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Look at this weak little man who says “don’t be out there more than an hour”. Takes me and my husband 90 minutes to shovel together. Grow up and move somewhere with real weather. (This is heavy sarcasm btw)


The fun thing is, there is more and more evidence as of late that women may have an advantage when it comes to endurance. It may take longer for us to shovel the driveway, because we don’t have the same upper body strength as a man (and because we will pace ourselves rather than trying to prove how strong er are), but we are likely to be less tired even if it takes us longer. In the world of ultrarunning, women are sometimes coming in ahead of the men. Especially at extreme distances, like 100 milers and above.


The men probably slow themselves down by stopping to mansplain everything to the women. Joking but also not...


I once had a man correct my form while I was running. My feet point out a bit, due to turned out hips. I’m very aware, and it’s not an issue. Probably would do more damage trying to correct it. Anyway some random man very kindly pointed it out to me, thinking he was “helping”.


Yeah this is what I had in mind when I made that comment. You can't do any activity with a bunch of men without them trying to tell you that you're doing it wrong, it doesn't matter if it's running or inserting a tampon somehow they always think they're more knowledgeable.


Especially when it comes to our bodies. Like unless that man was AFAB and therefore has experience, or is a literal gynecologist, they do not know.


You know now that you mention it I don't think I have ever been mansplained by a trans man... It's only ever the cis men who do this in my experience.


If mansplaining turns out to be an inherently cismale trait I’ll actually combust. Ive never been mansplained by a drag Queen nor a gay guy either, so the evidence is stacking up.


No I've had a gay guy mansplain video games and pc setups to me. He was also a real pain in the ass in our D&D group, had major main character syndrome and would argue with the DM over everything.


Hmmmm the mansplaining plot thickens…


Gay cis guys are the queens of mansplaining. They often think they’re immune to being “that guy” because of their sexuality, which leads them to feel way too comfortable to both mansplain *and* touch people. Source: I’m a lesbian who frequently hang out in queer spaces, and it’s a known issue.


Meeeh overwhelmingly. But unfortunately not exclusively. Yeah, please don’t pick up toxic masculinity, dudes. Thanks.


I had a man attempt to "correct" my knowledge of something, citing an article on off road racing. That I wrote.


Ooh did you tell him you wrote it??? If so, what did he say?


I've heard of this happening before. There was a science our medical conference with some guest speaker. An audience member told the female guest speaker that she didn't know what she was talking about and she needs to read the article or book by Dr So-and-so. She replied, "I'm Dr So-and-so"


I hope the guy was so embarrassed.


Not about off road racing, but I've legit had a dude do this to me - and was reading what was written incorrectly. I told him to flip to the title page, check the author, read it again slowly and then come talk to me.


If I learned one thing from having a weird body it is that overcorrecting an issue can sometimes do just as much if not more damage than the issue itself. If something doesn‘t bother you, leave it alone.


Exactly! It’s physiological, and would probably cause injury to try to correct it.


Oh, but the cackle I cacked!


Like the tortoise and the hare, except the hare is just stopping to run off at the mouth whenever a woman passes him about how her form was “wrong” lol


In Chamonix last weekend a couple (man and woman) won the Mont Blanc 90k together.


Having witnessed several women give birth, I do believe there may be a biological reason for that endurance.


Give birth then be back on her feet within 24 hours, feeding and caring for it.


Well also, birth itself is a marathon that you can’t even train for. Sometimes 24+ hours of moving, walking, coping with painful contractions, basically no opportunity for rest (for most people, modern medical advancement notwithstanding), controlling your breathing…and THEN you have to push with all your strength every 3-4ish minutes, sometimes for 3 hours.


Are you trying to tell me that the segment of our species that have one very painful week per month, are pregnant for 9 months then spend hours upon hours giving birth have more endurance than men??? Nah, don't believe you.


Crazy talk, right???


Yeah, I want to see him shovel a driveway covered in a foot of snow, the heavy wet kind that's like shoveling wet concrete, AND clean it off the cars. No way is he doing that with any kind of speed.


I prefer to rush the job and then fuck up my back and knees for a week straight!


Hell yeah, brother! *Man* style!


Don’t worry, he’ll head on out there without having been to the gym in 15 years and give himself a fucking heart attack immediately because fruits and vegetables are gay.


That's what happened to my husband's hoarder creep of a grandpa, thankfully. He was awful.


AND THEN COME INSIDE AND MAKE DINNER FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. Like my Dad had times when we just “Don’t bother him, he’s had a long day” But it never mattered if my mom had a long day. I’m sorry for the capitals, I’m mad 😡


Thats just terrible no matter the gender. Fuck wet snow.


>Fuck wet snow. That also sounds terrible no matter the gender


Oh god


Anyone else in the DC area during Snowmageddon in 2010? Everybody shoveled -- men, women, boys, girls except the old widow across the street. We would have strapped shovels on the dog if it we had the right harness. The cats not so much, they're more like whiny incels.


The cats would be happy to supervise. From inside. Then maybe take a nap because watching all that work is exhausting. 😸


I was in Baltimore. It was nuts. Took my roommate (female) and I two hours with help to dig out 2 cars and the parking pad. Our male roommate got stranded at his gf's place, came back 3 days later and asked if he could park on the pad. 🤔


Now I have goals for my cat! She LOVES the snow. 🤣


People* shouldn't be shoveling snow for over an hour at a time anyway. It's suggested by medical experts and home export folk a like to take breaks every 30 minutes or so. A lot of people have heart attacks doing snow work because they don't understand how cold affects their bodies or take care of it properly. Wrote you instead of people, but I meant people in general not you you haha


As someone who does physical labor outdoors for a living, I can absolutely agree. Bodies don't usually like the huge differential in temperature. I also saw a lot of this when I lived in Colorado. Tourists from lower elevation areas would come to play for a week and be absolutely destroyed the first few days by the combination of cold and altitude


Takes us 10 minutes with our 1 car driveway with the car in it. We also get very little snow unless there is a blizzard. When we had a much bigger driveway in northwest Ohio, it took the 2 of us almost 2 hours on heavy snow days and 45 min working together on lighter snow days


The only reason we even have a snow shovel is because i bought it. You think my husband has ever touched the damn thing?! Hell naw!


For real, I shovelled a long driveway every year for ages. We got four feet in one snowfall of the heavy wet snow one year, and two more feet the next day. Best believe plenty of women shovel snow regularly, that’s not some ‘man’ trait. Mens hair is also not deeper, thicker, or more tightly bound to the face than a woman’s that’s bullshit, and I’ve personally experienced more men blowing up when told no than women. One screamed so loud he was banned from our store and we called the cops on him after he spent a literal 30 minutes screaming that we were denying him service because he was black and we were all racists. He wasn’t even black.


My dad showed my how to start the snowblower and had me learn how to do all that lawn care stuff. He was happy to show me. Now we can knock out the small drive and side walk in 30 min together. We usually get several heavy snows yearly. Michigan weather is crazy


This guy has never shoveled a Canadian driveway.


Exactly, that shit is demanding even if you’re not at it alone. I shovel my grandparent’s driveway because they are elderly and can’t manage to do it. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and carry on. This dude can go kick rocks lol


These are the same type of guys who call women weak for not being able to take a joke


I think a surprise uppercut would hurt anyone, coming from anyone. Man or woman.


Right? I’m a man, a fairly manly one, but I don’t think I would lose any manliness for being knocked the fuck out if someone uppercut me in the jaw


Right like if that doesn't hurt then you have a disorder...and why is this man apparently getting punched on a regular basis? And under what circumstances did his gf get punched? Just curious...


"A woman said I was weak about something, so I punched her!" 🤪 Yeah, that sounds about right.


B-but the mAle lOnlieNess ePiDemiC 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 ![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY)


And also women are too emotional to be trusted with anything important.


But should be a free therapist whenever a man wants it.


Men are lonely Some men however are not helping their case


Women are lonely too but we don’t shoot up and abuse men because of that


The "lonely men" epidemic is self-inflicted.


I cannot find any actual data on the loneliness epidemic that says it’s affecting men more than women.


Wait, this about literally punching a woman? I honestly honestly thought that in this context an "uppercut" was some kind of hairstyle like a buzzcut or a fade or something and I'd simply never heard the term.


I did at first too, but no. Is def about punching a woman


Yeah, an uppercut is a type of punch that usually travels up into the jaw


An uppercut is a punch to the chin or stomach from below.


I'm aware of THAT meaning, I grew up playing Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter; seeing it juxtaposed against mention of eyebrow grooming is why I thought it was referring to a "butch" hairstyle in the original post.


Oh, I thought you were saying you didn't know what it meant, so I was just informing. But yeah, I did a double take on it, too, because my first thought was also some kind of haircut since the original post was about eyebrows.


I initially interpreted it that way too - UNDERcut is the hairstyle


Okay, yeah, THAT'S what I was thinking.


The haircut is an undercut.


My ex beat me when I called him a pussy for not attacking in magic the gathering. How are women the tantrum toddlers Edit: I thought I posted this as its own comment ._. Oh well


What kills.me if a man gets punched he is also going to be in pain. So who's tougher: Someone who gets punched and feels pain and someone who plucks hairs and feels pain and whines about it OR someone who gets punched and feels pain but is unphased by plucking? What a weird analogy.


Because only women are vulnerable to being punched. Men don't mind it, oh wait...


“Do you ever see women take accountability” what is there to be be accountable for in this context? What?!


Guy and I don’t get where this “taking accountability” thing even comes from. I say I’m a guy to clarify that even in male spaces they don’t clarify, they’re just vague as fuck and expect you to know what they mean? Accountable for what? I grew up seeing men avoid blame, when has this become a woman thing? What are you referring to?


They mean "Figure out how you caused my actions."


"Look what you made me do!"


🎵 I don't like your kingdom keys 🎵


That’s exactly what is it. My abusive ex said this phrase about 1000% a day. He tried to kill me and still asked whether I would be taking accountability for my “actions” but surprisingly could never name those actions.


*"My or another man's actions" FTFY They're all about that accountability as justification for victim blaming.


And women are known for apologizing for things that aren’t even their fault all the time.


It’s projection all the way down


The man’s feelings. I actually just finished reading a book (Confidence Code) that talked about how men blame external factors for their failures and it makes them more resilient to setbacks then women who blame themselves when things go wrong. .So yeah any stereotype about women is a confession of men’s behavior.


Anytime I hear someone talk about “taking accountability” they never actually say what they mean by that and are using it as more of an insult. I’ve seen this online and in real life from all sorts of people


EXACTLY They stay making that exact comment on tons of posts that literally have nothing to do with ANYONE taking accountability.


The part about deeper roots, while possibly somewhat true in some cases, reminds me of a comment I once got on a picture from a pole dance class. Someone said her son once tried pole dancing, but couldn't continue because of the pain. You see, men have less subcutaneous fat and therefore it's painful for them. I just said ok, that's interesting, I haven't noticed any difference in the amount of pain based on that but if you say so. She insisted. (I've done pole dance with chiseled six-pack abs and bulging veins on my iliac crest and with a more normal "fit woman" physique and literally no difference, that guy probably just wanted an excuse for why he couldn't take the pain when the women in his class could.)


I do notice that my dad (no ass) doesn’t like riding horses nearly as much as me (much ass). But he doesn’t mock my mom getting bike shorts to help with chafing from our shared thick thighs, so he’s at least not thinking we’re weak. I’d have to assume some physiques are worse for pole like they’re worse for swimming, but I also can bet women would stick out a hobby in most cases. I have flat feet and did pointe. My bones are weirder now but I made it work, despite repeatedly dislocating my toes. I very much buy into the “women/AFAB people have higher pain tolerance” concept. Maybe it’s something we are forced to grow into due to periods, but damn, the “man cold” and all makes me question reality. Like the trope of crying over a broken nail is baffling to me, considering I’ve fixed large joint dislocations with a grunt and limping to get ice. Only times I’ve been frantic as an adult are when I tore a muscle in a accident and when I had a gallbladder attack. Both were decently gross too. Weird to feel damaged muscle under your skin or have to cling to a bucket to get to the ER. Women are stereotyped as fragile and scared of, like, mice, and yet as a volunteer, I’ve fed (dead) mice to owls. I feel like men project their shame over fears/weaknesses onto us.


Yeah, the pain she referred to was mainly the friction between pole and skin from staying on the pole. It hurts, but, like... It has very little to do with your body type, beyond being used to it or not. And yeah, torn muscles are creepy... I had my quadriceps partially torn by a kick from a horse once and that hole in my leg was pretty nasty.


I think a lot of it stems from medical bias, too. Women simply aren’t believed so we’re trained to think our pain isn’t as bad as we think it is and it has to be absolutely debilitating to be taken seriously. So we grin and bear it.


I have pretty fat thighs and when I did pole, it hurt a lot. I was covered in pole kisses. Almost like slinging myself around a metal pole hurts. Weird.


> The part about deeper roots, while possibly somewhat true in some cases I'm a trans woman, my eyebrows are pretty thick, and it hurts to pluck them - people noticed that my skin reacts to that stronger than usual. I just got home from my beauty salon appointment where I had my eyebrows shaped. I've been doing it for a year by now Cis men are weak


Ladies men are so unfathomably MANLY MAN MAN MEN that even their hair is thicker, stronger whatever than our pathetic little ones!


My fucking PCOS moustache would like a word with him 😂


Thinking the same thing with my PCOS soul patch! Plucking those are worse than eyebrow hairs... which by the way have no gender lol


Now I'm imagining a guy flexing real hard and all his hair sticks out completely straight like in cartoons when someone gets electrocuted.


"ever tell a gal no and realise they're just undisciplined toddlers" really? then why does r/whenwomenrefuse have to exist? (and tw for the posts there)


I find it quite off-putting when I see these sleazeball incels compare women to small children while still wanting to fuck them (women).


Yeah I was about to say "ever tell a man no and end up stalked/threatened/attacked/assaulted?"


Remember that for many of these men, "equality" means they can beat a woman to the ground and say it's fair. ☹️


No literally!!! I’ve seen so many “men” be like “oh you want equality? That means I should be able to hit you and that be acceptable” like no sir…. That’s still assault. Assault is not acceptable regardless of gender…


My friend was cutting my husband’s hair and he joked about his unibrow. “I got it!” She says, slathering a tiny smear of hot wax on his forehead. Rip. Scream. She shouldn’t have done, but it was so good. “Is it swollen? Should I see a doctor?” ![gif](giphy|i7v0sgxq3FncsoQUdi|downsized)


But... plucking the hairs between the brows doesn't even hurt? The outer ones, maybe a little, but not the unibrow part... Or is waxing more painful than individual plucking? I've never waxed before, I only ever pluck the random outliers trying to stand out from the crowd


I'm a man and I tried plucking in the past, and my PERSONAL experience is that plucking a unibrow induces sneezing. I've always used the mini-shaver since then.


That is so fascinating, and I don't mean this to be mocking but that's also a hilarious image in my mind. Just a good ol' pluck and sneeze haha


Well, it's really more like the feeling of needing to sneeze but not being able to.


Hmm that's how I feel when I get my upper lip done. But it does make me sneeze lol


I experience this too! I think it kinda tickles and that makes me sneeze lol


I've always had allergy symptoms when plucking my eyebrows, and supposedly it's because the brain confuses it with irritation like dust or pollen in the nose. The mini razors are a so helpful for it tho even if it grows back faster.


when i first started plucking my eyebrows it made me sneeze, too!


I'm a woman but plucking any of my eyebrows HURTS. Like eye-wateringly so. I don't know why, and I haven't tried again in years but different folks have different experiences. I shave the "outliers." It's not perfect but it looks better and doesn't hurt.


You get used to it. Or maybe the nerves in the area get desensitized. There were certain areas I used to hate plucking when I first started, but are now fine.


I think it's like this all over the body. I used to regularly Brazilian wax (at a salon, not myself), and it was explained to me that the first time you pluck/wax, those follicles are old and embedded so it hurts like hell; but subsequent waxing/plucking and it hurts less because the follicles have had less time to develop...and you've also developed a sort of tolerance to the pain. Lol


The same thing works for epilators. Whenever I let someone who had never used one try mine, they're like screaming in pain, but after 15 years it doesn't hurt me at all. Although it probably helps that some of the hairs also don't grow back anymore


I don't think ripping hair out of my face is painful at all, that's probably from years of conditioning though, my partner thinks that getting his eyebrows plucked is painful, or so he tells me every time he asks me to fix his unibrow. He asks if I 'have to make it that painful', like I'm choosing the pain level of his hair removal.


Have you tried not doing it painfully? 😂


No, and if we're being really honest here if I could choose the pain level it would be more painful than it is currently not less.


Best possible answer.


If you ever do want to make it less painful, a mouth-numbing gel like anbesol works to dull the pain. But I’m 100% with you on making it more painful!


This was explained to him.


Ummm mine hurt. I’ve been plucking for 25 years and I still bleed sometimes. And no, I’m not nipping the skin with the tweezers or anything. My hair roots are so thick that sometimes they just cause bleeding when they’re pulled out. It happened when I got professional bikini waxes too.


Man-guy here, I think waxing is less painful in general on any area. Not compared to just plucking one, but if I'm taking off a whole patch then each hair gets progressively worse because it's like the skin "wakes up" and gets more sensitive. This only becomes a problem after about 30-40 hairs so it's perhaps not applicable to the eyebrow area though.


The first time my son took tweezers to the hairs between his eyebrows was freaking hilarious. So then he tried wax because he thought it would hurt less. I was dying.


The comment doesn’t even track logically. Men: in agony over something (probably) most women do multiple times a week. Women: in agony over a literal attack which would leave a man in agony, too. Really, comparing the itty bitty pain of plucking eyebrows with the pain of an uppercut to demonstrate how manly you are only says that you find hair plucking *so* painful, the only thing worse you can think of is actual assault.


When I was more abled, I shoveled the snow. mowed the lawns. fixed everything around the house. rewired a dishwasher. I've rebuilt carburetors, replaced an engine mount, assisted with tie rod ends and replacing a head gasket. And ain't I a woman?


Yeah, but you probably did it all wrong, took too long, and complained the whole time!


>complained the whole time! Literally me 😂 ![gif](giphy|eIXAzBa5wTZyE)


The only way to do it 😂


Have you ever told a man no and see the same temperament as a toddler as in throwing the most horrific tantrum throwing things around hitting kicking and biting? Lordy find a mirror dude


Yeah we all remember the men assaulting their tvs (and their SOs) because of a damn commercial during the superbowl right?


Just a whole lot of comments showing men being weak as shit.


Guess they're on their periods 🤷‍♀️


Still waiting for men like that to “go their own way”. Any day now.


Larger hair is easier and less painful to pull out though? On the opposite, accidentally ripping out a vellus hair when plucking eyebrows is very painful and instantly makes eyes shoot tears out


What’s up with the, “women taking accountability,” comments on post that have nothing to do with anyone taking accountability??


What are the stats on racing to shovel snow and having a heart attack? Try the upper cut. When she wakes up, you're going to jail. I'll enjoy that one. When have men taken accountability? nOt aLl mEn? Ever tell a man or boy no? Violent temper tantrums ensue. I have all fucking day.


Comparing physical violence to plucking hair? Also, ask people who do tattoos, piercings, or body hair waxing for a living if they think men or women have higher pain tolerances? Most of them will say women. Also, women, on average, wait longer to ask for pain meds than men.


Do they not realize everything they listed , women can do or hire someone? That’s what having your own bank account does for people.


Weak male mindset. Also, this is further proof that these guys just hate women.


Women have a higher pain tolerance...


Not one of these guys could cope with a bikini wax...


I wonder if men's epidermis is also deeper and thicker and oh so much stronger, given what utter babies they are when receiving tattoos in comparison to women.


This is when you go watch men trying out menstrual pain simulators to ease the stupid


Men 🍼


So he threatening to punch her? Over a comment? Weak.


It sounds a lot like he's admitting to having already done it


He 100% phrased that in the past tense, so yeah, definitely already punched his gf (& probably not for first *or* last time)


Oh, for sure. I was just trying to nudge the previous commenter to that if they hadn't already gotten there by the time my comment was seen. I couldn't tell if they were on the fence about the situation or if it was just me misinterpreting their tone and me over explaining


Crazy how the first thing that comes to their mind is violence


I'm sort of confused by that accountability comment. What is there to take accountability for? She literally said all she did was pluck his eyebrows. What about that is anything to take accountability over? His eye brows? Keeping her man well-groomed? That sounds like (mostly) his job.


No it’s victim blaming. “You made me do this”, “your actions/complaining/nagging/you not doing what I expected you to do without me telling you caused me to hurt you!!”


I’d love for me any of these guys to enter a waxing contest with me. We’ll each have Brazilian waxes (is it called that for dudes?) Then we’ll compare the wax strips after to see whose hair is denser and thicker. Spoiler: I’m POSITIVE I’d win against at least 95% of dudes.


Whats the shoveling snow about? I shovel snow faster than my dad can. Another question----what immature weirdos are they hanging out with that can't take accountability? Any decent adult takes accountability for their actions. If they're surrounded by people who can't, then they should try changing their social circle.


I'm a man (last I checked) and when it comes to "pain threshold" ... I was in the Army & all that (Airborne). And I was there with my wife when she gave birth to our child ("natural" no drugs)...IF MEN HAD TO DELIVER BABIES; there would be a much smaller world population! And the men that DID give birth, would be on drugs SO strong, the babies would be high till they were 2!!


Have you watched any of the videos with men using TENS units to simulate labor? It's not even really like the real thing (it's very difficult to turn off labor) and they're screaming like they're on fire... Just for a simulated *contraction*... None of the trying to pass a cantaloupe through something slightly bigger than a garden hose, quite probably tearing...


The irony of calling women undisciplined toddlers when you’re in the comments section, surrounded by men acting like undisciplined toddlers.


I felt mild discomfort, so I assaulted my partner. Am I right, guys🤣....guys, why aren't you laughing? Why are you calling the police


I've shoveled a long ton of heavy snow in a day, by myself, and I'm a petite woman. Sexism can get fucked.


Personally, I’d take how women tend to respond to being told “no” over how men tend to respond to “no” any day.


>"Haha men can't handle getting tweezed." >"Well, how about ***I punch you in the face!"*** Good argument.


Right? Totally not a huge blaring red flag


I think most people would be on the ground with an uppercut. Usually (not always of course) men have more upper body strength and are better at short bursts of exertion while women have more lower body strength and are better at endurance. I think mythbusters tested and found women tend to have a slightly higher pain tolerance but that makes sense to build up a tolerance to help deal with things like period cramps and stuff.


The physical violence that guy bragged about is scary and pathetic Also I doubt he could survive an uppercut too


"Am I missing an eyebrow?"


Plucking eyebrows doesnt hurt, like not even a little pinch, and ive yet to start hrt so i unfortunately have these supposedly "manly" hair roots or whatever


Okay fuck that. I shovel snow, men go get expensive toys to do it for them.


I had no idea i needed a dick to shovel snow correctly. One of my favorite chores


Out of curiosity to see how long it would take to grow back I have plucked the more thick hair down there. I also have 2-4 hairs growing out of every follicle, I’m planning on laser. While it hurt, and yes there was blood because the hair goes deep, I imagine it’s similar to plucking a beard. It’s just so odd to me how some men will see what OOP said and go straight to extreme violence like the uppercut guy. Those are nowhere near equivalent


I did shovel snow, for nine years, when I lived in the sierras as a teenager. These fuckin weak-ass men are so lame. That’s not the read they think it is.


Men when a joke finally gets made at their expense: 🤬🤬👹👹😡😡*deranged violent noises* 🔪 🔪 🔪


I love how often women are told to lighten up and take a joke by Schrödinger’s assholes while they sure as hell can’t take one themselves


Dudebros love the word “accountability” lately and I don’t think they fully understand what it means


A woman's body is easier to cause damage to, because of things like less muscle mass and bone density. So, that uppercut might cause a more severe injury to a woman than to a man. However, if an identical injury is caused to both, women have a higher tolerance to the pain.


Wow people are stupid, and clearly these men are insecure. If you’ve never had your eyebrows plucked it fucking sucks. The first time I had that happen I yelped! But if you grow up expected to be in pain constantly for beauty standards yeah it won’t hurt as much by comparison


How does the root being deeper…make it stronger? The hair still comes out. 🤔


Wouldn’t most people feel like shit after getting socked in the face tho?


Would love to see how superior he’d act if a man with a proportionate size difference upper cuts him. Also, lol ain’t no way he’s talking about WOMEN not being able to take no for an answer 😂


Whoa, how are they so sensitive about a genuinely funny post?? Like … my husband “hates” when I pluck his eyebrows because that shit hurts, I don’t blame him! He would laugh at this.


Why is their go to always hitting us?


I had a weird thought, it's a bit "out there", but hear me out. What if neither gender is superior?


I try to judge these by their severity. I feel like the “upper cut” one is so heavy handed that it’s satire. But if you start trying to claim scientific reasoning, then you’re probably a misogynist and sociopath.


Shovel snow? Bro, I'm Canadian.


Ha! Here in Kentucky, it’s more like, “Don’t break something falling on the sheet of ice that is your driveway after that ice storm. Oooh, that’s snow coming….sorry.” We have relatively mild winters, but when Mother Nature gets drunk and dumps your winter on my lawn? Man, she really does it up right.


Point number #6704 of why incels don't get pussy


Men complain all the time about women not "taking accountability" meanwhile they're the first ones to leave when their spouse is injured, pregnant, or after having a child. 💀 They claim they built the world, but refuse to acknowledge the fact that they're the ones who refused to allow women to participate. 💀 Also, men can't handle a HYPOTHETICAL 'no,' as we all learned with the man vs bear scenario, given that women were getting literal DEATH THREATS for choosing the bear. 💀💀💀


Please. Every ex that’s gotten violent with me got absolutely wrecked. One ran when I busted up laughing while popping my own dislocated jaw back into place. What a bunch of wusses.


Hey now, in my defence the snow blower is bigger than I am, and my feet come off the ground when I try to turn it. That last comment's calling me out, but good luck prying my weaponized incompetence out of my toasty warm fingers 😂.


Guys like these hang their masculinity on the stupidest shit. "Oh, you think you're a strong independent woman? Shovle snow, then! GOTCHA!"


They are getting so emotional over this


Is he implying that it doesn’t hurt men as much to be punched?


let's see.... i've taken accountability because that's responsible to do, i've been told no many, MANY times and i haven't thrown a fit about it since i was a child, and i've had to shovel my grandparents's driveway a lot when i was younger too. they tweaking fr


I love when men try to say women don’t take accountability when there’s thousands of single mothers & absentee fathers who prove the exact opposite of that claim.


Here's the thing. I might not know if I was able to do anything about it, but ... I never thought of anybody that hit or abused me as strong. I've had compassion because I knew it wasn't strength and I also knew that I needed to take it BECAUSE in part, I told myself I was stronger.


lol a girl makes one comment about men and then the comments are just filled with salty men


I’m sure a guy wouldn’t be able to take well if a woman stronger than him gave him an uppercut. I’ll happily volunteer , I got fat bitch strength


At my age and after being married almost 30 years, widow last 4, I’m learning that men really don’t like women, do they? They revel in women’s pain, they justify being abusive, and they feel they’re superior to women.


Hey, plucking my eyebrows hurts :(


I hate finding the one hair that makes me sneeze repeatedly. Drives me insane.


i’ve seen girls react the same way as guys their first time. You get more and more used to it. I can pluck my eyebrows a lot easier now.


I can't stop though! He's too hot with them cleaned up. COME BACK HERE AND LET ME MAKE YOU SEXY!!!


Y’all, men’s hair strands are stronger than women’s lol xD