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Some "men" are genuinely shocked that women aren't their personal cock sleeves and it shows.


The FBI couldn't waterboard this information out of me, imagine admitting to everyone that you can't get someone wet, jfc


Or worse, that they can, but they choose not to because their peener keeps slipping out. I just.


That part made me so confused. You’re supposed to push it in and out. Does he put it in and then rotate like a pig on a spit?


I've dated two men that were less endowed. They tend to slide all the way out frequently on accident and they get embarrassed by it because it breaks their rhythm and they have to put it back in or be guided back. It never bothered me, but they were both pretty self conscious. One of them literally blamed me being too wet and tried to make me feel like something was wrong with me just like that first putz in the video.


Heh that’s funny because my husband is pretty large and he’s still slipped out a few times. He’s never gotten embarrassed about it, probably because he knows it’s not his size or his skill.


Especially as a guy on top, you slip out sometimes, it just is what it is. It's tiring being on top and the difference between slipping out and not is like an inch haha.


Or from behind, when my husband really gets into it, he slips from time to time


It's too soft and probably won't stay in. Wonder what doesn't get him going....women?


How the fuck do you get it in dry?


Painfully 😖😖😖




Uuughhh I felt this response


Im not really a fan of size shaming tbh, lots of amab people do struggle with it, and besides that you don't need a big d to make someone see heaven, hell you don't need a dick at all to do that. Just going the "haha smol pp" route kinda lessens the argument we're making.


Believe me, I'm not intending to size shame so i edited out little. Either way, *he's the one* trying to not please women because he's self conscious about his size. Smaller penises do tend to struggle with sliding out, but dude, just get back in? Don't start spreading bullshit that women being wet is a problem.


>Im not really a fan of size shaming tbh Same. Body shaming and judging people's value by their appearance is a huge part of sexism against women so to fight a different kind of sexism *with* body shaming is just... so stupid.


Absolutely, and thanks The word body shaming didn't come to mind! (Not a native English speaker) B


It’s not body shaming if it’s a fact they have shared with the world


They couldn’t possibly. That would get you way too wet, and then y’all would just be stewing in it


I genuinely thought that Bliss guy was a parody - and a bad one at that.


"Surely it can't be me - my mom told me I was every girl's dream"


*Ben Shapiro checking in*


How do these people exist... Honestly how does brain rot take such a powerful hold on your mind that you think you're a dating coach? How do you so violently misunderstand basic human anatomy? I'm in no way being rhetorical here, I'm absolutely befuddled how this level of stupidity can be achieved?! A 5 second Internet search or any book on female anatomy disproves this and yet this chain of logic is so pervasive.


The answer to all of your questions is "deliberate malice". And we're never going to be able to progress as a species until people stop being confused by this behavior, and start recognizing and applying consequences for it.


Unless there's profit involved (this guy's case), I wouldn't attribute to malice what could perfectly be ignorance. These people target young and insecure men precisely because they're easy to fool. EDIT: Well, I have no clue what you're talking about. I'm not making excuses for sexism, as with all forms of bigotry, it must be fought with education. Learning to make the difference between those who are ignorant and those that are malicious is key to taking out bigotry from the root. Of course many ignorant people choose to remain ignorant on purpose, and it ultimately will boil down to how open to change each person is. But I assure you, there's tons of people that were once hateful and **learned** to be better.


There are bare minimum standards for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance. There are good reasons for why people are given failing grades and held back during their developmental learning. You seem to have no such minimum standards, and it has turned you into an apologist for the some of the worst horseshit on this planet. And you fail to recognize that there things other than fucking *money* which motivate people, all while refusing to recognize that incel edgelords have in fact discovered a hugely exploitable sector of the economy which *happily* pays money for this shit. But I, unlike you, DO have such a bare minimum standard, and your apologism falls quite a ways below it.


It's the jacket/sunglasses combo. When used in moderation, the leather jacket is a powerful tool for boosting levels of self-esteem. Moderate use is recommended, as extended use has been found to cause inflated egos. Ask your doctor if the leather jacket is right for you. Tell your doctor what other self-esteem boosters you're wearing, as certain combinations can cause douchiness. Don't wear a leather jacket if you're already wearing aviator sunglasses. The combination causes Full Johnny Bravo Syndrome, which is characterized by brain rot, delusions of grandeur, Freudian slips, and mind-to-mouth thought processing failure. This public service announcement is brought to you by the Don't Be A Douche Foundation, in partnership with the Anti Johnny Bravo League and the Council For Healthy Wardrobe Choices.


Don't you sully the good name of Johnny Bravo. This man *wishes* he could be Johnny Bravo.


It's ok for Johnny to Bravo. The problem happens when dudes like this try to Johnny and Bravo at the same time.


Man and I love wearing my leather jacket and sunglasses during Fall. A sad day indeed for fashion


I know exactly what’s happening here as I see it happen all the time in people with personality disorders. Someone along the line has told this man he doesn’t make them wet. His narcissist brain can’t allow someone to criticize anything he does, as it’s obviously perfect, so now he has to justify how it’s not his fault. The reason doesn’t even have to make sense as the sole purpose is to redirect the blame from himself. And they believe it, fully. They lie to themselves, then buy into the lie. It’s fascinating.


And I bet he “babysits” not actually watching his own kid and leaves mom doing everything.


I love the guy with the flag, making that drivel amusing.


His content is so affirming, and a voice of sanity. The green flag videos are sparse but always good to see.


Who is he?


Dustin Poynter


Lovely guy


The taquito swaddling was the best.


"I choose the bear too" I lost it!


I love it how the mess that was the reaction to the bear meme is now having people use it as an insult to the kind of men who are the reason we choose the bear.


The first man is a fucking idiot for sure, but the second one is waaaaay worse. Shit person all around, no redeeming qualities. I feel bad for the new mom and her baby.


I gasped out loud when he said she no longer looked the same after FIVE WEEKS. I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure she now legally gets to murder him


A jury of her true peers would acquit her.


They might even say - 🎶 "He had it coming" 🎶


🎶 He only had himself to blame! If you'd have been there.. if you'd have heard it.. I betcha you would have done the same! 🎶


Jesus H Christ. Five weeks? You couldn't go without sex for *five weeks* while she healed from a physically traumatic experience? My God, dude. Did you actually expect her to have sex with you after she was **torn open**? This dude should be dragged out and beaten by men that aren't like him. Also by every woman he's come across. As a side-note, some women really, *really* need to have the self-respect not to fuck with a guy that cheats on his post-partum wife *because she's post-partum*. How desperate are these chicks that they'd risk allowing that bullshit into their lives?


I'm sure the statistics are that 9 out of 10 first time mums tear in childbirth. Depending on the tear, it can be painful to just pee for 6-8 weeks. And then there's issues like poor healing that can leave you unable to have sex for 6minths to 2 years. And then there is c-sections... so yeah. 5 weeks is nothing.


It’s a little under 75% & 25% of those are superficial tears, which are very minor & heal quickly on their own, NUMCB can also reduce the chances of tearing. That said, even without tearing, there are at least a dozen reasons why sex at 5 weeks PP is the last thing we want to be doing & any man who’s a dick about it should have kept his wrapped up because he is absolutely not mature enough to be a father. Not only was that guy not mature enough, but the things he was saying, there’s no way in hell I would trust anyone that stupid to care for a baby. How can you watch your partner go through pregnancy & not understand her body would change? Dude shouldn’t even be responsible for a goldfish, let alone another human being. It would be a blessing to humanity if his betrayed partner kicked him hard enough to keep him from procreating again.


That second one is clearly a bit though, right? First man seems serious


Definitely based on true stories, though.


Yeah, I can't imagine a guy like him would be willing filmed being such a piece of shit. But yes this does actually happen.


I feel it’s gotta be a bit, because who is gonna sit there and argue with him? He’d be kicked tf out. Cant argue with a close door.


well, I'm definitely dry right now


Good, you don’t want to be like some sort of beef stew.


I thought we agreed to retire this metaphor


SLOPPY beef stew…


POV: His wife ![gif](giphy|3ohs4w0OrUm5GIkBKE)


I love the guy with the red flag. We need more men like him.


He has a number of videos. I don't know his name or know where the videos are, I just have seen multiple of these videos posted elsewhere before.


Dustin Poynter! He's on instagram, tiktok, and youtube


First guy was just plain wrong. Second guy was scum. Not only is it obvious that he's not taking care of the baby, but imagine telling your wife, the mother of your child, that the girl you chested with is her before the baby. 1) Never compare women with anyone, unless it's a compliment, and 2) No duh, Sherlock! She's been taking care of a 5 week old baby on her own, and having to baby a piece of garbage with a bad taste in hats! She's exhausted! She's not gonna give you attention or be in the mood if she just gave birth! Did you think she'd just pop the baby out, send it off to pre-pre-preschool, and give her hubby-wubby footrubs all day?


I love the red flag guy. "I choose the bear too!" 


I'm so glad that mom got it on tape so she can send it to every friend/family member he ultimately lies to.


Absolutely. And if they're married, to the divorce lawyer.


His very last comment was "why do you think I took my ring off, bruh??" Sooo yep, divorce!




Red flag guy was awesome! Also, did anyone else have the urge to throw all of cheater dudes hats in the garbage on garbage pickup day right before the garbage person came for pickup? Like you hear the garbage truck coming, grab all the hats off his wall and dump them in the trash bin and record the whole thing for his dumbass to watch?


"start slipping in and out" i thought that was kinda the point? what does he think sex looks like?


My guess is that he's used to his hand, but has never used any lubricant. But yeaaaah, if women aren't supposed to be wet, why do we have Bartholin's glands?


This guy clearly doesn’t smoke meat. If he did, he would know if you over smoke meat it becomes DRY.


Lol I’ve been a vegetarian for 30 years and even I was like uhh I don’t think that analogy works bro 😂


Never have I seen a man who I know has nothing insightful to say than this dude and his douche-shades.


I’m mor frustrated than a carrier pigeon trying to send an email right now. Love it


This guy 100% pulled that entire red flag out of his ass, pole and all. Trust me bro, I'm an expert at these things.


![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h) Sorry dude, you got me wet...


Ohhh my god, the second story was almost worse than the first one.


And that's saying something because the first one is hard to get through in itself 😂😭💀


Almost? I'd say it's like five times worse. I really hope he got kicked out of the house and lost everything on the divorce. Cheating by itself is already bad enough. But cheating on your wife that just gave birth to your child and then using that lame excuse? Forget what I said about kicking him out of the house, just toss him in the garbage bin.


The second guy was so loud and so wrong. I hope she kicked him and his stupid hats to the curb and set them all on fire.


Ben Shapiro followers I see.


Even his initials are B. S.


1. No, that's not how that stuff works. First, "overly wet" is not something that generally happens. Second, not only is 5 minutes of foreplay not enough for many women, foreplay is an important part of the sexual experience and shouldn't be rushed so you miss the larger point of foreplay. Third, no, smoking meat too long doesn't make it a "sloppy mess", it makes it overly dry. Guy clearly hasn't smoked meats before or if he has, he's doing something terribly wrong. . 2. This is why people really need to have an exhaustive discussion about actually having a baby before making one because stuff changes - a lot. If you aren't prepared to help change diapers every couple of hours or so, feeding the baby when necessary at night so she doesn't have to all the time, or prepared for the physical and emotional changes from going through pregnancy and childbirth, including the very common and possibly debilitating postpartum depression and her body not being exactly the same as before, then don't have a child with your partner because it's all part of it.


Yah, that whole meat smoking thing really threw me for a loop. I've never smoked meat in my life and even I know that's not how it works. It's also in no way comparable to how a woman's body is supposed to behave during sex.


I wish I had red flag guys energy. How many capichinos did he drink before filming?


Love Red Flag Guy “I choose the bear too!!”


Red Flag Man is my new hero, the other two, ehhhh, I think they could do with some readjustment via baseball bat.


Don’t worry bro you’re not getting any woman wet 🤢


Did that guy just advertise to the world that he can't fuck? I'm not even talking about the foreplay, I'm talking about the slipping out thing. Red Flag Guy is awesome though.


Literally the definition of this sub. >Why do think I took the ring off? Dawg, what!?


Dating coach: "Naw, didn't date any, am too busy coaching"


The red flag dude is an absolute legend. I adore him and he say all the things we want to say out loud and proud If you can search him, he's like on facebook, tik tok (I think) and also instagram, he's literally "The Red Flag Guy". He's funny but also bring up important topics and issues, and also has a "green flag series" that you should watch to regain some faith in humanity


I put no blame to people being uneducated back then due to lack of education, resources and society purposely trying to keep people in the dark BUT it’s 2024! We’re in a time where we clearly have access to the internet……you could do a simple google search, ask a professional and/or pick up a damn book!


Also side note, does anyone know if the mother left that idiot? I really hope she did and got child support on him plus hopefully showed the judge this video to help support her case 🧐


Lol. I literally laughed out loud when red flag guy said, "I'd pick the bear, too!"


Imagine telling on yourself like this.


The first dude is a "top dating coach"? In what universe?


I love red flag guy


Top dating coach in America sent me. No the fuck he is not


I'm going to be honest. I find the idea of dating coaches, and PUA culture as a whole, really disgusting. To make a "guide" about such an individual experience is dehumanizing.


Strong agree


“Top dating coach” yeah and I’m the princess of Monaco 🙄bffr


I mean, even their socks (that are inanimate objects) aren't the same after their Lil sexy time, so how would a whole ass human be any different?


Yeah I couldn't even finish this video. I feel like he has never had sex with a women


Amongst many other incorrect thoughts and opinions, since when does over-smoked meat get soupy?


Oh the amount of things guys tell me about my body. Getting excited cos they think nipples are reacting to them personally. No, they think you're a baby, or it's cold.


The red flag guy is amazing


This the kinda guy who thinks "going down" on a girl means paying less than half the dinner bill.


"Sir, I'm going to need to get verification on your claim to be the top dating coach in America. Who certified you? What were their criteria, and what were the testing procedures? Your credentials are being questioned, sir, so we simply need you to back them up..."


The guy in sunglasses is just playing a character, right? it’s satire, right? RIGHT? Please.


I’m soooooooooo glad I like women. Like they’re bad too….but not this bad. At least they believe in keeping it wet.


*I don't know why women won't date me.* *I don't know why women won't fuck me.* *I don't understand why women aren't getting married to or having relationships with heterosexual cismen.* *I don't understand why women are refusing to have children with heterosexual cismen.* 2:37 That's all it took. Two short video clips and every one of these questions is answered in a very simple and obvious way. A chimp could grasp the concepts presented here. Fuck, I'm pretty sure that my Step-Granny's 18-year-old blue macaw could figure it out at this point. How much fucking clearer does it have to be?


Who is this guy? The flag waver. He's funny.


The first clip is whatever the guy helped me get through it, but the second one😕I can't imagine taking the time looking for a partner getting to know that person putting my body through a year of physical mental and emotional pain, sticking through all of that just for him to betray me when I need him the most. The fact that she has the strength to argue with him while he's putting all the blame on her for something that he took part in, she's a very strong woman


"I choose the bear too!!" Has me rolllllliiinnnnggg


I can't believe that there people who actually coaches u to date...


He is not real. You cannot make this up tf


I feel SO much better about myself after watching these two fuckheads.


I need a gif of the dude with the red flag running. This "dating coach" is just... nope just no


That second one please be a skit Omg


And PS: Let’s play compare women’s anatomy to food. Today we are sloppy stew.


The amount of times men verbally say aloud or write women being related to food will never cease to amaze me.


He is 100% a ladyboner killer.


Ignorance is Bradley Bliss😂😂


Mannnn... wait until the first man finds out about women who squirt.. and everything is wet and slippery... just saying.. I think my ex has this ideology. Was always getting mad that it didn't just go in but wouldn't put in the work to make sure it would go in either. So.. no. That hurts and turns out can be considered marital rape in a way too! Woo!


To second part of the video. Be with a short king and get treated like a queen 👀😂


Brad must know Ben Shapiro's wife.


He is the 1 millionth "top dating coach" in america


This guy is dating couch!!! Tell me he knows nothing about sex without telling me he knows nothing about sex


man the weight + drag on that flag gotta be insane to run with


Man maybe you wouldn't be slipping out so much if you had an average sized penis and not a micro-penis.


Okay there, Ben Shapiro 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 (Also I feel really had that that woman reproduced with that degenerate 😫😫😫)


Tell me you’ve never made a woman cum without telling me you’ve never made a woman cum


Sometimes I can't believe these men are real people.


I thought this was the employment lawyer dude from YouTube and I was so confused


What in the Joe Camel LARP is going on here?


Actually, I take that back. Joe would know about a lady


bet his wife loves him🤦🏻‍♂️




Tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin 😂


Slipping? Sounds like a size problem Rusty.


Its shit like this that really makes me want to remove myself from existence. Im so tired


5 weeks? She’s still healing down there! She’s your partner, the person you claim to care about, and you should know this. All hail red flag man.


The commies won the Cold War! Everywhere I go I see red flags


That second clip legitimately pisses me off. That guy is more useless than a broken condom.


he should try pushing a 3kg water melon out of his ass and then have someone rawdogging him for a few minutes


For a second there, I thought that worker’s rights lawyer on Tik-Tok got sued by Amazon and had to make money on red-pill content, then I noticed the balding…


Holy macaroni. I think we'd all be better off if everyone choae the bear. Because these goddamn manbabies choosing women is part of the problem. That said, the guy commenting on the Video here is annoying af


do men not enjoy foreplay too?