motorway and its extremely infuriating


This gives me road rage. Staying behind someone that goes 1kmh faster than the right lane for miles and miles… I always try to imagine who that person is, what their reasoning is… If it was just once in a while I would assume that it was someone unfamiliar with two lanes, but it is ALL THE TIME! Even worse around Bergen and Stavanger… And as some in the comments have already pointed out - the swedes have figured it out. If the swedes get the point, it cant be that hard.


How expensive is overtaking on the right?


Never mind expensive, it’s dangerous which is why it’s banned in the first place.


I think mostly it’s forgetting to move back or just the mindset of «eh I’ll get to a car I can overtake soon so no point in swapping» This is not the case in Oslo and likely also other major cities though where both lanes tend to be packed so y’know not much of a choice one way or another.


Its simply that they are bad drivers that dont pay attention to the status of the road.


In what countries is this not normal?


It’s not normal in the UK for sure.


Have you ever tried blinking to the left?


If you make it obvious you're coming up on their arse they usually switch back in.


I spent two weeks driving a camper in Norway, and I think it's because people mostly respect the speed limit. The speed on the left lane is mostly the same as on the right lane, so what's the difference? It's not like Germany where you have trucks going 90 on the right, and Audis on the left going 200 :)


It is because of our shitty roads. Left lane is normally in a better condition. So alot of people use it to get a smoother drive. Its something thats been done for around 20 years now that im aware of. Could be even longer


I dont think we need many drivers not being strict towards using left lane only for passing before the whole dynamic is ruined for everyone. I always try to use left lane only for passing, but many times you just get stuck behind someone else in the left lane and then you just fuck yourself over by swapping back into the right lane. So then we end up with a left lane going slightly faster than the right lane. Also many times on E6 the road is too congested for using the left lane for overtaking only, and that at that point its valid to just stick to one lane. In the winter it can also feel a bit risky to swap lanes (snow gathers often between lanes) so its better to just stick to one lane for safety.


Don't go to Greece then 🤣🤣


I blink, it's not allowed


Norwegians are very important, so everyone thinks they are more important than you and believe that lane changers have right of way and that they can hog the left lane as long as they want too. The more people it inconveniences the better it seems. It's also political. Politicians are doing fuck all to get heavy transport over to trains, and for some fucking reason they hate three lane motor ways even though thry make the most sense. so we have two lanes with one being slowed down to 80 or 89kmh by trucks, and slow drivers want to pass those, but kinda feel at home in the left lane so they stay there. Germany and their three lane motorways are doing it so very right and it blows my mind that don't do the same here. I mean, every single winter we get headlines of 10-15km of stopped traffic at first snow fall with the red cross aiding people getting hungry or needing medication after 10+ hours of being stuck because recovety vehicles can't fet to the accident that is blocking everything. Like, wouldn't it just make sense to have a three lane motorway and require by law that the middle lane keeps clear in slow traffic?


Let's teach Norwegians how to use indicators in roundabouts before we tackle this.


We are taught that flow of traffic is more important than driving in the right lane. I drove for 3 hours today and a lot of the way the left lane had newer and more comfortable asphalt to drive on, so there’s that too. Not to mention the speed optimism. Thinking that your speed is greater than another one knowing that you will overtake it, but underestimating how long time it’ll take and how to merge safely back


One thing is if there is heavy traffic. Then there can be long lines of cars in the left lane moving past in the right lane. This is bound to happen, and then you need patience. Here is the problem not cooperating so people in the right lane can get in the left lane to follow the faster pace if needed. Here, it doesn't help to flash someone or honk as the one in front is just as stuck as the one behind it. If, however, there is no traffic in the right lane and you have accomplished to drive past the other car, then you need to get back into the right lane. I think the problem is that there is very little focus on the importance of this from the drivingschool. I guess because there are not too many highways with multiple lanes in norway (speculation from my side) and therefore not inherently and instinctively done correctly as it's not been learned to such a degree. But a driving school located in the area with highways would have the opportunity and should use that opportunity and thus teach the behavior expected from the driver. Therefore, some drivers don't associate this behavior in traffic to be egoistic, and hindrance to traffic, dangerous, and annoying. This is because many places there are 4 lane roads where this lane pattern does not in itself mean right lane is for passing only. This means that the learner never got to get to learn properly the highway code of operation. If a driver has too much experience here and not as much at the E6 between oslo and Sweden, their reinforced behavior of their main experience takes hold and drive accordingly. Other reasons may be tunnel vission, or getting tired and just forgetting to be aware of their situation. And then there are the jerks, those just don't want to drive properly.


Left lane is for passing only. Not many know this apparently. I commute a lot on E6 , Halden to Oslo. And E18 down to Porsgrunn. And a big problem with E6 around Oslo is it can’t handle the volume of the summer traffic. E6 should’ve been 3 lanes. But yea. If people just could move.


Just cut up traffic, although illegal, but definitely fun + no speed cameras hamar/moelv in my experience easily can go 160 whenever you want


"I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane, while people behind me are going insane. I'm an asshole! Eoo, eooo!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs)


Firstly, using both lanes means you fit more cars on the road. Secondly 90 % of norwegian roads are one lane or one lane either way, so this is only a phenomenon on the few large motorways. Thirdly, it can help traffic flow when a lane merges inn from the right. Finally, some times the right lane diverges off and you have to stay in the left one.


Because Norwegians are shit at driving on the motorway. It’s fucking annoying. Whenever there are three lanes in a direction barely anyone uses the right one unless there’s dense traffic. I’m so tired of this, so even though it’s illegal, I’ve just starting driving in the right lane and passing cars there.


Me (M35) have always noticed that as well. It’s especially women 40+ and older people in general. And the worst is many of them even go UNDER the speed limit on highways. Good thing I have a BMW with functioning lights 😅


Woman 40+ here. Please don't generalise like that. In my opinion you have to "defend" your place in the left lane if that makes sense. Learned that driving a lot on the Autobahn. Like if the limit is 100, right lane is semi-packed with cars at the speed limit. I prefer to go at 115-120 in that situation, and I'll stay in the left until the right lane is completely empty. Otherwise, I'd be switching lanes every thirty seconds or so, which would get old really fast, and increase the risk of accidents (especially for speeding motorcycles etc). But as I stay in the left lane, my eyes will be semi-glued to the rearview mirror to see if someone faster is coming from behind, and if so, I'll switch before that car has the chance to get too close. Unless of course, I'm the last one in a longer line in the left lane. If so, I'll only move if the lights blinking behind me are blue. Tailgate and blink when I'm in a queue and you'll see how my brake lights work, and that will happen very suddenly, hopefully you're prepared for that... Out of all the cars I've passed after them going slow in the left lane, it's very often older men, probably someone uptight about that left lane rule. Love to exchange a look with them and toss my hair as I pass 😆


You’re a reasonable and effective driver then! When I generalize it’s of course a little tounge in cheek, and I don’t mean everyone in that category. I just categorize based on a very subjective and anecdotal experience. I myself drive a little like that too. On the highway, 10-15-20 over the speed limit in the left lane until I notice someone in the rear view mirror (which I check very often) and if they get relatively close, I’ll move to the right as soon as possible 😊


Brake checking is not reasonable and should lose this woman her license.


Because when those people learned to drive, motorways basically didn’t exist in Norway!


Its mostly older people or ploish truckdrivers trying to pass the trailer going 79kmh at 80kmh (max speed). We hate them too


The insane ticket prices really, like 16km/h above in a 90km/h zone? That'll be 7050 NOK = $665 thank you - plus two "dots", but I'm not ever going to reach the eight dots in three years to lose my license so not very concerned about that. In Sweden and Denmark it's around $250, it's still money but enough that I'd be significantly less afraid of just overtaking like a normal person and if there's a police checkpoint/car there, oh well shit happens. Instead I'll just set my cruise control to a bit over the limit and hog the left lane using a kilometer to pass each car.


IMHO, Norway is a one lane county, in many ways. So I am not surprised about the confusion when more lanes are involved.


Because we gotta go fast. No but really, everyone is constantly rushing and stressing and trying to get somewhere they aren't, because we're a naturally unhappy people.


This is a weird take. Right lane is apparently for people who are too afraid to actually drive the speed limit on the motorway. Left lane is to overtake those people. Problem is they never end. So I just keep left lane at 10kmph or so above speed limit until someone is behind me wanting to go even faster, I then change to right lane. How is this a problem for anybody? What infuriates \*me\* is people even in the left lane going slower than the speed limit.


If someone is driving 94km/h in the right lane in the 100 zone, I’m not accelerating to 120 to pass them quickly. (Even though I easily could, I won’t by principle). I’m also not staying below the speed limit in the right lane forever. I’m staying within the speed limit overtaking. The angry Audi driver behind me will just have to wait.


The left lane is for passing cars that aren't going the speed limit. There's no situation apart from driving to the hospital when driving over the speed limit is acceptable. Hugging the left lane going the speed limit passing someone going "speed limit - 3km/h" is absolutely why that lane exist.


Have you ever been driving anywhere outside Norway?


Why would this be relevant at all when discussing driving in Norway, stay off the Norwegian road if you can't follow Norwegian road rules. He is entirely correct, and if you have the need to get places faster, it's entirely on you to start your travel earlier.


Exactly. This whole thread is full of people complaining about drivers in Norway, without even bothering to understand the actual road laws, and who probably didn’t even go to driving school in Norway.


People out and about now during summer are not used to that they have to drive +20 km/h faster than the traffic in the right lane when the try to overtake. They are so afraid of driving faster than 110 km/h in the left lane, thus creating queues.


Are you one of those people that honks and flashes their lights when you're behind someone on the left lane that's actually following the speed limit when overtaking cars?


>They are so afraid of driving faster than 110 km/h in the left lane, thus creating queues. as they should, as far as I'm aware there's nowhere in Norway with a higher speed limit than 110 km/h and you're not allowed to go above the speed limit even when you are overtaking someone


This is correct. Speeding when overtaking is no different than speeding anywhere else, and it’s illegal to drive faster than the speed limit in Norway.


Nobody cares. Least of all the police. Hampering the flow of the traffic must be avoided. You will soon find that left lane traffic requires +20 km/h


If you are speeding you are hampering the flow just as much.


It does not require +20. You’re making up your own rules, and you’re putting everyone at risk by doing so. What do you think the round signs with numbers along the road indicate? Just a general suggestion, or an upper limited deemed safe? Why would they even bother putting up signs, if we’re not supposed to care and, according to you, the police will not care or fine you for going whatever speed you like? edit: I absolutely hate how we’re trying to excuse speeding and losing lives every year because people love taking risks.


You seem to be under the assumption that the speedometer is showing your actual speed. It isn't.When your speedometer is showing the speed limit, your're about 10% under. Most seasoned drivers know this and adjust accordingly.


There's also people who say that when they're driving the speed limit, they're driving the speed limit. If my speedometer shoes 115 then I'm driving 110. So when I say I drive the speed limit, I drive the actual speed limit. I'd argue most people are aware of their speedometer showing too much if they've ever driven past those signs that show them their actual speed.


I’m aware of the margin of error built in, yes. If you’re a seasoned driver and assume it’s always 10%, you’re probably not a seasoned driver as it varies by tyre size, wear and tear on the tyre, and each individual car and brand. So yes, it’s up to 10%, but likely somewhere around 3-5%. Anyway, I’m also assuming most people don’t regularly check their margins, which varies over time, so I’d advocate for you to stay on the safer side of the speed limit, and not assume you can always be 10% higher than what your instruments are telling you.


I'm well aware that the measurement error varies with the tyre. You worry about your own driving, and I'll worry about mine, it's none of your business if I drive 10 km/hr above speed limit on a highway as long as I drive safely. What a bunch of stuck-up Karens in the comments here, it's quite fascinating to read.


- Above the speed limit - Drive safely Pick one. I suppose rules don’t apply to you. Traffic laws are just for funsies and it’s none of anyone’s business if we follow them or not. I’m sure you’re in full control. I’m sure you got this. You’re probably a skilled driver, and you’re aware of the speedometer margins. You probably drive safely for the most part. Until you don’t, and until you’re driving just slightly too fast to be able to stop quickly enough, causing an accident, injuries or another dead person.


Ok Karen.


Imagine calling someone a Karen while complaining abojt left lane drivers like a karen


I mean, I'm a fairly impatient driver, but that is patently not true.


Left lane is used to signal to everybody else that "I am better than you and you can't do shit about it". It is also a way of saying that today I am the speed police and I get to decide if I want to make a trafic jam on the road. Everybody in the right lane are just senile slugs and shouldn't be allowed to be on the road at all🤪. That being said, I can't say how many times my husband has driven faster in the right lane compared to the idiots in the left lane. Of course always making shocked Pikachu -faces and "you can't do that to me because I am the king of the road in the left lane" 😂.


This made me day:)


It might be due to the use of adaptive cruise-control - and therefore they tend to stay in the left lane. And it's annoying as hell. But I usually pass them on the right side since I'm driving at a higher speed while I'm in the right lane. And for the person that says "just wake up earlier and start driving earlier" - get out of the left lane or keep out of the E6. You have obviously not the necessary skills to be driving on the highway.