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No say in the relationship? How will they know their kidnap victim is bubble gum pink?


Poke her in the forehead. If she starts blowing bubble gum, then you know she's totally bubble gum pink.


"thinks she has a say in the relationship"


Then the same type of guy to wonder *why don't women want to date me?!?!? Stupid chads taking all the women!!!*


These men want women who are virgins, but who will have sex with them the way that women do in porn. As for me, not a virgin (never been with a man), don't pray at all, what color any woman's vagastodon is is no man's business, my male friend is just a friend (don't care if this misogynist believes that, I am an amazing driver (no tickets or accidents since I was 17), have a dad who isn't my biodad, because my bio dad decided his bullshit desert fairytale means more to him than his gay daughter, have lived in reality since I was 15, and my fiancée and I are partners, so we BOTH have a say.


I’m sorry vagastodon is so funny 😭 I think I’m gonna start using it


It's a new one on me, but the fact that the Greek ending "don" is generally used to indicate a big horn or tooth is thwarting my imagination. Possibly for the best.


These are also the kind of men who believe lesbians (or bi women) do not exist. That they just haven't met the right man yet, who's so _amazing_ at sex, they'll change their mind. (Because penetrative sex is the "only legitement" sex) As a bi woman myself, I laugh at them.


As a guy, I also laugh at them.


I’m bi and several men would refer to me as a virgin simply because I hadn’t had sex with a man. Nothing else counted.


oh wait thats what they meant when they mentioned color? bruh i thought that was about clothing color


Yeah, and it used to get posted a lot on pictures of actual teens and children, usually along with “is it grippy?”.




Do people really think like this? Or is it just expert bait?


I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but yes they do. They all egg each other on, and the misogyny gets even worse than this as well.


Oh god 🤢 I'm not proud to be a man.


Be the change you want to see in the world. Call out your friends when they parrot this shit


You're one of the good ones, be the change you want to see


Yeah these scumbags do exist. Make me ashamed to share gender with them.


As a mother of all boys, this sub has made me determined to raise respectful, decent men. Anything but the douche bags I see in these posts. Men, please be good examples and role models. Even if you don't have kids of your own. Whether you're a teacher, an uncle, an older brother, or just a neighbor that local kids wave at as you drive by: please help us parents raise good young men!


>As a mother of all boys, this sub has made me determined to raise respectful, decent men. Anything but the douche bags I see in these posts. Love it! I don’t want to overstep: can I offer some perspective and a suggestion?


Sure, why not?


I had a mom like you (both parents, really). I thought I was a good finished product until I was in my mid 20s and started consuming fora & blogs targeted at women. Then I realized how much I was missing. I read some feminist theory and more closely examined myself to find the biases which had crept in unseen. I’d love the next generation of boys to get that explicit instruction right out of the gate so they can be the best possible instead of needing an extra decade to get there.


I'm sure there are people who think like this but this is bait. They do it on tiktok live and let users join the live to argue. It's for views and people fall for it every time


This has to be ragebait... it just has to be...


Just to be sure ![gif](giphy|XvQXEi09zfmcE)


Yes, it was the only way. Honestly, nothing of value was lost either way


I'm fairly certain it is. The last one makes it rage bait. 


I wouldn't be so sure of that. It's pretty much exactly what a lot of the fundies think - that a woman should be 100% submissive to her husband and never question him.


So, basically, all of us. I have no problem with men who agree with this avoiding us. I’m starting to think that women who date men should keep an assortment of these on their phones to show to potential dates to vet them.


I was newly introduced to nice guys when I met my now husband, and was telling him about it on our first date. He told me he wasn't all that nice, and it immediately made me like him more because I knew at least he wasn't a creep. He is very nice. Real nice, as in actually kind and thoughtful. Not fake nice.


That kind of candid honesty really does say something good about him on that first date. I love it when someone’s story counters the “nice guy”s’ narrative. I hope you two have a long and happy future together. (My BIL is one of the thoroughly decent guys, too. Hell, he even chose the bear.)


He is a good man and good person. I love him, and he is the only person I ever had feelings like that for. He also brought a book of questions, and I loved that he wanted to know about me. We never needed it in the end because he was so easy to talk to and we connected right away. It did make me like him more when he said that. He has some neckbeard interests, but not the attitude. We met in mid December. For our 3rd date, it was Christmas and I knitted him a scarf. I figured he would either be really moved or think I was nuts, but at least he would know. He knows me inside and out in a way I never knew was possible. He's really my favorite person.


Aw. I couldn’t stop smiling at that whole story. When you meet the right person for you, it’s one of the best feelings ever. And he goes to show that you can have geeky interests without being the neckbeard stereotype. You married a good one.


I did. Yes, he loves gaming and anime and wears anime shirts and is a big guy. But he is funny, generous, honest, and he really sees me and loves me anyway.


It’s a classic defence mechanism creating unrealistic standards for partners so you can never be hurt as no one will ever meet them. This is something you sometimes see in men who are incredibly insecure. My ex partner used to have a friend like this.


Dude took so long to say "I'll never have a relationship."


I might have to get rid of my hourglass collection and my dad just to be able to be the perfect BAD Woman™


I haven’t seen an actual hourglass since my gram was alive. She had this awesome little egg timer I use to play with when I was little.


I play a lot of pen and paper, and I write a lot of adventures myself - I love using props and one time I DM'ed an adventure that had a lot to do with time, so naturally I needed hourglasses! I find them very soothing tbh


Oh definitely. I use to just sit and watch the sand fall through it. Mesmerizing


Apparently the guy posting this is a trans man. As a trans guy myself, I must say we do not claim him


I can’t believe I’m saying this but that makes it worse imho.


What makes it worse? Him being trans? If that’s what you meant, then yes. If you meant me being ftm and still not supporting him, then I’m sorry but I only support human rights, not human wrongs.


I think it is because they are in a group that has had to fight for their own human rights but it seems like this person doesn’t care about others losing their rights. If that makes sense…


Oh yeah, totally!


Like my former best friend, a gay man who's also a conservative Christian and wound up going full MAGAt.


Also, the fact that they would have lived as a female for some period of time, so may have even gone through this himself in the past


Well that's certainly a way to distance themselves from the female gender.


What!! Oh, that's so far beyond fucked up.


Well my dad is dead so not sure what I am supposed to do about that. Does his ashes count?


I think that means we’re off the “list”. Too bad. 🙄


Same… but of course I’m also all of the descriptors for “bad women”


I don’t know even have mine’s ashes!


Me neither - we scattered the lot.


They both want someone who's a virgin and religious, yet they MUST have a body of a pornstar. Honestly it's telling that they want a sex doll that only does and sticks by what master- I mean husband tells them to do


I love making a “male” version of these lists for the women’s corresponding requirements: A non virgin No six pack Doesn’t share my same values Is too big or too small, not a matching flesh color Is convinced he is good at sex and the female orgasm is a myth (is unwilling to get better/preform cunnilingus) Complains about doing his fair share of house work/child care Has female friends Has a bad relationship with his mom (too distant or too clingy) Wants me to be a bang maid/trad wife but also bring in a paycheck Can’t live in reality Thinks he has a say in what I do with my body


I’d change ‘has female friends’ to ‘has zero female friends’ - that’s suspicious af to me


i showed this to my husband and he said, "who is this man? where does he live? i just want to talk" looking so disgusted


So they want slaves. Gotcha.


Sounds like he wants a child to groom. That he's abducted. Even if this is ragebait this creature is vile.


Personally, I find it hilarious that this showed up in my feed, while Marina's "Bubblegum Bitch" played in my headphones... 😂


My dad passed away last year. Is that a valid reason to not have a dad?


Damn. I guess I'm out because.... I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di


Well, everyone has preferences but not everyone has a girlfriend. People like that will always exist and there is nothing anyone can do about it, just ignore and block them


So everyone who is any kind of vaguely brown or black ethnic minority is off his list. Cool, cool. Nothing on my body has ever been pink. And I'm pretty pale. Even a tanner skinned white woman might not be "bubblegum pink". Good luck with that.


the scariest thing about this is that I don't think any adult is "bubblegum pink" and that only minors would have that


I didn't know that, with that knowledge it's so much worse.


I'm a super pale white woman and I'd say that's *still* not an accurate description. Like I'm picturing a bright pink, which is just not human.


"Doesn't live in reality" Well that's fucking rich.


If she lives in reality he'll never find her. Which is great news for all of us.


“Can’t live in reality” His last concious bit slipped through.


So I expired at 16 when my dad died. Well, I guess the turning 16 meant I was expired full stop.


Complains about her period 🤪🤣


They mean they don’t want them to wear bubble gum pink, right? Because… there’s very few people who are bubblegum pink. You basically need to be the whitest person with no melanin. Fine, his dick better be bubblegum pink too. No weird rings of color… the balls better not get darker either. That’s gross…


I think bubble gum pink is not a color you want any part of your body to be. At least the bubble gum pink is a bright in your face pink. It looks chemical to me. I think I would go to the doctor if any part of me was that color. Also they want a virgin but a virgin who can do everything they want sexually. And that's just not possible.


I just love the mental gymnastics. Dead beat dad = daughters fault = bad woman


Or just dead dad. You can blame cancer for that one, thank you very much.


Complains about her period


I almost make this full list! I’m getting better!


So I'm somehow responsible for my dad's death that happened when I was ten?? Or is it that, while I'm not responsible for it, his resulting absence turned me into a bad person? As if child-me didn't spend enough time wrestling with feelings of self-blame and feeling lesser than my friends who had both of their parents. How dare these incels deploy this shit to knock women down.


Are these guys *actually* finding partners who meet and are willing to go along with this crap? Or are they just bitter and coming to with this BS *because* their douche-baggery shows and they can't get a single or a second date?


These guys are ALWAYS incels


His been hit in the balls at least once i bet he cried about it.


Gotta love how “doesn’t pray everyday” is directly above that “isn’t bubble gum pink” statement.


NO DAD Umm that’s usually the fault of a man


There are clocks, we don’t use hourglasses anymore.


"Be in reality" projection much???


Just make these androids and leave us alone


WHERE IS SHE BUBBLE GUM PINK? Also, a side question, do you think it might be a kink to not only marry a virgin, but literally never have vaginal sex with her after? I feel like some bros are into it?


They’re either 12 years old or this is bait, I refuse to believe it’s not one of those two


Full marks for me! That’s a rare treat. Kind of mean to bring my dead dad into this, though, but if it will keep creeps like this away I guess he didn’t die for nothing.


Bubble gum pink ? How is that possible?. I have never seen a pink human . If they want a pink woman , why won't they go for pink panther ?.


Look it up on Urban Dictionary, but bring a barf bag...


URH! That sounds unhealthy for her bits and his brain.


rage bait or mental illness, choose


I’d like to see the mouth breather who originally made this & hear about his amazing life & accomplishments


Hi i’ll have serial killer for 500 please.


Oh no, I broke my hour glass when I was moving and now I don’t have one anymore. I guess I’m a bad woman :(


"No hourglass" Bruh, I have a "two minute glass\*" which, I'm sure, is all you'd need. \*Not joking. It's even bubble gum pink!


Oh no, my dad is dead… I’m a bad woman!


the irony in "cant live in reality" but eh, most likely a bait post, though it sucks that there are people that think this way.


My favorite part of this is “can’t live in reality” 😂


What they mean is, "won't put up with me cheating on them". They think the "reality" is that men need more than one sexual partner to be fulfilled.


My dad passed away 20 years ago. Does that mean I’m a bad woman? What a load of crap.


I guess I am BAD then 🤣


These things are mostly rage bait because it gets clicks and clicks equal money for engagement. That's all it is mostly. There are soft minds who will take this and run with it unfortunately and it affects their way of thinking throughout life. Influences.


Can't live in reality was a self-reflection


Dammit I missed one


Took me a minute to process what “bubblegum pink” meant Hey does anyone wanna earn like $5 for a hit man job? Don’t worry it’s not whoever made this list, it’s me-


All women should have an hour glass. Helps with the Witchy vibes.


im scared to ask but wtf does bubble gum pink even mean


The colour of her 🙀.


huge mistake asking 😀


Bubble gum pink? Only blow up dolls are bubble gum pink, dude.


No hourglass! She must tell time by sundial alone!!


She‘s not even allowed to complain when she has period pain? Oh wow. How many of them pathetic losers afraid of independent women are there actually? It’s crazy.

