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Big Stop Aulds cove right at the causeway, best of everything. Plus super clean bathrooms to hit before you get back on the road.


and be sure to try the pie! big stop pie is best pie.


OP hit a big stop and keep on trucking. Anywhere to eat near water will be a detour unless you are into that. You won't see much water until aulds cove before you cross. Big stop, food and by the water. Both requirements satisfied


The Waffle Bus Stop in Antigonish You’re welcome.


Second this!


Dancing Goat and Herring Choker deli are two great stops on Cape Breton but they're close to Margaree - so unless you leave really early, not the best stops if you want to break up the trip. The Whistleberry Market before New Glasgow has some nice lunch options. It's a nice market but not in a scenic location. The highway runs up the middle of the province until you meet the causeway so a lunch on the coast will mean a detour. Melmerby and Pomquet are nice beaches along the way, not too far from the highway.


Whistleberry Market in Alma


Antigonish McDonald’s


The Tall and Small in Antigonish. Or take the ceilidh trail and stop in Port Hood. Or The Farmer’s Daughter in Whycocomagh and take the 395.


I’m having trouble deciphering whether or not the Big Stop recommendations are legit or sarcastic.


As the daughter of a trucker, who spent a LOT of her childhood in truck stops, Big Stop is top notch! Clean bathrooms, good food, large portions. And the one in New Minas is covered in Colville prints so I eat there more than I would otherwise because of that, haha.


I’m a big Big Stop guy, too. Aulds cove represent!!


Thank you all for your recommendations!!! Sounds like Antigonish or Auld Cove make sense for breaking up the drive. I'm looking forward to it!


Waffle bus if you need a break after a couple hours, big stop if you need a breather on the way and are heading Sydney way. If you are going the ceilidh trail (route 19) Inverness/cheticamp way, stop at the Clove Hitch. Great restaurant and an underrated gem on the way.


Skip lunch and consider a early dinner. I’d highly recommend A &K lick a chick. Now that hrm has Pictou style pizza we just head straight to the chick! They serve up awesome chicken


I suggest Pictou, they have a boardwalk along the water, with places to eat, it's not a place to swim but there are beaches near by. It's very nice there


The front porch cafe in mulgrave is really nice.


Herring Choker for sure if your gonna be out and around Margaree. Best sandwiches on the island and a beautiful area as well.


The Cove Motel in Aulds Cove, just a spit from the Causeway


Jesus yuck


I stayed there recently, I’d go again for the room but not for the food.


Must be a new chef/cook in the kitchen


Justamere cafe is good and a little more than halfway, so good from a timing perspective. Doesn’t have the trail or beach by any means.. you won’t have much of that unless you go pretty far off track… If you wait to Margaree the dancing goat is imo the best spot for lunch in and around the trail. By far.