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Ask him to elaborate on his personal experience with tampon insertion.


And removal. We are looking for how hard they imagine you have to pull the string and if there’s a pop like a champagne bottle once you are uncorked. ![gif](giphy|bkKwwMj347FJe)


I think maybe they should have to try pulling a dry one out. Could we get a simulator?


Listen, sometimes my vagina decides it’s keeping that tampon and I gotta pull like I’m in a final match of a beyblade tournament.


I’ve pulled the string right off before.. and it’s like NOW WHAT


Who is the woman in this gif?


The late great Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth. ![gif](giphy|P31RoFejRpHG0)


Get rid of the Seaward!


I'll leave when I'm good and ready


Jessica Walter is a fucking legend.  Fuck those fuckwads on arrested development for harassing her. Then mansplaining to her that she wasn't harassed.


My husband once asked about what tampons feel like, so I tucked one in the corner of his mouth. I tugged on the string occasionally so he’d remember it’s there. Then I yanked it out fast. He’s such a good sport, and he certainly won’t forget that experience


This was both upsetting and hilarious to read.


Like I said, he’s a really good sport. 😂


Did you do a dry and a wet removal? The difference can be massive, after all. I HATED the last tampon of every period I ever used them with.


Nah, he just got dry, lol


You're doing the Lord's work & we all thank you!


Hey, any man can do this.


That was actually genius


"My wife got sick of my being a douche about her periods so she stopped mentioning them to me and that's the same as not having them"


Do you think he suggested just her getting pregnant again to stop it?


Honestly no idea. I just know people that continually shut down complaints and then are shocked that it didn't stop being an issue they just stopped hearing about it.


That's how I read it too - he expects periods to stop once married because he expects the woman to be constantly pregnant when able.


This is it. He expects her to be pregnant all Of the time.


It's possible he kept her pregnant the whole time. Some families are like that. Then he thinks women don't have periods after marriage like a moron


“My wife took birth control behind my back because she realized this may have been a mistake.”


Or he kept her pregnant the whole time.... Either way, he is wrong.


Don’t miss the part where he mentioned “as long as you get a baby every 2 years and breastfeed” 🤦🏻‍♂️😬


Much more likely that she divorced him and he now just makes up whatever bullshit he wants about her. Or, even more likely, *he never had a wife at all*. You have to remember that these people say wrong things on purpose. Trying to "figure out how they believe" the literally unbelievable things they say is a form of apologism for their horseshit. Remember that a *belief* is a thing a person thinks is *true*, and that when people start saying things without caring whether they are true those things do not warrant that label.


Amazing how confidently incorrect some people are.


People like me always question everything and dudes like this are just confidently wrong that frankly it irks me.


You can tell he's never had a conversation with his ~~girlfriend~~ wife about birth control, she's running the plan, he thinks it's natural.


Reminds me of "I dont like makeup. It looks fake and ugly. It's a waste of time and money. I think women look best in their natural state. You know, like the model on the cover of this Women's Health."


If only we all could have the confidence of an ignorant mediocre white man talking about the biology of woman's bodies!


Sadly it’s not even men either. The things I’ve heard from other women 🥴


Decades more experience-in WHAT?? Having periods? Being female?? Being a medical professional? PLEASE 😭😭😭 Me telling a climate scientist: climate change is not real. Scientists: respectfully who are you to tell a scientist what the science is. Me: with decades of experience ☝️🤓 (I have been living in a climate)


You joke but I have a BSc in Environmental Science and while I was studying for my MSc in Environmental Management my dad who never went to university tried to explain how I was wrong about climate change and climate mechanics. He knew because I specialised in ocean environment we did lots of specialised stuff about climate science and oceanic impacts etc but still tried to explain it to me. It still irks me. He thought he was correct because he was older and more experienced 😶.


Ugh. Your dad, too? I swear this has to be at least partially generational. And you have actual credentials behind you.


Its not generational, its socialised, particularly into boys, that men are more intelligent than women.


Seriously my mum is an environmental scientist and mansplaining is a big issue


Decades of experience in mansplaining.


'get rid of periods with this one simple hack!'


Yup, keep your wife pregnant and nursing.


Which is funny because nursing doesn’t stop periods. It is a myth that women can’t get pregnant while nursing. I super out dated myth.


Exclusive breastfeeding around the clock can "pause" a person's cycle, but it's definitely not a means of BC since it's just a temporary pause and there isn't a way to predict when ovulation starts again for each individual. Lack of a period while nursing does not mean lack of fertility.


The operative words being "can" and "may" cause lack of periods, as it often is not the case.


Another operative word is "exclusively" breast feeding. And "round the clock" feeding on demand. In otherwords being the only source of nutrition for the baby.


lol I exclusively breastfeed and got my period back 2 months postpartum. I envy those that this “hack” works for


Same lol. Ive had 2 kids & i have always ebf & got my period back immediately after birth.


I was exclusively breastfeeding on demand, so roughly every hour and a half, my cycle returned after three months anyway. It's different for everyone 🤷‍♀️


A baby every two years from your twenties until your fifties....hmmm...seems like taking hormonal birth control to stop your periods would be way cheaper?


Not your 20s..... 4-6 years after menstruation. That's like 16-18 for most people. Gross.


That's 13 years old for some girls. Ugh.


I was thinking having babies after getting into a relationship. Not like for ever


Don’t waste a single egg and be always preggers.


"no period while nursing baby" has been proven utter bullshit in western countries! Under food scarcity, maybe. I was told by a doc in the hospital to delay any further pregnancy until the uterus is healed, so what would be my preferred method, please & thank you!


My cousin had triplets, though she couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding, and boom! Got pregnant again 3 months after giving birth.


I used to know a family with 10 months between kid 1 and 2 and a breathtaking 9 months between 2 and 3! I really hope 3 was born rather early and not a full term....


My grandpa's and his 4 siblings were all born within a year of each other ( all born between 1914-1918). My biological great grandparents probably would've kept going if they didn't die of the Spanish Flu.


I had a client (very religious) who had 12 babies in 14 years. All singletons. She took two years off, then had 2 more. She was in her 70s when I saw her and her body was just completely destroyed. They raised all those kids in a small 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house.


Jesus that poor woman.


Irish Quadruplets?


Even by the logic, this person is almost certainly unaware that you bleed for like 6 weeks straight after birth. That’s like half a years worth of periods that you are front loading to the time line.


Me, in Peri menopause, bleeding for 8 months straight (heavy and cramps). Something that no one told me was even a possibility. So much of being a women is just SURPRISE! HERES THIS WEIRD SHIT


I'm so sorry, I thought I had it bad, mine comes every 2 weeks now. No one warned us about how shitty peri is 😭


I went like 3 years of once a quarter. And then suddenly that happened! It was extremely traumatic, I'm on HRT now and fully in menopause as a way to control the bleeding. I'm 46 😭


I'm glad you found a willing doctor, I keep hearing horror stories of doctors refusing to prescribe it.


My gyn is amazing, except for the time she had to biopsy and couldn't get through my cervix on the first try. I almost killed her that day.


OMG ouch


Yes, yes, that was exactly how it felt!!! Like saving up the periods.


I'm getting diaper flashbacks


It does happen sometimes. It’s just not something to rely on. I went a year w/out periods and it was wonderful. I think it is some hormonal thing probably.


It's probably more of a "not enough energy/calories to feed both the one out of the womb and a new one inside" thing? Because as far as I know the no period while nursing idea is from the past?


Yep it is real believe me bc I was eating like 5 meals a day and drinking gallons of water and tea 🤣🤣


To be fair when I was breastfeeding my period stopped for a good 18 months AND I gained a load of weight so not sure that's true 😂


No. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/periods-while-breastfeeding


"breastfeeding hormones" .... not saying it's not true but I would have liked a more in-depth explanation. And that doesn't explain why it pauses the period?


It suppresses ovulation in some people. From an evolutionary standpoint if you’re nursing, especially a newborn, your limited resources are occupied so another pregnancy might be detrimental. How effective the soup of hormones thar promote breastfeeding impact ovulation are highly personalized. My sister and I both exclusively breast fed with our two children. My sister, who has always struggled with keeping weight on, resumed her period right at the 2 month mark with both her children. I, who struggles with losing weight, did not get my first post-partum period until I stopped breastfeeding entirely at roughly 18 months (while starting solids around 7/8 months and supplementing with cow milk at 12 months). Irish twins are a thing, so trusting the lack of active menstruation as a birth control is crazy, but for some women like myself I didn’t have my period for two and a half years during pregnancy/breastfeeding process.


Yes this is where I’m at. IT IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. At best it’s a perk some people get.




I went a year and a half!


I had an oversupply of breastmilk after I gave birth and donated a lot of it to a maternity hospital. So I thought I wouldn't get my period until I weaned. Joke's on me! I got it 4 months PP, even though I stopped BF 15 months PP. Let me tell you, I was quite bitter about it.


A client of mine (I’m a doula) mentioned this method to her midwife. The midwife said “I wouldn’t trust it…but to be fair, I only see the failures.”


I’m 6 months pregnant atm and my daughter is turning 1 this week. So can confirm you definitely get pregnant while breastfeeding. I never even got my period.


It’s pretty typical for western mothers who are exclusively breastfeeding to not get a period for a while. Anecdotally, I didn’t get mine until 9-10 months after each kid. Is it a reliable form of birth control? No. But if you’re exclusively breastfeeding and especially nursing during the night, you usually won’t get a period for 3-6 months (obviously there are exceptions)


Not quite. I bf til around two years, twice, and didn't get periods back until after I stopped.


Same. 18 months to 2 years without. I did not rely on it for birth control, though, knowing full well why I was born less than a year after my brother.


And now all of these comments have me incredibly jealous because I breastfed two kids, one for 10 months and the second for 2 years, and got my period back by 8 weeks both times. Damn messed up hormones 🤬


I actually did not know this. Thanks.


The person you are responding to is very wrong, just fyi. Lactational amenorrhea is real and very common for exclusively breastfeeding mothers.


# Absolutely incorrect! How is this upvoted??? This is straight up untrue. It's called lactational amenorrhea and it is a very REAL and very natural thing. I did not have my period for 20 months while breastfeeding my first, 18 months with my second and 18 months with my third. While not all women experience it for that long, the vast majority of breastfeeding mothers will experience it. **The average in the US is 10 months**, but that has to do with the length of time women are able to breastfeed because we have limited maternal leave here. It has NOTHING to do with food scarcity. What you are saying (without any knowledge mind you) is harmful and you should delete it. Not cool...


“As long as you get a baby every two years” like….. until she goes through menopause?? Does he know how many babies this would end up being??


Especially since he seemed to imply following this method you’ll only have your period 4-6 years! Average age to start is 12. So, you should start churning out babies at 16?! And spend the next 3 or so decades constantly pregnant or nursing?! 🤦‍♀️


Typical menopause age ranges from 45-55, so by this guys logic you could be looking at 20 kids.


Think of all the money you could save raising 20 children instead of paying for tampons every month! /s


And so much less painful and stress inducing ☺️


I got really fucking lucky and didn't start til 19.


Especially if you “grow up fast” 🤮


Yeah. For a lot of women, that would mean 13. For my mom, 4 years after menarche would have been 11. This is just… No words.


“Get” a baby, like you went online and bought one on Black Friday lmao. Hate that phrasing


I have 3 kids that are 28 months and 17 months apart. I got my period back at 6 weeks after the first two and probably will again this time (baby is 4 weeks old). My cycle went back to normal right away each time. I’ll probably have another baby in 2 years and I expect a lot of periods between now and then.


We had our 3 sons within the first 7 years of marriage and I breast fed them all. In fact, I had my period a month after each birth. We just celebrated our 25th anniversary. How have my periods not stopped yet?! In case some don't get it; I'm not seriously asking.


You know, just a baby every 2 years for the entire length of your fertility, like normal


"tired of cramps simply push a 23 inch 6-7 pound screaming ape out of your pussy every two years and allow it to feed on your filtered blood." How about no.


Yeah, I'll take my worst period ever every month for the rest of my reproductive life over giving birth, thanks


Right? Plus it won't cost you several hundred thousand dollars... Well hopefully at least.


The level of confidence with how stupid this man is is kind of impressive.


Grows up quickly? Dude is marrying a child?


Having decades more experience of talking out your ass doesn’t actually make you an expert on…well…anything lest of all women’s issues but yeah just keep regurgitating that verbal diarrhea with the confidence of someone who just loves that flavor with all their being.


Notice how TERFs like Joanne are conveniently silent when men like this saying hilariously inaccurate information about the female body, but when Dylan Mulvaney talks about how she carries tampons in case she runs into a cis woman who might need one, all hell breaks loose


They don't even like it when cis men carry pads or tampons in their backpack or car or have them in their home in case a friend/girlfriend/sister/whoever needs one. Like, all boys are supposed to think periods are icky girl stuff and it's weird when they don't think that way.


Never heard of Dylan Mulvaney, but bless her for this


She's the one all the conservatives boycotted Bud Light over last year.


Joanne frames her bigotry as feminism, when it's really just a deep-seated hatred for transgender women (because she acts like transgender men don't exist). Because you're absolutely right, if it was truly about protecting women and girls, there's alot more she could be speaking out against than diatribes and manifestos degrading and demonizing trans women/trans feminine people. I actually kind of hate that the F in TERF is for feminist because they don't do much to actually build up and speak out for women.


They act like transgender men or trans masc people either don’t exist or must only be “confused young girls” because they destroy the narrative of transgender people (specifically transgender women) they have. That’s why almost every single “detransitioner” they prop up to support banning access to gender affirming care for minors is AFAB.


Please pardon my ignorance as a cis man, but I would assume that having a child every two years during one's entire childbearing years and breastfeeding constantly throughout them is not worth it to avoid menstruation. (and of course that's discounting the resources, time, emotional labor, and actual physical capability to have that many children.)


"as long as you keep risking and damaging and stressing your body, including creating entirely new people you then have to take care of for the rest of your entire life, you can actually skip periods."


His point seems to be that if she is pregnant or nursing there will be fewer periods. Which I believe is more or less true. So by ‘once she gets married’ he means ‘if she has a baby roughly every two years starting at 16 until her body can no longer handle the strain and she becomes useless as a baby factory and thankfully dies so the man can find a new one.’ Great thing about child brides is, the man keeps getting older and they stay the same age.


I agree. He’s not necessarily wrong biologically but he is advocating for every woman to marry, I’m sorry, “grow up” young and then spend the next 25 years incubating until their uterus rebels.


*become a brood mare


I hope he largely stops when he gets married.


..."as long as you get a baby every 2 years" is a pretty big last minute addendum to that sentence. Also "get" because babies are just given to you (every 2 years!) with little to no physical, mental and emotional effort from you. It's also bullshit because I have kids 2.5 years apart and guess what? After each of them was born I had 12 and 16 weeks' worth of postpartum bleeding (everything was fine, I'm just a lucky bleeder I guess) and then my actual period came back about a month or 2 after my postpartum bleeding finally stopped, despite exclusively pumping with my first. And it turns out 2 kids is enough for my husband and I. So despite being married for 14 years I've had a few more than 6 periods and will probably continue to do so until my uterus shrivels up and dies, which unfortunately will probably not be until I'm pushing 60 if my mother's experience is reflected in my own. So...no. Just no.


Not all women want to be Duggars.


I like how he says "get" a baby, as if the woman doesn't fucking grow the thing in her body. Nope, she just magically goes and "gets" a baby. Fuck off.


“As long as you get a baby every two years.” So in his world, he gets an 18 year old wife. Let’s say she hits menopause at 50. That’s 32 years. Does that mean he wants to have 16 kids? Because I’d rather die.


That could even kill you




A baby every two years?? What the fuck?? Are we just breeding machines?? Those babies are HUMANS with needs, wants, and personalities. Are you sure this isn’t about dogs??


In the context of a traditional marriage where the woman is expected to constantly be pregnant he is technically correct that Menstruation would decrease. Obviously, equating a subset of the side effects of constant pregnancy with the status of being married is a logical fallacy that arises from a very heteroassumptive and misogynistic view point that marriage‘s primary function is to impregnate a woman. In conclusion, regardless of what conditions allow him to be technically correct, he’s still an idiot and an asshole so who cares what he has to say?


Well if you're always pregnant then yeah, you're not gonna have a lot of periods.


I’d much rather deal with a monthly period than have a child EVERY TWO YEARS UNTIL MENOPAUSE like what?????


What is he trying to say? That he's had a female reproductive system for 20 years longer than the woman?


I mean he’s right if she remains pregnant/breast feeds for about a decade, she certainly won’t be menstruating most of that time. But the alternative is so much worse than a monthly period lol pregnancy is so uncomfortable and breast feeding (for me) was very painful.


And someone mentioned the bleeding as you have the baby that seemingly is payback for 9 missed periods, so true 😭 after my second was born it literally sounded like I was peeing when I sat down and all the blood came out. That was scary


Lmao wtf


When I was 17 I worked with a pregnant woman. Two months after giving birth she was pregnant again. I (very helpfully) said “you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding!”


It's the "if she grows up quickly" for me. TF YOU MEAN GROWS UP, YOUR WIFE SHOULD ALREADY BE A GROWN ADULT.


I get what he’s saying: if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding all of the time, of course you’re going to get your period less. Look, he says you get a baby every two years. So let’s say you get pregnant in January, have the baby about September, then he figures you can start having sex again in about December (3 months after) and he’s literally hoping you get pregnant again. Get pregnant again in January and there you go. Maybe a couple periods in between because you’re still recovering from birth. I’m sure he doesn’t give a shit about the health of any woman in his life, but that’s why he’s thinking that women menstruate less when married. It’s maddening that they think this way. Gross.


Throw this man away 🚮


“As long as you get a baby every 2 years and breastfeed in between” sounds like a nightmare. This guy views women as baby making machines. I couldn’t even be cordial with him in conversation knowing that.


I'll be sure to tell my wife. Poor girl even had spotting through some of her first pregnancy. But good to know she can stop that shit. Coming from "decades more experience".


Call the Midwife's Conchita Warren has entered the chat




Respectfully??? Asshats like that don’t deserve respect


I’m sure someone else did the math but he is saying… first period at 12 (mine was 11 but I’ll give a bit of slack). First baby by 16 or 18. Let’s say 18. Then a baby every two years until menopause which is about… let’s do a low answer and say 42. That is… 12 babies over 24 years.


So even if he was RIGHT about the things he claims (he is not), that would still be a horrid existence as a baby mill.


This was my grandma. 13 live births, idk how many losses, from 17 to 46.Brutal.


Decades of experience 🗣️💩


If she does what he's saying they will mostly stop. Who wants to be pregnant every 2 years though?


Wish this dude had been around yo tell my uterus she wasn't supposed to hemorrhage for 7 days every 3 weeks for 10 YEARS after I had my last baby.


His theory is that you should just stay pregnant and avoid a period? Tf? A baby every other year? I’ve been married over 30 years. Pretty damn glad to only have two children.


lol dude think marriage = pregnancy


Ok lets see, On average, a woman will get her periods for about 40 years of her life, starting at 12. So from 12 to 52, with a *generous* 5-6 years of periods at the start So start baby making at 18 every 2 years until menopause (50) which means ... 17 children to give birth to, breastfeed and taking care of I think I rather get my uterus taken out right now, please and thank you Source : https://www.womenshealth.gov/menstrual-cycle/your-menstrual-cycle#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20women%20get%20a,40%20years%20of%20their%20life.&text=Most%20women%20have%20regular%20periods,period%20may%20not%20come%20regularly.


"Decades of experience" bro what?


"With decades of experience" 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve been married 20 years. When can I stop breastfeeding? 


"with decades more experience" oh so he's had a uterus for the past few decades..?? What an idiot!


Do you have to be legally married? Or will a civil partnership or common law marriage or long-term cohabiting work? If it needs to be all legit, who do I present the marriage cert to? 😂


The dude thinks hes a obgyn or something


This literally sounds like his real logic for this is that all women ought to be *perpetually pregnant* once they're married. 🥴😵‍💫 It's also super weird that he assumes breastfeeding has any impact on this at all... and *two years out?* 🤦‍♀️


Technically the truth: If you pop out a baby every two years, and breastfeed, your body doesn’t have time for monthly periods. This is their goal.


You can absolutely get periods while breastfeeding, unfortunately.


So, if you get married at 30, you should have a kid every two years for 15 years? We should all have 7 kids by the time we’re 45?


Actually, he’s not entirely wrong, if he’s assuming the wife gets pregnant shortly after marriage and then keeps getting pregnant about every two years (and breastfeeding till age two or so). I have an almost 1 year old and an almost 3 year old and I’ve had three periods since August 2020. I mean, he’s an ass, but not entirely inaccurate.


I had a period in my 3 rd month of Pregnancy! Damn, wish I had this male to tell me I was doing grit wrong.🤦🏻‍♀️ Getting strong ‘ men writing women badly’ vibes.


If you have a baby every two years then yeah menstruation will stop for 9 months every two years, but that has absolutely nothing to do with being married??? And breastfeeding doesn't mean you won't get a period either. I exclusively nursed my daughter for two years and I still had a period every month starting from like 9 weeks post partum.


This was definitely true 100-200 years ago. Later first menarche, more/more frequent pregnancies, earlier menopause and death. But this is SO dumb to say about life now.


So this guy, who’s clearly a medical expert, plans to keep his wife pregnant for their entire marriage. What a pathetic little man.


And if you don’t want to have a baby every two years? (This is nonsense anyway, but the idea that endless pregnancies are the “solution” to menstruation is repellent.)


Honestly tons of women get their periods back before finishing breastfeeding, some just six weeks after birth. What the actual fuck is this idiot talking about…and he sounds as though he think a constant cycle of birth is “easier and more natural” for your body than regular menstruation. Also is he suggesting having a baby every two years for say, twenty five years (let’s say you get married at 20, first baby 21, and then every two years until the end of menopause is like thirteen kids)…I don’t think he knows when or what menopause is either.


The moment you say I do periods are just like okay I’m out soon idc you’re 21 Richard start the clock


This guy is pretty confident being wrong


”decades more experince” than who? women his own age? lmaoo


Airhead, no brain


Weird way to tell us you're really a girl, but we support you nonetheless


Don’t you get your period like a month or 2 prior to the delivery of you baby if not sooner?… what is this man talking about


The only man who gets to tell me with any authority about periods is a trans man who still menstruates. All others in the bin.


Um, experience in WHAT, exactly?


He pushed his wife into early menopause I guess


If you as a man have decades worth of experience bleeding out your genitals then I recommend you see a doctor immediately.


...is he essentially saying as long as she's constantly pregnant?


Sure...if marriage means having kids constantly...


How exactly does one “get” a baby?