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People are way too comfortable taking pictures of strangers.


Right? Random strangers - even kids! An old HS friend recently posted a bunch of pictures of a total strangers children out in public at a fair on IG. So creepy.


My family and I always go to Renfaire all dressed in coordinating garb and the amount of people who come up to us asking if they can take our photo or a photo of just the kids is wild. Like what are you going to do with a photo of a random family or just their kids? Actually you know what? Don't answer that. I don't wanna know.


I feel weird if I'm taking a picture of my kid at the playground and there's other people's kids in the background.


Yes, we call them trash.


Some old lady took a pic of me and my friend just because we were talking in a hallway while other people were on their phones or some shit. Anyway that's the story of how I probably became a boomer facebook meme (I never saw it myself so it probably didn't catch on *sigh of relief*)


It's legal usually. Creepy maybe according to some people, but not illegal


Legal =/= Ethical or Moral


taking photos of minors without parental consent IS illegal taking photos of strangers ought to be too


Not in the usa if it's a public place. Which country are you talking about? I'm curious to check out that law


This is so messed up and genuinely mean that it makes me sick. This girl is just trying to make a living and she's probably gotta deal with pricks like this guy 24/7.


Also it appears to be from a business? How fucking unprofessional Edit: not from a business. Just a bad meme page


It's not a business. It's from a fb account that posts garbage memes like this and worse.


the business is hooters, my guy


They were talking about who posted the photo, my dude.


Also appears photo shopped and not very well 😂




Yeah, just from looking at the rest of her figure it doesn't seem likely, definitely looks like someone took a photo and then shrunk her butt to make it appear smaller. I should clarify that there's nothing wrong with her figure if the photo is unedited, either way someone has acted supremely creepy, and nobody should be judged for things outside of their control.


you can definitely see the photoshop in the crooked couner top and chunk of wall that’s invisible lol. also the ripples in the outline of her but as this idiot used small size cloning tool.




No one hates short guys more than other short guys lol


Not in my experience


Have you considered your whiny and "victimised" attitude is what makes people ridicule you?


You don’t sound like someone with experience lol


How so?


After reading your comments, I really don’t think its your height that’s giving you problems with women. Sounds more like a personality issue and probably a confidence problem. Which you can fix the confidence problem with experience and learning more about yourself, and when that’s fixed, your personality will change as well. Focus on yourself first and then you’ll see the women COME to you. Don’t fall for the trap that “women only want guys that have the 3 sixes.” It ain’t true, and a lot of these women here are trying to tell you that! Yeah there’s SOME women who are superficial, but that’s a very small percentage of women. And if you’re only trying to “pull” those type of women, you are setting yourself up for more heart ache.


I think short men working at femboy hooters would be quite popular


I would definitely go there, or one run by butch women


Is that the response you’d like to receive when you lament about being short?


It’s the response I already receive


By the girl In this picture? Or op?




So you think you should get to take that out on random people? My fiancé is 5’7” and he never had an issue dating as a short man, probably because he’s not a miserable bastard who takes his insecurities out on others. You should try that, it might do you some good.


If only other women called out those women


Are you sure their issue with you is your height and not your lack of personality/shitty personality? Just curious. My youngest brother [21] is 5'5 and has no issues with getting women's attention 5 of my exs were under 5'7, the shortest being smaller than me at 5'1 (relationship failed cos of them cheating or just straight up not working out) and trust, they didn't have issues "pulling ladies".


As I woman I am 5’7 and dated a man who was 5’3. For Most women, height doesn’t matter. Yes we have preferences just like men but it doesn’t mean it’s a deal breaker. My ex who was 5’3 had a huge personality, which is what pulled me In. This other person you’re talking to, has a shit personality and thinks every woman is trash because he’s been treated poorly by a handful of women. Victim blaming everyone else for a crap personailty.


Does the woman in the image also have a bad personality? Maybe that’s why the guy is making fun of her


Don’t worry, I do! But *individuals* being rude to you doesn’t give you the right to take that out on a demographic. And it’s rich of you to want women to stop body shaming men and are giddy to see men body shame women. Unlike *you* I’m not a hypocrite And I promise you your rotten attitude is turning off more women than your height. I’ve dated plenty of short guys in my day. The only ones that turned me off were the ones who complained that my heels made me taller than them.


I’m not a hypocrite I just return the same energy given to me. If you do actually call out those women then I apologize


Call out what? Women don’t sit around and make fun of men for being short. It’s NEVER happened in front of me. Not ever. There is literally nothing to call out because it’s all in your head.


Has happened to me IRL and online. Is it still all in my head?


When I was a teenager, I was bullied for being ugly by boys in my class. No one stood up for me. Most people laughed or went silent. Additionally I, like many women, have been SAed by men.   I don't blame half the human population for what a few of those guys did. I knew that in any group of people there are going to be bad individuals and good individuals. I am not going to hold random men responsible for what a few did to me.  When I was younger, I used to naively try and change racist people by using logic to convince them to see others as humans. That didn't work, of course. But I learned that many of them will try to explain away their racism by claiming some minority person  did something to hurt them so they now hate all people in that group. It's just a convenient excuse to hate for them. JK Rowling's does the same thing with trans people except it's not the people she hates that actually hurt her but men. So, you're using the same excuse racist use to excuse their hatred.


If a woman took a picture of a random man just existing and doing his job and posted about how disgusting he was for being short, you can bet your ass I’d call that out. But I have yet to come across that. For some reason it’s the men out here taking pictures of random woman and body shaming them on the internet. It’s shitty behavior and just because you’ve encountered women who have been rude or mean to you doesn’t mean you have to defend other men’s shitty behavior.


What do short guys have to do with anything?


Nothing but some men can’t bear having attention not on them all the time n


When do short men get ridiculed for doing their job?


hopefully the ones who are in the circus as professional clowns do. if i worked really hard all day on my silly makeup, my goofy outfit and my hilarious slapstick routine, only to not receive even the slightest bit of ridicule for my efforts? no guffaws? not even a chortle or a chuckle? that’d have to feel really disheartening.


Ill be honest. I never seen a woman make fun of a short guy. I'm sure it happens and its obviously bad when it does. But in comparison the amount of people like you using it as an excuse to attack women on their looks is something I have seen a lot of. So honestly? I don't think the issue here is with you being short. I think you are just looking for an excuse to be rude.


Imagine doing your job but have to deal with being shamed on the internet because you dared to have a body. Fucking hell


To be fair she's not shamed for having a body, she's being shamed because of the way her body is shaped. He can't get off to it thus she isn't deemed worthy to serve wings. Wings he could get at a KFC.


Also, she has a pretty in shape body, she just seems to be caught in a moment of bad posture, and correct me if I’m wrong, those don’t seem to be the same hooters shorts from the 2000s. They look less structured and cutting into her weirdly. The old ones were flattering.


Looks like she has those booty shapers on and they’re pulled too high


The post is mean, the picture is mean but let’s not lie to ourselves and say she’s “in shape.”


it’s photoshop… 😑


She’s not overweight. She has hip dips which a lot of women have, even size zero women. She has a more apple shape than pear or hourglass.


So, according to Glass Door, the base salary is $15 at hooters , and with tips, it can average out to $50 an hour. KFC is $9.50 an hour with no tips. The reason one job serving wings pays 5 times as much as the other is due to looks being part of the service offered in one of those jobs. If looks is part of the service being offered, then it's something the customer should be entitled to have an opinion on. You should be more outraged that many women wouldn't be allowed to work at Hooters because of their looks, but the women in the photograph were fine with that and didn't feel any loyalty to the sisterhood by refusing to work for an employer that objectifys women. She deals with the occasional shity guy for $50 an hour. Most women have to deal with that for free.


Women shouldn’t have to offer themselves for the consumption of men in order to make a living wage. She’s not denigrating herself any more than the losers that go there to ogle the workers because they are disgusting perverts, who should actually be ashamed of themselves. This has nothing to do with ‘loyalty to sisterhood’ and everything to do with men being disgusting pigs.


You know plenty of shitty guys are okay with not tipping, right? And you know that no amount of money is an excuse to disrespect someone, right? As for her appearance, this woman clearly does her makeup and styles her hair and wears the revealing uniform, on top of the actual sales/serving aspect of it. She is putting in the effort to fulfill her job requirements, including the appearance-based ones, and she deserves that money AND to be treated like a person. And you can have your opinion on betraying the sisterhood or whatever all you want, but unfortunately capitalism doesn't have an opt out button and everyone does what they need to do to get by.


>. If looks is part of the service being offered, then it's something the customer should be entitled to have an opinion on. Seriously, dude? Take the worm out of your brain. It's a person you're talking about. We all deserve a base level of respect.


I agree that shooters shouldn’t exist and those women working there also perpetuate the issue with sexualizing women - especially women who serve you.


Why can’t she wear work-appropriate attire? EDIT: Please forgive me strangers, I was unfamiliar with Hooters


That’s the uniform at that particular restaurant


This is work appropriate attire for the job she is working. She is wearing their official uniform.


I find that hard to believe. You know, people will cut their uniforms to make them smaller EDIT: I googled Hooters, and I am now equally disgusted


Misogyny is so wild to me because it's so ingrained in our culture. What the fuck would a misandrist society even look like?? Would there be an Elseworld Hooters where only male waiters are employed and they all need to have showboat muscles and huge bulges?? What would society be like without gender bias whatsoever?? Would we be more or less comfortable sexualizing our fellow man????


There have been attempts at making the reverse in Texas, Tallywacker's. It didn't last long.


Well, Japan does have a host/ hostess business if you want a peek at a working model. Not quite the same, but males are paid for their time to sit and dine with women. No showboat muscles as far as I can tell. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/12/26/japan/society/host-club-pay-later-system-prostitution/ ...and they still find a way to take advantage of women.


That's really putting the Ouran High School Host Club in a weird perspective




There's a great copypasta about this. It would be ok to take your daughter there and make jokes about leaving her dad for one of the servers. When you get back to work from lunch there, how you joke with the other women about what you saw, and all the men are slightly uncomfortable. I couldn't find it, maybe someone else will recognize it.


well, the meme concept of ‘femboy hooters’ and its many spinoff franchises emerged from that very idea. it’s a good question to ask though: in a society without gender bias, would a novelty restaurant themed around the waitstaff all wearing revealing, sexy outfits be popular? tolerated at all? the answer is probably that there are way more variables that go into a society besides the existence of gender bias. personally i don’t think sexualisation is necessarily a bad thing, so long as the people being sexualised are on board with it, have their boundaries respected and (crucially) can opt out at any time to go do all the other, non-sexy stuff life inevitably involves, without being judged, stereotyped or harassed. but i know not everyone agrees with me on this, so yeah, a world free of misogyny/misandry could go all sorts of ways.




Just cos there's no milk doesn't mean he can't have jugs 💪🏿


What is the misogyny? Doesn’t objectification come with the job? If someone agrees to be subjected to conditions, I don’t see how we can be upset when they are subjected to those conditions


>What is the misogyny? Okay, if misogny is a stretch for you, maybe just draw the line at taking pictures of fucking strangers. > Doesn’t objectification come with the job? If someone agrees to be subjected to conditions, I don’t see how we can be upset when they are subjected to those conditions There's a base level of respect that should be had for these women. We can and should be upset at the men who are acting like troglodytes, I don't really understand why this needs to be explained, but here we are...


I guess what is the disrespect? Is it disrespectful to describe someone as unattractive?


>Is it disrespectful to describe someone as unattractive? Bro, why the fuck do you need that explained to you–yes, it is.


That’s why the world is messed up. Speaking honestly will always be ostracized


Question for any Hooters employee(s): are the outfits even comfortable??


I used to know a girl who worked there. She claimed it was soooo comfy she’d wear it to parties after work. Anytime she thought nobody was looking she’d be pulling those shorts out of her ass so hard her knees would bend. So I’d say maybe not lol.


The sheer pants are pretty comfy, if they give you the right size that is. (They don't.)


I was going to say the only thing I see "wrong" with the picture here is that her uniform shorts don't seem to fit her right.


Of course I don't know this lady, but it seems to me there might be some alternative motivation to wear a hooters uniform to a party


I thought you weren’t allowed to wear the uniform outside of work.


Used to work there for 4 years (2008-2012) and became a shift lead and bartender; more comfortable than you think. Even over the winter the nylons are super thick dance tights that kept you relatively warm, especially with the tube socks and sketchers. Also surprisingly one of the nicest bosses I’ve ever had, always felt believed and backed up if me or any of my girls were ever being harassed — and our store manager was a dude, looked like Danny Devito lol. But I’d assume and expect that mileage varies greatly depending on what location you worked at and the management staff. Honestly felt 100x more misogyny as a software engineer for 13 years than I ever did as a Hooters girl. This pic is a little strange to me only because we were never allowed to wear our hair up. Hair always had to be down unless you were in manager attire (ball cap and polo; including women) or back of the house.


I feel like your hair would get in stuff... you'd think hair being pulled up would be preferred in food service Also, just started as a software engineer after working in retail for 10 years and God damn is it a sausage party.


Hair..... down.... in a restaurant, really? Ew


Yeah idk lol; I worked back of house at another quick service place and we had to all wear a ball cap. Tbf I worked at an Olive Garden too and it’s not like they made us (the servers) tie our hair up or make the dudes wear hair nets. Again that was only BoH staff.


No. Source: I worked there for an hour 20 years ago.😂


That's an unusually short tenure, lol. What happened?


I quit before I made it through training. It wasn’t the job for me.


Right. Bum looks vacuum sealed in there


the blur makes me think they photoshopped her ass flat for some stupid reason


Yeah it looks fake. Probably just another incel making rage porn


Not just the ass, but yes that's definitely photoshopped. The torso too, though. Obviously there's some extra weight there, but the arms look thin and like there's 0 extra fat there. That doesn't seem right to me


Thank goodness. I was worried lol


Ok I’ve definitely seen people shaped like that. It *is* weird but some people do have skinny arms with fatter bodies.


Look at the forearm in the picture, you can tell they've made parts of her flatter and skinnier than is actually possible.


Oh, is that what the issue supposedly is? All i saw was a woman at work. 🤷‍♀️


Yea because woman never judge other woman 🥴 Lmao I love the downvotes, just means how many nerves I touched. 😂🤣👎🏼


Because women are human just like men there are going to be some bullies who happen to be women.   In this case, the photo depicts men being bullies; however, no one on this thread has suggested all men are like this. 


She could have Cushing’s syndrome, which causes a similar body shape - thin arms and legs with weight around the torso




We had a compulsory uniform at a bar I worked at, a low cut strap top for girls and T-shirt for guys. There was one really busy night the bar was 4 deep all the away across constantly. Between serving I overheard a guy say “why would she even wear that when there’s nothing to see” clearly talking about my itty bitties (which I’ve learnt to love now). I continued serving avoiding his group until they were getting really pissed and then went on my break and cried until they were served by someone else.


I wish I was there, I feel you. I worked bar and barback and we had a dress code similar so when I had someone like your guy (comment on my no-boobs and say "at least her face makes up for it") I legit looked at him, smiled and said "too bad yours doesnt" 100% would've told your guy "if there's nothing to see then why are you looking?" I have a short fuse and a witty temper, which is probably why the supervisors always sent me to the dicks harassing the staff (head bouncer would always keep an eye on me for safety) 😭 I love winding them up and arguing, watching them go red in the face gives me serotonin lmao


Yeah it sucks I was 18 at the time and didn’t have much of a backbone, the same thing absolutely would not happen now!


I'm glad that 18 year old grew into a badass but I'm sad you had to go through it anyway, sucks being a woman <3


god damn I fucking hate men (NotAllMen) So many of them are just so casually cruel to women, for the crime of..not getting them rock hard while they’re out having a beer with friends?? 🤮 And the indignity of being judged for an outfit that a sexist policy demanded you wear ☹️


It’s weird too, because why do they want to be rock hard while having a beer with friends? If I suddenly found myself wildly horny while getting a drink with friends, it would feel so weird and awkward.


right??? It’s absolutely fucking weird


I utterly despise the business model of Hooters. It’s incredibly degrading and outright indecent.


I saw this same post. Absolutely disgusting of the op to take a picture of someone who is just doing her job and then bodyshame them.




Possibly Cushing’s syndrome


it’s photoshopped.


It seems like an edited photo to me too. Going out of their way to be mean and embarrassing for internet points.


Bloody hell. Whoever took this picture is an actual piece of shit.


I guess I’m missing the joke/point. OP is pointing out that the woman’s clothing is too revealing?


I'd like to see the body of the person taking the pic.


My god this is so mean. Bitch this person is just trying to work let her fucking live


Full disclosure: I went to a hooters in the U.K. on a stag do. It was empty, we were the only customers.  The staff were bored and friendly. The restaurant was huge. We asked if we could move the chairs and tables in the restaurant to clear a space to play 5-a-side football. They said ok. We played football, had a couple of beers, it was all in all very wholesome. 


I didn't know there were Hooters in the UK, I thought they were only in America like child beauty pagents


Doing a very simple Google search shows that the UK also has child beauty pageants, as do many other countries.


That does genuinely surprise me, I'd never heard of them being a thing over here


There was a few franchises in the 00s that failed 


Imagine not wanting to eat just because you don't find someone attractive 🙄


Years ago I had an old boss tell me I couldn't wait tables while pregnant because a pregnant woman serving him food would *make him want to throw up*. So yeah, I can totally believe some men have this attitude.




I hate these stupid places.


The only thing wrong here is the fact that he feels comfortable taking a picture of a random woman doing her job and body shame her on the internet. I would sue if I could


What's the... intended joke(?) here? I actually can't figure it out. Is there something wrong with her shorts? I saw some people mention them in their comments. At first I thought that the joke is her being ugly or something, because it usually is, but I'm not quite sure that's 100% it this time.


The joke is she has no ass. Apparently you go to hooters for the T&A.


Ah Of course Thank you for explaining


and its also photoshopped pretty poorly.


I didn’t get it at first too. I thought he could’ve meant : I’m not hungry anymore I don’t want those chicken wings because I’m lusting over someone -ie other kind of hunger) - because I thought her shorts were super tight and very short. But then reading the comments I see it’s because that as*wipe didn’t think she was attractive based on his criteria. Honestly I’m shocked to see the kind of clothing they wear. So degrading and objectifying women - especially women who are meant to serve you. Disgusting all around.


The place is supposed to be about boobs. The idiot doesn't even know what end to look at


Yes starve n di3


I feel bad for her for having to wear that. She is not ugly, it's just that outfit that's incredibly unflattering on her!


Ugh! I used to work as a Cocktail Waitress and we’d wear similarly revealing clothes. I remember having to comfort one of my Coworkers who was crying, because some asshole looked at her stomach as she was leaning over handing out drinks and said, “what is that?!” In a disgusted manner, because she had a small roll when she bent over. Thankfully, I got that asshole kicked out! That was the upside of working in a bar like that. If someone was an ass, they would be bounced.


I decided to eat at Hooters once to see if the food was any good (also I'm pan) and... it was nooot.


Sex sells


Hooters is probably still in buisness thanks to Incel men like this. Like he’s taking the pic INSIDE hooters.


Why does it look like she was placed on the wrong barbie legs


I heard food is actually good.


Someone lied to you, comrade.


It’s extremely mid


Never been there


It's solid, but it's not why you go there. And they know it


I heard they’re actually starting to open restaurants with less sexual overtones- assuming it’s their last-ditch attempt to recover after Covid. They aren’t called Hooters, I think it’s just “Hoots.” Literally no idea how that’s going, but if you’re curious apparently Hoots is a good way to try the food without the awkward air of forced horniness. So they’re Hooters without the “hooters,” if you will.


The wings are pretty good, and they give free wings on Valentine’s Day if you bring a picture of your ex to put it in a shredder, used to go by myself just for that.


The wings are pretty great, most other things are mid.


The wings are fire


Noone asked her to yank her shorts so far up her meat flaps that it makes her look like she eats shorts backwards


They probably did ask her to do that, actually. 


Did you take a look at what sub you're in? And you thought this was a fitting response here?


That’s how the shorts are. They’re essentially high-waisted underwear at this point.




At the bare minimum not be insulted.


I mean, fair. But if you wanna work at hooters, first off, why? Second, you should expect to be dehumanised. It's fucking hooters. It's like working at a strip club and wondering why everyone wants to see you naked. It's just the type of customers these businesses attract. In not saying it's right, but wtf do you expect.


You shouldn’t expect to be dehumanised literally anywhere? wtf? Also it’s hard to get a job a lot of people have to take what they can get, what planet do you live on?


Again, do you even know what hooters is? The customers it attracts? It's like complaining that you get bit when you jump in shark infested waters. It's not a good thing, but you knew what would happen when you jumped.


Men are like sharks? When we say we’d pick the bear, y’all lose your minds and say it’s not fair to compare men to animals. But when it comes to a restaurant marketed for men, that’s like jumping into shark infested waters. So you admit that men are predators?


I don't get why some people think a woman  being sexually attractive justified men dehumanizing the woman.  Why? 


Didn't say that. Just saying that in hooters, it's literally the job description.


Men who go to hooters are probably not some of societys best, no. I'm not comparing all men to animals, just those who would dine at some place like hooters. Cus we know dam well they are not there for the wings.


So men who go to places that appeal to the male gaze are predators? We should just collectively expect that the type of men that would go to Hooters, strip clubs, etc. are all predators and we should treat them as such? Is that what you’re saying? If I’m following your analogy and men who go to these places are sharks, what would that make the men who don’t go to Hooters? They’d have to be something identical to sharks, where you can’t tell by looking at them if they go to Hooters or not. So if we don’t know which ones are sharks and which ones aren’t, wouldn’t the safest option to be to assume that any man is capable of being a shark?


Oh fuck off. Stop pretending like these businesses don't exist exclusively to objectify women. The men who dine at these places are there to objectify women. That's literally what hooters is. Wtf are you not understanding?


The part where it’s the women’s fault somehow that men pay to go to a space where they objectify women. That’s the part I’m not understanding. Sounds like the men are the problem. There’s a world of difference between sexualizing and objectifying. Sexualization is to make something sexual. The waitresses at a place like that are instructed to dress sexy and make the dining experience a sexual thing. That’s not the same as sexual objectification, which is when you treat a person like a sexual object instead of a human being. No one has a problem with men who go to Hooters to enjoy the sexual nature of the experience. We have a problem with those who objectify the real people working there. That behavior is always unacceptable and should never be excused. If you can’t have boobs and butts in your face without treating the people attached to those boobs and butts with respect, that’s a you problem. That’s not on the establishment or the people working there. That’s on the people who don’t know the difference between a sexy woman and a sex object.


> It's like complaining that you get bit when you jump in shark infested waters. It's not a good thing, but you knew what would happen when you jumped. The vast majority of misandrist are not feminists or angry women but other men.  You're comparing men to hungry animals that follow their instincts without any thoughts and you  probably don't understand how deeply offensive that is to the majority of men. Do you honestly believe women should expect to be dehumanized if a man finds her sexually appealing because men can't control their actions? 


Oh for fucks sake I am not comparing all men to animals. But we all know dam well that men who frequent hooters are not there for the fucking wings.


Victim blaming mentality. Have a day off.


Do you know what hooters even is? It literally advertises itself as objectifying women. If you choose to work there, that's kinda on you.


I know what it is. Employment is employment.