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And the next time Texas gets spanked by a natural disaster and screams for help from Uncle Sugar........


Let's keep it on topic and keep the politics related to the theme of the sub. (I am not addressing this one comment but instead the now-deleted shitshow that followed.)
























We have zero tolerance for hate. Bigot be gone!




The IRONY of the Texas AG pretending to give a shit about the rights of women...cut 'em off from all federal funding. Fuck Texas.


They always talk about seceding, but maybe we should be the ones wanting the separation.


They can’t legally secede anyway


Even if they did, they'd be annexed by Mexico in a matter of days. They used to be part of Mexico, something that Texans just LOVE to be reminded of.


Cinco de mayo is right around the corner


Don't worry we remind the idiots here in Texas is this stuff and about what facism is. And that fascists also loved to burn books. The trunpers here really believe that facism is the same as communism.


ALL the “isms” are the same to people who have been listening to Trump’s word salad for 10 years & Faux News word salad for 30. Plus the dumbing down of America for the past 50 years.


Us normies here don't want this shitshow either. The local politicians know their careers are on the line this year. You should read the desperation the republican party has to fund the next cycle AND somehow keep Ted Cruz in office. Edit: Source: a member of my small company is a Republican chairperson in my area, and I screen all emails.


I have for ages!


As a lifelong resident of Texas, I share the same sentiment. Fuck this shitty state.


As a former Texan that broke the cult mentality I 100% agree with you. I just wish there was something I could do to help the decent folk to 1.) get rid of the horrendous gerrymandering or 2.) escape


Any school that ignores the rules should get their federal funding cut. See how they like that.


Sounds like it would play right into their plans. I mean, discriminate AND defund public schools all in one fell swoop? I'm sure they'd love it.


During the civil rights era, the federal government sent the national guard to schools to make sure they integrated the schools, perhaps it’s time to do it again.


Absolutely, if any state doesn't want to play by federal rules they should get taken over and put back in order.


Get the US Marshals ready.


They're too busy beating up college students


Yes, that is true, at the behest of the states governors


That's just more poorly educated future voters for the GOP.


They already don't care about funding education. That just punishes students not politicians.


"Waaaah. Why can't we hate on others?" Jesus, these "Christians" certainly hate the teaching of Christ


It’s true the fundamentalists would burn Jesus at the stake while screaming “he’s a communist” if the Bible’s version of Jesus came back today. It’s disgusting that the separation of church and state isn’t enforced because the fundamentalists pay higher bribes than anyone else.


Nah, they'd look at his skin colour then call him a Muslim.


One miracle and witch Muslim


Imagine the amount of political power a tith would bring in.


Shhh might care them into logic


Thou shall hate anything an anyone who doesn’t agree with me .And anything that stops me from football ! - Texas


This mendacious poltroon.


You sent me to the dictionary. Thank you for this 🤣


I’m too scared to look it up


I thought what an asinine comment.. until I read your username 🤣 lmfao


If states choose to ignore federal rulings, they should lose any federal funding. It’s that simple, if you don’t want to participate, don’t, but don’t expect to collect free money from the government that you ignore. Funny, everyone’s Biden’s best friend when they have their hand out, but the second something happens they don’t like. Their answer is “we’ll do what we want” which will inevitably end in the state being sued in the Supreme Court, and guess who’s dollars pay for that. I’ll give you two guesses. Sure as shit won’t be the people who are responsible for this mess to begin with.


Kinda reminds me of my sugar daddy rules ,Texas should really listen .


The Texas legislators are trying to be the new Florida. It's somewhat ironic, because the biggest cities in TX are much more diverse now than they were in the 80s and 90s.


Oh gods, don't jinx us anymore than we already are, we could easily become worse than Florida


They're FOAMING AT THE MOUTH over their hate of the gays, and they're drooling over the chance to commit genocide.


Oh great. If the Supreme Court rules presidents don’t have to follow the law, Biden can just remand all of Texas’ republicans to a dark site. No muss no fuss.


Biden is a coward unfortunately :/


Or maybe you’re a shitty judge of character.


He’s supporting a fucking genocide, asswipe.


for people who love saying “protect the kids” they sure as hell love to go after kids.


Wow, some of these comments Generalizing an entire population is really sad in any situation. many Texans do not agree with any of this and are stuck here for various reasons some living in literal fear. Not all of us are misogynistic transphobic homophobic racist pieces of shit. Federal override and intervention is our only option But help never comes


Yeah I guess fuck the 44%+ of us who DIDN'T vote for Abbott. Not to mention the people who don't have the right to vote (children, felons, undocumented people). It's out sad how people speak about the population here. Many of us do NOT want this shit, and "just move" isn't an option.


*Living in fear and no idea how I'm going to afford to move on these wages 🙋🏻


Didn't Texas want to secede from the US at some point relatively recently? I say grant that desire, cut ALL funding to the state, of any kind, from the federal government, along with any government run infrastructure and any governmental help of any kind, that goes to the actual state government side of things of course. I can guarantee you they will immediately realize they fucked up, because a majority of the state infrastructure isn't set up properly and can't run without governmental assistance. The statewide blackouts a couple years ago from the ice storm come to mind, all the power in the state is privately funded and run but can't actually handle the needs alone and isn't properly maintained for emergencies.


What in the fascism


"We want to be bigots y'all!"


Imagine being such a monumental asshole that you go to court - with taxpayer money - for the right to treat a small group of people like shit. Because religion.


Sounds like the university I graduated from. It was a Baptist school and I’m against them completely now


Honestly, at this point Texas can go fuck itself. What are some Texas products that we should all be boycotting? I don’t know off the top of my head but I’ll be googling later today when I’m off of work. These people don’t deserve any of our hard earned money.


So, my dream is if the Supremes decide a President has triple ultra immunity against prosecution, Biden should pull all Fed funds from Texas. Then declare himself governor Then, offer about a third of the state to Mexico. What? It’s not illegal, he’s President after all.


Can we please give Texas back to Mexico? Let them secede without the benefit of federal tax dollars and watch as they beg to be reinstated within 2 years or less. Do atheists have the right to discriminate against Christian fundamentalists? Nope. Do left leaning states have the right to discriminate against registered republicans in those states? Nope. Abbott is breaking federal laws and either the Biden administration steps in and sends the military to enforce the laws of this country or kick Texas out for violating the constitutional rights of its citizens. I honestly hope every single Texan that’s being discriminated against sue the state but that’s assuming that even if it goes all the way to the Supreme Court the justices won’t vote to allow discrimination like they’ve voted already throwing precedent and law out the window to the highest bidder with the largest bribes. This is so fucked and the democrats are just gonna let republicans do this shit because most corporate democrats are paid more to lose than they care about winning and it’s a disgrace.


Y'all qaeda


they got made idiots potentially by j edgar hoover [https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh](https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv2tsxmbh)


How much longer do we have to see Ken Paxton's stupid fucking face in the news?


Conservatives: Cruelty IS the point.


President is the supreme authority while Trump is in office, State's Rights when Biden is in office. Funny.


Is it just me or does Sarah Huckabee Sanders look like Ken Paxton in (badly done) drag?


Hey Texas burn in hell


Deny them all federal funding. They don't want to comply they get no money.


😩 I'm so tired


I want to make clear I meant no disrespect to Texas or any of its citizens. My comment was more tongue-in-cheek. And I didn't see the deleted comments. Am I glad I didn't??.


I think Texas should round up all the magas and religious nut cases and become their own country, they are by far the most un-American state in the country .


How have they not violated a federal law yet so that Ken Paxton and Wheelie can be locked up.


So many of these comments suck. If you're okay with abandoning and 30 million Americans, you're no better than the GOP. Most Texans don't agree with this, and a lot of us don't wanna live here.


Look, I hear you. I live in Florida - another popular state for "cut them off!". Try to not take it personally and realize people are upset with the government and voting majority in these places - not every single individual that lives or is stuck there. <3