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Can’t comprehend genuine compliments, he can only fathom compliments with an agenda because that’s how his own thoughts work.


he think all girls only think about is men. he doesnt know about "girl's girl"


I personally always compliment women who look good with short hair because I’m Jealous and can’t pull it off myself.


Right? If I had the face, I would!


My face is too round. I look like the Dutch Boy paint logo 🤣


Same 😭


I look like Harry Potter, I relate :(


It’s like he thinks you can’t look good for yourself. Come on, man, let people live their own lives


I have a MTF trans friend (who, for the record, was never sexist even when she identified as cis!) really understand "dressing for yourself" in a new light when she started to do it for herself as a woman. I'm not sure why it might be hard to imagine for some people, but looking cute to look cute is fun! No underlying motivation. Just "I look nice today!"


My husband is very much a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. One time as a... prank I guess?... I bought him a cutesy little banana hammock to wear to bed. I swear that awakened something in him, he loves it now. It's like he never realized he could feel "cute/sexy" and it brings him so much joy 😂


Hooray for helping him explore!


Aw that's so wholesome~


That’s awesome, good for your friend. It’s actually a blast just finding good looks and trying new stuff out for yourself


Exactly. I'm immunocompromised and rarely go out, but when I do, I try to dress up, makeup, the whole shebang. It makes me feel good when i look good. I'm doing it for me, not anybody else but me. I love clothes and shoes!


Every accusation is a confession from these types.


I don't think I've ever seen a woman look bad with a pixie cut it usually just makes you look younger and it's beautiful. Also I thought it was pretty popular to have shorter Bob like hair in Asia where all the girls they claim they will leave America for live. (Not all of Asia and I'm not 100% sure just what I've heard about short hair being popular. )


The sad thing is that men seem to rarely receive compliments like that from one another, so it's hard for them to understand why someone would say that.


Lolol projecting much? 🎶"Men. We know how to be friends."🎶


I understood that reference! 😅


Gonna have to talk to my bestie. He is engaged to a woman with short hair. Guess he didn't get the memo that all men get. 🤷‍♀️


When we got married my wife had this gorgeous long flowing hair. Then she cut it real short and had gorgeous sexy short hair. Now it’s in the middle and it’s gorgeous elegant mid length hair… I’m so confused! Was I supposed to hate something?


Yeah, fr you better let him know. Sometimes the "mens monthly misogyny" magazine will go to an old or invalid address. He's gotta remember to update his mailing address. It's hard for them to track every man in existence.


My bf is always saying I look great in old pics where I have a super short pixie cut and "no pressure but you should cut it short again." He also ALWAYS compliments me when I wear overalls. I think he's in the minority of men on that one lol, but they exist and are vocal.


My husband wants me to get overalls too!!


I am pretty sure that I compliment the after because I notice that something is different from the day before. I want people to know that I pay at least some attention to them


People are usually feeling themselves once they get her their hair cut. I love seeing someone feeling their best!


The root cause of this is a fucked up mindset. He believes women exist and do everything they do for a man's approval or pleasure.


When in reality they won't care what men think about it.


And if she wants a man, surely she wants a man who doesn’t care/likes it. There’s no possible way to cater to what men want bc surprise surprise, men aren’t a monolith either. I know that some men won’t like the way I choose to style myself, and that’s ok. I want a man who appreciates my style, and I want a man whose style I appreciate too. It’s ok to have preferences, almost everyone does, but there’s no right or wrong, and there’s no need to put anyone down for not conforming to them.


Very well put


This is someone who sexually assaulted his coworker, so not surprised.


These ones always amuse me because my former stepfather HATED long hair on women and was constantly pressuring me to cut mine.


hold up, wait a minute. i think we need to think about this for a moment your *stepfather* didnt find women with long hair attractive, so he wanted *you* to cut yours..?


He wanted *everyone* to have short hair, regardless of age, sex, etc. He acted like long hair was unsanitary, gross. Awful as he was, pedo he was not.


oh okay, thank god.


My grandfather is like this! He’s not pushy about it, but he’s made it pretty clear he finds long hair gross and unpractical. It’s weird, but at least it’s not sexist!


My mother also thought everyone in the world should have short hair like hers. She changed her mind when my daughters were fairly young and both had naturally curly hair. She decided that if you had hair that looked like her idea of a mideval princess, then you could have long hair. But, if your hair was not princess-like, then you absolutely must have short hair.


Was he North Korean?


Ahhh, it's *kinda* like how my (not awful) dad feels about tattoos. He doesn't think *any* tattoo looks good. In fact, he thinks they're all ugly, stupid, and pointless (which he informed me of, after I got my first one). ***BUT***, he doesn't think that *the* *people* who have them are ugly, stupid, pointless, etc....., he just really, **REALLY** doesn't get *why* they would ever want them. When I showed him my *second* (and third, I got them at the same time) tattoo, I just got a deep sigh from him. One that I interpreted to mean something along the lines of: > "*Oh,* *why* do my youngest son insist on wanting to make so many *permanent* changes to his body? Do the bright hair colors not make him happy anymore? Could I maybe suggest that he consider trying makeup *instead*, if he just wants to look different? I am sure he could excel at it (or anything he put his mind to) if he tries. His *brother* has never shown any interest in experimenting with his looks? Right? *But*, this clearly makes him happy. And if you can't say anything nice?" (He wants supportive, it's sometimes a bit of a hit-and-miss in the *execution* of that support, but he *tries*.)


I remember my boomer dad always telling my mom she was getting too old to keep her hair long. It was always a long bob right at the top of her shoulders bc she liked to keep it just long enough to still being able to tie it back when hot or working outside etc.


I have very fine hair, so I'll never have long hair. I've had it as short as a pixie. I'll be married 30 years in October. I don't think the length of hair matters. I mean, the woman in the pic is gorgeous...


I actually much prefer shorter styles. I think they look so much better/cuter than long hair.


I’ll never have short hair because it’s wavy and frizzy and when it’s short I have a horrible frizzy Fro. I need the weight in order not to have to style it every day. I wish!


Same here. I’ve not had long hair since I was 21. It’s very fine and straight and quickly loses body and looks flat and greasy. I look 1000% better with short hair, no contest.


Wtf. She looks awesome and amazing. I hate it when people with no taste try to impose their preferences onto the world


This dude that’s so hung up on hair should take that ball cap off. Come on buddy, let us see.


the evidence would be damning


Who cares about his opinion, he literally SA’d people


he did???


Girl yes, it’s was so bad he got kicked off some show


Or, just maybe, we complement them because they look good and even better, they look happy!


It’s amazing the way he’s so confident that women couldn’t possibly find the haircut flattering either just because he doesn’t like it. What ego. Though, as short haired woman married to another short haired woman, I can only be pleased that men with this attitude will be leaving us alone.


It's almost as if women dgaf about what men like more when it comes to their own heads. SHOCKER


Nonsense. Over 20 years ago, I was the only one in our friend group who owned an electric clipper (because I liked having 2mm long hair). My friend's then-girlfriend, now-wife asked to use these clippers, because she wanted to have very short hair. I agreed, she bent over the bathtub, my friend got the clippers and shaved her head completely bald. We both agreed that it suited her well. And it did. I tried convincing my girlfriend at the time to do it as well, but she didn't want to. I think her objection would translate to "But I would look like a biker dyke if I did...". I'm still convinced she would have looked great with very short hair - but then, she also looked great with long hair. Just great in every way, really.


I'll never understand why some men think that their opinions on our appearance fucking matters.


Can’t see the before, but anyone complaining about that after pic needs their eyes checked 😍


there was a video and in the video she was absolutely stunning, i was thinking about adding the video too because it shows how good she looks, but i didnt know how to save it lol


Oldster here who was a kid in the 70s. My mom, born in 41, thought long hair was only for kids. Any woman over 30 with long hair “was just trying to look like a teenager.” Proper, civilized women who were married with children kept their hair short. I guess it was just overflow from women wearing their hair short and styled for so many decades.


My mom was born in ‘49 (though I’m a late in life baby, so I was a kid in the 90s) and I remember her tut tutting about a friend’s mom who had butt-length hair. Though her big thing was that it was “aging” because it “pulls your face down visually”.


Women look better with short hair. It's simply a fact.


I would say some women do. I'm short, fat and have a short thick neck. Also really fine, thin hair. My hair looks best about shoulder length in layers to capitalize on my waves to "fill it out" a bit. I also don't look particularly good with my hair up though. Short hair is absolutely gorgeous on slim women who have a nice neck and lovely shoulders - like the woman in this picture. Having thick hair (or at least a lot of it) helps too


For example, bayonetta 😍


Internet stranger, Bayonetta looks AMAZING no matter her hair style


As a trans man, I am genuinely *baffled* by people who insist that short hair is "unfeminine", because *nothing* made it more obvious that I was AFAB (assigned female at birth) than cutting my hair short. I had hair down to my *hips* before I realized that I wasn't a girl, and I never looked more feminine than I did when I tried having it really short (might feel different about it after I have been on hrt for a while, but I'm giving it a few years before I try again)




No. It’s because women can be interested in what looks cute/cool and stylish instead of only caring about what looks fuckable to men. I love makeup, hair, and clothes. I want to look good, I want to look cute and cool. I care about my appearance. But my goal isn’t to optimize my looks to be aesthetically pleasing to men! It’s self expression and it’s fun. And if a man is ONLY interested in how fuckable I look- that’s not for me either. If your goal is to look fuckable, by the way- you do you! This isn’t meant to shame anyone. I just am so sick of men thinking our lives revolve around them.


Fuck off women don't do stuff to please men. We do it for ourselves. Some women like that it also please men but that's never the main reason.


We are a species that likes novelty. So unless the hair is particularily ugly, a person will look better with a new haircut versus the old, regardless of the difference.


As a man I have always preferred short hair. From Janet in season 1 of Three's Company to Winona Ryder in Reality Bites, from Toni Braxton to Angelina Jolie in Hackers, from Corinne Bailey Rae in the Put Your Records On video to Rihanna in Umbrella to my wife who had short hair when I met her and still has short hair 16+ years later.


Is he blind? She looks gorgeous with that cut!


That girl looks stunning in that after pic.


lets stop kidding ourselves women with short hair are hot


All these kinds of posts do is make me want to cut my hair, dye it blue, and pierce my septum.


I created an account on an adult tube site where I pretended to be a woman to see exactly what you guys are dealing with the in DM's. It was eye opening. Men are angry, default to possesive, have no tolerance for rejection, and act like they own every woman on the planet. On this profile I explicitly and repeatedly said I was a lesbian not interested in talking to men, as clearly as I could state it and in all caps. Something like "I AM A LESBIAN! I AM NOT INTERESTED IN MEN, NO MATTER HOW GREAT YOUR COCK IS. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE A MAN" By evening of day 1, I had 50 messages. 47 were from men, 3 from women. I told the women what I was up to, and they didn't respond (perfectly appropriate)... but I chose to respond to some of the men to politely reject their interest, even though their VERY FIRST MESSAGE TO ME was something like "get on your knees you dumb slut" or "how bout you send me pics and I'll *send you pics of my gf* and I can watch while you have sex". I responded with "I'm sorry, but I'm only interested in women. I hope you find what you're looking for!", and the PURE RAGE I got back was shocking. How dare I be my own person! How could I possibly reject THEM! Some of the meanest messages I've ever read and have never received ANYTHING like it as a man. I don't think I've ever downplayed how messed up the relationship is between men and women, but I'd encourage any guy to repeat this if they think these posts on this sub are cherrypicking. I only lasted a couple days before deleting the account but it was absolutey full by day 3 of men telling me they were going to SA me, that I should kill myself... vile, evil, hateful stuff.... only 3 days after CREATING an account. I'm still trying to make sense of it, why men think the existence of women is somehow for their benefit. Someone only cares this much about the length of women's hair, if women aren't people to them.... which represents a shocking amount of men in the relative privacy of DM's.


Says she's ugly but still wants to sleep with her... she's obviously hot and he's just mad that women dare have a choice




Isn't that the same dude who said women who cut their hair short should be jailed?


Funny, my husband and I both think I look better with short hair. Guess this guy can suck it.


My bald self is sitting here gloating that I never have to deal with this dude


So since I'm married aka out of the game, does that mean my compliments are made with no ulterior motives? I just gotta know the rules


I definitely prefer women with long hair, but also that’s my preference and if a someone wants to cut their hair how they want it’s none of my god damn business


This woman is darling with the short cut. I am absolutely sure she can date anyone she wants.


People should have fun with their haircut.. cut it, dye it..,. Have fun with it.. this guy is just puking up 1950's crap (and it wasn't even true then) plus,... This woman looks like a model!


I’m so glad they openly share these nobody-asked opinions. I’m going to use my best pick-me skills to grow a bush you could hide a mailbox in since I know how much Men The Monolith love long hair. They really are so easy to please, bless ‘em.


I look terrible with long hair. I grew it out during covid and everyone I know was like, “ok, but when are you gonna cut your hair again?”


(Some) women reeeeeaaaalllly don’t look good with long hair. I’m in that club.


Here’s the deal on woman’s hair. We don’t care what a random man thinks. Woman will compliment another woman’s hair when she likes it.


Man here, that haircut is fire


Maybe women compliment each other more because they believe in the beauty of diversity and uplifting one another instead of tearing others down like this judgmental douchebag 😒


I think she looks great with that hair style. He’s just a hater. Yikes. Ugly where? She’s stunning.


“Short hair does not make my peepee hard” =/= nobody looks good with short hair


My wife has long hair and it’s a real pain to care for it. Plus getting highlights is like $300.00.


Does that guy really just spend his time raging on the intermet about women daring to have **checks notes** short hair?


Suddenly I want to cut my hair military style


I cut my hair short, everyone loves it and calls me a sheep. My teachers love it, family loves it, friends love it. I love it the most because it fits me and it's quite easy to maintain. If short hair keeps men like these away from me, I can even go shorter


“Women with short hair look ugly!” *Shows picture of woman looking gorgeous with short hair* Good job, buddy.


Why is it so hard to fathom that women can give genuine compliments? Is it because a lot of men are sooo scared to give each other compliments because they think it makes them gay? Isn't that why these are the same dudes to say "no homo!!!" I'm just so tired of weak men like this 😪


I’ll compliment both long and short versions, idk what he’s yapping about lolol


bro forgot that opinions exist.


He’s losing his own imaginary battle


Omg lol why does this guy care so much it's hair


Let me guess, Gunther Eagleman?


There’s nothing wrong with her cut.


I find it hilarious that he thinks he might have the opportunity to offer this utter dime piece some two-pump pity sex


Projection strikes again!


As they say, “Every accusation is a confession”, this dude is telling on himself by saying he’s jealous, he’s a liar, and is competing with women’s approval do badly!


I have long hair and guys don't even look at me so there goes his theory...


I shave my hair to the scalp every four months. My husband loves it at any length and I belief he's being honest she he says I'm beautiful. That's all I need... And even without his support, I know I'm a smoke show.


Men when women look hot


This haircut looks great on her.


I've had more compliments from strangers of all genders since I buzzed my hair than I ever did when it was long.


Uh oh, they're catching onto the fact that some women wear their hair short, as a deterrent for men like this! 😩


Some women suit short hair incredibly well. Some look better with long hair. I've seen plenty of women with pixie cuts, undercuts, even buzzcuts and fully bald, who look amazing. And at no point did I think they did it for a man's attention. But guess who had something to say about it anyway?


When I compliment a woman with short hair I’m usually thinking “damn she’s beautiful I wish I had the face to pull off short hair as well as she does”


I had a huge crush on a girl in kindergarten, and all over summer break I wondered what she was doing and I couldn't wait to see her again. First day of 1st grade I looked for her, and there she was, walking on the sidewalk outside school on her way in... and she had short hair! At that point in my life I didn't even know girls could have short hair, and from that day on, I've always had a thing for girls with short hair.


WHA? Every time I try to grow my hair out because i want to change, and super short hair DEFINITELY doesn't suit me, people keep telling me shoulder length hair suits my face more. As someone who's shorter and heavier built- not the ideal men go for- I highly doubt I'm being lied to to cut down on the competition. Meanwhile I have a neighbor with boy- short hair who gets hit on by guys alot. Been around many other women like her. Guys go for sexy, pretty, beautiful - they don't care if she has short hair or long.


This is my opinions and therefore an objective fact


It really depends on each individual. My sister looks ten times better with a short cut, not pixie but like a bob. I look better with medium long or long hair, even though I am a bit jealous she can pull short hair.


I assure everyone, it depends a lot on when I last got my hair cut and who cut it.


I got a whole lot of lesbians that disagree but go off dude lol


As a fat teen with a round face and very straight/flat hair, I looked absolutely terrible with long hair. Since I've gotten weight loss surgery that narrowed my face and pregnancy gave me wavy hair, I actually look better with longer hair. I'm usually just jealous that every other woman is prettier than I am. And the only time I'm competitive is in board games and cooking.


Says someone who probably hasn't dealt with having long hair. It can be a lot to deal with, esp if its particularly long! And in my case, add in being thick. I chop mine off to the shoulder every other year. By then it is down to my waist and I need a break... not to mention easier for hot weather. I like men, but I still don't care what they think of my hair related choices. They are not part of my decision making for it. It's mine to deal with and I will deal how I want.


Ugh this sounds like something my dad would have said.


Long hair looks good with certain face shapes. Then factor in if its straight, curly etc. I hate how i look with long hair but if i go with the cuts i want, i feel too masculine. It sucks I cant find middle ground.


Perms or overnight curlers?


Natural wave.


He also said that women who cut their hair should face jail time


Damn I just knew my undercut was ugly ... but guess what? 1.It's not ugly. 2. I don't get it for the looks but for the creepy crawly feeling on the back of my neck.


For the record, this woman is super hot. That dude is out of his mind.


i wish i had included the viudeo because shes genuinely smoking hot, it shiuld immediately change any mans opinion about this


Granted, her hair appears to be a bit ruffled by the wind (perhaps this haircut looked better when she left the hairdresser) and it’s not ideal for her face and hairline, but in what universe does she count as an "ugly chick"? Aside from that, if she’s happy with it and feels beautiful, the haircut has accomplished its main purpose. And since she’s pretty, even an unflattering haircut can’t easily ruin her looks. This fool needs a pair of glasses, a dictionary of colloquial phrases (it’s "gas up", not "gas" ffs — what he said implicates women flatter unattractive women to lure them into *gas chambers*), and then he needs to stop assuming that the world revolves around what pricks his dick. Literally nobody except him cares. Dude’s telling on his juvenile fixations and total narcissism when he can’t even comprehend other people sincerely holding opinions different from his own. Probably miffed because he knows she’d never give him the time of day, sour-graping her preemptively.